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What does "word" mean?

The "word" refers to written or printed symbols, which form the unit of a sentence.

So, God’s words were combined as to communicate to us the real thoughts of God. God’s word and thought are
contained in the Holy Bible.

Meaning of "Foundation":- It refers to the area on which idea, belief, opinion, principle or concept started from.

Therefore, "Word Foundation" means the point from where God’s word started. The word ‘Bible’ is a library, which
contains 66 different books. ‘Bible’ is taken from a ‘Greek’ word, which means ‘Book’ and is written by about 40
different authors. The 66 books of the bible are divided into two groups, which are Old Testament and New
Testament. The two of them tells us about God’s thoughts, wishes and actions for mankind. (Gen. 1:1-3 and Jer.



Matt. 4:4 - Jesus Christ described the Bible as the word of life which comes from God’s mouth. Deu. 8:3b.

Jesus used the scripture to resist Satan’s temptation in the wilderness.

Jesus Christ linked the idea of ‘Bread’, scripture and hunger together.

Jesus Christ is God’s living word and the bread of life which people will eat and live. Jn. 6:1-13.

Jesus also used five barley loaves of bread and two small fishes to feed about 5,000 men. Picture language Jesus
used here is called ‘parable’ (a simple story or illustration) used to teach moral lessons.

Holy Spirit used picture-language to describe Holy Scripture as ‘inspired by God’. Using symbols (that will make it
understandable to people easily) can also portray spiritual truths.


THE MIRROR:- is used to represent the image of Jesus Christ. James 1:23-25. God’s word is a
revealer of the human heart through it (i.e. God’s word). We understand our motives, actions, what
we are like, why we are the way we are, and what we should do about the things revealed.

:- is used to represent the image of Jesus Christ. James 1:23-25. God’s word is a revealer of the human
heart through it (i.e. God’s word). We understand our motives, actions, what we are like, why we are the
way we are, and what we should do about the things revealed.

THE MIRROR:- is used to represent the image of Jesus Christ. James 1:23-25. God’s word is a revealer of the
human heart through it (i.e. God’s word). We understand our motives, actions, what we are like, why we are
the way we are, and what we should do about the things revealed.

:- is used to represent the image of Jesus Christ. James 1:23-25. God’s word is a revealer of the human heart
through it (i.e. God’s word). We understand our motives, actions, what we are like, why we are the way we are, and
what we should do about the things revealed.

The spirit and the word work together to make us take notice of the corrections given to us in the bible concerning our
lives, be obedient to what the bible tells us and be changed more into the image of Jesus Christ. (II Tim. 3:16-17).
This same word of God (i.e. the Bible) reveals that we shall be transformed from glory to glory if we constantly behold
the image and glory of the Lord in our lives. II Cor.3: 18.

The word reveals the image of Jesus Christ to us, so that we can measure our character and conduct by His
standards, and then allow God to shape us more and more into His image. If we allow ourselves to be transformed,
we will be of much help to others, then striving to correct them. Matt. 7:1-5.



The sword is a second symbol used by God to describe His Word.

True believers are in constant warfare with the wicked powers of this world. Ephe.6:12.

We should be well armed with the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God. Ephe. 6:17.

True believers must take up the Armour of God to be able to withstand in the evil day. Ephe. 6:13. All the Armour of
God are contained in Ephe. 6:14-17. They are six (6) in number as follows:- (I) Truth. (ii) Righteousness. (iii) Gospel
of peace. (iv) Faith. (v) Salvation. (vi) Sword of the spirit which is the word of God.

The first five armours are for you to defend yourself, while the sixth one is for both offensive and defensive work.

The sword and the word. (The word of God is use to attack the enemy and also to defend ourselves from the enemy).

(d) Believers to give Satan and his demons a serious counter attack must use the sword. Eve obeyed Satan in Gen.
3:1 because she convinced herself that there is no need to obey God’s command, ‘not to eat the forbidden fruit’. She
could not counter Satan because the word of God had no foundation in her life.

On the other hand, Jesus used the Word to defend Himself and counter attack satin when Satan said to Him, ‘If you
are the son of God…’ This same Satan heard when God declared Jesus as His beloved son and came straight to
challenge Jesus with exactly those words.

(e) The sword of the spirit can also be used to cut through the lies, deceptions and bondage of Satan. He reveals the
truth that sets us free. (John 8:32).

The sword is living, powerful and sharper than two-edged sword. Apart from the bible, no other book contains life and
power. (John 6:63). God’s Word can never go back to God empty or void. It must accomplish and prosper in that
which God sent it. (Isa. 55:11).

(f) The sword is used to confirm your victory over the problems into which the devil put you for a long time. The devil
will like to see you die in your afflictions. Rise up! Take up the sword and tell the devil that you will never die. (Psalm
118:17; 34:19).

The Measuring Rod Symbol:-


God used His word as a measuring rod to measure the depths of our hearts as to know our thoughts and intents.
Heb. 4:12.

The word of God penetrates into our hearts.

The Word of God reveals the hidden things of the heart.

The word of God reveals a person who is living a soulish life or a spiritual life.

The word of God is a discerned of the heart which provides the standard or measuring rod under which our lives
should be based

The word of God screens us inwardly as to reveal our inward motives. Heb. 4:13; Pro. 16:2.

The Word of God tests both our spiritual life and our bodily life. Matt. 7:6.

God’s word helps us to know how to respond to God and His work if our hearts condemn us. It is the Holy Spirit that
will guide us into all righteousness through the Word of God. Jer. 17:9-10; Matt. 6:31-34.

Identify your faults first and condemn yourself before condemning other people’s faults. Lk. 6:37,41; Matt. 7:3.

Finally, present yourselves to God, simple and transparent because God knows all about you than you can say about
yourself. Jer. 1:5; II Tim. 2:15.

The Water Symbol:-


Ordinarily, water is a liquid state of matter found in lakes, rivers, seas, streams, oceans and so on. It is used for
drinking, cooking, washing and bathing among other things. Its chemical symbol is H 2O.

Spiritually, so many things such as:- Cleansing Word, Daily Bathing, and Without spot (spotless).

The Word of God is the Water that cleanses us (the church) from all sins and unrighteousness. Ephe. 5:25-26; John

Jesus Christ is the word of God that manifested in the world to save sinful mankind. John 1:1-4; Rev. 1:5; Titus 2:14.

The Word of God is the water that we must drink, never to thirst again. John 4:14.

The Word of God is the Rivers of Living water that will flow out of our bellies if we study and retain them. John 7:38.

The Word of God is the only good, holy and honest book that equips and profits us among other things. II Tim.3:16-
17; Rom. 15:4; I Tim. 6:11-12.

The Word of God is the Water that baths, purifies, and keeps us away from falling short of the Glory of God. Rom.

The Word of God is the Water that we receive, become new creatures and be free from condemnation. Rom. 8:1; II
Cor. 5:17.

Finally, reading the Bible daily with interest gives the strength to repent from sin and replace sin with holiness. It gives
us peace, joy, guidance, and strength. With the word, we are found spotless and undefiled.


In both the scriptures and in preaching, the name and words of God are highly exalted. Exo. 15:2; Phil. 2:9

The seed is a life-giving breath, which is incorruptible. I Peter I:23.

The seed is the Gospel message of the kingdom of God. The ‘seed’ is the Word of God. Luke 8:5-15.
You can sow the seed by preaching the Word, water and nurture it through visitation; but only God can
cause the seed to bring forth life unto salvation. I Cor. 3:6-7.

We must get rid of anything that can block our ability to hear the word of God. We must lay aside all
filthiness and wickedness. James 1:21; Matt. 11:15.

There is only one Lord of your heart. That Lord is either you or Jesus Christ. Our flesh will try to block God’s
word from entering into us and rather make us to receive only the part we like. Ephe. 4:22-24; John 8:47.

We should not make excuses as to justify our sins. Instead, we should allow Holy Spirit to use God’s word to
convict, break, mold and shape us according to desires of God.

Receiving the word of God with meekness will enable the word to be planted deeply into our hearts, take not
and produce much fruit eventually.

In both the scriptures and in preaching, the name and words of God are highly exalted. Exo. 15:2; Phil. 2:9

The seed is a life-giving breath, which is incorruptible. I Peter I:23.

The seed is the Gospel message of the kingdom of God. The ‘seed’ is the Word of God. Luke 8:5-15.

You can sow the seed by preaching the Word, water and nurture it through visitation; but only God can cause the
seed to bring forth life unto salvation. I Cor. 3:6-7.

We must get rid of anything that can block our ability to hear the word of God. We must lay aside all filthiness and
wickedness. James 1:21; Matt. 11:15.

There is only one Lord of your heart. That Lord is either you or Jesus Christ. Our flesh will try to block God’s word
from entering into us and rather make us to receive only the part we like. Ephe. 4:22-24; John 8:47.

We should not make excuses as to justify our sins. Instead, we should allow Holy Spirit to use God’s word to convict,
break, mold and shape us according to desires of God.

Receiving the word of God with meekness will enable the word to be planted deeply into our hearts, take not and
produce much fruit eventually.

Finally, provide good soil in your heart, make it fertile, and sow the seed (Word) in it.

Get rid of weeds around it and you shall become a new creature and remain a new creature


Fire is a profound, prominent or clear symbol of the word of God.

God upholds all things by the Word of His power. Heb. 1:3.

God created the heavens and the earth by His Word and holds them in place. Ps. 33:6-8. God’s Word is
awesome and powerful.

God’s Word is like a fire. Jer. 23:29. Our God is a consuming fire. Heb. 12:29; Deu. 4:24.

As a fire, God’s Word is a purifier to our lives. It convicts sin in our hearts and puts in us the desire of purity.
Ps. 119:9.
As a fire, the Word of God is an igniter. Prophet Jeremiah could not resist the declaration of God’s Word,
which burns within him. Jer.20:9.

God’s Word ignited a great revival in the city of Nineveh after Jonah’s preaching. Matt. 12:41.

As a fire, God’s Word is our strengthener. It strengthened David in distress and he was able to pursue and
recover all that the enemies took from his city. I Sam.30:8; 18-19.

God uses the fire of His Word to bring strength and depth to our convictions and moral strength. James 1:7-
8; 4:8.

A person may change his opinion. God is not like that. God’s Word stands sure. Ps. 119:89.

We need the purifying fire of the Word of God to burn up worthless and unfruitful things in our lives, so that
the life-giving seed, which God sowed in us, can grow unhindered.

God’s Word ignites life, conviction and zeal for the things of God as desired by His people. Allow the Holy
Spirit to use you to change your own life, that of others and your nation in general.


Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Ps. 119:105.

The entrance of the word of God gives light and understanding. Ps. 119:130.

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5.

Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. I john. 4:4.

If the devil had known what God would accomplish at the cross- which is the total defeat of Satan-and
granting us freedom from sin, he would have tried to keep Jesus away from death. Col. 2:15; Gal. 6:14.

Satan has no real powers at all over believers, as such he has resorted to tricks and cunnings.

We need to put off the old man or old nature in us and be renewed in the spirit, of our mind. Ephe. 4:17-24
and Rom. 12:2.

Finally, the light of God is the word of God which illuminate our lives and keeps both the spiritual and
physical darkness away from us. Hebrew 4:12.

Fire is a profound, prominent or clear symbol of the word of God.

God upholds all things by the Word of His power. Heb. 1:3.

God created the heavens and the earth by His Word and holds them in place. Ps. 33:6-8. God’s Word is awesome
and powerful.

God’s Word is like a fire. Jer. 23:29. Our God is a consuming fire. Heb. 12:29; Deu. 4:24.

As a fire, God’s Word is a purifier to our lives. It convicts sin in our hearts and puts in us the desire of purity. Ps.

As a fire, the Word of God is an igniter. Prophet Jeremiah could not resist the declaration of God’s Word, which burns
within him. Jer.20:9.
God’s Word ignited a great revival in the city of Nineveh after Jonah’s preaching. Matt. 12:41.

As a fire, God’s Word is our strengthener. It strengthened David in distress and he was able to pursue and recover all
that the enemies took from his city. I Sam.30:8; 18-19.

God uses the fire of His Word to bring strength and depth to our convictions and moral strength. James 1:7-8; 4:8.

A person may change his opinion. God is not like that. God’s Word stands sure. Ps. 119:89.

We need the purifying fire of the Word of God to burn up worthless and unfruitful things in our lives, so that the life-
giving seed, which God sowed in us, can grow unhindered.

God’s Word ignites life, conviction and zeal for the things of God as desired by His people. Allow the Holy Spirit to
use you to change your own life, that of others and your nation in general.


Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Ps. 119:105.

The entrance of the word of God gives light and understanding. Ps. 119:130.

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5.

Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. I john. 4:4.

If the devil had known what God would accomplish at the cross- which is the total defeat of Satan-and granting us
freedom from sin, he would have tried to keep Jesus away from death. Col. 2:15; Gal. 6:14.

Satan has no real powers at all over believers, as such he has resorted to tricks and cunnings.

We need to put off the old man or old nature in us and be renewed in the spirit, of our mind. Ephe. 4:17-24 and Rom.

Finally, the light of God is the word of God which illuminate our lives and keeps both the spiritual and physical
darkness away from us. Hebrew 4:12.

Spiritually, so many things such as:- Cleansing Word, Daily Bathing, and Without spot (spotless).

The Word of God is the Water that cleanses us (the church) from all sins and unrighteousness. Ephe. 5:25-26; John

Jesus Christ is the word of God that manifested in the world to save sinful mankind. John 1:1-4; Rev. 1:5; Titus 2:14.

The Word of God is the water that we must drink, never to thirst again. John 4:14.

The Word of God is the Rivers of Living water that will flow out of our bellies if we study and retain them. John 7:38.

The Word of God is the only good, holy and honest book that equips and profits us among other things. II Tim.3:16-
17; Rom. 15:4; I Tim. 6:11-12.

The Word of God is the Water that baths, purifies, and keeps us away from falling short of the Glory of God. Rom.
The Word of God is the Water that we receive, become new creatures and be free from condemnation. Rom. 8:1; II
Cor. 5:17.

Finally, reading the Bible daily with interest gives the strength to repent from sin and replace sin with holiness. It gives
us peace, joy, guidance, and strength. With the word, we are found spotless and undefiled.


In both the scriptures and in preaching, the name and words of God are highly exalted. Exo. 15:2; Phil. 2:9

The seed is a life-giving breath, which is incorruptible. I Peter I:23.

The seed is the Gospel message of the kingdom of God. The ‘seed’ is the Word of God. Luke 8:5-15.

You can sow the seed by preaching the Word, water and nurture it through visitation; but only God can
cause the seed to bring forth life unto salvation. I Cor. 3:6-7.

We must get rid of anything that can block our ability to hear the word of God. We must lay aside all
filthiness and wickedness. James 1:21; Matt. 11:15.

There is only one Lord of your heart. That Lord is either you or Jesus Christ. Our flesh will try to block God’s
word from entering into us and rather make us to receive only the part we like. Ephe. 4:22-24; John 8:47.

We should not make excuses as to justify our sins. Instead, we should allow Holy Spirit to use God’s word to
convict, break, mold and shape us according to desires of God.

Receiving the word of God with meekness will enable the word to be planted deeply into our hearts, take not
and produce much fruit eventually.

In both the scriptures and in preaching, the name and words of God are highly exalted. Exo. 15:2; Phil. 2:9

The seed is a life-giving breath, which is incorruptible. I Peter I:23.

The seed is the Gospel message of the kingdom of God. The ‘seed’ is the Word of God. Luke 8:5-15.

You can sow the seed by preaching the Word, water and nurture it through visitation; but only God can cause the
seed to bring forth life unto salvation. I Cor. 3:6-7.

We must get rid of anything that can block our ability to hear the word of God. We must lay aside all filthiness and
wickedness. James 1:21; Matt. 11:15.

There is only one Lord of your heart. That Lord is either you or Jesus Christ. Our flesh will try to block God’s word
from entering into us and rather make us to receive only the part we like. Ephe. 4:22-24; John 8:47.

We should not make excuses as to justify our sins. Instead, we should allow Holy Spirit to use God’s word to convict,
break, mold and shape us according to desires of God.

Receiving the word of God with meekness will enable the word to be planted deeply into our hearts, take not and
produce much fruit eventually.

Finally, provide good soil in your heart, make it fertile, and sow the seed (Word) in it.

Get rid of weeds around it and you shall become a new creature and remain a new creature


Fire is a profound, prominent or clear symbol of the word of God.

God upholds all things by the Word of His power. Heb. 1:3.

God created the heavens and the earth by His Word and holds them in place. Ps. 33:6-8. God’s Word is
awesome and powerful.

God’s Word is like a fire. Jer. 23:29. Our God is a consuming fire. Heb. 12:29; Deu. 4:24.

As a fire, God’s Word is a purifier to our lives. It convicts sin in our hearts and puts in us the desire of purity.
Ps. 119:9.

As a fire, the Word of God is an igniter. Prophet Jeremiah could not resist the declaration of God’s Word,
which burns within him. Jer.20:9.

God’s Word ignited a great revival in the city of Nineveh after Jonah’s preaching. Matt. 12:41.

As a fire, God’s Word is our strengthener. It strengthened David in distress and he was able to pursue and
recover all that the enemies took from his city. I Sam.30:8; 18-19.

God uses the fire of His Word to bring strength and depth to our convictions and moral strength. James 1:7-
8; 4:8.

A person may change his opinion. God is not like that. God’s Word stands sure. Ps. 119:89.

We need the purifying fire of the Word of God to burn up worthless and unfruitful things in our lives, so that
the life-giving seed, which God sowed in us, can grow unhindered.

God’s Word ignites life, conviction and zeal for the things of God as desired by His people. Allow the Holy
Spirit to use you to change your own life, that of others and your nation in general.


Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Ps. 119:105.

The entrance of the word of God gives light and understanding. Ps. 119:130.

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5.

Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. I john. 4:4.

If the devil had known what God would accomplish at the cross- which is the total defeat of Satan-and
granting us freedom from sin, he would have tried to keep Jesus away from death. Col. 2:15; Gal. 6:14.

Satan has no real powers at all over believers, as such he has resorted to tricks and cunnings.

We need to put off the old man or old nature in us and be renewed in the spirit, of our mind. Ephe. 4:17-24
and Rom. 12:2.

Finally, the light of God is the word of God which illuminate our lives and keeps both the spiritual and
physical darkness away from us. Hebrew 4:12.

Fire is a profound, prominent or clear symbol of the word of God.

God upholds all things by the Word of His power. Heb. 1:3.

God created the heavens and the earth by His Word and holds them in place. Ps. 33:6-8. God’s Word is awesome
and powerful.

God’s Word is like a fire. Jer. 23:29. Our God is a consuming fire. Heb. 12:29; Deu. 4:24.

As a fire, God’s Word is a purifier to our lives. It convicts sin in our hearts and puts in us the desire of purity. Ps.

As a fire, the Word of God is an igniter. Prophet Jeremiah could not resist the declaration of God’s Word, which burns
within him. Jer.20:9.

God’s Word ignited a great revival in the city of Nineveh after Jonah’s preaching. Matt. 12:41.

As a fire, God’s Word is our strengthener. It strengthened David in distress and he was able to pursue and recover all
that the enemies took from his city. I Sam.30:8; 18-19.

God uses the fire of His Word to bring strength and depth to our convictions and moral strength. James 1:7-8; 4:8.

A person may change his opinion. God is not like that. God’s Word stands sure. Ps. 119:89.

We need the purifying fire of the Word of God to burn up worthless and unfruitful things in our lives, so that the life-
giving seed, which God sowed in us, can grow unhindered.

God’s Word ignites life, conviction and zeal for the things of God as desired by His people. Allow the Holy Spirit to
use you to change your own life, that of others and your nation in general.


Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Ps. 119:105.

The entrance of the word of God gives light and understanding. Ps. 119:130.

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5.

Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. I john. 4:4.

If the devil had known what God would accomplish at the cross- which is the total defeat of Satan-and granting us
freedom from sin, he would have tried to keep Jesus away from death. Col. 2:15; Gal. 6:14.

Satan has no real powers at all over believers, as such he has resorted to tricks and cunnings.

We need to put off the old man or old nature in us and be renewed in the spirit, of our mind. Ephe. 4:17-24 and Rom.

Finally, the light of God is the word of God which illuminate our lives and keeps both the spiritual and physical
darkness away from us. Hebrew 4:12.

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