Muscular Relaxants

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Skeletal Muscle Relaxants


The term skeletal muscle relaxant can be confusing for patients formation in the brain. Interesting to note is that sedating agents
and clinicians alike as there are different classes of skeletal muscle also depress polysynaptic reflexes, making it difficult to determine
relaxants. Specifically, antispasticity, antispasmodic classes of skel- whether skeletal muscle relaxants produce their clinical activity via
etal muscle relaxants exist, and some medications overlap in both sedation or a change in the pain-spasm-pain cycle.
of these categories. (Table 55.1).1–4 The use of such agents with
or without nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can
be considered for acute low back pain.5 Medications commonly • BOX 55.1 Classification of Agents by Proposed
referred to as skeletal muscle relaxants include carisoprodol, chlor- Mechanism of Action
zoxazone, cyclobenzaprine, metaxalone, methocarbamol, and
orphenadrine.6 These agents are labeled by the United States Food Drug Mechanism of action Site of action
and Drug Administration (FDA) with an indication for the relief Baclofen Similar to GABA acts on Centrally acting-
of discomfort associated with an acute, painful, musculoskeletal the presynaptic GABAa site, spinal cord
condition. Baclofen and tizanidine have FDA indications for the decreasing synaptic transmission
treatment of spasticity caused by upper motor neuron syndromes, to the spinal cord
including multiple sclerosis and spinal cord disease or injury. Ben- Dantrolene Prevents the release of calcium Peripherally acting
zodiazepines, principally diazepam, are also used and indicated for from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
adjunctive relief of skeletal muscle spasms and are often consid- in skeletal muscle cells
ered in discussions regarding skeletal muscle relaxants.
Carisoprodol Causes altered neuronal output Centrally acting -
In discussing this broad class of skeletal muscle relaxants medi-
at the reticular formation and spinal cord and brain
cations, it becomes difficult to cull out the actual intended thera- spinal cord
peutic outcomes. These agents are typically prescribed during the
initial presentation of acute low back pain. The injury normally Chlorzoxazone Acts on the spinal cord and Centrally acting-
occurs to the muscles, ligaments, or tendons, structures around subcortical regions to inhibit spinal cord and brain
the lumbar spine. The presentations may include local pain and reflex arcs involved in causing
and maintaining muscle spasm
tenderness, muscle spasms, and limited range of motion. Muscle
spasm is often the most difficult to define and is the subject of con- Cyclobenzaprine α2 agonists at descending Centrally acting -
troversy among some clinicians.7 Muscle spasm can be described noradrenergic neurons on the brainstem
as a vicious pain-spasm-pain cycle that protects compromised tis- supraspinal area of the brain
sues and structures. Secondary to these pain impulses, an involun- stem, seratonergic antagonism at
tary reflex muscle contraction at the site of injury can occur, which 5HT2 receptor
in turn can lead to local ischemic injury. This can further facilitate Metalaxone CNS depressant Centrally acting
the pain-spasm-pain paradigm. Muscle spasm phenomena may be
Methocarbamol CNS depressant Centrally acting
considered a variation of a myofascial pain presentation.8
Orphenadrine Central atropine like structure Centrally acting
Mechanism of Action alleviates muscle spasm
Diazepam Benzodiazepine increases GABA Centrally acting -
In considering this discussion of muscle spasm pathophysiol- mediated presynaptic inhibition at spinal cord and brain
ogy, the problem with defining the activity of the skeletal muscle spinal and supraspinal sites
relaxants becomes manifest. The exact mechanism of action for
these various agents has not been fully elucidated. However, it is Tizanidine α2 adrenergic agonist, presynaptic Centrally acting
generally accepted that skeletal muscle relaxants can depress poly- inhibition of motor neurons
synaptic reflexes within the dorsal horn via various mechanisms Botulinum Toxin Neurotoxin- blocks the Centrally and
(Box 55.1), which may relax the skeletal muscle tissue in an indi- release of acetylcholine at the peripherally acting
rect manner.1–3 In animal studies, these agents exert their muscle- neuromuscular junction, causing
relaxing effects by inhibiting interneuronal activity and blocking muscle paralysis
polysynaptic neurons in the spinal cord and descending reticular

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
764 PA RT 5 Pharmacologic, Psychologic, and Physical Medicine Treatments and Associated Issues

Indications for Use extended-release form. Cyclobenzaprine is structurally and phar-

macologically related to tricyclic anti-depressants. It is a centrally
Despite the common use of skeletal muscle relaxants, relatively little acting serotonin receptor antagonist as well as an α two agonist at
data exist to elucidate their role in the treatment of chronic low descending noradrenergic neurons rather than a CNS depressant
back pain.9,10 None of the agents discussed in this chapter have an skeletal muscle relaxant.18–20 As with other skeletal muscle relax-
indication for use in the setting of chronic back pain. In one survey ants, cyclobenzaprine does not have activity directly on muscle
of skeletal muscle relaxant use in the United States, muscle relax- tissue, with animal data suggesting that this agent acts primarily in
ants, although indicated for short term treatment, are most often the brainstem. The net result of this action is a reduction in tonic
prescribed on a long term basis.11 In general, skeletal muscle relax- somatic motor activity.21 Although no human evidence exists to
ants, excluding baclofen and tizanidine, maintain FDA labeling as support this mechanism, the 5 mg dose has yielded similar clinical
adjuncts for treatment of short term acute low back pain (LBP) and efficacy with less sedation than the more sedating 10 mg dose.22
are commonly used to treat muscle spasms and associated pain for In the future, this may prove to be an important distinction with
periods of one to three weeks as most patients with acute or sub- other CNS depressant agents. In an open-label study of patients
acute low back pain improve with time.5 In this context, it may be with acute neck or LBP associated with muscle spasm who were
difficult to discern the role of these agents, other than the palliative randomized to be treated for seven days with cyclobenzaprine 5 mg
analgesic quality that they may provide for patients. Therefore skel- PO three times daily alone or cyclobenzaprine 5 mg PO three
etal muscle relaxant selection depends on an evaluation of adverse times daily in combination with ibuprofen, at doses of 400 mg
effects, contraindications, patient tolerability, and clinical experi- PO three times daily or 800 mg three times daily, no significant
ence. This discussion will also include a brief review of the clinical treatment differences were found among these groups.23
use of botulinum toxin as a treatment for musculoskeletal pain. Cyclobenzaprine shares a similar side effect profile, including
prominent anticholinergic effects, as it is structurally related to
tricyclic anti-depressants. The most common anticholinergic side
Specific Drugs By Class effects include drowsiness, dizziness, and dry mouth. Other side
effects also include urinary retention, hypotension, and constipa-
Antispasmodic Agents tion.23 Use of cyclobenzaprine is contraindicated in the setting of
Carisoprodol (Soma) arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, hyperthyroidism, acute glau-
Carisoprodol is a Schedule IV substance and is available as a coma, narrow angle glaucoma, or during the acute recovery phase
250 mg or 350 mg tablet and in combination with aspirin (soma of a myocardial infarction. One report suggested that coadministra-
compound) and with aspirin and codeine (soma compound with tion with pro-serotonergic agents such as selective serotonin reup-
codeine). Carisoprodol dosing should not exceed four doses in a take inhibitors may predispose patients to serotonin syndrome.24
24 h period (Table 55.1). In addition, it should not be prescribed Cyclobenzaprine can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome in
for longer than three weeks.12,13 Similar to other muscle relaxants, patients taking tramadol, increasing the risk of seizures. Attendant
carisoprodol has additive sedative effects when taken with alcohol use of cyclobenzaprine with monoamine oxidase inhibitors or use
or other central nervous system (CNS) depressants. Its most com- within 14 days after their discontinuation is contraindicated. It
mon side effects are drowsiness, dizziness, and headache.12–14 can also enhance the effects of agents with CNS depressant activ-
Carisoprodol is converted in the liver to meprobamate, a ity. Older adults appear to have a higher risk for CNS-related
substance with a long half-life of 10 h.12,13 Meprobamate is well adverse reactions, such as hallucinations and confusion when
known to produce phenomena that result in physical and psy- using cyclobenzaprine. Withdrawal symptoms have been noted
chological dependence.13–15 After oral ingestion, carisoprodol has with the discontinuation of chronic cyclobenzaprine use. Use of a
a quick onset of action with time to maximum plasma concentra- medication taper may be warranted for chronic-use patients.
tion being 1.5 to 1.7 h.12 Within the United States since 2012,
carisoprodol has been listed as a Schedule IV controlled substance Metaxalone (Skelaxin)
by the Controlled Substance Act. Because of the risk of physical Metaxalone is available as a 400 and 800 mg tablet and has a rec-
and psychological dependence potential, carisoprodol use should ommended maximal dose of 800 mg three or four times daily.
be avoided. It should also be cautiously tapered as opposed to Its exact mechanism of action is not well understood, but it does
immediately discontinued following long-term use. cause general depression of the CNS.25 Metaxalone does not have
any significant drug-drug interactions and appears to have a mini-
Chlorzoxazone (Paraflex, Parafon Forte DSC) mal risk side effect profile. However, fatalities attributed to the use
Chlorzoxazone is available as 250 and 500 mg tablets, taken up of metaxalone have been reported.25,26 Hemolytic anemia, leuko-
to four times daily. It is a centrally acting muscle relaxant act- penia, and impaired liver function have been seen with the use of
ing primarily at the level of the subcortical regions of the brain metaxalone, but they are uncommon. Metaxalone is contraindi-
and spinal cord.16,17 It has been suggested that chlorzoxazone may cated in patients who have severe renal or hepatic impairment. It
be less effective than the other skeletal muscle relaxants.9 It does is known to cause an elevation in the cephalin flocculation test,
not have any significant drug-drug interactions, but it does have a necessitating serial liver function assessments. Metaxalone can also
significant adverse effect profile that includes a rare idiosyncratic produce a false-positive result for Benedict’s test. In this scenario,
hepatocellular reaction. The role of this agent is unclear, consider- alternatives to urine glucose testing may be necessary.27,28
ing the potential lack of efficacy and significant toxicity profile.16,17
Methocarbamol (Robaxin, Robaxisal)
Cyclobenzaprine (Amrix, Flexeril) Methocarbamol is available in oral and parenteral forms. How-
Cyclobenzaprine is available as 5 and 10 mg tablets, with recom- ever, many complications have arisen with the injectable form,
mended dosing of up to three times daily for up to three weeks including pain, sloughing of the skin, and thrombophlebitis. The
as longer therapy is not well supported. It is also available in an exact mechanism of action is unknown. However, it causes general

Descargado para Lucia Soler Torres ( en Mexico National Cancer Institute de por Elsevier en abril 25, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 55  Skeletal Muscle Relaxants 765

Skeletal Muscle Relaxant Profiles

Dosing (can be
Onset of taken as needed Important Drug
Drug Action Duration (h) or standing) Side Effects Interactions
Dantrolene >7 days (PO) Variable (PO) 25–100 mg PO Muscle weakness, Chronic therapy can cause
Antispacticity agent peak plasma four times daily phlebitis, hepatic dysfunction. Ace-
concentration respiratory failure, Inhibitors, paralytics, i.e.
in 6 h gastrointestinal Vecuronium
Baclofen Three to four Variable (PO) 5–10 mg PO three Drowsiness, Anti-depressants (short-term
Antispasticity agent days (PO) times daily slurred speech, memory loss); additive
4–6 h (IT) hypotension, effects with imipramine
30 min (IT) constipation,
urinary retention
Carisoprodol 30 min 4–6 250–350 mg PO Drowsiness, CYP2C19 inhibitors and
Antispasmodic three times daily dizziness, inducers
Chlorzoxazone ∼1 h 3–4 250–750 mg PO N/V, headache, Additive effects when taken
Antispasmodic four times daily drowsiness, with alcohol or other CNS
agent dizziness depressants
Cyclobenzaprine ∼1 h 12–24 5–10 mg PO three Drowsiness, Additive effects with
Antispasmodic times daily dizziness, dry barbiturates, alcohol, other
agent mouth CNS depressants; seizures
with tramadol and MAOIs;
additive effects with TCAs
Metaxalone 1h 4–6 800 mg PO four Dizziness, Additive effects when taken
Antispasmodic times daily headache, with alcohol or other CNS
agent drowsiness, N/V, depressants
Methocarbamol 30 min (PO) 4–6 750–1500 mg PO Dizziness, blurred Additive effects when taken
Antispasmodic four times daily vision, with with alcohol or other CNS
drowsiness depressants
Orphenadrine 1 h (PO) 4–6 100 mg PO twice Tachycardia, Propoxyphene (confusion,
Antispasmodic daily lightheadedness, N/V, dry mouth, tremors)
Diazepam 30 min (PO) Variable, 2–10 mg PO four Sedation, fatigue, Potentiation of effects when
Antispasmodic and depending on times daily hypotension taken with phenothiazines,
antispasticity agent elimination ataxia, respiratory opioids, barbiturates, MAOIs
Tizanidine Two weeks Variable 2–8 mg PO four Drowsiness, dry Additive effects with alcohol
Antispasmodic and times daily mouth, dizziness, and other CNS depressants;
antispasticity agent hypotension, reduced clearance with oral
increased spasm, contraceptives
or muscle tone

CNS, Central nervous system; IT, intrathecal; MAOIs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors; N/V, nausea and vomiting; TCA, tricyclic anti-depressant.

CNS depression. If combined with benzodiazepines, barbiturates, ble blinded placebo-controlled trial of naproxen with or without
codeine, or its derivatives, methocarbamol can cause respiratory orphenadrine or methocarbamol for acute LBP in the emergency
depression.29 The injectable form should be used cautiously in department population, no functional improvement was demon-
patients with known latex hypersensitivity. The oral dosage form of strated in either group compared to placebo with naproxen.30
the medication is marketed as a 500 and 750 mg tablet, with a rec-
ommended daily dosage range of 4000 to 4500 mg as three or four Orphenadrine Citrate (Norflex, Norgesic, Norgesic Forte)
divided doses daily. For difficult situations, the dose for the first 24 Orphenadrine is structurally related to diphenhydramine and thus
to 48 h can be up to 6 to 8 g/day. Methocarbamol is also combined exhibits antihistaminic and anticholinergic properties. Orphen-
with aspirin and marketed as Robaxisal. In a randomized, dou- adrine appears to block muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and

Descargado para Lucia Soler Torres ( en Mexico National Cancer Institute de por Elsevier en abril 25, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
766 PA RT 5 Pharmacologic, Psychologic, and Physical Medicine Treatments and Associated Issues

N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors in the CNS.31 Like methocarba- severe acute lower back pain than placebo and ibuprofen alone.41
mol, orphenadrine is available in a parenteral dosage formulation. Dosing for tizanidine begins at 2 to 4 mg tablets daily, usually
However, there have been reports of severe adverse reactions with given at bedtime, and may gradually be increased to a maximum
parenteral use (e.g. anaphylactoid reaction), making this formula- of 36 mg per day, divided three to four times daily, depending on
tion difficult to use. Orphenadrine is available as a 100 mg tablet patient tolerance.42
(Norflex) and in combination with aspirin (Norgesic) and caffeine Tizanidine should be used with caution in the setting of renal
(Norgesic Forte). impairment. Tizanidine clearance decreases by 50% in patients
Orphenadrine’s anticholinergic actions have been noted to with creatinine clearance lower than 25 mL/min. Therefore it is
produce significant adverse effects at high dosages such as tachy- recommended to start patients with renal insufficiency at 2 mg/
cardia, palpitations, urinary retention, and blurred vision.32 Given day rather than at 4 mg/day for this reason.43 Liver function tests
its significant anticholinergic profile, orphenadrine use is contra- should be monitored regularly while on this medication, as this
indicated in patients with underlying neuromuscular junction medication has been found to cause hepatotoxicity. In addition,
defects such as myasthenia gravis and Lambert Eaton syndrome. coadministration with alcohol increases the maximum concentra-
tion by approximately 15%, and concomitant use of oral contra-
ceptives decreases the clearance of tizanidine, which can enhance
Antispasticity and Antispasmodic Agents its sedating effects.

Diazepam (Valium)
Diazepam is approved for the management of anxiety, acute alco- Antispasticity Agents
hol withdrawal, skeletal muscle spasm, and convulsive disorders.33
With respect to muscle relaxation, g-aminobutyric acid (GABA)- Baclofen (Lioresal)
mediated presynaptic inhibition at the spinal level is thought to Baclofen functions as a GABAB receptor agonist and produces its
be the main mechanism of action for diazepam.34 This medication effects by inhibiting monosynaptic and polysynaptic transmission
is a Schedule IV controlled substance with serious adverse effects along the spinal cord. This drug is FDA approved for the manage-
such as sedation and abuse potential and should not be considered ment of reversible spasticity, particularly for the relief of flexor
as a first-line muscle relaxant agent.35 It is important to taper this spasms, clonus, and associated pain, which commonly occurs in
agent slowly after long-term use to avoid any withdrawal symp- patients with spinal cord lesions and multiple sclerosis.44 Studies
toms. Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild headaches and have shown baclofen to have superior efficacy and tolerance when
pain to psychosis, hallucinations, seizures, mania, and death from compared with tizanidine.45 Baclofen can be administered intra-
convulsions if high dose chronic treatment is stopped abruptly.36 thecally in cases of severe spasticity and for patients who do not
Diazepam is available in a wide range of dosages, and each patient tolerate or have failed oral therapy. Intrathecal baclofen therapy
should be treated on an individual basis. For example, the rec- allows a patient to receive a high concentration of the medication
ommended dosage range for musculoskeletal pain is 2 to 10 mg directly to the spinal cord while reducing the CNS side effects,
orally, administered two to four times daily.34 There are serious such as sedation, that develop with high oral doses of baclofen.46
medication interactions in patients taking both benzodiazepines Oral administration of baclofen is initially 5 mg three times per
and opioids, increasing the risk of respiratory depression and mor- day with a dose increase every three days until optimal response is
tality from respiratory failure. achieved. However, the dose should not exceed 80 mg daily. The
usual therapeutic range of baclofen is 40 to 80 mg daily.44 Com-
Tizanidine (Zanaflex) mon adverse effects of baclofen are muscle weakness, somnolence,
Tizanidine is a centrally acting a-2 noradrenergic receptor ago- paresthesia, vertigo, and nausea.47 A gradual dose reduction is rec-
nist and inhibits excitatory neurotransmitters at the spinal and ommended to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Abrupt discontinu-
supraspinal levels. Through its inhibition of neurotransmit- ation of oral baclofen can cause seizures and hallucinations, while
ter release and the spinal pathways that enhance muscle move- discontinuation of intrathecal baclofen may result in hyperpy-
ment, tizanidine has been found to be effective in reducing rexia, impaired mental status, muscle rigidity, and severe rebound
muscle spasticity in patients with spinal cord injury.37 The main spasticity. As baclofen use can lead to adverse effects in several
adverse effects are sedation, dizziness, hypotension, hepatotoxic- organ systems, it should be used with caution in older patients and
ity, and dry mouth.38 Liver function tests should be monitored patients with renal impairment.48
periodically while on this medication. Currently, tizanidine is
FDA approved for the management of spasticity, which may be Dantrolene
caused by multiple sclerosis, acquired brain injury, or a spinal Dantrolene is a direct acting skeletal muscle relaxant that interferes
cord injury. A meta-analysis that compared tizanidine, baclofen, with the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
and diazepam found that they were equally effective in decreasing in skeletal muscle cells. It binds to the ryanodine receptor 1 and
excessive muscle tone in patients with multiple sclerosis or cere- decreases intracellular calcium. This, in turn, slows the contrac-
brovascular lesions, and muscular strength improved in all three tion cycles of muscle cells. It is FDA approved to treat malignant
treatment groups, but the improvement was greatest with tizani- hyperthermia in both adults and children, neuroleptic malignant
dine.39 There are published studies on tizanidine’s effectiveness syndrome, as well as upper motor neuron disorders involving the
in cervical and lumbar spine myofascial pain.40 A double-blind, brain and spinal cord. It is not recommended to be used as an
multicenter study evaluated 105 patients with acute LBP given agent for acute musculoskeletal pain.
tizanidine 4 mg PO three times daily with ibuprofen 400 mg It is available in both oral and intravenous forms. Common
PO three times daily, or ibuprofen 400 mg PO three times daily adverse effects include skeletal muscle weakness, hepatotoxicity.
with placebo. The study results suggested that the tizanidine- Therefore it is contraindicated in patients who have preexisting
ibuprofen combination is more effective for treating moderate or underlying liver disease.31,49

Descargado para Lucia Soler Torres ( en Mexico National Cancer Institute de por Elsevier en abril 25, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 55  Skeletal Muscle Relaxants 767

Botulinum Toxins (Botox-onabotulinumtoxin A, Dysport- process bone volume (p < 0.05).54 As a result of these findings, low
abobotulinumtoxin A, Xeomin-incobotulinumtoxin A, and doses of botulinum toxin are recommended for persistent myofascial
Myobloc-rimabotulinumtoxin B) pain that does not improve with conservative treatments.
Botulinum toxin is a potent neurotoxin protein produced by the Botulinum toxins are considered first line therapy for the
gram-positive anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum.50 Botuli- treatment of cervical dystonia, and a systematic review and
num toxin types A and B have been developed for routine commer- meta-analysis were published in 2014 evaluating the efficacy of
cial use. The toxin’s primary mechanism of action has been linked onabotulinumtoxin A in these patients.55 A total of 18 studies
to its ability to inhibit the release of acetylcholine from cholinergic were reviewed in the meta-analysis showing a mean duration of
nerve terminals. However, it also inhibits the release of glutamate, 93.2 days after injections with onabotulinum toxin A and doses
substance P, and calcitonin gene-related peptide, as well as inhibit- greater than 180 units were associated with longer durations of
ing the expression of the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 effect (107–109 days) compared to less than 180 units (86–88
(TRPV1) and Purinergic (P2X3 receptor) in the dorsal root ganglion days, p < 0.01).55 Based on the published literature and duration of
(DRG) ganglion.51 These effects likely contribute to the analgesic effect, patients with cervical dystonia treated with onabotulinum-
properties of botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin has been studied toxin A should require approximately four treatments annually.
in several chronic pain conditions associated with painful muscle Botulinum toxin injections have also been studied in the treat-
spasms, including head and neck myofascial pain, temporomandib- ment of chronic LBP. In one study, 31 patients with chronic LBP
ular joint disorders, cervical dystonia syndromes, and chronic LBP. were randomized, 15 patients received 200 units of botulinum toxin
The potential benefit of botulinum toxin for the treatment of A (onabotulinumtoxinA) injected into five sites (40 units injected
chronic myofascial pain in the head and neck has been noted. A per site at five lumbar paravertebral levels), and 16 patients received
2016 meta-analysis reviewed 13 randomized controlled trials evalu- placebo injections.56 Pain and disability were measured at three and
ating the efficacy of botulinum toxin type A injections for head and eight weeks after injection using both the visual analog scale (VAS)
neck myofascial pain compared to placebo.52 This review included a and the Oswestry LBP and disability questionnaire. At three weeks,
total of 656 total participants, with 366 receiving botulinum toxin 73.3% of the patients receiving botulinum toxin A had >50% pain
type A injections to myofascial trigger points and 290 participants in relief vs. 25% of patients receiving placebo (p = 0.012). At eight
the control group receiving saline injections. This review concluded weeks, 60% of patients receiving botulinum toxin A and 12.5%
no significant improvement in pain intensity at four to six weeks of patients receiving placebo injections experienced pain relief
posttreatment with botulinum toxin injections. However, there was (p = 0.009).56 None of these patients experienced adverse effects.
a significant improvement in pain intensity with botulinum toxin This study concluded that botulinum toxin A injections within
injections at two to six months compared to placebo (p = 0.008).52 A the paravertebral muscles could improve chronic LBP and physical
2017 retrospective review evaluated the efficacy of botulinum toxin functioning at three and eight weeks posttreatment. An open-label
(onabotulinumtoxin A, Botox) for patients with chronic temporo- pilot study also evaluated the efficacy of botulinum neurotoxin A
mandibular disorders with injections into the temporalis and mas- on patients with chronic LBP.57 The effect of botulinum toxin A on
seter muscles. Fifty-five of the 71 subjects (77%) reported beneficial chronic LBP was prospectively studied in 75 patients with repeated
effects with Botox. In addition, patients reported a greater pain treatments over the course of 14 months. Injections were placed
improvement after Botox injections at five to ten weeks post-injec- into the paraspinal muscles at four to five levels between L1 and
tion compared to less than five weeks (p = 0.009).53 This is consistent S1, with dosing ranging between 40 and 50 units per site. Pain
with the above meta-analysis, showing pain improvement several intensity using the VAS pain frequency, functional status using the
weeks after botulinum toxin injections. More recently, a random- Oswestry scale were assessed at baseline, three weeks, and at two,
ized clinical trial evaluated onabotulinum toxin A injections for the four, six, eight, ten, 12, and 14 months. At three weeks, 40 patients
treatment of masseter and anterior temporalis myofascial pain.54 This (53%) and at two months, 39 patients (52%) reported significant
study concluded that botulinum toxin injections reduced pain inten- pain relief. The change in VAS, Oswestry score, and the number of
sity (p < 0.0001) and increased pressure pain threshold (p < 0.0001) pain days were significant compared with baseline at two months
for up to 24 weeks compared to placebo. However, dose-related after each injection period (p<0.005) and continued to remain sig-
adverse effects were seen, such as a transient decline in mastica- nificant over subsequent treatments. The majority, 91%, responded
tory performance (p < 0.05), muscle contraction (p < 0.0001), and well to the injections throughout the length of the study, with 4%
decrease in muscle thickness (p < 0.05) and coronoid and condylar of the patients experiencing transient mild flu-like symptoms.57

Clinical data has shown that skeletal muscle relaxants are more and researchers agree that skeletal muscle relaxants may be ben-
effective than placebo in relieving acute LBP.58 It is important eficial to patients with acute LBP by reducing the duration of
to recognize the different classes of muscle relaxants and the discomfort and accelerating functional recovery. It is recom-
intended effect when selecting an agent for a patient. Most clin- mended to consider the use of skeletal muscle relaxants as an
ical guidelines list skeletal muscle relaxants as optional agents adjunct or alternative to NSAIDs, especially in cases in which
for use individually or in combination with an NSAID. An NSAID toxicity is a concern or when NSAID monotherapy
open-label, prospective, multicenter study evaluated patients proves suboptimal.
with acute LBP and provided either a fixed dose combination Skeletal muscle relaxants have CNS depressant effects and
of chlorzoxazone 500 mg and ibuprofen 400 mg or ibuprofen should be used with caution, particularly for the elderly and in
400 mg alone for three times daily for a total of seven days.59 patients with concomitant use of alcohol, anxiolytics, opioid
This study revealed that the fixed dose combination of chlor- analgesics, and/or other sedating medications. Skeletal muscle
zoxazone and ibuprofen demonstrated a superior efficacy than relaxants are associated with higher risks for total adverse effects,
ibuprofen monotherapy in acute LBP patients. Most clinicians especially those involving the CNS. The most common and

Descargado para Lucia Soler Torres ( en Mexico National Cancer Institute de por Elsevier en abril 25, 2023.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
768 PA RT 5 Pharmacologic, Psychologic, and Physical Medicine Treatments and Associated Issues

consistent adverse effects noted with the CNS were drowsiness Considering many medications are found to be ineffective or
and dizziness.60 The benzodiazepines-muscle relaxants such as not tolerable by some patients (e.g. adverse effects of NSAIDs),
diazepam and sedative-muscle relaxants such as carisoprodol are it is important to consider the use of skeletal muscle relaxants in
highly addictive and should never be used as first line agents.61 patients with persistent and intractable myofascial pain.

Key Points
• There are three broad classes of muscle relaxants: antispas- outcomes, such as short term pain relief, global efficacy, and
modic, antispasticity, and combination agents. improvement of physical outcomes.
• Muscle relaxants may treat muscle spasticity in two manners. • Botulinum toxin not only inhibits the release of acetylcholine
First, they can modify the stretch reflex arc, either by reducing from cholinergic nerve terminals but has also been found to
the excitatory signals or by augmenting the inhibitory inter- inhibit the release of glutamate, substance P, and calcitonin
neurons. This decreases activation of the alpha motor neuron. gene-related peptide, as well as inhibiting the expression of
Second, they can disrupt the excitation-contraction coupling the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) and
that produces muscle contraction. P2X3 receptors in the DRG ganglion. These effects contribute
• Cyclobenzaprine is a centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant to its analgesic properties.
that is structurally related to tricyclic anti-depressants; it acts • Botulinum toxin type A (onabotulinumtoxinA) injections are
primarily at the level of the brainstem. found to be effective for head and neck myofascial pain, tem-
• As a GABAB agonist, baclofen causes hyperpolarization and poromandibular joint disorders, cervical dystonia, and chronic
thus decreases the release of excitatory neurotransmitters in the LBP.
brain and spinal cord. It causes less sedation than benzodiaz- • Carisoprodol is converted in the liver to meprobamate, an
epines and may reduce pain by decreasing substance P release. intravenous controlled substance. Meprobamate is well known
• Skeletal muscle relaxants have been shown to be more effec- to produce phenomena that result in physical and psychological
tive than placebo for patients with acute LBP with respect to dependence.

Suggested Readings Qaseem A, Wilt T, McLean RM, et al. Noninvasive treatments for acute, sub-
acute, and chronic low back pain: A clinical practice guideline from the
Bailey DN, Briggs JR. Carisoprodol: An unrecognized drug of abuse. Am American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:514–530.
J Clin Pathol. 2002;117:396–400. Reeves RR, Carter OS, Pinkofsky HB, et al. Carisoprodol (soma): Abuse
Kamen L, Henney HR, Runyan JD. A practical overview of tizanidine potential and physician unawareness. J Addict Dis. 1999;18:51–56.
use for spasticity secondary to multiple sclerosis, stroke, and spinal Soprano SE, Hennessy S, Bilker WB, et al. Assessment of physician pre-
cord injury. Curr Med Res Opin. 2008:425–439. scribing of muscle relaxants in the United States, 2005–2016. JAMA
Borenstein DG, Korn S. Efficacy of a low-dose regimen of cyclobenza- Netw Open. 2020;3(6):e207664.
prine hydrochloride in acute skeletal muscle spasm: Results of two
placebo-controlled trials. Clin Ther. 2003;25:1056–1073. The references for this chapter can be found at

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
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