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Computational Materials Science 69 (2013) 100–106

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Interphase effect on the elastic and thermal conductivity response of

polymer nanocomposite materials: 3D finite element study
Bohayra Mortazavi a,b,⇑, Julien Bardon a, Said Ahzi b,c
Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Department of Advanced Materials and Structures, 5 Rue Bommel, L-4940 Hautcharage, Luxembourg
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides et des Solides (IMFS), University of Strasbourg/CNRS, 2 Rue Boussingault, 67000 Strasbourg, France
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 771 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, we developed 3-dimensional (3D) finite element modeling for the investigation of inter-
Received 24 October 2012 phase effects on the elastic modulus and thermal conductivity of polymer nanocomposite materials filled
Received in revised form 16 November 2012 with randomly oriented as well as unidirectional particles. We studied the effects of fillers geometry
Accepted 25 November 2012
(long cylinders to sphere and thin discs), volume fraction and properties contrast and particularly the
Available online 25 December 2012
effect of interphase thickness and properties contrast on the effective thermal conductivity and elastic
modulus of nanocomposite structures. Our results show that while the interphase effect is significant
for the spherical fillers, it turns to be less effective as the fillers’ geometry deviates more from spherical
shape. The obtained results could be useful to guide design of nanocomposite materials with superior
Finite element elastic and thermal conductivity properties.
Elastic modulus Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thermal conductivity

1. Introduction 2 nm [6], i.e. several interatomic spacing. Thus, the interphase ef-
fect would be convincingly negligible in the microscopic polymer
Recent advances in the fabrication of nanoscale materials with composites. The interphase thickness can be approximately as-
extraordinary high thermal and mechanical properties such as sumed to be constant and can be viewed as intrinsic characteristics
graphene [1,2], graphite nanosheets, carbon nanotubes [3], nanoc- of the fillers and polymer matrix materials. Although this scale is at
lays [4] and metal oxide nanoparticles, has motivated an ongoing the limit of reliability of continuum mechanics assumptions, as far
demand for the reinforcement of electrical, thermal and mechani- as the effective properties are concerned, the continuum mechan-
cal properties of polymer based materials. In comparison with ics approach can still be used [7].
microscale fillers, nanoscale fillers present considerably higher sur- It is already well known that the efficiency of the reinforcement
face to volume ratio which significantly improve their reactivity in nanocomposite properties strongly depends on the fillers con-
[5]. In term of reinforcement in thermal conductivity and elastic centrations, geometry and properties as well. Although it is obvi-
stiffness of polymeric materials, from theoretical point of view, ous that the interphase also plays an important role in the
the two-phase nanocomposites materials would not have any pri- nanocomposite materials, no adequate information exist about
ority in comparison with two-phase microcomposites, if one con- the intensity of interphase effect on the final reinforcement in ther-
siders similar fillers shape ratios and volume fraction. However, mal conductivity and elastic stiffness of nanocomposites. From the
in the case of formation of an interphase between the fillers and experimental viewpoint, it is considerably difficult to obtain com-
matrix with superior material properties than matrix, it would be prehensive knowledge on the interphase effect on the final com-
expected that the nanocomposite materials present higher thermal posite effective properties. The experimental characterizations for
and stiffness response. This is due to the existence of higher con- the evaluation of interphase effect are time consuming and the re-
tacting surface of fillers with matrix and consequently higher sults are dependent on the availability of nanoparticles with con-
interphase volume in the nanocomposite structures in comparison trolled shape and size. Moreover, the quality of experimental
with microcomposites at the same fillers volume fraction. We results depends on the ability in making homogeneous nanocom-
should note that the interphase has a thickness in the order of 1– posites with controlled dispersion of fillers [5]. On the other hand,
characterizations of such nanocomposites are difficult due to com-
plexity and uncertainties [8] of experimental characterizations
⇑ Corresponding author at: Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Department
techniques at the nanoscale. In this frame, the use of theoretical
of Advanced Materials and Structures, 5 Rue Bommel, L-4940 Hautcharage,
Luxembourg. Tel.: +352 42 59 91; fax: +352 42 59 91 3399. and numerical approaches sounds promising. For the evaluation
E-mail address: (B. Mortazavi). of two-phase composite materials, the analytical micromechanics

0927-0256/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Mortazavi et al. / Computational Materials Science 69 (2013) 100–106 101

theories such as Mori–Tanaka [9,10] and the Halpin–Tsai [11] have if fillers radius is 1, the interphase thickness of 0.4 is equivalent
been widely used [12–14]. These micromechanics methods have with an interphase with outer diameter of 2.8. In a consistent
been modified to include the effects of interphase on the effective way, for the disc fillers the interphase thickness is introduced with
composite properties [7,15–18]. These methods could predict the respect of the half of the disc thickness. The hard-core methods are
effective properties of composite materials with reasonable accu- used to generate fillers without intersection or contact (interpha-
racy. However, they cannot accurately consider the interactions ses can overlap). In all the studied cases in this work, the Poisson’s
between adjacent inclusions and they have limitation in the eval- ratio of the fillers, interphase and matrix were assumed to be 0.3.
uation of the micro-stresses involved with individual inclusions Perfect bonding conditions are used to introduce the contact inter-
[19]. The numerical methods, such as finite element (FE) have been actions between fillers, interphase and matrix.
also widely used for the modeling of thermal conductivity and In Fig. 1, samples of 3D cubic RVE with different geometries for
elastic properties of composite structures [13–17,19–24]. By the the randomly oriented fillers covered by the interphase layer are
use of finite element method it is possible to evaluate the micro- illustrated. In order to accurately create the RVE with desired vol-
stresses and also more elaborately take into account the adjacent ume concentration of fillers, the RVE is constructed in a way to sat-
inclusions effects on the effective properties. In our recent study isfy the periodicity criterion. This means that if we put these RVE
[19], we elaborately compared Mori–Tanaka, 3D finite element cubes together side by side, no mismatch in the fillers will be ob-
and statistical continuum theory of strong-contrast and we con- served and all the fillers will have equal geometries. This way,
cluded that despite of modeling complexities and computational the developed RVEs could be also considered as the representation
difficulties, the finite element estimations are more reliable and of a bulk nanocomposite material. We should remark that we have
promising as well. not applied the periodic boundary conditions in our modeling,
The objective of this paper is to investigate the interphase ef- which is due to the modeling difficulties for the randomly oriented
fects on the effective thermal conductivity and elastic stiffness of fillers [23].
nanocomposite materials using 3D finite element approach. We As shown in Fig. 1d–f, the specimens are meshed using 4-node
should note that 2D finite element models could not accurately de- linear tetrahedron shape elements. It is worth mentioning that the
scribe the fillers geometries in the fabricated nanocomposite sam- meshing of the RVEs with cylindrical fillers is considerably more
ples [19]. In order to provide a better viewpoint in comparison difficult in comparison with RVEs filled with spherical and platelet
with existing studies in the literature, 3D finite elements models particles. For the cylindrical fillers, each filler should be partitioned
were developed for unidirectional and randomly oriented fillers to four symmetric parts (this is also recommended for platelet fill-
with different geometries varying from long cylinders to sphere ers), otherwise, the meshing of the RVE samples would be almost
and thin discs. In this work, the interphase is considered as the impossible. The meshing becomes trickier as the fillers aspect ratio
third phase which is introduced as the homogenous and isotropic and volume fraction increase and especially when the interphase is
covering layer of the outer surface of fillers within a distinct thick- also included. We should note that only 1 element is used along
ness. Then, we studied the effects of fillers geometry, volume frac- the interphase thickness. For the evaluation of mechanical proper-
tion and properties contrast and more elaborately the effect of ties, 3-Dimensional stress (C3D4) elements are used. The heat
interphase thickness and properties contrast on the effective ther- transfer (DC3D4) elements are used in the modeling of thermal
mal conductivity and elastic response of the nanocomposite struc- conductivity.
tures. We should note that in all the studied cases, the filler, For the evaluation of elastic modulus of RVEs filled with ran-
interphase and matrix materials properties are assumed to be domly oriented fillers, a small uniform displacement is applied
homogeneous and isotropic as well. Moreover, the perfect bonding on one surface along the z-direction while the remaining surfaces
conditions are applied between fillers, interphase and matrix. The are fixed only in their normal directions. The obtained stresses
herein reported results could be useful to guide the modeling and on each surface are calculated by measuring the corresponding
design of a wide range of nanocomposite materials reinforced by reaction forces. By the use of Hooke’s law for an isotropic material,
metal oxide particles, nanoclays, carbon nanotubes, graphene or the effective elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the RVE is cal-
graphite. culated. As discussed in our previous study [19], for the evaluation
of thermal conductivity we merge two thin auxiliary parts to the
RVE box along the z-direction. These auxiliary parts have the same
2. Finite element modeling section size as that of the RVE and their thermal conductivity are
chosen to be one million to that of matrix. For the loading condi-
In this section, the details of finite element modeling performed tion, a constant heating surface heat flux (+q) is exerted on external
in this study are presented. Computational limitations and mesh- surface of the auxiliary part (hot surface) while on the outer sur-
ing concerns of finite element models impose limits on the fillers face of the opposite auxiliary part (cold surface) the same magni-
number that are used for introducing the representative volume tude cooling surface heat flux (q) is applied. As a result of
element (RVE) of the nanocomposite structure. The finite element applied heat fluxes, a temperature gradient would establish along
modelings in this study were performed using ABAQUS (Version the RVE length. By the use of this loading condition, the Fourier
6.10) package along with Python scripting [19]. In the current law conditions would be satisfied more accurately than simply
study, the geometry of fillers is defined by their aspect ratio. For applying the heat fluxes on the outer surfaces of the RVE [19].
fillers with disc shape, the aspect ratio corresponds to the diameter The temperature gradient, dT dz
, is evaluated by calculating the tem-
to thickness ratio of the disc. In the case of cylindrical fillers, the perature differences between RVE external hot and cold surfaces.
aspect ratio is defined as the length to diameter ratio of the cylin- The effective thermal conductivity of the nanocomposite could
der. Accordingly, the aspect ratio of spherical fillers is equal to one. be obtained using the one-dimensional form of the Fourier law:
In this study, the radius of cylinders and spheres are always set to
1. For disc fillers, the half of the disc thickness is set to 1. The RVE  
size is then adjusted based on the geometry, volume fractions and K¼q :
numbers of perfect fillers inside the RVE. The interphase is consid-
ered as the covering layer of the outer surface of filler within a spe- In Fig. 2, the finite element RVEs for the evaluation of interphase
cific thickness. The interphase thickness for cylindrical and effects on the longitudinal elastic modulus and thermal conductiv-
spherical fillers is defined with respect of fillers radius. This way, ity of the nanocomposite filled with unidirectional fillers is shown.
102 B. Mortazavi et al. / Computational Materials Science 69 (2013) 100–106

Fig. 1. Samples of 3D cubic periodic RVEs containing randomly oriented fillers with various geometries, (a) discs with aspect ratio of 80, (b) spheres and (c) cylinders with
aspect ratio of 30. The interphase thickness is 0.4, which is highlighted with dark color. Under the each RVE sample the corresponding meshed specimen is shown.

Fig. 2. 3D cubic RVEs for the evaluation of longitudinal elastic modulus and thermal conductivity of unidirectional nanocomposites filled by (a) disc and (b) cylindrical

For this case, the longitudinal thermal conductivity is evaluated the fact that in composite materials the force and heat flux is trans-
using the same procedure described for the randomly oriented fill- ferred between matrix and fillers through their contacting surfaces.
ers. For the evaluation of longitudinal elastic modulus, a small uni- Therefore, at a given volume, it is expected that the fillers with
form strain is applied on one surface along the z-direction while higher surfaces present higher reinforcement effects. Thus, the
only the opposite surface is fixed along its normal direction. The use of spherical fillers with the minimum surface to volume ratio
resulting stresses are calculated and by using the Hooke’s law for leads in the minimum reinforcement effect. The calculated elastic
unidirectional stress condition, the longitudinal elastic modulus modulus and thermal conductivity of composite structures by
is evaluated. the finite element method for randomly oriented fillers with differ-
ent geometries and different fillers to matrix properties contrast
3. Results and discussions are shown in Fig. 3, for fillers volume fraction of 1%. We should
note that in all the calculations in this study the elastic modulus
The intensity of reinforcement in composite materials proper- and thermal conductivity of matrix (reference phase) are assumed
ties is strongly dependent on the fillers geometry. This is due to to be 1 (normalized value). As it can be observed, in all cases the
B. Mortazavi et al. / Computational Materials Science 69 (2013) 100–106 103

minimum reinforcement occurs for spherical inclusions. As the dependency on the fillers geometry. Thus, by increasing the fillers
geometry deviate slightly from the spherical geometry, the com- to matrix contrast in properties the critical aspect ratio increases,
posite effective properties increase sharply. In this study, the effect which is in agreement with obtained finite element results. We
of fillers to matrix properties contrast is studied for low contrast of should also note that by increasing the fillers concentration, since
20 and high contrast of 1000. In the conventionally fabricated the contrast in fillers to composite properties decreases, the critical
nanocomposites, silica nanoparticles present low elastic modulus aspect ratio decreases as well [19]. Based on the obtained results,
of 70 GPa. This way, if one assumes the elastic properties of con- the critical aspect ratio of the disc fillers is higher than that of
ventional polymer matrixes to be around 3.5 GPa (such as epoxy), the cylindrical fillers for the randomly oriented fillers. The ob-
the fillers to matrix properties contrast of 20 is suitable for silica tained results confirm that the fillers to matrix contrast in proper-
nanocomposites. The graphene and graphite present high in-plane ties present insignificant reinforcement effect for spherical
elastic modulus of around 1000 GPa [25], if we assume the mini- particles. In other word, the effect of fillers to matrix contrast in
mum elastic modulus of conventional polymer matrix to be properties gets more significant as the fillers geometry goes to-
1 GPa, the contrast of 1000 could be considered as the upper wards higher surface to volume ration (deviate more from spheri-
bound. However, for the thermal conductivity of nanocomposite cal shape).
materials, higher values of fillers to matrix contrast in properties In Fig. 4, the effect of interphase on the effective elastic modulus
still exist (e.g. epoxy–graphene nanocomposites). Although we ini- and thermal conductivity of nanocomposite structures are pre-
tially concluded that by increasing the surface to value ratio (as- sented for a constant interphase thickness of 0.4. For a better vision
pect ratio) of the fillers one could expect higher reinforcement for the evaluation of interphase effect on the final nanocomposite
effect, we could observe that for the contrast in materials proper- properties, we introduced the interphase reinforcement ratio
ties of 20 after a critical aspect ratio for both discs and cylindrical (IRR). This ratio is introduced as the reinforcement of composite
fillers, a further increase of aspect ratio does not influence the structure containing the interphase and fillers with respect to the
effective thermal conductivity and elastic modulus of the compos- reinforcement only due to the incorporation of fillers (no inter-
ite. Such an observation has been already reported for cylindrical phase). The main reason to use this definition is to exclude the ef-
fillers [19,24]. In the studied range for the fillers to matrix contrast fects of fillers geometry and contrast in material properties from
in materials properties of 1000, we could not observe any sign for the interphase effect. For a composite property (C), the interphase
the convergence of the results. We note that if the properties of the reinforcement ratio is expressed by the following relation:
fillers are considered to be the same as those of the matrix, it is
C if  C f
obvious that the composite effective properties would present no IRR;C ¼ ð1Þ
Cf  M

Fig. 3. The effects of fillers geometry on the (a) elastic modulus and (b) thermal conductivity of two-phase random composite materials at constant volume fractions of 1%
and different fillers to matrix contrast in material properties of 20 and 1000. The subscripts c, f and m stand for composite, fillers and matrix, respectively.

Fig. 4. Interphase reinforcement ratio for (a) elastic modulus and (b) thermal conductivity of random nanocomposite materials for different fillers to matrix (FMC) and
interphase to matrix (IMC) contrast in material properties. The interphase thickness is 0.4 for all the presented results here and the fillers volume fractions is 1%.
104 B. Mortazavi et al. / Computational Materials Science 69 (2013) 100–106

here, Cif is the composite effective properties including the inter- 20 is used for this case. The effects of interphase to matrix proper-
phase and fillers, Cf is the two-phase composite effective properties ties contrast for constant interphase thickness of 0.5 and different
(no interphase) and M is the matrix properties which is always set volume fraction of spherical fillers inside the matrix are shown in
to 1 in this study (normalizing value). In Fig. 4, the obtained inter- Fig. 5a and b. For the interphase to matrix properties contrast of
phase reinforcement ratios are illustrated for different filler to ma- 0.5, we could observe that the reinforcement due to the addition
trix (FMC) and interphase to matrix (IMC) contrast in material of fillers is almost neutralized by the low interphase properties.
properties. As mentioned earlier, we could expect the superiority Further increase of interphase to matrix properties contrast leads
of nanocomposites in comparison with microcomposites just in to higher reinforcement effects. In Fig. 5c and d, the effect of inter-
the case that the interphase presents higher material properties phase thickness at constant interphase properties contrast of 2 is
than matrix. However, in some cases the numerical calculations presented. By increasing the interphase thickness, the interphase
have revealed that the interphase properties could be lower than volume increases by a power of three, that is why we could observe
that of the matrix [26]. Since the chemical structure of interphase considerably high reinforcement effect. The results shown in Fig. 5
is close to that of the polymer matrix in the case of hard fillers (inor- clearly indicate the importance of interphase for the case of nano-
ganic, metal oxides and carbon based fillers and etc.), we could as- composite structures filled with spherical particles. The effect of
sume that the interphase properties should be in the same order of other microstructural features for spherical filled composite struc-
the matrix. In this study, the interphase to matrix contrast in mate- tures has been discussed in the recent work by Peng et al. [16]
rials properties are studied in a range between 0.5 and 3. The results using 2D finite element.
shown in Fig. 4 reveal that the interphase has the maximum effect In Fig. 6, the effects of unidirectional fillers on the longitudinal
for spherical fillers. As the filler geometry deviate more from the effective elastic modulus and longitudinal thermal conductivity of
spherical shape for a constant interphase thickness, the volume of nanocomposite structures are illustrated. As the first finding in
the interphase would be much higher. This way one could expect comparison with randomly oriented fillers, similar trends could
higher effect for the interphase by increasing the fillers aspect ratio be observed. However, we observe that the longitudinal effective
which is not the case here. The obtained results suggest that the properties of the composite converge at higher critical aspect ratios
interphase present the minimum effect in the case of disc fillers. in comparison with randomly oriented fillers. In our previous study
Interestingly, the values of interphase reinforcement ratio for elastic [19], we discussed that, by the use of platelet fillers such as graph-
modulus and thermal conductivity are considerably close to each ene, it is possible to achieve higher reinforcement in the composite
other. Taking into account the reported results in Figs. 3 and 4, sug- properties with randomly oriented fillers in comparison with cylin-
gest that in order to have higher reinforcement for the nanocom- drical fillers such as carbon nanotube. This observation was also
posite materials properties, the effective aspect ratio of the fillers confirmed by recent experimental observations [27]. However,
plays the crucial role. The importance of the interphase characteris- for the case of unidirectional fillers, we could observe the superior-
tics is pronounced as the fillers geometry gets closer to spherical ity of the cylindrical fillers in comparison with platelets fillers in
shape. the reinforcement of longitudinal composite properties, especially
Since the interphase has the maximum effect for the spherical for higher fillers to matrix contrast in material properties. This is
fillers, the interphase effects on the elastic modulus and thermal due to the fact the maximum dimension of cylindrical fillers at a
conductivity of nanocomposite structures filled with spherical par- constant volume fraction is higher than that of the disc fillers.
ticles are shown in Fig. 5 for this case. As the fillers to matrix prop- Accordingly, the cylindrical fillers are more engaged in load and
erties contrast have the minimum as well as insignificant effect for heat flux transfer along the longitudinal direction. The interphase
spherical inclusions, the low fillers to matrix properties contrast of reinforcement ratio for unidirectional fillers is shown in Fig. 6c

Fig. 5. The effects of interphase to matrix (IMC) properties contrast, thickness and volume fraction on the elastic modulus and thermal conductivity of the nanocomposite
samples filled with spherical particles. The filler to matrix properties contrast is fixed at 20.
B. Mortazavi et al. / Computational Materials Science 69 (2013) 100–106 105

Fig. 6. The effect of fillers geometry on the longitudinal (a) elastic modulus and (b) thermal conductivity of nanocomposite samples filled with unidirectional fillers (the fillers
volume fraction is 1%). The effect of interphase on the reinforcement of longitudinal (c) elastic modulus and (d) thermal conductivity of unidirectional filled nanocomposites
(the interphase thickness is 0.4).

and d. Interestingly, we could observe that the interphase rein- – For the nanocomposite structures with fillers with high effec-
forcement ratio for unidirectional fillers is in the same order of that tive aspect ratios (long cylinders and thin discs), neglecting
of randomly oriented fillers. In the same trend, the interphase has the interphase effect will present insignificant effect on the pre-
the least effect in the case of disc fillers. dicted effective properties. The interphase present minimum
effect for the disc fillers.
4. Concluding remarks – For the spherical fillers, the effective reinforcement of nano-
composite properties is strongly dependent on the interphase
We used 3D finite element modeling for the evaluation of the to matrix contrast in properties and also the interphase
intensity of interphase effects on the effective elastic modulus thickness.
and thermal conductivity of nanocomposite structures. We studied
the effects of fillers geometry (long cylinders, spheres and thin Acknowledgments
discs), volume fraction and properties contrast and more elabo-
rately the effect of interphase thickness and properties contrast This work was developed within the FNR COTCH Project. The
on the nanocomposite effective properties. In all cases, fillers, ma- authors acknowledge the financial support of the FNR of Luxem-
trix and interphase properties were assumed to be isotropic and bourg via the AFR Grants (PHD-09-016). The authors would like
perfect bonding conditions were applied between the matrix, to thank Dr. Valérie Toniazzo for the useful discussions about the
interphase and fillers. The acquired results could be summarized influence of interphase in nanocomposites. Moreover, Dr. F. Addi-
as follows: ego and Dr. P. Verge are gratefully acknowledged for sharing ideas
and references about nanocomposites.
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