African Union 36th Session Addis Ababa

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The 36th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union (AU) was held in Addis Ababa,

Ethiopia, in 2023. The theme of the session was "Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive
Conditions for Africa's Development," reflecting the AU's continued commitment to peace and
security on the continent.

The session provided an opportunity for AU member states to reflect on the progress made
towards achieving the organization's development goals, as well as the challenges that remain.
One of the key areas of focus was the need to address the root causes of conflict and instability
on the continent, and to promote peaceful and inclusive societies. The session highlighted the
importance of addressing governance issues, promoting respect for human rights, and
supporting democratic institutions as key elements in creating an environment conducive to

Another important area of focus during the session was the need to promote regional
integration and trade on the continent. There was recognition that increasing intra-African
trade and reducing barriers to trade can contribute significantly to economic growth and job
creation. The session highlighted the need for member states to implement the African
Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement, which aims to create a single market for
goods and services on the continent.

The session also addressed other important issues, such as the need to address the impact of
climate change on the continent, and the importance of promoting youth empowerment and
employment. There was a recognition of the critical role that young people can play in driving
development on the continent, and a commitment to supporting initiatives that create
opportunities for youth.

However, the session was not without its challenges. There were concerns raised about the
slow pace of progress in achieving some of the AU's development goals, such as reducing
poverty and inequality. There were also criticisms of some member states' human rights
records and concerns about the potential impact of rising geopolitical tensions on the

Overall, the 36th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union was an important event
that provided an opportunity for member states to reflect on progress towards achieving the
organization's development goals. The session highlighted the importance of promoting peace
and security, regional integration, and youth empowerment, while also acknowledging the
challenges that remain. The AU's continued commitment to addressing these challenges and
promoting sustainable development on the continent remains critical for the future of Africa.

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