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Reviewed by: Recommended by: Ratified by:

Nkuleleko Masego Nuku Neo Nwako

HR & Marketing Manager Managing Director
Fleet Manager

This document is intended to provide information in respect of Abari Communications policy,
procedure, standards, or guidance and will be updated at least every two years to reflect any
changes due to business requirements or infrastructure. Neither all nor part of this document
shall be reproduced or released for commercial purposes by a recipient without the express
consent of the stated AbariCom document owner. This document MUST be reviewed and
approved by the designated AbariCom approver(s) to ensure technical accuracy and business

Owner Procurement & Inventory Manager

Approver(s) Managing Director I HR & Marketing Manager

Version Version date Document history

1.0 25/06/2021 Live Document

2.0 01/05/2022. Live document

Enter a date.

All employees of AbariCom and its


The document owner must approve any request for a copy of this document to be released to an
external party. Consideration must be given to the content and classification of this document
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I Introduction

AbariCom encourages the professional and responsible usage of its property including
company vehicles. To this end, this policy has been developed to provide guidance and
regulation regarding the use of company vehicles for work purposes.

The aim is to ensure that all employees who use AbariCom vehicles are fully aware of their
responsibilities. Employees will be aware that vehicles are expensive resources. There is a
general duty on all employees to ensure that they take the same level of care with these
vehicles, as they would do if they were their own property.

I Objective

The objective of this policy is to define circumstances under which AbariCom may grant
employees company vehicles and to provide direction concerning the administration,
issuance, and appropriate use of company vehicles by AbariCom employees.

I Scope

This policy applies to all employees of AbariCom who are provided with company vehicles
solely for operational duties.

I The Policy

1.1 AbariCom decides at its discretion the period for the renewal of the company

1.2 AbariCom also has discretion over the distribution of AbariCom vehicles and
reserves the right to remove company vehicles as required.

1.3 An employee should have a valid driver's license with a minimum period of 1
year, from the date of issue, to be allowed access to Abaricom vehicles

1.4 An employee should go through a road test arranged by Abaricom to be

authorized to drive Abaricom vehicles.

1.5 The employee must have a valid driving license for the type of vehicle they
are using. The employee must produce the driving license before first use of
the vehicle and at any other time on request. The employee must provide a
copy of their current driving license so that the company can be satisfied that
they are authorized to drive.

1.6 The employee is required to notify management of any motoring offences, with
which they have been charged or convicted.

1.7 If the employee receives a summons, they must advise the management
immediately. If the employee is banned from driving, the company will need to
review the employment situation. If the employee is summonsed for an

offence, which may lead to the employee being disqualified from driving
because of the seriousness of the offense, the company must be informed

1.8 AbariCom is responsible for the payment of vehicle registration, insurance,

any fuel and oil for business use, breakdown recovery, and all standard
maintenance. AbariCom is not responsible for any damage caused to the
vehicle through the fault of the employee.

1.9 It is the employee's responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is in an efficient

roadworthy condition and complies with existing legal requirements. This
includes checking all lubricant reservoirs, coolant and antifreeze levels, tyre
pressures, and all brakes and lights.

1.10 The vehicle must be cleaned internally and externally regularly. AbariCom is
financially responsible for the cleaning of company vehicles, and it is the
responsibility of the employee to ensure that the AbariCom vehicle is clean at
all times.

1.11 SMOKING in any AbariCom vehicle is strictly prohibited.

1.12 All occupants of every Abaricom vehicle must properly always utilize seat

1.13 The employee is required to report the loss of or damage to AbariCom vehicle
to the police in the first instance and then to the AbariCom. The employee
must drive within the law, ensuring that: -
• a valid registration license is displayed appropriately.
• traffic signs and statutory speed limits are always observed.
• prohibited areas of the road are avoided.
• the vehicle is sensibly parked and not in breach of any
• hand-free mobile phones are used whilst driving a AbariCom

1.14 AbariCom does not condone the use of a hand held mobile phone whilst driving
a company vehicle.

1.15 If fees or traffic fines are imposed, these are the responsibility of the employee
and, unless otherwise agreed, will be deducted from the employee's salary
and/or wages.

1.16 AbariCom will not accept responsibility for the payment of any penalty, which
may be imposed upon the vehicle user.

1.17. The company will provide 'Vehicle Mileage Logbooks' for all AbariCom
vehicles. It is the responsibility of all employees to ensure that these books
are updated should an occasion arise where two employees are sharing the
use of a vehicle. Should a traffic fine, fee, or police offense come to the
attention of the company, at a later date, AbariCom will use the Logbook to
assess who was driving at the time and consequently who is responsible for
the fine.

If the Logbook has not been completed it is the responsibility of the employee
who has been ultimately assigned to the vehicle in question to pay the fine.

1.18. AbariCom vehicles have been fitted with trackers, which show all movements
of the vehicle, including when it is stationary. If the evidence provided by the
trackers shows that employees are using the vehicle for private use or not
working to agreed hours, disciplinary action will be taken, which could result
in dismissal. The vehicle may be used in connection with AbariCom business

1.19. The vehicle may not be used for: -

• any business purposes other than those undertaken on behalf
of the AbariCom;
• hire or reward (either goods or passengers).
• personal use

1.20. If the vehicle is used in contravention of these conditions, any resulting

damage will be the absolute responsibility of the employee. Further, such use
will render the employee liable to disciplinary proceedings, which may result
in withdrawal of the vehicle or dismissal.

1.21. All vehicles must be made available during the working week, for AbariCom

1.22. The employee will not be allowed to use AbariCom vehicle(s) under the
following circumstances:
• employment is terminated.
• long term ill-health.
• any medical condition or treatment which prohibits driving.
• in violation of the AbariCom vehicle rules and agreements.
• careless/reckless driving, the excessive number of accidents,
disqualification or convictions; and
• at the discretion of the AbariCom.

I Insurance Policy

2.1. AbariCom Insurance Policy excludes damage by theft or attempted theft of

any items therefore any portable tools, portable electronic equipment such as
laptops, computers, mobile phones, or AbariCom inventory should be
removed from the vehicle and stored in a safe place. If these items have not
been removed and the vehicle has such items stolen, the technicians would
be responsible for a like-for-like replacement.

2.2. If the vehicle is broken into during working hours and has other contents stolen
such as cable, steps, and small sundries, the employee would not be held
responsible for these items so long as the vehicle has forcible and violent
entry. If the vehicle has no such forcible entry and was left unlocked, the
employee will be held responsible.

2.3. AbariCom may seek to recoup any losses in the event of damage caused to
the AbariCom vehicle by the employee's negligence or willful neglect. The
AbariCom may seek to recoup any losses in the event of theft of items such
as laptops, computers, mobile phones, etc., and inventory that has been left
in the vehicle and not removed.

2.4. Also, the employee is responsible for the excess which is required to be paid
and which is not recoverable from the insurance company should the vehicle
be involved in an accident and the employee be found guilty. The employee
accepts that AbariCom shall be entitled to deduct the cost of repair of such
damage and/or the cost of the insurance excess from his/her wages.

2.5. All AbariCom vehicles should be always kept clean and in a roadworthy

I Vehicle Flagging
3.1. As the owner of vehicles, Abaricom is responsible and liable for the activities
of its vehicles, however,

3.2. An Employee who commit road offenses will be responsible for settlement of
the fine/charge accordingly, ensuring that his/her actions do not result in the
flagging of Abaricom vehicle,

3.3. Where an employee fails to settle charges for a traffic offense resulting in the
flagging of Abaricom vehicle, and the employee will face disciplinary action as
per the Disciplinary Procedure & Policy and will be liable for the fine and any
penalties thereof.


5.1. In the event of a vehicle accident, any injured persons should receive priority

5.2. Protect the accident scene and any injured persons to the best of your ability.

5.3. Obtain the following necessary information for your report:

• The name, address, and license number of the other driver(s).

• The name of his/their insurance companies.
• If possible, the identification of passengers and witnesses.

5.4. Do not give any statements or discuss the accident with anyone other than
police authorities.

5.5. Report the accident to the fleet office or management immediately. If the car
is disabled, obtain the name of the towing firm and the location where the
vehicle will be stored.

5.6. All company car accidents will be reviewed by management to determine if an

accident was preventable or non-preventable. All accident review proceedings
will become part of the company driver's file.


6.1. You are required to use a fuel card or petty cash to fuel the company vehicles.
All receipts are to be submitted to the accounting department immediately.

6.2. AbariCom logbooks are to be completed accordingly, log books will be

checked weekly for compliance.

6.3. Abaricom drivers are expected to monitor and notify the Fleet Office when
the vehicles fall due for service i.e. When mileage reaches the next
1 O,OOOkm, the driver in use of the vehicle must notify the Fleet Office.


7.1 Each vehicle will have its labelled fuel card which must be retained with the
vehicle's keys at all times,

7.2 Drivers are to keep the fuel card and PIN in a secure location at all times,

7.3 Drivers should obtain receipts at the time of sale and Submit receipt to the
Accounts department,

7.4 All lost, stolen, or compromised fuel card/ PIN must be reported to the
Procurement & Inventory Manager immediately,

7.5 Each fuel card will be provided with a hard plastic holder, appropriate for the
task of protecting the fuel card,

7.6 Each fuel card user must ensure the replacement of the card into the holder
immediately after use to ensure its protection,

7.7 Do not allow other individuals to use your driver tag, any theft or misuse of the
driver tag, an employee will be held liable,

7 .8 The fuel Card tag owner will be liable for any theft and/or misuse of the driver
tag and will be responsible for the replacement of the lost tag

7.9 Keep it safe at all time and report the lost /stolen driver tag immediately

Plot69184, Block 8 Tel: (+267)391 6104

BotswanaInnovationHub Science& TechnologyPark Fax: (+267)391 6132
F11st Floor @ sales@abancomco bw
Gaborone, Botswana • www abancomco bw

7 .10 The following actions are prohibited and may result in the immediate
revocation of driving privileges/Disciplinary procedure shall be put in place:

7.10.1 Failure to follow and abide by federal, government and local traffic
laws and regulations. (Maximum speed permissible is 120km/h)

7.10.2 Failure to abide by site specific posted speed limits while operating a
vehicle on jobsites or any property owned by customers


8.1. Driving is a FULL-TIME JOB. A driver should avoid all distractions. He should
always keep his/her mind strictly on driving and always concentrate on drivers
around him/her assuming they will not do what is expected of them.

8.2. If roads are CROWDED, the driver should consider all cars as potential
accidents looking for a place to happen.

8.3. Don't insist on the RIGHT-OF-WAY. Let the other drivers take it.

8.4. Use your TURN SIGNALS at all times. Signal when changing lanes, on the
left and right-hand turns, and during parking manoeuvres.

8.5. If the driver is wondering whether to turn on HEADLIGHTS, then it's time to
turn them on. It is illegal to drive with only the parking lights illuminated.

8.6. Nobody wants to be the victim of an auto accident, but thousands are EVERY

8.7. REMINDER - A "safe" vehicle operated by a "safe" driver can ...

• Prevent accidents
• Prevent costly repairs
• Prevent undue vehicle depreciation
• Save lives

I PolicyCommunication

The Policy will be communicated to all employees/stakeholders through briefings, discussion

forums, and directly on a one-to-one basis with all employees. The Policy becomes valid from
201h April 2022.
I PolicyReview

The Fleet policy is not exhaustive and shall be reviewed after every two years unless decided
otherwise through the approval of AbariCom top echelon management.




Date: _
I I Page 9



I, ---------------------'acknowledge receipt of the company

vehicle policies and procedures manual.

I have read the manual and fully understood all policies and procedures. I also understand that any
failure to comply with the policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action against me.

I further understand and agree that should my contract of employment with Abari Com cease for
whatever reason, any balance owing for police fines shall immediately become due and payable and
can be set off by Abari Com to the extent possible from my terminal benefits.



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