Dozer Daily Inspection Check List Rev 0

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Banyu Urip Projecy Date :

Production Processing Facilities Rev No. :

Dept :
Dozer Daily Inspection Check List Ref No :

Date of Inspection/Tanggal Pemeriksaan :

Location of Inspection/Lokasi pemeriksaan :

Identification Number/Nomor identifikasi :

Inspected by/Diperiksa Oleh :

Contractor/Kontraktor :

No Requirement Remarks
Good Bad N/A
1 Reverse alarm/Alarm Mundur
2 Wiper and water washer system/Wiper dan air pembersih
3 Windscreen, Mirror clears/Kaca depan, spion
4 Horn/Klakson
5 ESD. System/Sistem ESD
6 Seat belt/Sabuk pengaman
7 Hydraulic system and hose condition/Kondisi hydraulik sistem dan
8 Lightings/Lampu
9 Rotary light/Lampu bahaya
10 Cabin condition/Kondisi Kabin
11 Battery connection and protective cover/Koneksi baterai dan penutup
12 Engine and fuel system (leaks)/Mesin dan sistem minyak(kebocoran)
13 Track (Tension and condition) (Track (Kekencangan dan kondisi)
14 Weld/frame condition/Kondisi frame/las
15 Insulation of exhaust pipe/Isulasi pipa kenalpot
16 Electrical cable connection, isolation/Koneksi kabel listrik dan isolasi
17 Fire extinguisher/APAR
18 First aid kit/Kotak P3K
19 Daily inspection/Pemeriksaan harian
20 Personal Protective equipment/Alat pelingung Diri
21 Air conditioner/Fan/AC atau kipas angin
22 Indicator system (Fuel, oil, temp, etc)/Sistem indikator
23 Attachments, Blade, Ripper/Pisau ripper dan aksesories
24 Secondary Containment (Penampung kebocoran)
Comment and recommendation

Inspected by, Witnessed by, Acknowledged by,

Operator Safety Advisor Site Supervisor

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