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INTRODUCTION:- Doctrines means teaching. Bible doctrines deal with all the teachings of
the Bible.
It deals with those truths that every full Gospel Church should know. It explain the beliefs and
the truth of the word of God which have been divided into twenty-two. The Bible is the only
reliable book that speaks the truth.
The Bible doctrines or teachings are:-
(1)   The Holy Bible. II Tim. 3:16-17, Pro. 30:5-6, Rev.22;18-19.
(2)   The GodHead: Holy Trinity. Matt.3:16-17,28:19-20, John 10:30. II Cor.13: 14.
(3)   The virgin birth of Jesus Christ. Isa.7:14, 9:6,Matt. 1:18-25,Rom. 1:14.
(4)   All men are sinners from birth. Rom.3: 23,5:12-17, Eph.2:1.
(5)   Repentance. Mark 1:15, Acts 2:38.
(6)   Restitution. Acts 3:20-21.
(7)   Justification. Rom.5:16, Gal. 2:16.
(8)   Water Baptism. Matt.28:19, Acts 2:38.
(9)   The Lord’s supper. Lk.22:17-20,matt.26:26-29
(10)           Total Sanctification. Heb. 12:14, I John 3:9.
(11)           Holy Ghost Baptism. Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-18.
(12)           Freedom, Healing and Perfect health. Isa. 53:3-5, Matt.8:16-17.
(13)           Personal Evangelism. John 15:1-16, Acts 1:8.
(14)           Marriage and Family Life. Rom. 7:2-3, Ephe. 5:25-31.
(15)           The Rapture. John 14:1-3, II Thess. 2:5-7.
(16)           The Resurrection of the dead. Jn. 5:25-29, Rev. 20:1-15.
(17)           The Great Tribulation. Jer.30:5-7, Rev.6:18.
(18)           The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Mtt.25;36, Rev.1:7.
(19)           The Millennium (one-thousand year ) reign of Jesus Christ. Isa.9:6-8, Daniel 7:13-14,
(20)           The Great white throne judgement. Matt.25:46, Rev.20:10-15.
(21)           The new Heaven and the new Earth. Heb.1:10-12, Rev.22:1-5.
(22)           The Hell Fire. Mark 9:43-47, Rev. 4:10-11
Facts about the Holy Bible: -
(1)   It is the only book that you can read to change your life from bad to good. II Tim. 3:16.
(2)   It has never undergone any correction, addition or subtraction. Rev.22:18-19.
(3)   It is a book of redemption from Genesis to Revelation. II Peter 1:21.
(4)   The Bible is the single book with the greatest sales in the world. It defies all competition.
(5)   It has scientific accuracy. Job.26:7; Isa. 40:22.
Dynamic qualities of the Bible:-
(1)   It is powerful. Heb. 4:12.
(2)   It is effectual. Isa. 55:10-11.
(3)   It cleanses. Ps. 119:9; Eph. 5:26
(4)   It gives wisdom and understanding.  II Tim. 3:15; Ps. 19:7.
(5)   It keep us from sin and error. Ps. 119:11; Pro. 6:23.
(6)   It gives new life. Ps.119:25; I Peter 1:23.
(7)   It brings comfort and peace. Ps.119:65; Rom.15:4.
Purpose of the Bible:-
(1)   It is to bring man to God and show us our needs of God. Rom. 3:20-23.
(2)   To reveal to us the only saviour from God. John 3:16-18.
(3)   To change sinner to saint. II Tim. 3:16; Eph. 4;11-13.
(4)   To make those that is saved more wiser and grow spiritually. Ps. 119:99-100; Job 32:7-9.
(5)   To succeed and overcome all the wiles, strategies and tactics of the devil and his agents in
this evil world. Ps.119: 165; Ps.119:97-98, Ps. 1:1-6.
There are two major purpose of the Bible.
(I)                 To reveal God to man; - (a) God revealed “in the beginning”. Gen.1:1; (b) God revealed
through “the law”. Deu. 4:7-8;  (c) God revealed through “the Prophets”. Ex.4: 12 & 15;
Jer. 1:7-9;  (d) God revealed through “Jesus Christ”. Col. 2:9; John 1:14; John14: 9.
(II)              To show man his need of God: - (a) Man’s ignorance of his need. Eccl.11:5; Jn. 1:10
&  4:10; Rev. 3:17. (The Bible is the guidebook of the Christian’s life).  (b) The way of
God is revealed. John 14:6; Acts 4:12. (Man cannot discover God’s way without the
revelation of the scripture; the way to God is made plain and simple in the Bible)
TEXT:- Matt. 3:16-17; 28:19-20, II Cor. 13:14.
Introduction:- Trinity means the union of three Divine persons, God the Father, God the Son,
God the Holy Spirit in one unified God-head. God is one in three persons.  “Hear  O Israel, the
Lord our God is one Lord”. There is only one God, the creator of the world. Deuteronomy 6:4.
Biblical Foundation of the “Trinity”:-
a.       Three persons are recognized as one God, namely: The Father (Jn. 6:27); The Son (Jn.1:1)
and the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3-4)
b.      The Trinity is seen at work at the creation. (Gen. 1:26).
c.       Trinity is seen at the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Matt. 3:13-17
d.      Trinity is seen at the benediction. II Cor. 13:14)
e.       Trinity is seen at the baptism of believers. (Matt 28:19)
f.        Trinity is implied at the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. (Gen. 3:22-
When God confounded man’s language at the ‘Tower of Babel’ (Gen. 11:7-8) and at the mount
of transfiguration (Matt.17:5).
The Natural Attributes of each member of “Trinity”
1. Eternal                                 Ps. 90:2                         Rev. 1:8 & 17                      Heb. 914.
2. Omnipresence                    Jer. 23:24                        Matt. 18 :20                        Ps. 139:7
3.Omnipotence                       I Pet. 1:5                         Matt. 28:18                        Rom.15:19
4.Omniscience                       Ps. 147:5                        Rev. 2:23                             I Cor. 2:11
5. Each is called “God”         Jn. 8:54                            John 1:1 &14                   Acts 5:3-4.
Trinity and Believer’s salvation:- Each Person of the  ‘Trinity’ is wholly involved in every
aspect of our  salvation, even right  from creation to the incarnation of the Christ and the
glorification of the believers.
Work Done                        God the father              God the son               God the Holy Spirit.
(1) World Creation            Acts 17:24                    John 1:3                          Job 26:13
(2) Man’s Creation             Mal. 2:10                      Col. 1:16                         Job 33:4
(3) The son incarnation      Jn. 3:16                         Phil. 2:7                           Lk. 1:35
(4) Redemption                  Jn. 3:16                        Jn. 19:30                          Heb. 9:14
(5) Justification                 Rom. 8:33                     Rom. 5:9                          I Cor. 6:11
(6) Sanctification               Jude 1:1                       I Cor. 1:30                        I Pet. 1:2
(7) Preservation                 I Pet. 1:5                      Jn. 10:28                          Ephe. 4:30
(8) Communion                 Ephe. 2:18                   Ephe. 2:18                        Ephe. 2:18
(9) Prayer                           Jn. 16:23                     Jn. 16:23                           Rom. 8:26
(10) Resurrection               II Cor. 1:9                   I Cor. 15:22                      Rom. 8:11.
The doctrine of Trinity is a great mystery and the explanation cannot be exhausted. Each member
of the Godhead (Trinity) is equal to the other in glory, power, wisdom, holiness and infinity.
(Matt. 28:19).
Text:- Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:18-25 & Romans 1:4.
God’s biggest gift to mankind is Jesus Christ. From Genesis to Malachi, God has been revealing
to His people about the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. (Gen. 3:15 – the seed of the woman; Isa.
7:14; 9:6; Micah 5:2; Gen. 49:10. He would come from the tribe of Judah.
The fulfillment of the prophecies about Jesus Christ birth (Matt. 7:21-23; Luke 2:8-11).
The Purpose of the birth of Jesus Christ:-
1.      He was born to bring grace. Jn. 11:14 & 17; Titus 2:11-13.
2.      To reveal God the father. II Cor. 9:15; Jn. 1:18; Matt. 11:27.
3.      To give man righteousness because our own righteousness is as filthy rags. Isa. 64:6; Rom.
3:10; II Cor. 5:21.
4.      Christ was born to destroy the works of the devil. I John 3:8; Ephe. 5:27; Jn. 8:44; Jn. 10:28.

Text:- Rom. 3:23; 5:12-17 & Mark 7:21-23.
(A)  Man’s original state and position:-
i.                     Creation of man. Gen.1: 26-27; Gen.2:7; Ps.139:14.
ii.                   Man’s original nature. Gen. 1:26-27; Ps. 8:5-9: Ephe. 4:24
(B)   The fall of man:-
i.                     God’s commandment to man. Gen.2:15-17.
ii.                   Sin. Gen. 3:1-6.
Steps in the fall: - (a) Eve listened to Satan lies. (b) Looked thoughtfully at the forbidden
fruit.       (c) Doubted God. (d) Desired what God had prohibited. Gen. 3:6; I Jn. 2:15-16 and
finally, (e) she became a sinner and a tempter. Gen.3:6
(C)  Consequences of the fall:-
i.                     All men have inherited the nature of sin. Rom.12:19; Ps. 51:5; Rom. 3:9-10; 7:14-21.
ii.                   All men are guilty of sin. Rom.3:19; Jn. 3:18 &36.
Repentance is a change of mind toward the revealed truth of the word of God. True repentance
will involve the heart, the will and the life. Matt. 21:28-30; Ps. 119:59-60.
Three Elements of repentance:-
(a)    Conviction:- John 16:8; Ps. 51:3 & Acts 2:37
(b)   Godly sorrow:- Repentance without godly sorrow is mere resolution. Resolution always
results in reformation in one direction but degeneration in another. (The sinner only
exchanges sin for sin). Godly sorrow comes as consequences of conviction by Holy Spirit.
Acts 7:51; II Cor 7:10; II Pet. 2:22.
(c)    Renunciation:- True repentance will involve grief and hatred for sin and turning from it to
God. Isa. 55:7.
Examples of people who repent genuinely:-
Joseph – Gen. 50:15-19; David- II Sam.24:1 &10; Ninevites- Jonah- 3:4-10;  Peter- Matt.26:75.
Fruits of repentance:-
(a)    Contrition – Isa. 66:2; 57:15
(b)   Confession – Pro. 28:13; I Jn. 1:7 & 9
(c)    Restitution – Lk. 19:8; Ex. 22:1.
The Blessings of Repentance:-
(i)                  Forgiveness of sin. Isa. 55:7.
(ii)                Eternal life. Ezek. 18:21.
(iii)               Comfort. Matt. 5:4.
(iv)              Answer to prayer. II Chr. 7:14
(v)                Gift of the spirit. Acts 2:38.
This is the act of restoring anything to its rightful owner; act of giving an equivalent for loss or
damage. God forgives us when we repent but He requires us to make amends to any person we
have injured or wronged. Rom.1:19-20; Gen. 33:1-4; II Samuel 12:1-6; Matt. 5:23-24; Matt.
18:15-17; jn.14:26; Acts 2:42.
This is the act of God’s free grace wherein the sinner is declared free from guilt and penalty of
sin because of his faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Rom. 4:6; 10:4: II Cor. 5:21. God is
willing to account us holy on the ground of Christ’s acceptable redemptive death at Calvary. The
righteousness of God is all that God demands and approves and is ultimately found in Christ,
who fully met in our stead, every requirement of the law. Rom. 3:24-25; 5:9; Rom. 3:22-24;
Rom. 2:13.
Grace is the source or foundation of justification. Grace is unmerited favour bestowed upon
sinners by which god sets aside what they deserve. Titus 3:7; Rom. 5:9; I Thess. 1:10.
We are justified on the ground of Christ’s bloodshed at the Calvary. Also on the condition of our
faith in Jesus Christ. Rom. 5:1; 3:22; Gal.3: 11. The faith that leads to justification is faith of the
heart and not faith of the head. (To believe with the heart is to believe with the whole man-
which involves the surrender of thought, feelings, and will to the truth of the Gospel believed).
Rom. 10:10.
In Christ, everyone that believes is justified from all things. Acts 13:39; Rom. 8:1; 10:12; Gal.
Our personal justification is not based on our good deeds or personal merit, even though we are
saved to be zealous of good works. It is purely the work of God when we put personal trust on
Christ. Isa. 50:8; Rom. 8:33; 8:3-4:Gal. 2:16-21; 3:11.
This symbolizes our union with Christ and our identification with Him. Rom. 6:4-13. Therefore,
water baptism symbolizes our identification with Christ in death, burial and resurrection
Candidates for baptism are those who can give a personal testimony of their faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ and there must be evidence of repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord
Jesus Christ. Acts 2:38; 20:21
Total immersion is the proper biblical mode of baptism. Matt. 3:16; Mk. 1:5,10
Reasons for baptism are - (I) to be obedience to Christ command. (ii) to follow Jesus Christ
example and (iii) to fulfill all righteousness. Mk. 16:16; I Pet. 2:21 and Matt. 3:15.
Blessings of water baptism are - (a) the convert publicly declares he/she has been saved by the
death and resurrection of the saviour. (b) Openly declares his separation from the world and (c)
Join the company of believers to continue “steadfastly” in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship.
Acts 2:42.
Three kinds of baptisms for true Christians: -
(1)   Baptism “into Christ” and into His body (the invisible church) I Cor. 10:17; 12:13.
(2)   Water baptism in the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit by immersion. Matt.
(3)   Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Joel 2:26-29: Matt. 3:11.
(4)   Baptism of fire. Matt. 3:11
The Lord’s supper speaks of our communion with Christ. Christ Himself instituted it on the eve
of Gethsemane. Matt.26: 26-36.
The purpose of the Lord’s supper:-
(a)    It is an instruction from the Lord to be obeyed. Lk. 22:19-20
(b)   It is a remembrance of Christ death on the cross at Calvary. Gen. 9:13; Mk. 14:22-24
(c)    To show forth the Lord’s redemptive death for our sins and our death to sin in Christ. I Cor.
11:26; Rom. 6:1-13.
(d)   It is a memorial that gives spiritual strength.
(e)    It is one of the church cardinal ordinances to be obeyed.
(f)     The union between Christ and ourselves through His death. Rom. 6:4.
(g)    Our expectant hopes in Christ until He comes again. I Cor. 11:26.
The Christian conduct at the Lord’s table:-
1.          Look up: ‘I have received of the Lord’. I Cor. 11:23; Acts 7:55-56
2.          Look back to the Calvary where the Lord died a self-sacrificial and shameful death. I Cor.
3.          Look inward to examine yourself. I Cor. 11:28-32.
4.          Look forward for the Lord’s Second Coming and the marriage supper of the lamb.
         I Thess. 4:13-17; Rev. 19:7-9.
Every aspect of our Christian services and worship should direct our attention to Christ, without
this the most elaborate ceremony has no value; when we are at the Lord’s table we should be as
ready as if we are before the judgement seat.
Sanctification is the process of being set apart for the use of God. (Lev 27:14,16; 2Tim 2:21). It
is also the deliverance from inward and outward defilement by the operation of the Holy Spirit,
whereby the Christian enjoys holiness of heart and life. Lk 1:74-75; Rom 7:6; Lev 11: 45
1        Pure heart. Matt 5:8
2        Circumcised heart (Deut 30:6)
3        Perfection. Gen. 17:1
4        Holiness. Heb 12: 10,14
Believer’s personal holiness is not an option but a necessity because of the following
1        Personal holiness is required for our fellowship with God. 1Peter 1:15,16; Rom 8:29
2        Believer’s personal holiness is a command. Heb 12:14; Lk. 1: 74,75.
3        Personal holiness is necessary for our assurance of our salvation. John 10:10; Titus 2:14;
2Cor. 5:17.
4        Holiness is also necessary for effective service to God. 2Tim 2:21; Ephe. 4:30
The sanctified Christian
The deliverance from the power of sin is achieved through sanctification. Sanctification opens
the gate of Christian holiness that brings revival. Heb 12:14; Matt 5:8; 1 John 3:2,3; Psa 15:1,2
a)      Walking in the Spirit. It is only the sanctified Christian that can walk in the Spirit because it
is a walk according to the Will of God. Rom 6:4; Gal 5: 16; 1Tim 2:5,5
b)      Inward and outward holiness: Christian holiness should be distinguished from cultural
holiness (which has to do with specific prohibition of don’ts and dos). Christian holiness is
nothing less than conformity to the image and character of GOD. ROM 8: 29; 1Peter 3:1-4; I
Thess 4:14
c)      Godly and Christ like life: Our immediate goal is conformity to the image of Christ; that is to
aspire to be like Him in holiness. Rom 8:28,29; 1Peter 1:16
d)        Steadfast decision to follow Christ to the end: The sanctified Christian is able to maintain
his decision to follow Christ. Persecution and ridicule cannot draw Him back. “what shall
separate us from the love of Christ”. Rom 8:35-39.
e)      Genuine love for other people: We have sincere fellowship and love among sanctified
Christians. This makes us to deal with matters with the right motives. Backbiting, slandering
and hatred are things of the past. Love of Christ will reign in the sanctified believer. John
15:12; Deu. 30:6; I Cor. 13:4-13.
Regeneration is the first stage for sinners to know God as a spiritual infant or baby, having a
permit into God’s kingdom.  Sin root is still in experience in form of irritation and self-
centeredness, having life and walking in the spirit is difficult and the sun of  holiness rises. Jn.
3:1-5; Rom. 7:24
Sanctification is the second work of grace in the believer, as an adult spiritually, having resident
permit to the kingdom of God, the root of sin is uprooted, have life more abundantly, walking in
the spirit is made easy and the sun of holiness keeps rising and shines brighter and brighter into
the glorious day. Ephe. 5:26-27; Gal. 2:20; 5:16-17; Rom. 8:1; I John 3:2.
Means of sanctification:-
The means by which believers get sanctified are faith, consecration and prayer and the word of
1.      FAITH:- It purifies. I John 3:3. At salvation we believe God’s word that shows us our
helpless position and the provision of God’s grace for our salvation. Jer. 13:23; Ephe. 2:8-9.
2.      CONSECRATION:- It is an acts by which a person dedicates himself/herself to the services
and worship of God like the levites. Exo. 13:2; I Cor. 6:19-20; 7:23. (Caleb, Joshua,
3.      PRAYER:- Matt. 7:7-11.
4.      The Word of God:- It cleanses us from the presence of sin, separates us from it and sets us
apart for God. As we bring our lives into daily contact with the word, through bible study and
personal devotion, imperfection of our lives and hearts are exposed, and we put them away.
Psa. 119:9-10; John 13:10; 15:3.
The trinity is the author of sanctification. God the father is the origin; God the son is the source
while God the Holy Spirit is the one working in the believer’s heart that overcomes the flesh and
its defilement. I Thess. 4:3; Heb. 10:10; Rom. 15:16.
Holiness is more than cultural holiness and pharisaic holiness of dos and don’ts, which is mere
outward holiness. The kind of holiness God requires from us is “a practical conformity to the
image and character of God in obedience to His perfect Will”. The following advice will help
you in your daily holy living.
a.       Submit yourself/your life to the Lordship of Jesus. Acts 2:36; Matt. 16: 24.
b.      Develop godly habit. Habit is “a behaviour acquired by frequent repetition”.
c.       Avoid bad company and evil communication.
d.      Delight thyself in all godly activities.
e.        Have your daily quiet time regularly.
There are three categories of mankind:-
1.      NATURAL:- I Cor. 2:14.
2.      CARNAL:- Those who have not experientially found deliverance from power of sin; they
are not sanctified. I Cor. 3:1-3; Rom. 6:11-13.
3.      SPIRITUAL:- The Christians in the right relationship with God. Spirit filled Christians,
fitted for the kingdom of heaven. I Cor. 2:15-16; Gal. 6:1.
The Holy Spirit comes on the believer in order to endue him/her with power and boldness for
effective and result-oriented service. The Christian life begins at Calvary, but the Christian
service of discipleship begins at Pentecost. Acts 1:8.
A man may be regenerated (born again) by the Holy Spirit and may not yet be baptized with the
Holy Spirit. In regeneration, there is impartation of the divine life or nature of God. II Pet. 1:4
In baptism with the Holy Spirit, there is impartation of  ‘Divine power’ for effective Christian
service. At regeneration we have Holy Spirit as ‘resident’ but at the Holy Spirit baptism we have
Holy Spirit as the ‘president’. It is only when the believer has the baptism with Holy Spirit that
he/she can be spirit-filled, spirit-controlled and spirit-empowered. One may be baptized once, but
there should be many fillings. Acts 2:4; 4:8; 7:55; 11:24; 13:9.
Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, indwelt by the Spirit, but until He was filled with the Holy
Spirit, He did not enter into His public ministry (Matt. 3:16; Acts 10:38).
Jesus promised baptism with the Holy Spirit to his disciples before they fully go into their
service unto God in sharing the good news of the gospel of Christ with people. Acts 1:5; Lk.
Examples of those who were baptised with the Holy Spirit are:-
a.       Believers at Pentecost. Acts 2:3.
b.      The Samaritan Christians. Acts 8:17.
c.       Cornelius and his household. Acts 10:44.
d.      The Ephesians believers. Acts 19:6-7.
Results of baptism with the Holy Spirit:-
1.      It imparts boldness in service and testimony of the believer. Acts 4:29; 31;33
2.      It gives power for effective and result-oriented Christian service. Acts 1:5;8; 2:41.
3.      Through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, diversities of gifts are given to believers. I Cor. 12:4-
How to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit: -
a.       Repentance and Faith in Jesus Christ. Acts 2:38.
b.      Thirsting after God’s righteousness. Matt. 5:6.
c.       Earnest prayer of faith. Lk. 11:11-13.
d.      Absolute surrender in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 5:32.
e.       Consciousness of the fact that the Holy Spirit is for every believer. John 14:16-18.
1.      The Holy Spirit makes new birth possible: - The New Birth is the impartation of the new life
to the new believer. II Peter 1:4. It is the Holy Spirit that makes this new life possible,
through the word.
2.      Holy Spirit makes holiness possible. II Cor. 3:6; Rom.7:11.
3.      Christlike character:- It is not by the energy of the flesh or superior educational status but
when the indwelling spirit is given full control by full surrender, this beautiful Christian life
can be lived by us. Rom.8: 28-29; II Cor.3:18.

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