SUMMARY Cosmo Mosco

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1. Issue of Sovereignty over the Island: The historical disputes between Canciferous and
Monstera have been centered on the contested sovereignty of Ru Ru Island. The island,
previously under Monstera's control since 1880, has been the subject of territorial claims
by Canciferous. These conflicting claims have resulted in multiple small wars and
military confrontations over the years. Canciferous, a highly industrialized nation with
valuable resources, views its expansionist policies as necessary for its growth and
2. Invasion of 1973 and Peace treaty: Although Monstera had controlled the island since
1880, but Canciferous maintained historical claims over it. Tensions escalated when
Canciferous acquired the island for a month, prompting the MDF to reclaim it, leading to
Canciferous' invasion of Monstera in 1983. After the invasion, the "Friendly Relations
Treaty" was established, allowing Canciferous access to Monstera's oil reserves for 15
years, in exchange for withdrawing their Armed Forces from Monsteran territory.
Nevertheless, underlying tensions and disputes over Ru Ru Island's sovereignty persisted,
impacting their bilateral relations and regional stability.
3. DRL’s support and souring of relations: President McFriendly of DRL signed a
security deal with Monstera, providing financial and military assistance in establishment
of a naval base on one of the islands. In 2004, the relations between the nations began to
sour as both started contesting over the sovereignty of the Ru Ru Islands. In December
2018, the discovery of large oil reserves off the coasts of Ru Ru Island sparked further
tensions between Canciferous and Monstera given King Mutu’s disrespectful refusal
against the offer of President Cosmo Mosco of providing state-of-art machinery for
mining purpose. Consequentially, President ordered the CAF to take control over the
island under the leadership of Admiral Niptup.
4. Primary Attack from CAF: In the primary attack launched by the CAF on October 1,
2019, against MDF’s military base, significant casualties and damage occurred. The
attack resulted in the death of 20 MDF soldiers stationed at the base. Moreover, civilian
fatalities were reported as an accidental secondary explosion hit a fishing vessel, claiming
the lives of all three crew members on board.
5. Passage from Maritime chokepoint: Led by Admiral Niptup, CAF embarked on a
mission to capture the Port of Milkeno on Ru Ru Island, a strategic location heavily
guarded by the MDF. As they approached the maritime chokepoint, tensions rose
between the two nations. The CAF initiated a confrontation and launched missile attacks,
resulting in casualties.
6. Cable-cutting incident: In the midst of the CAF offensive, King Mutu of Monstera
advised the MDF to adopt a strategic approach. To bolster the perception of their naval
capacity and deter the CAF's attack, the MDF's secret intelligence unit leaked information
about an upcoming LNG shipment carrying a defensive capability known as the Rapidly
Detect Identify and Shoot (RaDISh) system. This system was purported to autonomously
neutralize incoming munitions. The CAF, concerned about the potential impact of the
RaDISh system, sought to disrupt the MDF's communications to hinder the transportation
and deployment of the weapon. They identified a Monstera-owned undersea
communications cable connecting DRL, Monstera, and Ru Ru Island as a potential
vulnerability. Attempting to cut the cable using a submarine, the CAF's efforts resulted in
only temporary disruptions to internet and communications networks in the region.
7. Attack on Chameleon: In late December 2019, the Chameleon, an LNG carrier,
approached the Port of Milkeno near Ru Ru Island, triggering a moment of situational
panic among CAF authorities due to uncertainty about the vessel’s cargo and name, its
flag state, or its port of origin. Fearing the worst, Admiral Niptup ordered a missile strike
to prevent the supposed threat of the RaDISh system from falling into enemy hands.
Regrettably, the attack resulted in unintended and unfortunate accidents, leading to the
loss of life among merchant crew members, Ruruans, and MDF navy squadron members.
The environment also suffered damage due to the LNG spillage, posing challenges to the
coral reef and water quality, which experts assessed as needing time to recover.
8. Search and Rescue mission and its aftermaths: In the aftermath of the CAF's missile
strike on the Chameleon, a search and rescue operation was promptly launched by the
CAF navy to collect the crew and MDF personnel from the vessel and the water. While
they managed to rescue and provide medical care to the survivors, including the 12 DRL
crew members who were released and repatriated, the situation quickly turned
challenging for the remaining detainees on-board the Deathstar. Despite these difficulties,
the CAF navy attempted to manage the situation, although some detainees faced
unfortunate outcomes during the journey to Canciferous territory. The vessel, ill-
equipped for detaining people, struggled to offer adequate facilities, resulting in cramped
and substandard conditions. As a result, the detainees faced health concerns, including
suspicions of contracting the new strain of COVID-19 known as 'Deathicron'.
9. Situation at Transit Camp: Five of the detainees had died on board from unknown
causes during the voyage to Canciferous territory. Admiral Niptup offloaded the
remaining 26 people and placed them in a temporary camp. He appointed Ms. Flexi, his
daughter's dance teacher, to assist with the detainees' care and instructed her to call the
military doctor if necessary. The sporadic weather conditions posed additional health
risks, and 10 detainees developed pneumonia, while another 10 developed boils with high
fevers. Unfortunately, due to the impact of the war, many Canciferans, including the
majority of the country’s medical staff, had fled to other parts of the world. Despite the
constraints and challenges, Admiral Niptup continued to manage the situation with the
available resources, yet the lack of medical professionals and prevailing conditions led to
the loss of 20 detainees' lives, with only 6 surviving but severely malnourished.

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