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MONTHLY DATA SHEET Forthe MonthEnding January 2023 Name of Water District : Province Region: cCNo.: Email Address Website if any: Contact Nos. (mobile): (landline) 20 Coordinates of WD Office(Longitude, Latitude) : Under Joint Venture Agreement? (Yes/No): 11, MUNICIPAL DATA/SERVICE COVERAGE 1.1 Mucipality(ies) Served No. of Main Mun. Annesed: annexed: annexed annexed: Annexed: annexed: annexed: Annexed: ‘Annexe 2, SERVICE CONNECTION DATA: 24. Total Service (Active + Inactive) 22. Total Active 23 Total metered 24 Totalbilled 25. Ave. Persons/Conn. 26 Population Served (22x25) 2.7. Growth in Service Connections (S.C:) ‘This Mon New Reconnection Disconnected Increase (Decrease) in .¢. n n pa treeee en en ees rag 4 Residential/Domestic Government 212 Commercial/industrial 4274 4274 Full Commercial - commercial A 534 commercial 8 a Commercial ey 305 18.237 commercial D at ‘Bulk/Wholesale & Total 19727 19727 3, PRESENT WATER RATES: 5:1. ate Approved (mmv/davear: | 07/08/2014 tstectty (m/dyear) | AA/2015 3.2 Water Rates minimum COMMODITY CHARGES ‘CLASSIFICATION CHARGES 11-20CUM 21-30CUM 31-40CUM 41:50CUM 51-60 CUM Tima as0cuM 340CUM 41500UM S160GIM GLB Abore Domestic/Government P ‘Commercial/Industrial Commercial A Commercial 8 Commercial € ‘commercial D Bulk Sales 4, BILLING & COLLECTION DATA: ‘This Month Year-to-Date 4.1. BILLING (Water Sales) a. Current -metered e a b. Current -unmetered & Penalty Charges a Less: Senior Citizen & PWD Discount Total 11,490,919.75 11490,919.75 4.2 BILLING PER CONSUMER CLASS: Residential/Domestic e e Government Commercial/industrial Bulk/Wholesale Total 11,200,668.54 11,290,663.54 43. COLLECTION (Water Sales) a. Current account a b. Arrears current year ‘&.Arrears previous years Total 111864,28087 11,864,280.97 44 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE-CUSTOMERS (Beginning of the Yr}: — 45. ON-TIME-PAID, This Month “his Month Yearto-Date S30 ‘X100 = 812% (4.42) + (4.ab) - (42d) 46 COLLECTION EFFICIENCY, (43a)+(436)__ x 109 = 10300809 = 87.4% 4.2 Total 11,490,919.75 47 COLLECTION RATIO, YD 43 Total . 11,864,28097 es.on ‘a Total + 44 138,260,217.16 5. FINANCIAL DATA: This Month Year-to-Date Sa REVENUES 2. Operating Revenues — »b. Non-Operating revenues Total 14,921,68441 14973,684.41 5.2. EXPENSES 4. Salaries and wages e e »b. Pumping cost Fuel i, Electric) Chemicals (treatment) 4. other 0 & M Expense Depreciation Expense 4. Interest Expense & others Total 11,942,877.76 P 11,982,877:76 5.3 NETINCOME (LOSS) ® (21,193.35) e (21,193.35) SA CASH FLOW STATEMENT a. Receipts a 'b. Disbursements Net Receipts (Disbursements) (3,542.50) (2,542.50) Cash balance, beginning, fe. Cash balance, ending 55 MISCELLANEOUS (Financial) = = b. WO Funds (Total) 42,190530.12 41,190,530.12, 4. Cash on hand 2, Cashin bank 3. Special Deposits 4, Investments 5. Working fund a. Loan Funds (Total) 4. Cash in Bank 2.Cash on Hand 6. Reserves, 6.1 WD-LWUAISA, 6.2 General Reserves Materials & Supplies inventory 2,548,298.85 2,648,209.85 SS 1 Customers a e 2. Materials on loans 3. Officers & Employees © Customers’ deposits £ Loans payable & Payable to creditors eg. suppliers 56 FINANCIAL RATIOS ‘This Month, Year-to-Date '&. Operating Ratio ( benchmark = $0.75) Operating Expenses 1,9428776 199 11,942,877.76__ 1.00 Operating Revenues 11,919,084.41 11,919,084.41 'b, Net income Ratio Net Income (Loss) (219335) © (6.00) 2119335), (699) Total Revenues 11,921,684.41 11,921,684.41 © Current Ratio ( benchmark =2 15) 355 Current Assets Current Liabilities 6, WATER PRODUCTION DATA: 16.1 SOURCE OF SUPPLY ‘otal Rated Capacity {in P5) or in Cum/Mto Basis. 1. Wells Springs c. Surface/River 4. Bulk purchase Toa 31073 807,898 Conversion: 1 LPS ~ 2,600 cum/mo 6.2. WATER PRODUCTION (m*) ‘a. WO-Owned Sources ‘This Month Year-to-Date Method of Measurement 1 Gravity 2 Pumped Sub-Total 591,264.4 ee b. External Source/s Total 59,2644 — 6.3 WATER PRODUCTION CosT This Month 1, Total power consumption for pumping (KW-Hr) b.. Total power cost for pumping (PHP) & Other energy cost (il, etc.) (PHP) 4, Total Pumping Hours (motor drive) fe. Total Pumping Hours (engine drive) {Total chlorine consumed (Kg) Total Chlorine cost (PHP) he “aor ‘Total Production Cost ® 3,658,376.70 ® 3,658,376.70 6.4 ACCOUNTED FOR WATER (m") ‘a. Total Billed Metered Consumption (m*) = Bulk/Wholesale |a, Average monthly consumption/conneetion (m’) 207 Residential (m*/conn/mo.) 18.6 Government (m*/conn/mo) 99.9 ‘Commercial/industrial (m*/conn/mo) 38.0 Bulk/Wholesale (m*/conn/mo) 29.8 24/7 Water Service (Y/N) | | 7. STORAGE FACILITIES No.of Units ‘Total Capacity a, Hlevated Reservoirs) b. Ground Reservoir(s) ‘8, MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 EMPLOYEES Total 139 Regular Casual Job-order/cos, Number of active connections/employee Average monthly salary/employee POROP 82. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ‘a. Board of Directors ¢ This Month Year-to-Date Special Special/ Name Regular Emergency Total Regular Emergency _‘Total a ir. ManuelV.Velasco 2 © a 0 a 2 Dir. Marina P. Terrado 2 ° _f F- 2 3 Dir Syhia Nnacay 2 0 em o 2 4 __Dir-Felcidad Redeteon 2 ° oo ee fe 2 5 Dir. Alexander M. Ang A ° om” 2 0 2 6 This Month Year-to-Date ‘2. No, of Resolutions passed 2 2 b, No.of Policies passed ° ° Directors fees paid e 65,520.00, 65,520.00 4. Meetings: 1. Held 2 2 2. Regular 2 2 3. Special/Emergency ° 0 9, STATUS OF VARIOUS DEVELOPMENT: 91 ON-GOING PROJECTS PERCENT DESCRIPTION (e.g. Comprehensive Project, PROJECT COST FUNDING Accom: Source Dev. Expansion, Rehab., Water Quality, ete) __ (PHP 1,000) SOURCE PUSHMENT, b 4 f e h. i k Ll 19.2 CURRENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE/LOANS/GRANTS TERMINAL, LOAN [ARREARAGES, MONTHLY PAYMENTS MADE, YEAR OF AMOUNT(PHP) _ Beginning ofthe year___AMORTIZATION (PHP) yro AMORTIZATION Loans from LWUA. 4 None wa. N/A. N/A. N/A 2 3 4 (4 Sh as ek: Teta Loans from Other Fund Sources Total 410, INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT/REVIEWS: 10.1 LWUAREVIEW AND SYSTEMS INSTALLATION zane PS linstallation PS Installation Water Rates Review Water Safety Plan Review ‘Business Plan Review Groundwater Data Bank installation ‘computerize Biling & Collection System ‘Computerized Read & Bill Computerized Accounting System Computerized Inventory System 111, KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: fa 2 3 Prepared by: Non-Revenue Water (%) YTD Collection Efficiency (%6)- YTD conn. Market Growth - YTD ‘capex Php) -YTD LWUAAWD ISA Reserves (%) -YTD Water Quality Compliance Bact (V/N) ‘Water Quality Compliance -Phycher (Y/N) Water Quality Compliance Residual Chlorine (Y/N) Current Ratio “YTD ‘Average Monthly Net Income (Php) staff Produetvity Index 24/7 Water Service % of Active S Conn) With Sanitation Facilities (Yes or No) Year when Last installed Actual 31% 87.4% P| Monitoring Benchmark 520% 2 90% 23M of tem 5.1 Hl Bas positive

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