Create A Video Ad With AI.

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How To Create A Video Ad For

Your Product/Service With AI

In a world where attention is a precious currency, mastering the
art of grabbing the attention of your audience is paramount for
your business or brand to survive.

The battle for attention is fierce.

Every day, millions of content are published on the internet &

social media. Brands are constantly competing to put their
message out to their target audience.

If you’re running a business & your goal is to sell to your audience

on social media & turn them into customers, then you need to be
armed with the right weapon - Video.

YouTube reports that over 3 million videos are published on the

platform daily.

Everyone is creating a video, and the simple reason for this is that
videos work - they are more efficient to market with online & they
get better results.

But, of course, creating a video is complex & requires expert-level

skill & experience.

That’s not a problem.

This article outlines the step-by-step approach for creating a
powerful promo video for your social media campaigns, using AI.

Why Create Videos In The First Place?

Before we get to the different steps involved in creating a promo

video for any business, let's quickly look at what a promo video is,
and why you should be bothered to create one.

A Promo Video, as the name suggests, is a type of video that’s

used to promote a product or service.

Basically, the job of a promo video is:

1. Get the attention of your audience

2. Engage them with your story/message
3. Get them to take action on your product or service.

People love to watch videos. As human beings, videos appeal to

our innate human nature. We are naturally drawn to moving
images as visual beings.

This is why we respond better to videos & pictures, compared to

ordinary text.
According to a recent video marketing data report;

→ Customers retain 95% of information passed through videos.

→ 80% of people say they prefer video over written content
→ 89% of people say watching video content convinced them
to buy a product or service.

Your target audiences are no exception. They equally love to

consume video content.

So, imagine how they will respond when you start using videos in
your marketing campaigns; specifically, promotional videos.

You’ll be able to increase your engagement and attract more

clients to your business with ease.
How To Create A Promo Video With AI?

Step 1 - Craft A Powerful Script.

The first step in creating a high-converting promo video is to craft

a good script/message.

It’s like when a movie is being created, the first that is produced is
the screenplay. And if the screenplay is bad, it’s difficult to get a
good movie out of it.

Many marketers make the mistake of giving little attention to the

script when they want to create a marketing video.
And of course, they eventually learn their mistake the hard way.

If the script is bad, it will ruin the performance of your video

marketing campaign.

So the first goal you have is to ensure that your script is perfectly

The good thing is that you don’t need to do this from scratch;
there are proven templates & frameworks you can use.
Here’s one;

Hook/Intro → Problem → Agitate → Solution → Call to Action (CTA)

The hook/intro/opening comes first in your script.

And its job is to hold the attention of your audience & get them
past the first 5 or 10 seconds of your video.

An example of a good hook is a surprising fact or a story your

audience can relate to.

Once you have their attention hooked, the next thing is to

introduce the problem.

What’s the problem you’re helping them to solve & why should
they care about this problem?

You must assume they have a lot of other things pulling their
attention, so your job is to make them see the problem you’re
talking to them about is important & needs urgent solutions.

By this time, your audience now has their interest sparked around
the problem you introduced.
Even if they are not willing to fix it immediately, their view about it
is now changed - they see it as something that could have a
negative impact on them because of what you told them.

Now, they are ready for the Solution.

This is where you introduce them to your product or service.

Lay out the benefits & everything they stand to gain.

Also, it’s your duty to make them understand your product/service

is not just a solution, it’s the BEST solution they can get.

And tell them why.

Now, it’s time for the final part - The Call to Action.

In your CTA, tell your audience exactly what you want them to do &
what the outcome of the action they are taking is.

Like, instead of just saying, “Click on the button below”, you can
say, “Click on the button below to book a free appointment with

OR, “Send an email to this address & you’ll immediately get your
free copy of my new book”.
By doing this, you’re reminding them of the reward for their

Also, don’t give multiple calls to action.

The call to action should be single & specific.

So, having said all this, let's see how to quickly create a video
script with AI.

To do this, you can use MarketingBlocks or ChatGPT.

I’ll be using the ChatBlocks tool inside MarketingBlocks.

I’ll plug in my prompt & allow AI to create the video script for

My prompt:

Assume you're a top video marketing expert & write an actual

script that can be used to create a short 2 minutes video ad to
promote a website design agency.

Use this template for the script:

Hook -> Problem -> Agitate -> Solution -> Call to action.
And this is the output from AI:

Step 2: Break Script Into An Outline.

The next thing I'm going to do is turn my script into an outline, then
this outline will be used to create my video slide.

I’ll have AI create the outline also.

All I need to do is paste my script, and AI will help me break it into

different outlines.
I’ll be using the Video Creator tool inside MarketingBlocks.

Here’s my script:
Using AI, I was able to break it to form these outlines:

I’ll do a quick customization on these outlines, and then proceed to

the next step.
Step 3 - Create Slides For Your Video.

The concept of the video is a slideshow, so we need to create the

slides first, and then turn them into a video.

Don't worry, you don’t need to design a single slide.

We’ll use AI to create all the slides for our video with a simple click.
Step 4 - Create A Voiceover

Every marketing video needs a voiceover.

While the video is doing the work of grabbing attention, the

voiceover is how you deliver your message.

The good thing is that we already created a script, so we don’t

need to bother about that.

All we need to do is convert this script into a voiceover.

Once again, AI comes to the rescue.

If you recall, we broke the script down into outlines & used those
outlines to create the slides for our video.

Now, with a single click, we’ll be able to turn those outlines into a
Step 5 - Generate Video
At this stage, we’ve added a voiceover to our video slide & we are
done editing & customizing each AI-generated slide.

The final step is to publish our Marketing video.

You can publish the video in different dimensions - Landscape,

Square or Vertical.

I’ll go for vertical because it’s the dimension for mobile, and a lot
of people visit the internet from that mobile.

After selecting the dimension, the last thing is to generate your


With your video created, you can start promoting it.

There are several channels you can use for this. You can post on
social media & ask people to share. This way, you can attract free
traffic to your offer.

You can launch an ad campaign on social media, or hire an

influencer to promote your video to their audience.

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