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OL, People in many countries are spending less time * with their family. What are the reasons, and effects of this? NGUYEN NHAN - ANH HUONG 3 NGUYEN NHAN * Ychinh 1 Lich lam vige ban ron * Gia thich Ba s6 moi nguéi déu ban ron véi ‘c6ng vide, do vay khd s4p xép {thoi gian danh cho ngubi than. %* Yehinh 2 Lam dung c&ng nah + Giai thich ‘Cac thiét bj c6ng nghé ngay cdng phd bién, dibu ny Khién ahibu ngvei bi nghien sir dung ching va tach minh kh ga inh *vidu Nhu thanh thiéu nin thich ah tin voi ban ba ten mang xa hei hom la ni chuyen vor bd me. ANH HUONG XAU TOI GIA BINH VA XA HOI + Yeohinn 4 Anh huréng t6i gia din * Gial thich Gia tang khoang cach gia cae thanh vign trong gia dinh, tir 6 dB dn t61 hi8u nhdmm va xung dt, thar chi hon, * Yehinn2 Anh huéng t6i xa hoi * Gial thich Mi quan hé gia dinh xéu ci co thd gay ra nhidu van a xa hoi * Vidy Kr b6 me danh It thi gian cho con. cai, ching a8 bj anh huréng xéu tr ban b@ va truyén thong. Bibu nay 1a tin dB cho sy gia tang bgo lye va ‘6iphem, (CHAPTER 03 FAMILY | 107 Which word is an alternative for ‘insufficient’? A. absent B. inadequate ©. inaccurate D, inaccessible \Which phrase means ‘time that you spend with someone, giving them your full attention because you value the relationship’? A best time B. standard time ©. quality time D. spending time In Societies with strong ........1-4 People tend to live longer. A family time B. family bonds family circle D. family leave What is the antonym of ‘deterioration’? A. degrade, B. exacerbation C. enhancement D. decadence ‘What isthe synonym for the verb ‘bond’? A. bind B. detach C. disconnect, D. separate (CHAPTER 03 - FAMILY | 109 yd itis true that quality family time is on'the decline for many households the world over. This tendency is attributable to a host of reasons, and in this essay, | am going to prove that it is going to have dire consequences on both the family and the society, ‘There are two underlying reasons why people are not spending as much time with their family as they used to in the past, First and foremost, hectic work schedules ‘ate depriving people of time spent for family. In modem society, most people are ‘occupied with their jobs and struggle for time to properly bond with their spouse or children. Another driving factor that results in insufficient time for family is technology overuse. Given the proliferation of digital devices like the smartphone: or tablet, significantly more people, especially younger generations, are becoming addicted to these technologies and isolated from their family as @ result. Most teenagers, for example, would rather spend thelr time interacting with their friends vvia social media than engage in conversations with their parents. | would contend that the growing trend towards reduced family time is going to have serious feperciissions not only on the family but also on the society. Regarding the former, the absence of family time is furthering the distance between family ‘members. This may fuel misunderstandings inthe family and potential conflicts, even divorces in worsticase scenarios. The deterioration of family relations could in turn contribute to numerous social problems, For example, when parents spend more time working and less time with their children, they inadvertently leave: their children more vulnerable to toxic influences from bad friends or their media ‘consumption, which could be aiprecuirsor to increased violence and crime, In conclusion, busy work schedules and heavy use of technological gadgets: are to bate fo the increasingly less family together ime, and | am convinced that tis phenomenon has a number of negative imipleaions fr family and society 92 ‘Answer key: p.277 Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer. 4. Any decrease in tourism could have far-reaching forthe local economy, A. results B, outcome: C. repercussions. influences . The rapid promotion ofthe director's son has itself. resentment within the company. A. fuelled Bled ©. trigger D. culminated “The escalating obesity rate in recent years is to. poor diet. A.because —B. attributable_C. stem from D. ascribe ‘The two governments have agreed to ‘comprehensive dialogue to resolve the problem, A orente, culminate in Cengage in D. marry Viruses can be spread os by email users. A. intentionally B. deliberately C. purposely D. inadvertently Exercise 2: Fill In the blanks with one of the words above. You may have to change the form of the word to match the sentence. 4. Don't worry. Ina... .« you only have to pay a small fine. ‘Meaning: the worst situation In ight ofthe ,....,.e1: ssf online information channels, printed newspapers have been waning, ‘Meaning: rapid increase in numbers ‘Misconceptions about history are... {or students! indiference to this subject, ‘Meaning: be the reason for Greater enthusiasm about history among citizens would act as a. their wilingness to come to museums. ‘Meaning: something that cames before anather, may lead ta itr influence its development ‘To rekindle young people's interest in their country's historical figures, itis important to weave history into the youth's, Oe - ‘Meaning: the sum of information and entertainment media taken in by an individual or group CHAPTER 03 FAMILY | 115 02 Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in thi life. What are the reasons? Is this a positive or negative trend? NGUYEN NHAN + Yehinn 4 ‘Tap trung vao sy nghigp * Giai thich, ibu nay dac biét ding d6i voi mot 6 nganh nghé c6 tinh dc thi, khién vigc 06 con khng kha th * vidu Tiép vién hang khong phai di cchuyén thuéng xuyén, do vay khong thé vira dap ting céng vige vvira cham s6c em bé. * Yehinh 2 Chi phi chim con ngay eang c20 * Giai micn ‘Bigu nay tgo ganh nang cho cdc cap dite, 1611 NGUYEN NHAN - ANH HI Lov icH NHIEU HON MAT TRAI * Yehinh 4 IMac dii ¢6 nguy co tidm an v8 ste kkhde cho me va bé, nhung 06 thé khde phe duce nhé nhong tién be yhoe gan day * Yehinh 2 ‘Chat Ivong séng t6t hon cho con cA * Gial thich 1Bé me 66 nhiéu thot gian a8 xay ‘dying sy nghigp va 6 tai chinh vang chée, + Y chinh 3 1B6 me lon tubi thubng mudi day con t6thon, * Giai thicn Co mibu kinh nghiem séng + Gial thichiso sanh Cae c&p 60) tr thurdmg thigu irnang nubi day con, aiéu nay anh thuéing xu an con tré ‘Answer key: p.278 Exercise: Choose the correct answer. 4. Which word is an alternative for ‘having children? ‘Acchildcare B.childbearing C. childhood. cilike 2. Which word is an alternative for ‘delay’? A. cancel B.calloff C.reatrange ——_—D. postpone +3, Which word means ‘the raising of children and all the responsibilities as well as activities that are involved in it? A.parental ——_B. parenting C.parenthood —_D. parentage 44, Just barely newlyweds, they now have to confront the harsh realities of ‘A.parental —-B. parentage -—«C. parenthood. parentment 5, Without the adequate provision, many women who wish to work are unable to do so. A.childcare 8. parenting children, D. child rear 6. Which word is an alternative for ‘infant’? A. children B. toddler ©. prodigy D. adolescent 7. Itis seen that social attitudes are changing, as more than half of men say should be shared equally A. childcare B. parenting C.childbirth —_D. parenthood 18 SAMPLE Ja modem society, there has been an ongoing trend towards bearing children later in life. From my perspective, this development is caused by myriad factors, and | strongly believe that enormous benefits brought by late childbirth outweigh its demerits. ‘There are two major reasons as to why some endorse delaying parenthood. First and foremost, 2s people are investing more tim in her ceeere,hevng fens canbe ‘a major distraction. This is especially true for some professions, whose peculiarities make having children early not physically viable. For example, flight attendants are required to travel so frequently that they can ilafford to both futfil their work and rear their babies. Work commitments aside, the ballooning childcare costs, which would EINER moet younger couples, sao HNUN Hie Slay of CREST 1 886 that the advantageous effects ofthis issue infinitely BVEFEHEROW its drawbacks, The lat risks of health problems, even death, sufered by both the ‘mother and babies due to late childbirth can be mitigated by recent leaps in the ‘medical fild. In addition, as parents have more time to establish their career and ‘ivancal Stability, they can give theie children a better life, including high-quality ‘education and better health care services. Another meri is that the older people are, the more life experience they gain. Such Randson experience may give them greater skills in raising a well-rounded child, while bad parenting skils, which tend to be prevalent among young couples, could have on adverse bearing on the children. In conctusion, the pursuit of career and escalating chitdcare costs are two driving {actors behind postponed parenthood among modern ciizens, and | believe that the unquestionable benefits of this phenomenon are weightier than the downside. 293 words Answer key: p.278 Exercise 1: Fill in each blank with one of the words above. You may have to change the form of the word to match the sentence. 1, Many Vietnamese young drivers disregard trafic laws and commit serious offences such as jumping the lights, contributing to the. of trafic-related injuries and casualties, Meaning: rising ''m not sure if| would have felt. ‘enough to start a family otherwise, ‘Meaning: being completely debt-free, able to pay your monthly living expenses with extra money left over Ho's very much of tne that we should outsource the project. Meaning: a thought or beliof Education is more complex than it used to be. Preparing students for a global economy requires in addition to traditional book learning ‘Meaning: practical knowiedge/skill Celebrity Is a common marketing strategy that companies employ. ‘Meaning: advertisement featuring celebrities ‘Marriage is no longer always seen as a lifetime. . ‘Meaning: something that you must do or deal with that takes your time There has been an... ..:ensnsene fend towards buying imported food in leu of locally produced fooe. ‘Meaning: a trend happening at present Exercise 2: Find a better expression for the underlined parts among the words listed above. 1. Advertisements have a palpable effect on consumers. 2. Health and cheerfulness mutually lead to each other, 3. Bring up children for help in old age: and store up grains against famine 4, Solar power is a(n) effective alternative to carbon-intensive energy. 5. This new book is expected to be better than al their earlier ones. CHAPTER 03 — FAMILY | 125

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