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REED 101.

Introduction to Christian Philosophy of Life

Preliminary Major Examination
SY 2021-2022 1st Semester

I. Identification (15 points)

1. ___________ cause explains the purpose of that thing. Final

2. In epistemology belief + truth + justification is equals to ___________. Knowledge
3. _____________ had the oldest plan for education to be found in classical literature.
4. Morality is deduced from the Latin word _________. Mos
5. Philosophy comes from the __________ words Philo and Sophia which means love of
wisdom. Greek
6. __________ treats education from the view point of ethical duty. Immanuel Kant
7. ____________________ is the conversion of the substances of the bread and wine into
the substances of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Transubstantiation
8. It is a philosophical inquiry on the existence of God, His Nature, and His relations to man
and the rest of creation. Theology
9. In the “________ Theologica” of Aquinas, he mentioned about the argument of motion
and causality. Summa
10. _____________ is a discipline in which questions are more important than answers.
11. __________ is a science and art of correct inferential thinking. Logic
12. Christian philosophy of education started by __________ during the time of emperor
Tiberius, the son of Augustus, 27-30 A.D. Jesus/Jesus Christ
13. The art of leading or guiding person to the social culture, by exposing him/her to
actualize his/her potentials is called ______________. Education
14. _________ being in relation to society is an intervenor and patriot. Human
15. ____________ thinking is a process of evaluation that uses logic to separate truth from
falsehood, and reasonable and unreasonable beliefs. Critical

II. Matching type (10 points)

1. It derived from the Greek "logos", which means word, reason, or plan. Logic
2. The argument that states “the first motion is God.” First cause
3. It is a cause that explains what something is made of. Material cause
4. The man that defined logic as a tool used to attain knowledge. Aristotle
5. The basic question of this study is “what is the origin of the universe.” Cosmology
6. It is a cause that explains what form something takes. Formal cause
7. The person that coined philosophy as the “love of wisdom.” Pythagoras
8. It is a study of being in general including the universe. Metaphysics
9. It is a branch of philosophy that deals with a deeper understand of what man is and what
it means to be fully human. Philosophy of man
10. He used cosmology to explain and defend God’s existence and also explained the history
of the universe. St. Thomas Aquinas

III. True or False (15 points)

1. Material cause explains the process of how something comes into being. FALSE –
2. Aristotle and Aquinas define philosophy as a science which inquiries into the ultimate
causes, reasons, and principles of beings in the light of reason alone. TRUE
3. Defeasibility is a theory which states that a belief cannot be based on a belief that is false.
FALSE – No False belief
4. The argument of motion claims that the first mover is God. TRUE
5. Gregorio views philosophy and education as two sides of the same coin. FALSE-Ross
6. Causal connection claims that between knowledge and a belief, there has to be a causal
connection. TRUE
7. Creationists believe that primitive people began to find their ways to feed, clothe, shelter,
and protect themselves. FALSE-Evolutionists
8. Steady state theory states that the universe began as just a single point then expanded and
stretched to grow as large as it is now. FALSE – Big bang theory
9. Efficient cause explains what from something takes. FALSE – Formal
10. The word Education comes from the Greek verb “educere” to lead or “educare” to draw
out. FALSE- Latin
11. The fundamental task of philosophy of education is to think deeply about the question
what is life, death, and nature? FALSE- Philosophy of life
12. Duka says that philosophy of education refers to a systematic attempt to apply the
findings of philosophy to the ultimate questions of education. FALSE- Gregorio
13. Logic according to Aristotle enables us to uncover errors and establish truths. FALSE –
14. Dewey makes his experimentalism and sociological pragmatism both the means and the
end of education. TRUE
15. Church doctrines explain and defends the doctrines and dogmas of the church. TRUE

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