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Week 1 Task – Consulting Case Study

Consulting Task

• In this task, you will learn about strategic decision-making and market analysis.
• You will be given a case study for a Saudi Arabian consulting company wanting to
expand its reach in the market.
• Then we will need you to explain the quantitative and qualitative measures you
would approach to solve this case study.
• This task is due on Friday, May 26th, and should be sent to the following emails:,,, and
Consulting Task

Title: "Expanding Market Presence and Offering New Services: A

Case Study on SA Consulting's Acquisition of a U.S. BPM Tool
Type of case: Market Expansion Case Study
Consulting Task
• SA Consulting has made a strategic decision to acquire a U.S. company that develops a business process management
(BPM) tool with the primary objective of providing new services and expanding its market reach. The acquisition aims
to strengthen the company's capabilities in Saudi Arabia, leverage the expertise of the BPM tool developer, and
expand its market presence to tap into the growing market for BPM solutions. This case study explores the market
analysis and growth opportunities associated with this strategic move.
• SA Consulting has been providing various consulting services to clients in different sectors, including finance,
healthcare, and manufacturing. Recognizing the increasing demand for BPM tools and solutions in the Saudi Arabian
market, SA Consulting is determined to expand its market presence and offerings and enhance its competitive
position. The acquisition of a U.S. BPM tool developer presents an opportunity to access cutting-edge technology and
industry insights.

Would you consider the acquisition of a U.S. BPM tool developer to be a strategic and beneficial move for SA

Explain the quantitative and qualitative measures you would approach to solve this case study.

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