Wyatt Minerva and Ancient Religions

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Wyatt, Austere Deplorable @OldSchool2A

18 Feb 20 • 18 tweets • OldSchool2A/status/1229756786875551745

Canaanites became the Phonecians, then Venetians, then

the Illuminati/global banking shadow government. They
plagiarized and fabricated their history using already-
ancient texts from other cultures, like Egypt and Sumer. A
ruling class was born from this lie.
They're the descendants of the Amorites, or the Canaanites - some of the most wicked
people to ever walk the face of the earth, worshippers of Moloch and Baal. Epsteins
ritual temple resembles Aleppo designs. Aleppo is one of the oldest cities in the
world, traced 2,000 years BC.

Cannanites you say? Aren't they just a myth? Aren't they all dead? That is exactly
what they would want us to think, no? You can almost trace the lies and slowly see
how "Illuminati" is just the modern term for Canaanites and how they rewrote history
and control us to this day.

When God led the children out of Egypt and into the land of Canaan, he told them to
wipe out the Canaanites because they were wicked.

Phonecian Popes, Venetian Black Nobility, elite banking families all the way back to
the Phonecians and Canaanites.

It will be biblical.

The Canaanites/Amorites are evil, wicked people who sacrificed their children to
Moloch and Baal.

This EVIL is deeply entrenched.

Canaanites installed closed financial systems and have the world enslaved in
imaginary debt. They have committed so many crimes on humanity it is just
ridiculous. This kind of global coordination comes from a cult. Just depends how far
back it goes I guess.

Elites also have been known to congregate around a massive moloch statue and have
rituals. Moloch worship is indeed real and still going on to this day within the upper
echelons of power. They are the cause of attempted destruction of western world
through immigration and guilt.

Inside Epstein's New Mexico ranch: it has something to do with gaining power by
performing disgusting, heinous acts in front of the true King of Kings. Reason for NM
location was to use as an outpost to gain blackmail assets at Los Alamos National
Labs. I.e. nuclear scientists.

Moloch, Isis, Horus, Ra, Saturn, Lilith, Melusine, Astarte, Minerva. secret societies
inevitably lead towards some of these prominent figures. They frequently show up in
music industry and Hollywood, particularly videos. Corp logos and names often
allude to these gods as well.

The elite genuinely believe they have the blood of gods pumping through their veins,
and the profane sheep must be controlled for their own good. Everything is named
after the gods. All planets, science, and trade. All the NASA moon landings named
after Apollo the god of light.

Prometheus at Rockefeller center, and his creation mankind. "Adam, and "Eve". The
monument sits in front of Rockefeller building across from St. Patrick's Cathedral. It
is the largest sculpture at Rockefeller Center.

Minerva is the original insignia of the Bavarian secret society. It pictures the owl of
Minerva - symbolising wisdom - on top of an opened book. There's an owl created
into the structure of D.C and one hidden on your $1 Bill.

One can plainly see owl statue, situated within the library at the Bohemian Club
headquarters in San Francisco. Furthermore, the statue in the Bohemian Club has a
plaque on its front base, stating: "Replica of Ancient Athenian Owl". Bob Marley
made a song about the Babylon System

"Babylon system is the vampire, yea!
Suckin' the children day by day, yeah!
Me say de Babylon system is the vampire, falling empire,
Suckin' the blood of the sufferers, yeah!
Building church and university, wooh, yeah!
Deceiving the people continually, yeah!

Moloch/Kronos/Cronus/Saturn is all same. The sacrifice of children into the belly of

Moloch is the same as the Greek God Cronus devouring his children the olympians
gods before Zeus. The reason they were sacrificed (by ignorant humans taking things
to literally)

into the belly of Moloch, was when you eat it goes to the belly. Cronus was going to be
usurped by Zeus, so he devoured his. own children to keep his supreme reign, but
Rhea tricked Cronus and devoured a stone instead. Zeus was hidden from Cronus
until he was of age

to usurp his father. Zeus castrated cronus, became King of Gods. The men that
created a Moloch to sacrifice their children to were in vain , taken way too literally. It
was their way of keeping power, by killing most of the males that could take your
power away.

These Secret Societies, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hereticism and
Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and
uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who
deserve only to be misled;


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