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five things worth considering when doing a research work

1. Never choose topic that is out of personal interest
2. Never use needless words
3. Keep thoughts intact
4. Don’t let failure distract you
5. Always consult the opinion of other people
Research Plan - Document that includes preliminary and basic information
l. Basic Information
A.Complete Name
B. Lrn
C. School Address
D. Track and Strand
E. Complete Home Address
ll. Background - basic concepts and information
lll. Objectives and Methods - long term and short term objectives, method of research
lV. Working Framework - illustrative illustration or diagrams
V. Assumptions - expected outcome
Vl. Timetable - Gantt Chart
Vll. List of References

Research Problem - Statement of a concern

Clemente, Julaton, Orleans - Criteria for evaluating
Specific - exact or particular
Measurable - Objectively observable
Attainable - easily answered or achieved
Realistic - posibility of being carried out
Time- Bound - Narrowed enough
Research Questions
1. Factor - isolating questions - major concerns
2. Factor - relating questions - establishing relationships
3. Situationing - relating questions - emphasize the observable changers
4. Situationing - producing questions - oppurtunity to create a definite course

Unethical writing
Plagarism - claiming and copying a portion of someone work
( Republic Act No. 8293 Intellectual Property Code of Philippines ) "Protects and secures the exclusive
rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and
creations, particularly when beneficial to the people”.
Copyright - exclusive right given to the owner of intellectual property
In-text citation - brief form of reference
Reference - list of citation that provide complete original source of information
Bibliography follows specific standards and format.
APA American Psychological Association
- commonly used format
- This provides the author's surname and year of publication in the citation with a complete details in
the bibliography of the research.
7 In-text Citation
1. A work by two Authors - Name of both authors in the signal phrase or in parentheses . Use the
word "and" between the authors' names within the text and use the ampersand in parentheses
Ex. Santos and Portillo (2017)noted...
2. A work by three to five Authors - all the authors' last names or only list the first author then et al.
Ex. Jones et al. (2010) further described...
3. Six or more Authors - last name of the first author with et al
4. Government and private agencies, organizations etc. As an author - most specific agency as the
5. Citing indirect sources in another source - add as cited in before the author in the in-text reference
6. Electronic sources - digital format accessible electronically
7. Citing websites
A. In-text website with No author - Examples: Concert raises thousands for earthquake victims,
(2019, August 9)
B. Reference entry for website with NO AUTHOR - Examples: Rizal Provincial Government. (2020).
Retrieved 122020.html
C. In-text citation for section of website without an author - Examples: DepEd Cavite's Project
Compassion: Suporta sa mga katropa reached 180 beneficiaries since its launching in April (DEPED
D. Reference entry for section of a website with no author - Examples: DepEd CALABARZON. (2020).
Retrieved from compassionraises-more-than-
p650k-for-deped-cavite- frontliners-backliners/
Modern Language Association or MLA Style
- communly used in liberal arts and humanities research work
In- text Citation
Author page style- author last name, page number, complete reference
Chicago Manual Style or CMS
- preferred formatting and style guidelines used by the disciplines of history, philosophy, religion, and
the arts
Notes and Bibliography System
One author
End note : Eugene Ray F. Santos, Overcoming Writing Apprehension through Photovoice (Rizal:
Morong National High School, 2017), 21.
In-text Citation Example: Santos, Overcoming Writing Apprehension, 21.
Bibliographic Entry Example: Santos, Eugene Ray F. Overcoming Writing Apprehension through
Photovoice. Rizal: Morong National High School, 2017.
Two or more authors
End Note Example: Eugene Ray F. Santos and Ellen C. Dollente. Implications of the Implementation of
MTB-MLE in Southeast Asia (Manila:PNU, 2019), 25.
In-text citation Example: Santos and Dollente, Implications, 25.
Two or more authors
Bibliographic Entry Example: Santos. Eugene Ray F. and Ellen C. Dollente. Implications of the
implementation of MTB-MLE in Southeast Asia, Manila: PNU, 2019.
In-text citation Example: Santos and Dollente, Implications, 25.
Four or more Authors
First Note Example: Freddie R. Garcia et al., Complementary Classroom Observation Tool
Succeeding Note Example: Garcia et al., Complementary Classroom...
Author-Date System
One Authors
In-text Citation Example: (Santos 2017, 21)
Bibliographic Entry Example: Eugene Ray F. 2017. Overcoming Writing Apprehension through
Photovoice. Rizal: Morong National High School
Two or more Authors
In-text Citation Example: (Santos and Dollente 2019, 25)
Bibliographic Entry Example: Eugene Ray F. 2017. Overcoming Writing Apprehension through
Photovoice. Rizal: Morong National High School
Four or more Authors
In-text Citation Example: (Garcia et al..2019)
Bibliographic Entry Example: Eugene Ray F. 2017. Overcoming Writing Apprehension through
Photovoice. Rizal: Morong National High School

Related Literature - review of existing knowledge

Types of resources (Clemente, Julaton & Amp, Orleans)
A. General References - books, monographs, conference manuals, research articles, professional
journals, and similar documents
B. Primary Sources - academic researacch and university research journals and reputable
C. Secondary Sources - articles, analyses, essays, newspapers, single or multiple authored textbooks.
D. Tertiary Resources - books based on secondary sources that interprets the work of others.
Characteristics of materials to be cited
1. Recency - recent as much as possible
2. Objectivity - fair and bias-free
3. Relevance - relevance to the current research
4. Consciseness - strong insight about the specific problem
Three major approaches
Chronological - emphasis the timeline of development
By Topic/ Concept - comparable opinion on the same topic or issue
By Author/ Writer - presenting authors even with similar ideas


QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH - it deals with numbers, this type of data would require statistical
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH - entails data in the form of words and extracting meanings which will
demand a framework of data analysis
RESEARCH DESIGN - It is the process of structuring techniques and strategies that help researchers
solve their problems or answer their questions
ACTION RESEARCH DESIGN - It is a collaborative and adaptive research design that focuses on socially
and solution-driven outcomes
CASE STUDY DESIGN - used by social scientists since it aims to examine contemporary situations that
are happening in real life.
CAUSAL DESIGN - This design is commonly used to measure the impact of a particular change on
existing situation or norm.
CROSS-SECTIONAL DESIGN - It is capable of using data from a large number of subjects as it primarily
use survey techniques to gather data
DESCRIPTIVE DESIGN - It only intends to describe "what exist" in a situation and its related variables.
EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN - This design involves and experimental group and a control group wherein
the independent variable is applied to the experimental group while maintaining the control group
EXPLORATORY DESIGN - This is often administered to understand the processes in order to proceed
in deeper studying of an issue.
HISTORICAL DESIGN - Collecting, verifying, and synthesizing evidence from the significant past are the
aim of historical research design.
MIXED-METHOD DESIGN - It is the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods.

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