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by Prajwal Patil

General metrics
6,042 992 54 3 min 58 sec 7 min 37 sec
characters words sentences reading

time time

Score Writing Issues

82 49 1 48
Issues left Critical Advanced

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Writing Issues
1 Correctness
1 Improper formatting

Unique Words 36%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating
the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

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Report: DebateFinal_Not

Rare Words 30%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are
not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.9

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 18.4

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: DebateFinal_Not

As we all know, fairy tales have been a tradition for children to read, especially
at a younger age. So today, we'll be presenting our points of perspective
through this Broad debate.

Children's literature helps young children make sense of what it is to be human

and helps them understand the world around them. The fairy tale genre
provides ways for children to receive important messages. Although some
themes in fairy tales are unrealistic, the overall effect is positive and offers
fundamental elements for children's development. The opposition group is
trying to imply that fairy tales affect the way children grow. And yes, it does,
but according to our perspective, it does enhance and stimulates child growth.

While fairy tales help in the development of a child, they are unable to affect
their perception of reality. This can be proven by taking our own lives as an
example. We all read fairy tales but were they successful in affecting our
perception of reality? No. When children grow up, they gradually realize that
fairy tales don't occur in the real world. Also, there are always our elders to
make us realize that.
Fairy tales usually demand unrealistic expectations of life, which could bring
about disappointment and regret for children in the future. They design and
generate false worlds where everything seems to work out perfectly and lead to
the notion of 'living happily ever after.' It can be heartbreaking for some

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children as their fairytale image doesn't match reality. This could harm their life
and leads to low self-esteem, an outdated sense of reality, unrealistic ideas of
love, and an extreme understanding of good vs evil. Life can be a fairytale; the
only difference here is that you are the author of your story.
Fairy tales can be a form of storytelling that can help children understand
complex emotions and ideas in a safe and manageable way. However, it's
important to note that they are not always an accurate representation of reality.
Many fairy tales include elements of fantasy and magic that do not exist in the
real world. While fairy tales can be a valuable tool for teaching children about
important life lessons, it's important for parents and caregivers to also provide
children with
accurate information about the real world. This can help children understand
the difference between fantasy and reality and develop a healthy
understanding of the world around them. Additionally, it is important to
consider the cultural and historical context of the fairy tales that children are
exposed to.
Aid in emotional resilience by helping children connect stories to real life. Fairy
tales show that people face adversity, but if they believe in themselves, they
can overcome obstacles. Stories can help children confront real-life fears and
anxieties in a fantastical setting. They also do teach us some of the basic skills
that not even can be explained by realistic examples and help children to
imagine it the way the stories had given them a trace of. These tales explore
common themes, such as loyalty, justice, greed, right versus wrong, and the
triumph of good over evil.
Encourage critical thinking: Encourage your child to think critically about the
stories they hear or the media they consume. Help them to identify the
elements of fantasy and reality in the story and discuss how they differ.

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Provide accurate information: Children may have questions about the world
around them, and it's important to provide them with accurate information.
One of the greatest importance of fairy tales is that they give us the morals of
reality. Children learn from the mistakes of characters in these stories, which
helps them with their critical thinking skills.
The following is a clarified form of points for what our group is trying to imply:
Model healthy behavior: Children learn by observing the behavior of adults
around them. If you can differentiate between fantasy and reality in your own
life and media consumption, your child is more likely to do the same.
Discuss real-world issues: Use real-world issues as an opportunity to teach
children about the difference between fantasy and reality. For example, if your
child is worried about monsters under the bed, you can reassure them that
monsters aren't real, but there are real things to be afraid of, like getting lost or
Read a variety of stories: Expose your child to a variety of stories that include
both fantasy and realistic elements. This can help them understand that there
are different types of stories and that not everything they hear or read is real.
sure, not everything we say is incorrect on the other side, but Sure, one
example of a problematic theme in a fairy tale is the portrayal of women as
passive and dependent on men.
In many traditional fairy tales, female characters are often portrayed as
helpless damsels in distress who need to be rescued by a male hero. This
reinforces the idea that women are weaker and less capable than men, which is
a harmful stereotype that can have negative effects on the way girls and
women view themselves and their abilities.

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they also create certain stereotypes for children to explore interactively.Fairy
tales can help them develop emotional resiliency by helping them connect the
stories to real-life issues where most of the time the hero triumphs. These
stories show them that we all go through life challenges and that we must
always be prepared and believe that we can succeed in life. It also creates a
perspective that always positiveness wins over the bad. Children are exposed
to fairy tales at some point in their young lives and they grow up with them.
Parents read bedtime fairy tales for their kids and children watch movies of
fairy tales on television all the time. “Children played at those stories; they
dreamed about them. They took them to heart and acted as if to live inside
them” (The Goat Harry

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1. . Fairy Improper formatting Correctness

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