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Diet anD growth

7.1 Nutrients
Nutrients Examples for food Why the body
that contain a lot of needs this
this nutrient nutrient
Carbohydrate Rice, noodles, pasta, to get energy
wheat, bread
Protein eggs, lean meat, Helps to produce
beans, peas, fish, milk new cells and
repair the
damage cells
Fat and oil Coconut oil, olive oil, To get energy
butter, avocado, and need to
make cell
Work as heat
vitamins Vitamin A leafy green vegetable Help eyes to
(spinach, broccoli), work well
yellow vegetable
(carrot, pumpkin)

vitamin C Citrus (lime, lemon), helps to skin to

tomatoes stay strong,
protect from the
Vitamin D Oily fish (but we can Help to absorb
get vitamin D from calcium and
sunlight) make bons
Minerals Calcium Milki, small fish, Teeth and bones
almond make strong.
Iron Dark green To make
vegetables, red meat, hemoglobin
fish, shellfish
 Carbohydrate, Protein, Vitamins and Minerals are nutrients.

Energy stores
 Small amount of carbohydrates is stored in cells (cells in liver and
muscles) as short-term energy stores
 Fat is stored in stored in special cells underneath the skin and around
some organs as long-term energy stores.
Lack of some of nutrients causes some sicknesses.
Vitamin A – you will not able to see anything at night
Vitamin C – scurvy (weak and swollen, bleeding gums)
Vitamin D – ricket
Iron – anaemia
 Cells and blood contain a lot of water.
 60% of a person’s body weight.
 Water in cells allowed all the chemicals to dissolve.
 This helps to keep us alive.
 Water in blood allows to flow easily.
 This is not a nutrient.
 We should eat plenty of fiber.
 Fiber cannot digest. (To human)
 Fiber cannot add to the blood.
 It travels through the digestive system.
 Helps to clean the digestive system.
 Fiber helps to prevent constipation.
 Made up of cellulose.
 Plant’s cell wall made up of cellulose.
 Plants are good source of fiber.

Not too much

 Too much sugar – diabetics, teeth decay
 Too much fat and carbohydrates – increases the body weight and
causes to put on strain on joints, heart and other body organs.
 Too many fat – increase the risk of developing heart diseases.
Balance diet
We should eat the amount of food in correct way.
 Children – they play and pass the stage of rapid growth.
So, they need enough energy for that and they should eat
well as their body require.

 If someone not use much energy, should not eat too much food.
 Pregnant women should eat well. (Above mentioned the reasons for
 contains an adequate amount of all the nutrients required by the body
to grow, remain healthy and be disease-free is called as balance diet.
 All the humans start their life as a single cell.
 The single cell gets bigger and begging to divide and produce two
 Eventually get bigger and twice.
 Then produce a little ball of cell called an embryo.
 This happens in mother’s body.
 To produce new cells, need energy protein fat
calcium vitamins and iron well
 Then mother should eat plenty of these for her and
as well as for baby.
o Energy – to divide
Protein – create new cells
Fat – to create cell membrane
Calcium – to create bones
Iron – to have more haemoglobine to supply
oxygen well
Vitamins – to build up the immune system
the change of single cell into an adult human is very complex.
The tiny embryo into baby, baby into child and as a child passes stages as
teenagers and young person.
So respectively gaining strong bones, ability to walk run and brain
developments in different ages.
So, these changes are known as development.

Everyone grows and develop in different rates and different ways.

But everyone goes through same stages in development.

Exercises and health

Regular exercise is very important.
This helps to use energy in food you eat.
Then it helps to reduce storing too much fat in your body.
This helps get strong muscles also.
Make people feel more cheerful and positive.

Smoking is not good for health.
Tobacco contains many harmful substances.
 Nicotine – this can help someone to stay alert and this is addictive.
this damage to the blood vessels and develop heart
 Tar – the mixture of dark substances known as tar.
cause to cancers as lung cancers.

 Carbon monoxide – this is a poisonous gas.

when it combines with haemoglobine, stops
the normal job of haemoglobine.
Then the smoker will not get enough oxygen.
 Particulates – the carbon and other materials in tobacco.
this makes the walls of the alveoli break down.
This makes difficulties to smokers to get enough

7.4 Moving the body

The skeleton
 Insects have skeleton on the out side and they are known as
 Skeletons support to the body and give a protection to the special
organs. (Heart, lungs, spinal cord, brain)
 Skeleton is made of bones.
 Bones are hard and strong.
 Bones contain a lot of calcium.
 Protein also required for the strong bones.

 Bones cannot bend.
 Where the two bones meet one another is called as joints.
 Some joints work as hinges called as hinge joints.
 Some joints work as ball-and-socket joints.

Joints in arm
 Bones and joints cannot move themselves.
 We use muscles to do the movements.
 They are made of specialized cells.
 These cells are able to get shorter and this is known as contraction.
 Muscles use energy (by respiration) to contraction.
 Many muscles are attached to bones by tough cord called tendons.

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