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Deganrrert ot tghosing and Pub Wea a tid no .a1.102 Sette Bamnatios fee) Geared Senvces Pah 2 eR Siondard Form Numper: sF-GOOD-49 Revised or: May 24, 2004 roe tott PURCHASE ORDER (CEBLLGITY GOVERNMENT ‘AgencyiProcurng Entity supplier SICCION MARKETING, INC. 561 Address: ndoza Steet, Sami ilo ci "el Mode of Email Adres: Procurement: Bid Telephone: 71-8418 TN: (000-085-874-000 PR.NO. 21-06-0031 Gentieman: Please furnish this office the following arficies subject to the terms and condition contained herein: Place of delivery; DGS-Warehouse: Delivery Term: Sixty(40} calendar days upon receipt ot PO Date of Delivery: Payment Term: ___ Reauisitioner/End-user: v¢ tment of Engineering and Publle Works, PR Tem UNIT DESCRIPTION: ary | UNIT COST AMOUNT EM | CODE # a T lot Global Navigalion Sclelile stem RealTime 1 tot | Kinomotics (GNSS €TK) and rea te Kinervaics(EH) 2,048 000.00 2,048,000.00 Drone ala T.GNSERTK- Topcon Hiper VR GNSS RIK (54) EI ‘1 Un Base ation n/a ‘Chanel 23 min, Universal wating wih Grouna PIONS Signal 7a GPs Tons A CIA TIC TRS PEELS When sland! avainbie. Wa GELGNASE- U1 CTA LIPLICTAUIPISC WER SOROT ovolobie. ne Golle0 = £1/ESC/ESE/AILBOS nie Beidov 0581.82 nfo RNS 5 er 'SBAS - WAASEGNOS,MSAS, GAGAN (L1/L5) LS When Sgroiavarabie ie bond - TopNET Global D&C Corrections services we OSS LIC/A ICL-SAI, 12615 ‘VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE SEE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AT THE BACK HEREOF “Additional specications continued on the nex! page. Ge Of Tae To MaKe The Tull detvery within the time specilied above, © panally of one-tenth (1/10) of one {i) percent for every day of delay shall be imposed. Its a precondition fo Ihe acceptance of His Purchase eer by the suppli¢n that in the event there is a finding of overpricing in this fansoction the sald suppler / ‘contractor shall be held liable for refund of the excess to the Cily Government. Very truly yours, Depétment of Enginsering ond Public Was ant Bid No.8-21-102 Basand Awards Commitee (BAC}-Ge and Services PANO. 21-06-0078 Slondord Form Number: SF-GO0D-43 Revised on: May 24, 2004 rage att PURCHASE ORDER ‘CEBU CITY GOVERNMENT. Agency/Procuring Entity SICCION MARKETING, INC, P.O.No. 561 aSiigel Sampoios, Marila Git : u Meng Street, a Date: a 9, 202 Mode of Email Address: sles Procurement: — Bic (8-2-1 Telepnone: ‘T1846 TIN: 1900-095-674-000 P.R.NO. 21-06-0378 Gentiemen: Please furnish this office the following arficies subject to. the terms and condition contained herein: Place of delivery: DGS-Warehouse Delivery Torm: sixty(40} calendar days upon raceint of PO Date of Delivery: Payment Term: Requisitioner/End-user. yariment of Engineering and Public Works PR eM UNIT DESCRIPTION QTY | UNIT COST “AMOUNT TEM | CODE # ne Positioning Pertormance w/e State - 3mm +04 pest fa Ta Sane Vi Sm +03 POT vo Rk-Hsmm+O5opm nf IR T-ASE TO n/a. Compensated HBr TE TICTS 1/0 Tiasirum recornmordod ange fori compensation Tosubjoct to wccessul TUT calbraton & operating envighment tee of mognete dhtubarces ‘7a SPS -0.75MHRNS nia Tiand.D Corectinssenvce He i. Davcole Thad Signature over printed dami¢ of Date; Sef4_27, 071 Deporiment of Engineeting ona Fubic ams ~ Bid No. 8-21-102 Bebond awards Committee (BAC)-C and Services PR, NO. 21-05-00078 Standard Form Number sF-GOOD-42 Revised on: May 24, 2004 repeat PURCHASE ORDER ‘CEBY.CITE GOVERNMENE “Agency Procuring Enily supplier CION MARKETING. I P.0.NO. 561 Addross: 1 joza Street, Sar ilo. Dote: ‘july 29, 2021 Mode of Email Address: Procurement: Bidding (6-21-102) Telephone: 11-8416, TIN: a 374-000 P.R.NO. 21-06-00378 Gentlemen Please furnish this office the following articles subject to the terms and condition contained herein: Place of delivery: DGS-Worehouse Delivery Term: Sicty(60) colencar days upon receip! of FO Date of Delivery: Payment Term: Requisiicner/End-user: Depestment of Engineering and Public Works PR (TEM. UNIT DESCRIPTION Qry | UNIT COST AMOUNT teu | Cove # nia ‘Operating system nia ‘Merion ond dala STOGe “S12 MERAMS GB Fa storage Mico wb we emote: 5 megopxal resohilon with auiolucos ondled oan wth (GEO CEO 3G | video copture 12/24V DC Foner hou! IveligantLilen battery 34V DC at power 10500 mem» ne Communcalion= COMTS 232C [0 40B 9p BY DC Power USB host (Ful pots A) USB cnt (ere) ne Wielos: Connection - Aluetooh Wi 02.11 b/a7A ae celvarcomectviy ve infegrled weridwil, BOO/ESE, FO, TB0D, 1900-2700 WE liGa0 3G only] UNTS/HSPA* ae ‘SOFTWARE - Topcon Magnet Field Software w/ FCSOD Bete Cortrller na ©. Data format (TEMOXRIGHE XPS CMR |_ Gis BNEK NMEA O18 nia 5. Vsualee field work wis G google cor backgiound [20 obital Vew.cod view we moor storica rd pony aw dora formal such os Ss SuneyPro, cofson sevice tbe Soitia SDR eI ‘VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE SEE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ATTHE BACK HEREOF ‘Adaltional specifications continued on the next page. Thoake Of falure To MaKe Ihe full delivery within the lime specified above. a penalty of one-tenth (1/10) of one {i) percent for every day of delay sholl be imposed. It's @ precondition to the acceptance of this Purchase Order by the supplier that in the event there is finding of overpricing in this transaction the said supplier / ‘contractor shall be held liable for refund of the excess to the City Government. Very truly yours, By Authority of Signature over printf Date:_ Sey }_ 220) 7 Department ot Enginesing and Pubic ade ~ bic. 0:21:102 Sept ous Comite Ac) GP hand Sonices PNG. 21-0500078 standard Form Number: SF

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