ENG202 Syllabus (2021)

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Jeremy Lopez jeremy.lopez@utoronto.

ENG202H1S Lec M9-11, Tut W9, 10


Welcome to Intro Brit Lit I! This course will lay a solid foundation for further literary study. It
will also be interesting and fun, as you learn to think along with, and/or against, some of the
greatest writers of all time. You will do a lot of reading in this course. You will also do some
writing, but the most important part of the course is the reading. Please buy the textbook I’ve
ordered: Norton Anthology, 10th edition, vols. A, B, C; you won’t much need vol. C for this
course, but it’s actually cheaper to get all three volumes than just A and B. If you go on to do
further work in English (of if you just like to read), you’ll certainly get use out of volume C.

Here is the schedule of readings:

Jan 11, 13 Introduction: Robinson Crusoe (excerpt)

Jan 18, 20 Paradise Lost I-IV
Jan 25, 27 Paradise Lost V-VIII
Feb 1, 3 Paradise Lost IX-XII Paper 1 due Feb 5
Feb 8, 10 various 17th-century poetry (TBA)
Feb 22, 24 Faerie Queene Book I
Mar 1, 3 Faerie Queene Book I
Mar 8, 10 various sonnets (TBA) Paper 2 due March 12
Mar 15, 17 Marlowe, Dr Faustus; York “Crucifixion”
Mar 22, 24 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Mar 29, 31 Chaucer, General Prologue and Miller’s Tale
Apr 5, 7 Old English poetry (TBA) Test due April 9

Here is the marking scheme:

Paper 1 20%
Paper 2 30 %
Test 20%
Tutorial attendance & participation 30%

The course format will be online only, synchronous. For lectures we will use Bb Collaborate,
which you can access via the course Quercus site. Your tutorial platform will be determined by
your Teaching Assistant, who will be in touch with you directly at the beginning of the term.
I will hold office hours by appointment only on Zoom. Mondays and Wednesdays are best.
Please email me to schedule an appointment.

Lectures are on Mondays. I will not take attendance, but I am pretty sure you will do better in
the course if you tune in to lecture.

Tutorials are on Wednesdays, beginning January 20. Your TA will take attendance and you will
receive a mark for your participation in tutorial. There is no tutorial (or lecture) on January 13.

Paper 1 will be a short close reading exercise on Paradise Lost.

Paper 2 will be an essay on one or more of the readings assigned through March 10. You will be
given a few topics to choose from and will also have the opportunity to design your own topic.

Test You will write short answers to a few questions covering all the readings we’ve done this
term. The test will be distributed on April 2.

NB Because online teaching is much less efficient than in-person teaching, I will not be spending
any time in class discussing the syllabus, course procedures, assignment guidelines, etc. Please
read very carefully all documents that I distribute. If you have any questions, please send
them to me by email; I will respond promptly and in detail. I strongly prefer that you email me
directly at the address above, rather than through Quercus.


Teaching Assistants

The teaching assistants for this course are André Babyn, Robin D’Souza, Melanie Simoes
Santos, Katherine Walton, and Leslie Wexler. They will lead the tutorials for which you
registered when you signed up for the course and they will mark all of your written work. Your
tutorial leader will provide his or her contact information, office hours, etc. in the first tutorial.
The administrative teaching assistant for the course is Dustin Meyer. His email address is
dustin.meyer@mail.utoronto.ca. Please direct all questions regarding course registration, tutorial
assignments, and Quercus to him.

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