Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of Field Study 1 & 2

Submitted by:

Cortez, China Mae C.

Cunanan, Jefferson

Estrada, June Dreiwin

Esquivel, Jessica

Dela Cruz, Marinelle V.

BSEd 4-F

Submitted to:

Luijim S. Jose

Subject Teacher
I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Listen to a variety of media including books, audiotapes, videos, and

other age-appropriate publications. EN2LC-If-1.

2. Follow a set of verbal two-step directions with picture cues. EN2LC-


3. Activate prior knowledge based on new knowledge formed. EN2LC-


II. Subject Matter

Topic: Key Elements of Active Listening


Knowledge(2021).Your Five Key Elements for Active Listening Retrieved from


Instructional Materials: PowerPoint presentation, YouTube video, audio clips

with pictures, and children’sbsong.

Value Focus: Active Listening, Listening, Interaction, Engagement, and

Effective Communication

III. Procedures/Learning Activities

Teacher's Activities Students' Activities

1. Preparation/Classroom Management

a. Opening Prayer

“Let us pray before starting our lesson. Today's “Father God, Come to be with us.
assigned student, kindly take the lead in leading the
prayer." Fill our hearts with joy.
Fill our minds with learning.
Fill our classroom with peace.
Fill our lesson with fun.
Fill our friendship with kindness.
Fill our school with love.


b. Greetings
"Good day, class!" “Good day, Ma'am!"

"How are you today?" "We're good, Ma'am."

"There are a lot of happy faces everywhere; I'm

pretty confident that you're having a nice day.
That's great."

c. Checking of Attendance

"Now for your attendance, I want you think of an

animal sound and immitate it when I called your
name. Understand?"

(Students will imitate animal sounds.)

“Nice job, class!"

d. Review
"I'll play two (2) YouTube songs before giving you
your next task. Then, decide which of the two you
Song Title 1: Old McDonald had a farm
Song Title 2: Rain, Rain, Go Away

Yes, Ma'am.
"Have you liked the songs?"

Go get yourself a pair. Choose which of the two

songs you liked better, as I said previously. With (The students will perform their selected
your partner, sing the song you have chosen. song with partners.)

"Great job, everyone."

2. Motivation

"The video I'm about to show you is titled 'Why Is

Listening Important?'
(https://youtu.be/6vTsyJZbkug) Pay attention as
you watch and listen. Is that clear?" Yes, Ma'am.

"Alright, class. What is the significance of According to the video, listening is crucial
listening, according to the video you watched?" since it facilitates understanding.
Thank you, that is right. Another answer? Listening is crucial because it helps us
become better communicators, the video

Thank you. One last answer, anyone?

Based on the video, it's crucial to listen
when someone is speaking to you or giving
you directions or something similar.

Thank you all for your cooperation.

Let's have a look at our session objectives for today

before moving on to our actual lesson. Please read
the following on the presentation.
At the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to:
a. Listen to a variety of media including books,
audiotapes, videos, and other age-appropriate
b. Follow a set of verbal two-step directions with
picture cues.
c. Activate prior knowledge based on new
knowledge formed.

3. Presentation of the Topic

Since you now recognize the importance of

listening, later I'll read a short story by Deborah
Dybowski titled Magical Moonlight. But before
that, let us discuss the key elements for active
listening; there are a total of five (5). These
1. Pay Attention
2. Actively Listen
3. Avoid Interruption
4. Provide Feedback
5. Respond Appropriately

Anyone, please read the definition of the first

element. Pay attention - it needs to provide the
speaker with your undivided attention and
acknowledge the message.

Thank you. Now, we must offer whatever/whoever

we are listening to our whole attention, as
instructed by the first element itself. It might
happen during a debate or a stage presentation,
such as a speech.
Another instance is the discussion we are having
right now as I try to teach you how to practice
active listening. It is your responsibility as students
to pay close attention to what I am saying.

Next element is Actively Listen. Kindly read again

the definition. Actively Listen- This is done by keeping
an eye out for the speaker's body language
in addition to what the speaker is saying
with words.

When actively listening, you must pay attention to

both the spoken words and any nonverbal signs or
body language used by the person you are speaking
Meaning to say, you must convey to the speaker
that you are engaged in what he or she is saying
through your facial expressions. Likewise, because
your posture has an impact on the conversation,
you must take care to maintain an inviting posture.
Furthermore, Active listening is distinct from
simple listening. In this part, you don't merely
listen while the words being transmitted to you just
exit your opposite ear; instead, you hear and
Do I make myself clear?

Moving on to the next element, kindly read the Yes, Ma'am.


Avoid Interruption - Interruption one of

the worst blockers of active listening, it
can frustrate the speaker and limits the full
understanding of the message.
When someone is speaking, you should refrain
from interrupting them with comments or other
counterarguments. The success of the conversation
may be hampered by interruptions. Because of this,
refrain from attempting to cut someone off when
they are speaking and instead wait for them to
Do not try to interrupt them by doing something
that is not truly important. You must be able to
avoid those in order to practice active listening
because there are numerous things that can
interrupt a discourse.

Let's now discuss the fourth element which is

Provide Feedback. Anyone, please read the

Provide Feedback - As an active listener,

your main role is to comprehend and
understand what is being said, reflect the
message, probe and ask more relevant
A two-way conversation is necessary for it to be questions.
successful, thus as the active listener, you must
consider what is being stated by the speaker.
As was previously noted, actively listening
involves more than just hearing words; it also
entails comprehending what is being conveyed to
you. This implies that you can reflect and pose
relevant questions following the conversation.

For the last key element, kindly read the given


Respond Appropriately - As a listener, you

should be able to repeat back in your own
words the whole message. This doesn’t
mean you agree with the listener, but it
rather confirms that you understand what
they are saying.
The final element promotes good communication
with others. When participating in conversations
and listening to others, you should always make
sure to respond politely and with respect to what
was said. This does not necessarily imply that you
agree; instead, try to avoid attacking the speaker
just like in a debate. If you have anything to say,
say it nicely.

So those are the five key elements of active

listening. Now, I am going to read the story entitled
Magical Moonlight by Deborah Dybowski.
moonlight/ (Students will actively listen)

4. Unlocking of Difficulties

From the story we read, I have chosen words that

rhyme. I'll read the provided words first, and then
Yes, Ma'am.
you'll reread them with me. Is that clear?

Cat Take
Hat Lake

Mat Cake

Fat Bake

Rat Make

Very good, everyone!

5. Generalization

For you next task, we are going to listen on a

children's song, Bahay Kubo, which I believe you
Yes, Ma'am.
are all familiar with. After listening, tell me which
vegetables you can recall. Did I make myself clear?

(The students will listen to the song then

recite vegetables they remembered.)

Very good, class.

Now, I'll need you again to PAY ATTENTION and

ACTIVELY LISTEN to every description I give
since you have to figure out what I'm describing for
your task.

For instance, if I were to describe the sweet treat

that Snow White in the story eaten, it might be
either green or red in color. Do you understand
what I'm describing?
Yes, Ma'am. You are pertaining to apple.

That is correct! Now listen carefully as I describe

the five following items. For more hints, cropped
images are provided.
The first item is that you typically see this .
professional wearing neat, white clothing and a
stethoscope around their neck. What is the correct

a. doctor
All students: a. doctor
b. patient
c. pilot

Excellent! For the next item, listen again carefully.

She has a cooking hat on her head and an apron on.
She is the one who prepares food in cafeterias,
restaurants, etc.
a. janitor A students: b. chef
b. chef
c. engineer

That is correct! For the next item, this man

has a white beard and claims to ride rain
deers. He was holding a bag filled with gifts
for children and was dressed in a red coat
with a white fur collar and cuffs, red pants
with white fur cuffs, and a red hat with
white fur.

a. Super Mario
All students: Santa Claus
b. Santa Claus
c. Elmo

Excellent, class! You are listening properly in the

descriptions. Okay, now for the next item. This
characterized as a dessert that is sweet and chilly.
This can be prepared in a different flavors and can
be served with a cone.
All students: c. ice cream

a. ice
b. milktea
c. ice cream

The final item is a person cleaning in the

restrooms, for instance, in a mall, while holding a
map. He bring with him sanitizers and other
cleaning supplies. All students: a. janitor

a. janitor
b. patient
c. guard

Good job, everyone!

6. Evaluation
Let's have an activity. Read aloud the story below,
and then consider any rhymes you come across. On
a piece of paper, make a list of them.


Key Answers:
snail - whale
lark - shark
bee - tree
toad - road
hare - chair
boat - goat
flea - me

7. Assignment

For assignment, watch and listen to The Rabbit and

the Turtle (https://youtu.be/_sslVJS7Gvk). Draw a
character who interests you after listening; be
imaginative and color the drawing as well.

Let me leave you with a quote from Bryant McGill

for the concluding part of our class: "One of the
most sincere forms of respect is actually listening
to what another has to say.”

That is all, class. Thank you for listening.

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