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Although: shows a contrast between two ideas in the same sentence

Instead of/ Rather than: Show an alternative option on the one previously stated in the same
They are always follow with verb ending in ING.

However: shows a contrast between two ideas across two sentences.

It´s follow by a coma.

Despite: Shows a contrast between two ideas in the same sentence.

It´s follow with a noun or verb ING.
Añadir información
 Moreover
 Besides
 Above all
 As well
 In reality
 Really
 In addition
 What is more
 Furthermore
 Not only… but also
 Indeed

Ordenar información
 Firstly
 Secondly
 Another point
 Finally
 To conclude
 Additionally
 Lastly
 In begin with

Explicar ideas con diferentes palabras

 In other words
 In that case
 Rather
 To put it simply
 With this in mind
 To look at this another way

Argumentar tu tesis con ejemplos

 This is to say
 For instance, for example
 In other words
 As in the following examples
 Such as
 Mainly
 Mostly
 In particular
Mostrando contraste

 By contrast
 Alternatively
 On the other hand
 On the contrary
 In comparison
 However, …, but …, nevertheless, …
 .., although…, whereas …
 Having said that, …
 Despite this,… / Despite the fact that …
 In spite of …

Si necesitas introducir citas o referencias

 According to this author

 To quote from X…
 Referring to this subject, X argues that…
 As X stated…

Para concluir y explicar los resultados de algo

 As a result
 Therefore
 It can be seen that
 The consequence is
 We can see that
 It is evident that
 This suggest that
 Due to
 So, my conclusion is
 To sum up briefly
 To summarise
 In short
 In other words
Para decir lo que otros opinan:

 Some / many people feel that

 Others argue/claim/say/maintain that …
 Another point of view is that …
 Many people believe/think that …
 It is widely believed that …
 It is generally agreed that …
 It is sometimes claimed/said that …
 According to …

Para expresar tu opinión:

 I personally feel that …

 I (do) believe that …
 I firmly believe that …
 I partfully agree that …
 In my opinion …
 My personal view is that …
 It seems to me that …

Para razonar y/o explicar: 

 Because of this,…
 because / since …
 This is because…
 The (main) reason for this is …

Para exponer las dos caras:

 On the one hand,…

 On the other hand, …/ On the other side of the argument 

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