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Present: Tmt.S.Hermies, B.A., M.L., D.H.R.,

Principal Sessions Judge(I/c), Villupuram.
Monday the 03rd day of July 2023

CMP.No. 5696/2023

(Cr.No.164/2023, Kanai P.S., Judicial Magistrate No.I, Villupuram)

Govinthan S/o Navappan ...Petitioner/Accused.

State by Inspector of Police,
Kanai P.S. ....Respondent/Complainant.

Petition filed to Relax the condition which was imposed by this court order in Crl.M.4362/2023
dated 31.05.2023.

This petition is coming on this day before me for hearing in the presence of
Thiru.K.Jayanthar Advocate for the Petitioner and Thiru.T.S.Subramanian, Public Prosecutor for the
state, and upon perusing both side contentions, this court delivered the following:
The petition filed u/s.439(1)(b) of Cr.P.C. to relax the condition which was imposed by this
court in Crl.M.P.No.4362/2023 dated 31.05.2023.
Learned Public Prosecutor submits that the petitioner/accused is abiding with the condition
without fail.
Petitioner is the accused in the aforesaid case. He has been enlarged on bail with condition. As
per earlier condition he has to sign before Respondent police station daily at 10.00 A.M. until further
orders. The petitioner/accused is complying with the condition. Since, the petitioner/accused is abiding
with the condition imposed, this court is inclined to modify the condition.
In the result, condition is modified and the petitioner/accused is directed to sign before
Respondent Police Station on 1st and 15th day of English calender until further orders.

Pronounced by me in open court this the 03rd day of July 2023

Sd/- S.Hermies
Principal Sessions Judge(I/c),

The Judicial Magistrate No.I, Villupuram.

Copy to
1. The Public Prosecutor, District Court, Villupuram.
2. The Petitioner's Advocate.
3. The Inspector of Police, Kanai P.S.

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