Abnormal Psychology 2nd Edition Nolen-Hoeksema Test Bank 1

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Abnormal or Exceptional Mental Health Literacy for Child

and Youth Care Canadian 1st Edition Gural

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1. What does psychosis refer to?

A. The inability to differentiate between right and wrong
B. The inability to differentiate between conscious and unconscious desires
C. The inability to differentiate between what is real and what is not real
D. The inability to differentiate between depression and anxiety
2. Which of the following is the most common psychotic disorder?
A. Major depression with psychotic features
B. Bipolar disorder with psychotic features
C. Brief psychotic disorder
D. Schizophrenia
3. What percentage of people with schizophrenia seeks treatment in a mental-health facility or general
medical facility in a given year?
A. 60 percent
B. 75 percent
C. 82 percent
D. 90 percent
4. In Canada, what is the total economic burden or cost associated with schizophrenia?
A. 609 million dollars
B. 445 million dollars
C. 2.67 billion dollars
D. 6.85 billion dollars
5. Approximately what percentage of the population has received a diagnosis of a schizophrenia-spectrum
A. 0.5-2 percent
B. Less than 0.5 percent
C. 10-12 percent
D. 5-7 percent
6. According to a study on schizophrenia conducted in British Columbia, which of the following findings is
A. Immigrants to Canada were more likely to develop schizophrenia than Canadian-born people
B. Canadian-born people were more likely to develop schizophrenia than immigrants to Canada
C. The rate of schizophrenia was the same for both immigrants and Canadian-born people
D. Immigrants to Canada and Canadian-born people had higher rates of schizophrenia than Aboriginal
7. Which of the following might explain gender differences in schizophrenia?
A. Women have a better prognosis because they have more social supports available to them
B. Women have a better prognosis than men because estrogen levels may act as a protective factor
C. Men have a better prognosis than women because testosterone levels reduce psychotic symptoms
D.Men have a worse prognosis than women because they are more likely to develop disorders with
disruptive behaviours
8. Which of the following is true of women with schizophrenia?
A. They tend to develop the disorder during their late teens or early 20s
B. They show fewer cognitive deficits than men with schizophrenia
C. They have worse pre-morbid histories than men with schizophrenia
D. They are less likely to have graduated from high school than men with schizophrenia
9. What type of disorder do most theorists view schizophrenia as?
A. A biological disorder
B. A psychological disorder
C. A social disorder
D. A bipolar disorder
10. All of the following symptoms are common in schizophrenia, except:
A. Faulty perception of reality
B. Strange thought patterns
C. Olfactory hallucinations
D. Unusual behaviours
11. Julia had symptoms of delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech that lasted only 3 days. What
disorder will Julia most likely be diagnosed with?
A. Schizoaffective disorder
B. Schizophreniform disorder
C. Delusional disorder
D. Brief psychotic disorder
12. Lawrence exhibited delusions and hallucinations for 2 weeks and also experienced a manic episode
following this 2-week period. He continued to experience delusions and hallucinations. What disorder
will Lawrence most likely be diagnosed with?
A. Mood disorder with psychotic features
B. Schizoaffective disorder
C. Shared psychotic disorder
D. Schizophrenia
13. Ken has been experiencing unusual symptoms for approximately 6 weeks. He heard voices through his
television informing him that the provincial police were after him. He also experienced disorganized
behaviour and thought disorder. This episode only lasted for 6 weeks and then his behaviour returned to
his level of pre-morbid functioning. What disorder will Ken most likely be diagnosed with?
A. Schizophrenia
B. Schizophreniform disorder
C. Brief psychotic disorder
D. Schizoaffective disorder
14. An individual who is in a close relationship with someone who is experiencing psychotic features, and
then develops similar symptoms, would most likely be diagnosed with which of the following disorders?

A. Shared psychotic disorder

B. Schizophrenia
C. Brief psychotic disorder
D. Schizophreniform disorder
15. What is the primary difference between schizophrenia and the other psychotic disorders?
A. Manifestation of the symptoms
B. Duration of the symptoms
C. Interference with functioning
D. Discomfort of the symptoms
16. Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?
A. Unusual perceptions
B. Flat or blunted affect
C. Memory loss
D. Fugue states
17. Which of the following terms refers to a belief that has no basis in reality?
A. Hallucination
B. Paranoia
C. Loss of reality
D. Delusion
18. Although she has never meet Chris Rock, June believes that he is in love with her. What is this an
example of?
A. A hallucination
B. Paranoid thinking
C. Loss of reality
D. A delusion
19. Which of the following is the most common type of delusion?
A. Persecutory delusions
B. Somatic delusions
C. Delusions of grandeur
D. Thought insertion
20. Fred believes that the FBI has put a wire tap on his phone because they are trying to entrap him. What is
this an example of?
A. Delusions of entrapment
B. Somatic delusion
C. Delusions of grandeur
D. Persecutory delusion
21. Faith believes that she is the soul mate to Jesus Christ. What type of delusion is Faith exhibiting?
A. A persecutory delusion
B. A delusion of thought control
C. A grandiose delusion
D. A delusion of reference
22. Jeff believes that aliens from a parallel universe are controlling his thoughts. What type of delusion is Jeff
A. Persecutory delusion
B. Delusion of thought insertion
C. Delusion of grandeur
D. Delusion of reference
23. Sebastian believes his neighbour is watching him and waiting for the chance to steal his stamp collection.
What type of delusion is Sebastian exhibiting?
A. Thought broadcasting delusion
B. Delusion of reference
C. Persecutory delusion
D. Grandiose delusion
24. According to the text, David Zelt experienced all of the following delusions, except:
A. Delusion of control
B. Persecutory delusion
C. Delusion of reference
D. Grandiose delusion
25. What are hallucinations?
A. Unreal perceptual experiences
B. Beliefs that have no basis in reality
C. Odd ways of thinking
D. A form of thought disorder
26. Which of the following is the most common type of hallucination?
A. Visual
B. Auditory
C. Olfactory
D. Tactile
27. Jerry hears voices accusing him of being a serial rapist. What type of hallucination is Jerry experiencing?

A. Visual
B. Auditory
C. Persecutory
D. Paranoid
28. Judith was experiencing sleep deprivation and she thought that spiders were crawling on her skin. What
type of hallucination is Judith experiencing?
A. Visual hallucination
B. Auditory hallucination
C. Olfactory hallucination
D. Tactile hallucination
29. Tabitha believes that an alien being is growing inside of her. What type of hallucination is Tabitha
A. Visual B.
Somatic C.
Olfactory D.
30. Delusions are to as hallucinations are to .
A. Perceptions; thoughts
B. Thoughts; feelings
C. Thoughts; perceptions
D. Perceptions; feelings
31. Akura described how during Obon she guided her grandmother back to their home. Akura is from Japan,
which is where this annual Festival of the Dead occurs. Which of the following best explains Akura's
A. She is having visual hallucinations about her grandmother
B. She is grieving the recent loss of her grandmother
C. She is engaging in delusional thinking
D. She is describing an event in its cultural context
32. It is difficult to understand Carter because he tends to jumble his words together. What is Carter most
likely experiencing?
A. Clang associations
B. Formal thought disorder
C. Word salad
D. Alogia
33. Which of the following terms refers to words that mean something only to the person speaking them?
A. Neologisms
B. Incoherency
C. Word salad
D. Language deficits
34. T.J. was asked if he liked the song that was playing on the radio. His response was, "song too long, long
to wrong, wrong not right, right not fight." What is this type of speech called?
A. Word salad
B. Neologisms
C. Alogia
D. Clang associations
35. Ethel's conversation is hard to follow. She doesn't stay on the same topic and there is no transition. Which
of the following terms best describes Ethel's speech?
A. Derailment
B. Perseveration
C. Neologisms
D. Avolition
36. Harry has difficulty remembering information. He cannot hold information in his memory long enough to
manipulate and process the information. What aspect of memory is Harry having difficulty with?
A. Long-term memory
B. Retrograde amnesia
C. Working memory
D. Sensory register memory
37. Donald stands motionless for several hours and rarely responds when someone speaks to him. Which
subtype of schizophrenia does Donald appear to have?
A. Undifferentiated subtype
B. Disorganized subtype
C. Catatonic subtype
D. Paranoid subtype
38. Which of the following is a reason why the general public tends to be frightened of people with
A. The behaviours and mannerisms of people with schizophrenia are often disorganized
B. People with schizophrenia tend to be violent and aggressive
C. The public has a very distorted view of psychopathology
D. People with schizophrenia have poor social skills
39. Which of the following terms refers to an extreme lack of responsiveness to the external world, which is
seen in some patients with schizophrenia?
A. Disorganization
B. Catatonia
C. Disassociation
D. Withdrawal
40. Which of the following terms refers to a severe reduction or complete absence of response to the
environment, which is seen in some patients with schizophrenia?
A. Inappropriate affect
B. Anhedonia
C. Blunted affect
D. Clang associations
41. Ruth starts yelling at her daughter for missing her curfew. However, her daughter showed no emotional
response. Which of the following terms describes her daughter's response?
A. Blunted affect
B. Inappropriate affect
C. Promising affect
D. Indifferent affect
42. Stanley's parents do not understand why he has not spoken for several weeks. They are concerned that
something is seriously wrong, but Stanley seems unable to communicate with them. What is Stanley most
likely experiencing?
A. Emotional deficit
B. Affective flattening
C. Emotional blunting
D. Alogia
43. Which of the following is not a negative symptom of schizophrenia?
A. Avolition
B. Alogia
C. Affective flattening
D. Hallucination
44. Affective flattening is to as a hallucination is to .
A. Positive symptom; negative symptom
B. Negative symptom; positive symptom
C. Prodromal symptom; residual symptom
D. Residual symptom; prodromal symptom
45. A lack of emotional responses is to , as lack of speech is to .
A. Alogia; avolition
B. Avolition; anhedonia
C. Flat affect; alogia
D. Akathesis; alogia
46. Which of the following terms describes a person who laughs when things are sad and cries when things
are joyous?
A. Inappropriate affect
B. Blunted affect
C. Flat affect
D. Labile affect
47. Tom and his wife were attending a social engagement with his business associates. His wife started
laughing hysterically without provocation. What type of affect is Tom's wife exhibiting?
A. Inappropriate affect
B. Blunted affect
C. Flat affect
D. Labile affect
48. Which of the following terms refers to the loss of interest in pleasurable activities?
A. Alogia
B. Avolition
C. Anhedonia
D. Akathesis
49. Which of the following statements is true?
A. People diagnosed with schizophrenia show a wide range of impaired social skills
B. Difficulties in social skills seen in schizophrenia may be due to lack of family support
C. Medication can reduce the effect of negative symptoms in schizophrenia thus allowing improvement of
social skills
D. Blunted or flattened affect in schizophrenia influences interpersonal relationships but not social skills
50. Who is credited with deriving the first comprehensive and accurate description of schizophrenia?
A. Sigmund Freud
B. Emil Kraepelin
C. Anna Freud
D. Emile Durkheim
51. Emil Kraepelin is credited with deriving the first comprehensive and accurate description of which of the
following disorders?
A. Mood disorders
B. Anxiety disorders
C. Schizophrenia
D. Cognitive disorders
52. What was schizophrenia formerly known as?
A. Psychotic mania
B. Dementia praecox
C. Multiple personalities
D. Psychotic neurosis
53. Who was credited with identifying dementia praecox?
A. Alfred Adler
B. Emil Kraepelin
C. Joseph Breuer
D. Jean Charcot
54. Why did Kraeplin originally give the name "dementia praecox" to schizophrenia?
A. He believed the disorder resulted from premature neurotransmitters in the brain
B. He believed the disorder resulted from brain trauma
C. He believed the disorder resulted from premature deterioration of the brain
D. He believed the disorder resulted from alcohol dementia
55. In addition to Emil Kraeplin, who was another important figure in the early history of schizophrenia?
A. Eugen Bleuler
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Anna Freud
D. Emile Durkheim
56. Which of the following is true of negative symptoms of schizophrenia?
A. They are typically only seen in the acute phase of schizophrenia
B. They are most prominent in the prodromal and residual phases of schizophrenia
C. They manifest themselves during pre-morbid functioning
D. They are present only in the disorganized subtype of schizophrenia
57. When are prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia most evident?
A. During the acute phase of the disorder
B. Following remission of the disorder
C. Following the acute phase of the disorder
D. Prior to the acute phase of the disorder
58. When are residual symptoms of schizophrenia most evident?
A. During the acute phase of the disorder
B. During the catatonic phase of the disorder
C. Following the acute phase of the disorder
D. Prior to the acute phase of the disorder
59. Which of the following is not a subtype of schizophrenia?
A. Paranoid subtype
B. Undifferentiated subtype
C. Negative symptom subtype
D. Residual subtype
60. Which of the following is a type of schizophrenia characterized by prominent delusions and
hallucinations involving themes of persecution and grandiosity?
A. Paranoid subtype
B. Disorganized subtype
C. Catatonic subtype
D. Residual subtype
61. Which of the following is true of psychotic episodes in paranoid schizophrenia?
A. They are present in pre-morbid functioning
B. They are masked by disorganized behaviours
C. They are confused for alters seen in dissociative identity disorder
D. They are triggered by stress
62. Erin has auditory hallucinations. Her symptoms are prominent but they did not manifest until she was in
middle adulthood. Which subtype of schizophrenia does Erin likely have?
A. Disorganized subtype
B. Catatonic subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Residual subtype
63. Berta experiences delusions of being controlled by the voices in her computer. She insists that her
husband take the computer out of the house. He refuses and insists that she needs to get some help for her
problem. Which subtype of schizophrenia does Berta likely have?
A. Residual subtype
B. Undifferentiated subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Disorganized subtype
64. Compared to individuals with other subtypes of schizophrenia, which of the following statements is true
of individuals with paranoid schizophrenia?
A. They exhibit the most prominent disorganized behaviour and thoughts
B. They have the most prominent delusions and hallucinations
C. They present with the most prominent catatonic behaviours
D. They must have delusions and hallucinations that are on the same persecutory theme
65. The onset of Joseph's psychotic episodes has been linked to his stressful lifestyle. He developed delusions
and became irritated with anyone who disagreed with his delusions. Which subtype of schizophrenia does
Joseph likely have?
A. Disorganized subtype
B. Catatonic subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Residual subtype
66. How does the prognosis for people with paranoid schizophrenia compare to the prognosis for people with
other subtypes of schizophrenia?
A. People with paranoid schizophrenia have a better prognosis
B. People with paranoid schizophrenia have a similar prognosis
C. People with paranoid schizophrenia have a poorer prognosis
D. People with paranoid schizophrenia have a more unpredictable prognosis
67. Which subtype of schizophrenia is characterized by disorganized thought and behaviours and emotional
A. Disorganized subtype
B. Undifferentiated subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Residual subtype
68. Which of the following is true of people diagnosed with the disorganized subtype of schizophrenia?
A. They are prone to delusions and paranoia
B. They experience stupor and cataplexy
C. In extreme cases, they will not bathe or eat if left alone
D. They demonstrate emotional stability
69. Which of the following best describes the onset and course of the disorganized subtype of schizophrenia?

A. An early onset, continuous course, unresponsive to treatment

B. A late onset, continuous course, responsive to treatment
C. An early onset, inconsistent course, unresponsive to treatment
D. A late onset, inconsistent course, responsive to treatment
70. Kari acts like a child, speaks in word salads, and does not bathe, dress, or eat if left alone. Which subtype
of schizophrenia does Kari most likely have?
A. Paranoid subtype
B. Catatonic subtype
C. Residual subtype
D. Disorganized subtype
71. Summer developed chronic symptoms of schizophrenia at age 22. Thus far her symptoms include
disorganized behaviours, thought disruptions, and inappropriate affect. She has been unresponsive to
treatment. Which subtype of schizophrenia does Summer most likely have?
A. Disorganized subtype
B. Catatonic subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Residual subtype
72. Lee's response to the news that the family was moving was, "Who moves you move? (Sigh) Sad, sad
(giggle). Let's swim at the park. (Sigh). Walking home, can we walk home from school? NO run home
from the store (giggle)." Which subtype of schizophrenia is Lee's response most characteristic of?
A. Paranoid subtype
B. Catatonic subtype
C. Disorganized subtype
D. Residual subtype
73. Henry was diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was 17 years old. His symptoms include disorganized
speech, blunted and flat affect, and odd behaviour. Which subtype of schizophrenia does Henry likely
A. Residual subtype
B. Undifferentiated subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Disorganized subtype
74. Which of the following subtypes of schizophrenia is rare and has not been well researched?
A. Residual subtype
B. Undifferentiated subtype
C. Catatonic subtype
D. Disorganized subtype
75. Which of the following is false concerning the catatonic subtype of schizophrenia?
A. It has some of the most distinct features of all the subtypes of schizophrenia
B. Patients with this subtype are often responsive to the environment
C. It is one of the most common forms of schizophrenia
D. It has received the greatest research attention of all the subtype of schizophrenia
76. Which of the following is not a typical symptom of the catatonic subtype of schizophrenia?
A. Stupor
B. Echopraxia
C. Echolalia
D. Anhedonia
77. Uriah and Byron are roommates at the psychiatric hospital. Uriah tends to fluctuate between periods of
excitement and remaining motionless for hours. Byron tends to have bizarre speech and thought patterns
as well as odd behaviours. Which diagnoses would be most appropriate for Uriah and Byron?
A. Uriah-disorganized schizophrenia; Byron-schizoaffective disorder
B. Uriah-residual schizophrenia; Byron-delusional disorder
C. Uriah-undifferentiated schizophrenia; Byron-brief psychotic disorder
D. Uriah-catatonic schizophrenia; Byron-disorganized schizophrenia
78. Which of the following is true of the undifferentiated subtype of schizophrenia?
A. The symptoms are similar to the catatonic subtype
B. It has an early onset and is chronic and resistant to treatment
C. The symptoms are less problematic compared to the disorganized subtype
D. It is more resistant to treatment if there is a late onset of the symptoms
79. Who would be most likely to receive a diagnosis of the residual subtype of schizophrenia?
A Alonzo, who has suffered from several episodes of avolition and formal thought disorder, but now
. experiences only auditory hallucinations
B Barnard, who has suffered two acute episodes of schizophrenia which involved delusions and
. hallucinations, but now experiences only flat affect
C.Cyrus, who has suffered from alogia and affective flattening for years, but now experiences only
formal thought disorder
DDudley, who has suffered from at least one episode of acute positive symptoms of schizophrenia, but
. now experiences only visual hallucinations and loosening of associations
80. Which of the following is not one of the biological theories of schizophrenia discussed in the text?
A. Birth complications
B. Genetic transmission
C. Visible physical deformities
D. Structural and functional brain abnormalities
81. Which of the following children is at greatest risk for developing schizophrenia?
A. One with two biological parents and a monozygotic (MZ) twin with schizophrenia
B. One with two adoptive parents and a monozygotic (MZ) twin with schizophrenia
C. One with two biological parents and a dizygotic (DZ) twin with schizophrenia
D. One with one biological parent and a dizygotic (DZ) twin with schizophrenia
82. What is the concordance rate for schizophrenia in monozygotic twins?
A. 32 percent
B. 16 percent
C. 46 percent
D. 60 percent
83. Studies of individuals with schizophrenia have shown abnormalities in the volume, neuronal density, and
metabolic rate in all of the following areas, except:
A. Occipital lobe
B. Thalamus
C. Temporal lobe
D. Amygdala
84. People with schizophrenia who have an unusually small and inactive prefrontal cortex are likely to
experience which of the following symptoms?
A. Negative symptoms
B. Hallucinations
C. Delusions
D. Disorganized speech
85. Which is the best explanation for the involvement of the prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia?
A. Evidence of a smaller prefrontal cortex is a consistent diagnostic criterion of schizophrenia
B. A smaller prefrontal cortex is common in people exhibiting predominantly positive symptoms
C An enlarged prefrontal cortex is common in people exhibiting deficits in language, emotional
. expression, and planning and social interactions
D. People with predominantly negative symptoms tend to have a less active prefrontal cortex
86. Which of the following terms refers to oxygen deprivation during labour and delivery?
A. Perinatal hypoxia
B. Oxygen deflation
C. Fetal oxygen deficits
D. Oxycephaly
87. Which of the following has not been proposed as a cause of schizophrenia?
A. Perinatal hypoxia
B. Prenatal virus exposure
C. Influenza exposure in utero
D. Schizophrenogenic mother
88. Which of the following neurotransmitters is thought to play a role in schizophrenia?
A. Dopamine
B. Norepinephrine
C. Epinephrine
D. Acetylcholine
89. Which of the following statements is false concerning the neurotransmitter dopamine and schizophrenia?

ASeveral lines of evidence have supported the original dopamine theory that symptoms of schizophrenia
. are caused by excess levels of dopamine in the frontal lobe and limbic system
B. Neuroleptics increase the functional level of dopamine and help to reduce psychotic symptoms in
C The new dopamine theory suggests that the traditional theory is too simple and that other
. neurotransmitters are also involved in the disorder
D Critics of the original dopamine theory argue that the theory does not adequately explain the positive
. and negative symptoms of schizophrenia
90. According to the new dopamine theory, positive symptoms in schizophrenia might be due to large
number of dopamine receptors in which of the following brain areas?
A. Hippocampus
B. Mesolimbic pathway
C. Amygdala
D. Caudate nucleus
91. According to recent research, the interaction between dopamine and which of the following
neurotransmitters appears to be critical in schizophrenia?
A. Acetylcholine
B. Glutamate
C. Serotonin
D. Norepinephrine
92. In addition to dopamine and serotonin being important to schizophrenia symptoms, other research
indicates that abnormal levels of which of the following neurotransmitters might also be contributing
A. Glutamate and norepinephrine
B. Norepinephrine and acetylcholine
C. Acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid
D. Gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate
93. Which of the following statements is true?
A Strong evidence for a genetic contribution to schizophrenia exists and fully explains the connection
. between genetics and the disorder
B All people with schizophrenia show structural and functional abnormalities in the brain including high
. frontal activity and enlarged ventricles
C. Prenatal and birth difficulties have been implicated as contributing factors to the development of
D.Prenatal exposure to influenza virus during the third trimester of gestation increases the risk of
developing schizophrenia
94. Which of the following statements is true?
A.Excess dopamine activity in the amygdala and unusually high dopamine activity in the frontal cortex
play a role in schizophrenia
B. Research suggests that epinephrine, serotonin, and GABA also play a role in schizophrenia
C. Research suggests that norepinephrine, glutamate, and acetylcholine also play a role in schizophrenia
DResearch suggests that excess dopamine activity in the mesolimbic pathway and unusually low
. dopamine activity in the prefrontal area play a role in schizophrenia
95. What does social selection refer to?
A. Impoverished conditions that cause symptoms of schizophrenia
B. Symptoms of schizophrenia that interfere with the ability to complete school or hold a job
C. Symptoms of schizophrenia that apply to a specific social group
D. Selected groups of people with paranoid symptoms of schizophrenia
96. According to Goldberg and Morrison's (1963) study of socio-economic classes and men with
schizophrenia, which of the following findings was true?
A. Men with schizophrenia tended to end up in the same socio-economic classes as their mothers
B. Men with schizophrenia tended to end up in the same socio-economic classes as their fathers
C. Men with schizophrenia tended to end up in lower socioeconomic classes than their fathers
D. Socioeconomic classes were not impacted and were not a contributing factor to schizophrenia
97. Which of the following is true of the impact of psychosocial factors such as stress and certain types of
family functioning on schizophrenia?
A.Psychosocial factors can trigger episodes of schizophrenia even in persons without an existing
predisposition to the disorder
B Psychosocial factors can cause schizophrenia only if chronic life stress and poor family functioning are
. both present at the same time
C.Psychosocial factors will not affect the severity of schizophrenic symptoms if the person is on a proper
dosage of medication
D. Psychosocial factors can cause a relapse in those who already have the schizophrenia
98. Mr. King sends Randy mixed messages with his communication pattern. He will hug him while he is
bitterly criticizing him. Randy is never sure if he loves him or dislikes him. What type of communication
pattern is Mr. King most likely exhibiting?
A. Echopraxia
B. A double bind
C. A dialectical pattern
D. Inappropriate affect
99. Jack had a paper cut on his finger. His mom kissed his finger gently and said, "This is ridiculous, can't
you do anything right?" This is an example of which of the following?
A. A double bind
B. Inappropriate affect
C. Communication deviance
D. Expressed emotion
100."But the thing is as I said, there's got . . . you can't drive in the alley". What type of communication is this
an example of?
A. A double bind
B. Communication trouble
C. Communication deviance
D. Expressed emotion
101.Which of the following family communication patterns has received the most attention from
schizophrenia researchers?
A. Double bind
B. Communication deficits
C. Communication deviance
D. Expressed emotion
102.Which of the following is true concerning expressed emotion and relapse in patients with schizophrenia?

ATherapists have difficulty changing entrenched communication patterns between the patient with
. schizophrenia and their primary caregivers, which makes it difficult to reduce the relapse rate
B.Blunted affect will elicit more negative expressed emotion than inappropriate affect, which causes a
rise in the relapse rate
CExpressed emotion in observed family patterns indicates that negative symptoms are probably learned
. behaviours, which explains why relapse rates are very high in schizophrenia
D. Interventions that reduce expressed emotion in families tend to reduce relapse rate in schizophrenic
family members
103.Which of the following is false?
A. Families often have ideas about what the family member with schizophrenia can do to improve his/her
BA family with high expressed emotion will often create stresses for the person with schizophrenia that
. may overwhelm his/her ability to cope and thus trigger new episodes of psychosis
CCritics of the expressed emotion theory argue that the hostility and intrusiveness observed might be the
. result of schizophrenic symptoms rather than contributors to relapse
D Families tend to be more forgiving of negative symptoms of the individual with schizophrenia because
. negative symptoms appear uncontrollable
104.Dr. Rushford's patient has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She is helping the patient learn how to
initiate and maintain a conversation with others. In addition she is teaching her client how to gather
important personal information by accompanying the client to selected places and demonstrating the
skills necessary to accomplish his goals. Which treatment approach is Dr. Rushford using?
A. Behavioural
B. Existential
C. Cognitive
D. Psychodynamic
105.Which of the following is a cognitive strategy for treating clients with schizophrenia?
A. Teach family members normal patterns of communications
B. Teach the client to attend to and perceive subtleties of communication
C. Teach the client ways of disputing delusional beliefs or hallucinatory experiences
D. Teach the client to avoid triggers of symptoms, such as stressful situations
106.Which of the following is a behavioural intervention for schizophrenia?
A. Teach patients ways of disputing their delusional beliefs or hallucinatory experiences
B Identify stressful circumstances associated with development or worsening of the symptoms and learn
. better ways of coping with stress
C. Provide basic training in what social stimuli to attend to and how to respond
D. Teach the client to avoid triggers of symptoms, such as stressful situations
107.Which of the following treatments for schizophrenia was the precursor to electroconvulsive therapy?
A. Insulin coma therapy
B. Epileptic therapy
C. Seizure shock therapy
D. Psychoconvulsive therapy
108.Which of the following is a common side effect of phenothiazines that consists of involuntary movements
of the tongue, mouth, or jaw?
A. Akathesis
B. Agranulocytosis
C. Tardive dyskinesia
D. Akinesia
109.Which of the following is not a side effect of phenothiazines?
A. Akathesis
B. Tardive dyskinesia
C. Akinesia
D. Anterograde amnesia
110.Blanc is receiving a drug that binds to the D4 dopamine receptor and influences other neurotransmitters
such as serotonin. Which medication is likely being used to treat Blanc's schizophrenia?
A. Effexor
B. Thorazine
C. Chlorpromazine
D. Clozapine
111.Which of the following statements is true regarding atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of
A. They are relatively ineffective when compared to typical antipsychotic drugs
B. They are more effective than typical antipsychotic drugs
C. They are equally as effective as typical antipsychotic drugs
D. They are relatively ineffective when compared to ECT
112.Which professional would be the least likely to be found in an assertive community treatment program?

A. A physician
B. A social worker
C. A spiritual healer
D. A psychologist
113.Which of the following is not a service provided by community-based programs for schizophrenia?
A. Social skills training
B. Work for hire
C. Social support
D. Vocational rehabilitation
114.A healer uses a traditional method that involves a series of rituals designed to transform the meanings of
the schizophrenia symptoms and to relieve the pain. What type of model is this healer using?
A. Social support model
B. Healer model
C. Persuasive model
D. Structural model
115.Lula is a healer who integrates the body, emotion, and cognition levels or the person, society, and culture
levels. Lula would argue that the loss of integration results in the reappearance of the schizophrenia
symptoms. Which model does Lula most likely follow?
A. Social support model
B. Structural model
C. Clinical model
D. Persuasive model
116.Symptoms of schizophrenia can be divided into three categories. Which of the following is not one of the
categories? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Negative Symptoms
B. Indifferent Symptoms
C. Positive Symptoms
D. Social Dysfunction
117.Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia include overt behaviours that are unusual and
interfere with the person's ability to interact in daily life? This question is based on the Faces Interactive
Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Positive symptoms B.
Negative symptoms C.
Indifferent symptoms
D. Disorganized symptoms
118.The two most common types of positive symptoms include delusions and which of the following
symptoms? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Disorganized speech
B. Anhedonia
C. Hallucinations
D. Flat affect
119.Which of the following refers to a firmly held belief that is not grounded in reality? This question is based
on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Delusion
B. Hallucination
C. Alogia
D. Catatonia
120.Which of the following refers to a perceptual error in which the person sees or hears something that
doesn't exist? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Delusion
B. Hallucination
C. Ecopraxia
D. Catatonia
121.What percentage of people with schizophrenia experiences some type of hallucination? This question is
based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. 10%
B. 30%
C. 70%
D. 100%
122.Which one of the following represents a positive symptom? This question is based on the Faces
Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. A person expressing disturbed thinking and language
B. A person displaying emotional flattening
C. A person failing to complete a simple task
D. A person expressing poverty of speech
123.What are negative symptoms characterized by? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid
Schizophrenia Module
A. The presence of behaviours that are normally seen in people without psychopathology
B. The presence of behaviours that are not normally seen in people without psychopathology
C. The absence of behaviours that are normally seen in people without psychopathology
D. The absence of behaviours that are not seen in people without psychopathology
124.Which of the following is the most common negative symptom in people with schizophrenia? This
question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Emotional flattening
B. Avolition
C. Anhedonia
D. Disorganized speech
125.Which of the following is not a subtype of schizophrenia? This question is based on the Faces Interactive
Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Catatonic Schizophrenia
B. Paranoid Schizophrenia
C. Disorganized Schizophrenia
D. Unspecified Schizophrenia
126.When the symptoms of schizophrenia are mixed or there is not a single prominent symptom, the person
is labelled as suffering from which of the following subtypes of schizophrenia? This question is based on
the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Disorganized subtype
B. Undifferentiated subtype
C. Unspecified subtype
D. Catatonic subtype
127.When the symptoms of schizophrenia involve bizarre motor behaviour, the person is labelled as suffering
from which of the following subtypes of schizophrenia? This question is based on the Faces Interactive
Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Catatonic subtype
B. Disorganized subtype
C. Undifferentiated subtype
D. Paranoid subtype
128.When the symptoms of schizophrenia involve disorganized speech and inappropriate behaviour, the
person is labelled as suffering from which of the following subtypes of schizophrenia? This question is
based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Catatonic subtype
B. Disorganized subtype
C. Undifferentiated subtype
D. Paranoid subtype
129.When the symptoms of schizophrenia involve delusions and hallucinations in which the person is being
persecuted, the person is labelled as suffering from which of the following subtypes of schizophrenia?
This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Catatonic subtype
B. Disorganized subtype
C. Undifferentiated subtype
D. Paranoid subtype
130.Which of the following models looks at the role of genetic and biological vulnerabilities and
environmental stress? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Diathesis-stress model
B. Stress-buffering model
C. Biological model
D. Family systems model
131.Which of the following is not a key symptom used in diagnosing schizophrenia? This question is based
on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Delusions
B. Disorganized speech
C. Grossly disorganized or catatonic behaviour
D. Unkempt appearance
132.Which of the following is not needed to meet the criteria for schizophrenia? This question is based on the
Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Active symptoms must persist for at least one month
B. Hallucinations must persist for at least 6 months
C. Symptoms must significantly interfere with the person's work, relationships, or self-care
D. Symptoms cannot be better explained by another medical or psychological condition
133.Which of the following statements is least true of schizophrenia? This question is based on the Faces
Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. 1% to 2% of North Americans will suffer from schizophrenia
B. Schizophrenia occurs in every culture around the world
C. Men usually develop schizophrenia earlier than women
D. Schizophrenia is more common among people with low intelligence
134.If a person experiences psychotic symptoms that lasts less than a month, they are said to be suffering
from which of the following disorders? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid
Schizophrenia Module
A. Schizophrenia Spectrum
B. Brief Psychotic Disorder
C. Schizophreniform Disorder
D. Schizophrenia
135.If a person experiences psychotic symptoms that lasts more than a month but less than six months, they
are said to be suffering from which of the following disorders? This question is based on the Faces
Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Schizophrenia Spectrum
B. Brief Psychotic Disorder
C. Schizophreniform Disorder
D. Schizophrenia
136.Which of the following represents the most commonly diagnosed subtype of schizophrenia? This
question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Disorganized subtype
B. Paranoid subtype
C. Undifferentiated subtype
D. Catatonic subtype
137.Which of the following factors is not associated with a good prognosis for schizophrenia? This question
is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Good social adjustment prior to onset
B. Family history of schizophrenia
C. A rapid, acute onset
D. Being female
138.Type I symptoms include negative symptoms such as blunted or flat affect.
True False
139.Positive symptoms include delusions and hallucinations.
True False
140.Delusions are ideas that an individual believes to be true but have no basis in reality.
True False
141.A persecutory delusion is the tormenting of one person by another.
True False
142.Grandiose delusions are beliefs that one possesses special powers.
True False
143.In delusions of reference, people believe that their thoughts are controlled by outside forces.
True False
144.Studies have indicated that the specific content of delusions is different across cultures.
True False
145.Real perceptual experiences are hallucinations.
True False
146.The most common type of hallucination is visual hallucination.
True False
147.A visual hallucination occurs when a person hears voices that give him/her commands.
True False
148.Derailment is slipping from one topic to a seemingly unrelated topic.
True False
149.Somatic hallucinations involve the perception that something is happening inside one's body.
True False
150.Speech that is disorganized and totally incoherent to a listener is referred to as word cross.
True False
151.Working memory is the ability to hold information in memory and manipulate it.
True False
152.In catatonic excitement, a patient with schizophrenia becomes wildly agitated for no apparent reason.
True False
153.Affective flattening is also referred to as alogia.
True False
154.Laughing at sad things and crying at happy things is referred to as inappropriate affect.
True False
155.A mix of schizophrenia and mood disorders is called schizodepressive disorder.
True False
156.Dementia praecox is now known as schizophrenia.
True False
157.People with paranoid schizophrenia have no prominent delusions or hallucinations.
True False
158.The mesolimbic pathway is the part of the brain involved in cognition and emotion.
True False
159.Canadian research shows that people diagnosed with schizophrenia who have never been treated manifest
increased levels of the neurotransmitter glutamate, particularly in the medial prefrontal region of the
True False
160.People with schizophrenia are less likely to live in impoverished circumstances because they live with
family members.
True False
161.Drug therapy has very little effect on the symptoms of schizophrenia so psychiatrists typically prescribe
medication as a last resort.
True False
162. is the inability to tell the difference between what is real and what is unreal.

163.A psychotic disorder in which people think and communicate clearly at times then lose touch with reality
and are unable to care for themselves is called .

164. symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thought, speech or

catatonic behaviour.

165. are ideas that an individual believes to be true but are often simply impossible.

166.A delusion is when people believe they are being tormented or watched by

167. delusions are beliefs that an individual possesses special powers.

168.Thoughts of being controlled by outside forces are described as delusions of .

169. and delusions of control are often a part of grandiose delusions.

170.Unreal perceptual experiences are called .

171.The most common type of hallucination is .

172.A person who sees things that are not really there has .

173.The tendency to slip from one topic to a seemingly unrelated topic is referred to as

174.When a person's speech is disorganized and totally incoherent to the listener, the process is referred to as
a .

175.Smooth pursuit eye movement is also referred to as .

176. is when a person becomes wildly agitated for no apparent reason.

177.A severe reduction in emotional responses to the environment is called .

178. is the inability to persist at common, goal-directed activities.

179.A mix of schizophrenia and mood disorders is called .

180.The part of the brain that is smaller and shows less activity in some people with schizophrenia is the

181.A birth complication that deprives oxygen to the brain during labour and delivery is called

182.The neurotransmitter is associated with the symptoms of schizophrenia.

183.The subcortical part of the brain involved in cognition and emotion is the

184.Thorazine, also known as , calms agitation and reduces hallucinations and


185. is an agitation that causes people to pace and makes it very difficult to sit

186.Create a diagnosable case vignette describing a person with brief psychotic disorder.

187.Differentiate between schizoaffective disorder and major depression with psychotic features.

188.Discuss the biological theories used to explain schizophrenia.

189.Differentiate between schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder.

190.Identify and briefly describe the subtypes of schizophrenia.

191.Differentiate between delusions and hallucinations and define the different types. Provide examples of 2
types of delusions and hallucinations that are not given in your text.

192.Discuss the different presentations of symptoms in schizophrenia.

11 Key
1. What does psychosis refer to?
(p. 376) A. The inability to differentiate between right and wrong
B. The inability to differentiate between conscious and unconscious desires
C. The inability to differentiate between what is real and what is not real
D. The inability to differentiate between depression and anxiety
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #1
2. Which of the following is the most common psychotic disorder?
(p. 376) A. Major depression with psychotic features
B. Bipolar disorder with psychotic features
C. Brief psychotic disorder
D. Schizophrenia

Learning Objective: N/A

Nolen - Chapter 11 #2
3. What percentage of people with schizophrenia seeks treatment in a mental-health facility or general
(p. 376) medical facility in a given year?
A. 60 percent
B. 75 percent
C. 82 percent
D. 90 percent
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #3
4. In Canada, what is the total economic burden or cost associated with schizophrenia?
(p. 376) A. 609 million dollars
B. 445 million dollars
C. 2.67 billion dollars
D. 6.85 billion dollars

Learning Objective: N/A

Nolen - Chapter 11 #4
5. Approximately what percentage of the population has received a diagnosis of a schizophrenia-
(p. 377) spectrum disorder?
A. 0.5-2 percent
B. Less than 0.5 percent
C. 10-12 percent
D. 5-7 percent
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #5
According to a study on schizophrenia conducted in British Columbia, which of the following findings
6. is true?
(p. 379-
380) A. Immigrants to Canada were more likely to develop schizophrenia than Canadian-born people
B. Canadian-born people were more likely to develop schizophrenia than immigrants to Canada
C. The rate of schizophrenia was the same for both immigrants and Canadian-born people
D. Immigrants to Canada and Canadian-born people had higher rates of schizophrenia than Aboriginal
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #6
7. Which of the following might explain gender differences in schizophrenia?
(p. 380) A. Women have a better prognosis because they have more social supports available to them
B. Women have a better prognosis than men because estrogen levels may act as a protective factor
C. Men have a better prognosis than women because testosterone levels reduce psychotic symptoms
D. Men have a worse prognosis than women because they are more likely to develop disorders with
disruptive behaviours
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #7
8. Which of the following is true of women with schizophrenia?
(p. 380) A. They tend to develop the disorder during their late teens or early 20s
B. They show fewer cognitive deficits than men with schizophrenia
C. They have worse pre-morbid histories than men with schizophrenia
D. They are less likely to have graduated from high school than men with schizophrenia
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #8
9. What type of disorder do most theorists view schizophrenia as?
(p. 380) A. A biological disorder
B. A psychological disorder
C. A social disorder
D. A bipolar disorder

Learning Objective: N/A

Nolen - Chapter 11 #9
10. All of the following symptoms are common in schizophrenia, except:
(p. 380-
A. Faulty perception of reality
B. Strange thought patterns
C. Olfactory hallucinations
D. Unusual behaviours

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #10
11. Julia had symptoms of delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech that lasted only 3 days.
(p. 377) What disorder will Julia most likely be diagnosed with?
A. Schizoaffective disorder
B. Schizophreniform disorder
C. Delusional disorder
D. Brief psychotic disorder
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #11
Lawrence exhibited delusions and hallucinations for 2 weeks and also experienced a manic episode
(p. 377) following this 2-week period. He continued to experience delusions and hallucinations. What disorder
will Lawrence most likely be diagnosed with?
A. Mood disorder with psychotic features
B. Schizoaffective disorder
C. Shared psychotic disorder
D. Schizophrenia
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #12
Ken has been experiencing unusual symptoms for approximately 6 weeks. He heard voices
13. through his television informing him that the provincial police were after him. He also experienced
(p. 377)
disorganized behaviour and thought disorder. This episode only lasted for 6 weeks and then his
behaviour returned to his level of pre-morbid functioning. What disorder will Ken most likely be
diagnosed with?
A. Schizophrenia
B. Schizophreniform disorder
C. Brief psychotic disorder
D. Schizoaffective disorder
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #13
14. An individual who is in a close relationship with someone who is experiencing psychotic features,
(p. 377) and then develops similar symptoms, would most likely be diagnosed with which of the following
A. Shared psychotic disorder
B. Schizophrenia
C. Brief psychotic disorder
D. Schizophreniform disorder
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #14
What is the primary difference between schizophrenia and the other psychotic disorders?
15. A. Manifestation of the symptoms
(p. 377)
B. Duration of the symptoms
C. Interference with functioning
D. Discomfort of the symptoms
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #15
16. Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?
(p. 380- A. Unusual perceptions
B. Flat or blunted affect
C. Memory loss
D. Fugue states

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #16
17. Which of the following terms refers to a belief that has no basis in reality?
(p. 381-
A. Hallucination
B. Paranoia
C. Loss of reality
D. Delusion

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #17
18. Although she has never meet Chris Rock, June believes that he is in love with her. What is this an
(p. 381- example of?
A. A hallucination
B. Paranoid thinking
C. Loss of reality
D. A delusion
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #18
19. Which of the following is the most common type of delusion?
(p. 381) A. Persecutory delusions
B. Somatic delusions
C. Delusions of grandeur
D. Thought insertion

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #19
20. Fred believes that the FBI has put a wire tap on his phone because they are trying to entrap him. What
(p. 381) is this an example of?
A. Delusions of entrapment
B. Somatic delusion
C. Delusions of grandeur
D. Persecutory delusion
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #20
21. Faith believes that she is the soul mate to Jesus Christ. What type of delusion is Faith exhibiting?
(p. 381- A. A persecutory delusion
382) B. A delusion of thought control
C. A grandiose delusion
D. A delusion of reference
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #21
Jeff believes that aliens from a parallel universe are controlling his thoughts. What type of delusion is
(p. 382)
Jeff exhibiting?
A. Persecutory delusion
B. Delusion of thought insertion
C. Delusion of grandeur
D. Delusion of reference
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #22
Sebastian believes his neighbour is watching him and waiting for the chance to steal his stamp
23. collection. What type of delusion is Sebastian exhibiting?
(p. 381-
382) A. Thought broadcasting delusion
B. Delusion of reference
C. Persecutory delusion
D. Grandiose delusion
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #23
24. According to the text, David Zelt experienced all of the following delusions, except:
(p. 382-
A. Delusion of control
B. Persecutory delusion
C. Delusion of reference
D. Grandiose delusion

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #24
25. What are hallucinations?
(p. 384) A. Unreal perceptual experiences
B. Beliefs that have no basis in reality
C. Odd ways of thinking
D. A form of thought disorder

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #25
26. Which of the following is the most common type of hallucination?
(p. 384) A. Visual
B. Auditory
C. Olfactory
D. Tactile

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #26
27. Jerry hears voices accusing him of being a serial rapist. What type of hallucination is Jerry
(p. 384) experiencing?
A. Visual
B. Auditory
C. Persecutory
D. Paranoid
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #27
28. Judith was experiencing sleep deprivation and she thought that spiders were crawling on her skin.
(p. 384) What type of hallucination is Judith experiencing?
A. Visual hallucination
B. Auditory hallucination
C. Olfactory hallucination
D. Tactile hallucination
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #28
Tabitha believes that an alien being is growing inside of her. What type of hallucination is Tabitha
(p. 384)
A. Visual
B. Somatic
C. Olfactory
D. Tactile
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #29
30. Delusions are to as hallucinations are to .
(p. 383-
A. Perceptions; thoughts
B. Thoughts; feelings
C. Thoughts; perceptions
D. Perceptions; feelings

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #30
31. Akura described how during Obon she guided her grandmother back to their home. Akura is from
(p. 381- Japan, which is where this annual Festival of the Dead occurs. Which of the following best explains
Akura's experience?
A. She is having visual hallucinations about her grandmother
B. She is grieving the recent loss of her grandmother
C. She is engaging in delusional thinking
D. She is describing an event in its cultural context
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #31
32. It is difficult to understand Carter because he tends to jumble his words together. What is Carter most
(p. 384- likely experiencing?
385) A. Clang associations
B. Formal thought disorder
C. Word salad
D. Alogia
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #32
Which of the following terms refers to words that mean something only to the person speaking them?
(p. 385)
A. Neologisms
B. Incoherency
C. Word salad
D. Language deficits
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #33
T.J. was asked if he liked the song that was playing on the radio. His response was, "song too long,
34. long to wrong, wrong not right, right not fight." What is this type of speech called?
(p. 385)
A. Word salad
B. Neologisms
C. Alogia
D. Clang associations
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #34
35. Ethel's conversation is hard to follow. She doesn't stay on the same topic and there is no transition.
(p. 385) Which of the following terms best describes Ethel's speech?
A. Derailment
B. Perseveration
C. Neologisms
D. Avolition
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #35
Harry has difficulty remembering information. He cannot hold information in his memory long
36. enough to manipulate and process the information. What aspect of memory is Harry having difficulty
(p. 385)
A. Long-term memory
B. Retrograde amnesia
C. Working memory
D. Sensory register memory
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #36
Donald stands motionless for several hours and rarely responds when someone speaks to him. Which
37. subtype of schizophrenia does Donald appear to have?
(p. 386) A. Undifferentiated subtype
B. Disorganized subtype
C. Catatonic subtype
D. Paranoid subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #37
Which of the following is a reason why the general public tends to be frightened of people with
38. schizophrenia?
(p. 386) A. The behaviours and mannerisms of people with schizophrenia are often disorganized
B. People with schizophrenia tend to be violent and aggressive
C. The public has a very distorted view of psychopathology
D. People with schizophrenia have poor social skills
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #38
Which of the following terms refers to an extreme lack of responsiveness to the external world, which
is seen in some patients with schizophrenia?
(p. 386)
A. Disorganization
B. Catatonia
C. Disassociation
D. Withdrawal
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #39
Which of the following terms refers to a severe reduction or complete absence of response to the
environment, which is seen in some patients with schizophrenia?
40. A. Inappropriate affect
(p. 387)
B. Anhedonia
C. Blunted affect
D. Clang associations
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #40
Ruth starts yelling at her daughter for missing her curfew. However, her daughter showed no
emotional response. Which of the following terms describes her daughter's response?
41. A. Blunted affect
(p. 387) B. Inappropriate affect
C. Promising affect
D. Indifferent affect
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #41
42. Stanley's parents do not understand why he has not spoken for several weeks. They are concerned that
(p. 387) something is seriously wrong, but Stanley seems unable to communicate with them. What is Stanley
most likely experiencing?
A. Emotional deficit
B. Affective flattening
C. Emotional blunting
D. Alogia
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #42
43. Which of the following is not a negative symptom of schizophrenia?
(p. 387-
A. Avolition
B. Alogia
C. Affective flattening
D. Hallucination

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #43
44. Affective flattening is to as a hallucination is to .
(p. 384-
A. Positive symptom; negative symptom
B. Negative symptom; positive symptom
C. Prodromal symptom; residual symptom
D. Residual symptom; prodromal symptom

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #44
45. A lack of emotional responses is to , as lack of speech is to .
(p. 387) A. Alogia; avolition
B. Avolition; anhedonia
C. Flat affect; alogia
D. Akathesis; alogia
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #45

46. Which of the following terms describes a person who laughs when things are sad and cries when
(p. 388) things are joyous?
A. Inappropriate affect
B. Blunted affect
C. Flat affect
D. Labile affect
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #46
Tom and his wife were attending a social engagement with his business associates. His wife started
47. laughing hysterically without provocation. What type of affect is Tom's wife exhibiting?
(p. 388)
A. Inappropriate affect
B. Blunted affect
C. Flat affect
D. Labile affect
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #47
48. Which of the following terms refers to the loss of interest in pleasurable activities?
(p. 388) A. Alogia
B. Avolition
C. Anhedonia
D. Akathesis

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #48
49. Which of the following statements is true?
(p. 388) A. People diagnosed with schizophrenia show a wide range of impaired social skills
B. Difficulties in social skills seen in schizophrenia may be due to lack of family support
C. Medication can reduce the effect of negative symptoms in schizophrenia thus allowing
improvement of social skills
D. Blunted or flattened affect in schizophrenia influences interpersonal relationships but not social
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #49
Who is credited with deriving the first comprehensive and accurate description of schizophrenia?
50. A. Sigmund Freud
(p. 389)
B. Emil Kraepelin
C. Anna Freud
D. Emile Durkheim
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #50
Emil Kraepelin is credited with deriving the first comprehensive and accurate description of which of
51. the following disorders?
(p. 389)
A. Mood disorders
B. Anxiety disorders
C. Schizophrenia
D. Cognitive disorders
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #51
52. What was schizophrenia formerly known as?
(p. 389) A. Psychotic mania
B. Dementia praecox
C. Multiple personalities
D. Psychotic neurosis

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #52
53. Who was credited with identifying dementia praecox?
(p. 389) A. Alfred Adler
B. Emil Kraepelin
C. Joseph Breuer
D. Jean Charcot

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #53
54. Why did Kraeplin originally give the name "dementia praecox" to schizophrenia?
(p. 389) A. He believed the disorder resulted from premature neurotransmitters in the brain
B. He believed the disorder resulted from brain trauma
C. He believed the disorder resulted from premature deterioration of the brain
D. He believed the disorder resulted from alcohol dementia

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #54
55. In addition to Emil Kraeplin, who was another important figure in the early history of schizophrenia?
(p. 389)
A. Eugen Bleuler
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Anna Freud
D. Emile Durkheim
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #55
56. Which of the following is true of negative symptoms of schizophrenia?
(p. 389) A. They are typically only seen in the acute phase of schizophrenia
B. They are most prominent in the prodromal and residual phases of schizophrenia
C. They manifest themselves during pre-morbid functioning
D. They are present only in the disorganized subtype of schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #56
57. When are prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia most evident?
(p. 389) A. During the acute phase of the disorder
B. Following remission of the disorder
C. Following the acute phase of the disorder
D. Prior to the acute phase of the disorder

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #57
58. When are residual symptoms of schizophrenia most evident?
(p. 389) A. During the acute phase of the disorder
B. During the catatonic phase of the disorder
C. Following the acute phase of the disorder
D. Prior to the acute phase of the disorder

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #58
59. Which of the following is not a subtype of schizophrenia?
(p. 391) A. Paranoid subtype
B. Undifferentiated subtype
C. Negative symptom subtype
D. Residual subtype

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #59
60. Which of the following is a type of schizophrenia characterized by prominent delusions and
(p. 391) hallucinations involving themes of persecution and grandiosity?
A. Paranoid subtype
B. Disorganized subtype
C. Catatonic subtype
D. Residual subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #60
61. Which of the following is true of psychotic episodes in paranoid schizophrenia?
(p. 390-
A. They are present in pre-morbid functioning
B. They are masked by disorganized behaviours
C. They are confused for alters seen in dissociative identity disorder
D. They are triggered by stress

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #61
62. Erin has auditory hallucinations. Her symptoms are prominent but they did not manifest until she was
(p. 390- in middle adulthood. Which subtype of schizophrenia does Erin likely have?
A. Disorganized subtype
B. Catatonic subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Residual subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #62
63. Berta experiences delusions of being controlled by the voices in her computer. She insists that her
(p. 390- husband take the computer out of the house. He refuses and insists that she needs to get some help for
391) her problem. Which subtype of schizophrenia does Berta likely have?
A. Residual subtype
B. Undifferentiated subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Disorganized subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #63
Compared to individuals with other subtypes of schizophrenia, which of the following statements is
64. true of individuals with paranoid schizophrenia?
(p. 390)
A. They exhibit the most prominent disorganized behaviour and thoughts
B. They have the most prominent delusions and hallucinations
C. They present with the most prominent catatonic behaviours
D. They must have delusions and hallucinations that are on the same persecutory theme
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #64
The onset of Joseph's psychotic episodes has been linked to his stressful lifestyle. He developed
65. delusions and became irritated with anyone who disagreed with his delusions. Which subtype of
(p. 390-
391) schizophrenia does Joseph likely have?
A. Disorganized subtype
B. Catatonic subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Residual subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #65
How does the prognosis for people with paranoid schizophrenia compare to the prognosis for people
66. with other subtypes of schizophrenia?
(p. 390- A. People with paranoid schizophrenia have a better prognosis
B. People with paranoid schizophrenia have a similar prognosis
C. People with paranoid schizophrenia have a poorer prognosis
D. People with paranoid schizophrenia have a more unpredictable prognosis
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #66
Which subtype of schizophrenia is characterized by disorganized thought and behaviours and
67. emotional disturbances?
(p. 391) A. Disorganized subtype
B. Undifferentiated subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Residual subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #67
Which of the following is true of people diagnosed with the disorganized subtype of schizophrenia?
(p. 391) A. They are prone to delusions and paranoia
B. They experience stupor and cataplexy
C. In extreme cases, they will not bathe or eat if left alone
D. They demonstrate emotional stability
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #68
69. Which of the following best describes the onset and course of the disorganized subtype of
(p. 391) schizophrenia?
A. An early onset, continuous course, unresponsive to treatment
B. A late onset, continuous course, responsive to treatment
C. An early onset, inconsistent course, unresponsive to treatment
D. A late onset, inconsistent course, responsive to treatment
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #69
Kari acts like a child, speaks in word salads, and does not bathe, dress, or eat if left alone. Which
70. subtype of schizophrenia does Kari most likely have?
(p. 391)
A. Paranoid subtype
B. Catatonic subtype
C. Residual subtype
D. Disorganized subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #70
Summer developed chronic symptoms of schizophrenia at age 22. Thus far her symptoms include
71. disorganized behaviours, thought disruptions, and inappropriate affect. She has been unresponsive to
(p. 391) treatment. Which subtype of schizophrenia does Summer most likely have?
A. Disorganized subtype
B. Catatonic subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Residual subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #71
Lee's response to the news that the family was moving was, "Who moves you move? (Sigh) Sad, sad
72. (giggle). Let's swim at the park. (Sigh). Walking home, can we walk home from school? NO run home
(p. 391) from the store (giggle)." Which subtype of schizophrenia is Lee's response most characteristic of?
A. Paranoid subtype
B. Catatonic subtype
C. Disorganized subtype
D. Residual subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #72
Henry was diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was 17 years old. His symptoms include
disorganized speech, blunted and flat affect, and odd behaviour. Which subtype of schizophrenia does
(p. 391) Henry likely have?
A. Residual subtype
B. Undifferentiated subtype
C. Paranoid subtype
D. Disorganized subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #73
Which of the following subtypes of schizophrenia is rare and has not been well researched?
A. Residual subtype
74. B. Undifferentiated subtype
(p. 391-
392) C. Catatonic subtype
D. Disorganized subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #74
75. Which of the following is false concerning the catatonic subtype of schizophrenia?
(p. 391) A. It has some of the most distinct features of all the subtypes of schizophrenia
B. Patients with this subtype are often responsive to the environment
C. It is one of the most common forms of schizophrenia
D. It has received the greatest research attention of all the subtype of schizophrenia

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #75
76. Which of the following is not a typical symptom of the catatonic subtype of schizophrenia?
(p. 391) A. Stupor
B. Echopraxia
C. Echolalia
D. Anhedonia
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #76
Uriah and Byron are roommates at the psychiatric hospital. Uriah tends to fluctuate between periods
77. of excitement and remaining motionless for hours. Byron tends to have bizarre speech and thought
(p. 391)
patterns as well as odd behaviours. Which diagnoses would be most appropriate for Uriah and Byron?

A. Uriah-disorganized schizophrenia; Byron-schizoaffective disorder

B. Uriah-residual schizophrenia; Byron-delusional disorder
C. Uriah-undifferentiated schizophrenia; Byron-brief psychotic disorder
D. Uriah-catatonic schizophrenia; Byron-disorganized schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #77
78. Which of the following is true of the undifferentiated subtype of schizophrenia?
(p. 392) A. The symptoms are similar to the catatonic subtype
B. It has an early onset and is chronic and resistant to treatment
C. The symptoms are less problematic compared to the disorganized subtype
D. It is more resistant to treatment if there is a late onset of the symptoms

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #78
79. Who would be most likely to receive a diagnosis of the residual subtype of schizophrenia?
(p. 392) A Alonzo, who has suffered from several episodes of avolition and formal thought disorder, but now
. experiences only auditory hallucinations
B Barnard, who has suffered two acute episodes of schizophrenia which involved delusions and
. hallucinations, but now experiences only flat affect
C. Cyrus, who has suffered from alogia and affective flattening for years, but now experiences only
formal thought disorder
DDudley, who has suffered from at least one episode of acute positive symptoms of schizophrenia,
. but now experiences only visual hallucinations and loosening of associations
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #79
80. Which of the following is not one of the biological theories of schizophrenia discussed in the text?
(p. 394) A. Birth complications
B. Genetic transmission
C. Visible physical deformities
D. Structural and functional brain abnormalities
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #80
81. Which of the following children is at greatest risk for developing schizophrenia?
(p. 395) A. One with two biological parents and a monozygotic (MZ) twin with schizophrenia
B. One with two adoptive parents and a monozygotic (MZ) twin with schizophrenia
C. One with two biological parents and a dizygotic (DZ) twin with schizophrenia
D. One with one biological parent and a dizygotic (DZ) twin with schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #81
82. What is the concordance rate for schizophrenia in monozygotic twins?
(p. 395) A. 32 percent
B. 16 percent
C. 46 percent
D. 60 percent

Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #82
83. Studies of individuals with schizophrenia have shown abnormalities in the volume, neuronal density,
(p. 396- and metabolic rate in all of the following areas, except:
399) A. Occipital lobe
B. Thalamus
C. Temporal lobe
D. Amygdala
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #83
People with schizophrenia who have an unusually small and inactive prefrontal cortex are likely to
84. experience which of the following symptoms?
(p. 398-
399) A. Negative symptoms
B. Hallucinations
C. Delusions
D. Disorganized speech
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #84
Which is the best explanation for the involvement of the prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia?
85. A. Evidence of a smaller prefrontal cortex is a consistent diagnostic criterion of schizophrenia
(p. 398-
399) B. A smaller prefrontal cortex is common in people exhibiting predominantly positive symptoms
C An enlarged prefrontal cortex is common in people exhibiting deficits in language, emotional
. expression, and planning and social interactions
D. People with predominantly negative symptoms tend to have a less active prefrontal cortex
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #85
86. Which of the following terms refers to oxygen deprivation during labour and delivery?
(p. 399- A. Perinatal hypoxia
B. Oxygen deflation
C. Fetal oxygen deficits
D. Oxycephaly
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #86
87. Which of the following has not been proposed as a cause of schizophrenia?
(p. 393-
A. Perinatal hypoxia
B. Prenatal virus exposure
C. Influenza exposure in utero
D. Schizophrenogenic mother

Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #87
88. Which of the following neurotransmitters is thought to play a role in schizophrenia?
(p. 400- A. Dopamine
B. Norepinephrine
C. Epinephrine
D. Acetylcholine

Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #88
89. Which of the following statements is false concerning the neurotransmitter dopamine and
(p. 400- schizophrenia?
ASeveral lines of evidence have supported the original dopamine theory that symptoms of
. schizophrenia are caused by excess levels of dopamine in the frontal lobe and limbic system
B. Neuroleptics increase the functional level of dopamine and help to reduce psychotic symptoms in
C.The new dopamine theory suggests that the traditional theory is too simple and that other
neurotransmitters are also involved in the disorder
D Critics of the original dopamine theory argue that the theory does not adequately explain the
. positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #89
90. According to the new dopamine theory, positive symptoms in schizophrenia might be due to large
(p. 400) number of dopamine receptors in which of the following brain areas?
A. Hippocampus
B. Mesolimbic pathway
C. Amygdala
D. Caudate nucleus
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #90
According to recent research, the interaction between dopamine and which of the following
91. neurotransmitters appears to be critical in schizophrenia?
(p. 401)
A. Acetylcholine
B. Glutamate
C. Serotonin
D. Norepinephrine
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #91
In addition to dopamine and serotonin being important to schizophrenia symptoms, other research
92. indicates that abnormal levels of which of the following neurotransmitters might also be contributing
(p. 401) factors?
A. Glutamate and norepinephrine
B. Norepinephrine and acetylcholine
C. Acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid
D. Gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #92
93. Which of the following statements is true?
(p. 393- A Strong evidence for a genetic contribution to schizophrenia exists and fully explains the connection

. between genetics and the disorder

B All people with schizophrenia show structural and functional abnormalities in the brain including
. high frontal activity and enlarged ventricles
C. Prenatal and birth difficulties have been implicated as contributing factors to the development of
D. Prenatal exposure to influenza virus during the third trimester of gestation increases the risk of
developing schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #93
94. Which of the following statements is true?
(p. 400- A.Excess dopamine activity in the amygdala and unusually high dopamine activity in the frontal
cortex play a role in schizophrenia
B. Research suggests that epinephrine, serotonin, and GABA also play a role in schizophrenia
C. Research suggests that norepinephrine, glutamate, and acetylcholine also play a role in
DResearch suggests that excess dopamine activity in the mesolimbic pathway and unusually low
. dopamine activity in the prefrontal area play a role in schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #94
95. What does social selection refer to?
(p. 402- A. Impoverished conditions that cause symptoms of schizophrenia

B. Symptoms of schizophrenia that interfere with the ability to complete school or hold a job
C. Symptoms of schizophrenia that apply to a specific social group
D. Selected groups of people with paranoid symptoms of schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #95
96. According to Goldberg and Morrison's (1963) study of socio-economic classes and men with
(p. 402) schizophrenia, which of the following findings was true?
A. Men with schizophrenia tended to end up in the same socio-economic classes as their mothers
B. Men with schizophrenia tended to end up in the same socio-economic classes as their fathers
C. Men with schizophrenia tended to end up in lower socioeconomic classes than their fathers
D. Socioeconomic classes were not impacted and were not a contributing factor to schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #96
Which of the following is true of the impact of psychosocial factors such as stress and certain types of
97. family functioning on schizophrenia?
(p. 403-
404) A.Psychosocial factors can trigger episodes of schizophrenia even in persons without an existing
predisposition to the disorder
B.Psychosocial factors can cause schizophrenia only if chronic life stress and poor family functioning
are both present at the same time
C. Psychosocial factors will not affect the severity of schizophrenic symptoms if the person is on a
proper dosage of medication
D. Psychosocial factors can cause a relapse in those who already have the schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #97
Mr. King sends Randy mixed messages with his communication pattern. He will hug him while
98. he is bitterly criticizing him. Randy is never sure if he loves him or dislikes him. What type of
(p. 404) communication pattern is Mr. King most likely exhibiting?
A. Echopraxia
B. A double bind
C. A dialectical pattern
D. Inappropriate affect
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #98
Jack had a paper cut on his finger. His mom kissed his finger gently and said, "This is ridiculous, can't
99. you do anything right?" This is an example of which of the following?
(p. 404) A. A double bind
B. Inappropriate affect
C. Communication deviance
D. Expressed emotion
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #99
"But the thing is as I said, there's got . . . you can't drive in the alley". What type of communication is
100. this an example of?
(p. 404) A. A double bind
B. Communication trouble
C. Communication deviance
D. Expressed emotion
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #100
Which of the following family communication patterns has received the most attention from
schizophrenia researchers?
101. A. Double bind
(p. 404-
405) B. Communication deficits
C. Communication deviance
D. Expressed emotion
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #101
102. Which of the following is true concerning expressed emotion and relapse in patients with
(p. 404- schizophrenia?
405) ATherapists have difficulty changing entrenched communication patterns between the patient with
. schizophrenia and their primary caregivers, which makes it difficult to reduce the relapse rate
B. Blunted affect will elicit more negative expressed emotion than inappropriate affect, which causes a
rise in the relapse rate
CExpressed emotion in observed family patterns indicates that negative symptoms are probably
. learned behaviours, which explains why relapse rates are very high in schizophrenia
D. Interventions that reduce expressed emotion in families tend to reduce relapse rate in schizophrenic
family members
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #102
103. Which of the following is false?
(p. 405) A. Families often have ideas about what the family member with schizophrenia can do to improve his/
her symptoms
BA family with high expressed emotion will often create stresses for the person with schizophrenia
. that may overwhelm his/her ability to cope and thus trigger new episodes of psychosis
CCritics of the expressed emotion theory argue that the hostility and intrusiveness observed might be
. the result of schizophrenic symptoms rather than contributors to relapse
D Families tend to be more forgiving of negative symptoms of the individual with schizophrenia
. because negative symptoms appear uncontrollable
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #103
104. Dr. Rushford's patient has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She is helping the patient learn how to
(p. 406) initiate and maintain a conversation with others. In addition she is teaching her client how to gather
important personal information by accompanying the client to selected places and demonstrating the
skills necessary to accomplish his goals. Which treatment approach is Dr. Rushford using?
A. Behavioural
B. Existential
C. Cognitive
D. Psychodynamic
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #104
105. Which of the following is a cognitive strategy for treating clients with schizophrenia?
(p. 406) A. Teach family members normal patterns of communications
B. Teach the client to attend to and perceive subtleties of communication
C. Teach the client ways of disputing delusional beliefs or hallucinatory experiences
D. Teach the client to avoid triggers of symptoms, such as stressful situations
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #105
106. Which of the following is a behavioural intervention for schizophrenia?
(p. 406) A. Teach patients ways of disputing their delusional beliefs or hallucinatory experiences
B.Identify stressful circumstances associated with development or worsening of the symptoms and
learn better ways of coping with stress
C. Provide basic training in what social stimuli to attend to and how to respond
D. Teach the client to avoid triggers of symptoms, such as stressful situations
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #106
107. Which of the following treatments for schizophrenia was the precursor to electroconvulsive therapy?
(p. 407)
A. Insulin coma therapy
B. Epileptic therapy
C. Seizure shock therapy
D. Psychoconvulsive therapy
Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #107
108. Which of the following is a common side effect of phenothiazines that consists of involuntary
(p. 408) movements of the tongue, mouth, or jaw?
A. Akathesis
B. Agranulocytosis
C. Tardive dyskinesia
D. Akinesia
Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #108
109. Which of the following is not a side effect of phenothiazines?
(p. 408-
A. Akathesis
B. Tardive dyskinesia
C. Akinesia
D. Anterograde amnesia

Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #109
110. Blanc is receiving a drug that binds to the D4 dopamine receptor and influences other
(p. 409) neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Which medication is likely being used to treat Blanc's
A. Effexor
B. Thorazine
C. Chlorpromazine
D. Clozapine
Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #110

111. Which of the following statements is true regarding atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of
(p. 409- schizophrenia?
410) A. They are relatively ineffective when compared to typical antipsychotic drugs
B. They are more effective than typical antipsychotic drugs
C. They are equally as effective as typical antipsychotic drugs
D. They are relatively ineffective when compared to ECT
Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #111
Which professional would be the least likely to be found in an assertive community treatment
112. program?
(p. 413-
414) A. A physician
B. A social worker
C. A spiritual healer
D. A psychologist
Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #112
Which of the following is not a service provided by community-based programs for schizophrenia?
(p. 413-
414) A. Social skills training
B. Work for hire
C. Social support
D. Vocational rehabilitation
Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #113
A healer uses a traditional method that involves a series of rituals designed to transform the meanings
114. of the schizophrenia symptoms and to relieve the pain. What type of model is this healer using?
(p. 414) A. Social support model
B. Healer model
C. Persuasive model
D. Structural model
Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #114
115. Lula is a healer who integrates the body, emotion, and cognition levels or the person, society,
(p. 414) and culture levels. Lula would argue that the loss of integration results in the reappearance of the
schizophrenia symptoms. Which model does Lula most likely follow?
A. Social support model
B. Structural model
C. Clinical model
D. Persuasive model
Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #115
116. Symptoms of schizophrenia can be divided into three categories. Which of the following is not one of
the categories? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Negative Symptoms
B. Indifferent Symptoms
C. Positive Symptoms
D. Social Dysfunction
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #116
117. Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia include overt behaviours that are unusual
and interfere with the person's ability to interact in daily life? This question is based on the Faces
Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Positive symptoms B.
Negative symptoms C.
Indifferent symptoms
D. Disorganized symptoms
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #117
118. The two most common types of positive symptoms include delusions and which of the following
symptoms? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Disorganized speech
B. Anhedonia
C. Hallucinations
D. Flat affect
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #118
119. Which of the following refers to a firmly held belief that is not grounded in reality? This question is
based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Delusion
B. Hallucination
C. Alogia
D. Catatonia
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #119
120. Which of the following refers to a perceptual error in which the person sees or hears something that
doesn't exist? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Delusion
B. Hallucination
C. Ecopraxia
D. Catatonia
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #120
121. What percentage of people with schizophrenia experiences some type of hallucination? This question
is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. 10%
B. 30%
C. 70%
D. 100%
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #121
122. Which one of the following represents a positive symptom? This question is based on the Faces
Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. A person expressing disturbed thinking and language
B. A person displaying emotional flattening
C. A person failing to complete a simple task
D. A person expressing poverty of speech
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #122
123. What are negative symptoms characterized by? This question is based on the Faces Interactive
Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. The presence of behaviours that are normally seen in people without psychopathology
B. The presence of behaviours that are not normally seen in people without psychopathology
C. The absence of behaviours that are normally seen in people without psychopathology
D. The absence of behaviours that are not seen in people without psychopathology
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #123
124. Which of the following is the most common negative symptom in people with schizophrenia? This
question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Emotional flattening
B. Avolition
C. Anhedonia
D. Disorganized speech
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #124
125. Which of the following is not a subtype of schizophrenia? This question is based on the Faces
Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Catatonic Schizophrenia
B. Paranoid Schizophrenia
C. Disorganized Schizophrenia
D. Unspecified Schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #125
126. When the symptoms of schizophrenia are mixed or there is not a single prominent symptom, the
person is labelled as suffering from which of the following subtypes of schizophrenia? This question
is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Disorganized subtype
B. Undifferentiated subtype
C. Unspecified subtype
D. Catatonic subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #126
127. When the symptoms of schizophrenia involve bizarre motor behaviour, the person is labelled as
suffering from which of the following subtypes of schizophrenia? This question is based on the Faces
Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Catatonic subtype
B. Disorganized subtype
C. Undifferentiated subtype
D. Paranoid subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #127
128. When the symptoms of schizophrenia involve disorganized speech and inappropriate behaviour, the
person is labelled as suffering from which of the following subtypes of schizophrenia? This question
is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Catatonic subtype
B. Disorganized subtype
C. Undifferentiated subtype
D. Paranoid subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #128
129. When the symptoms of schizophrenia involve delusions and hallucinations in which the person
is being persecuted, the person is labelled as suffering from which of the following subtypes of
schizophrenia? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Catatonic subtype
B. Disorganized subtype
C. Undifferentiated subtype
D. Paranoid subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #129
130. Which of the following models looks at the role of genetic and biological vulnerabilities and
environmental stress? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia
A. Diathesis-stress model
B. Stress-buffering model
C. Biological model
D. Family systems model
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #130
131. Which of the following is not a key symptom used in diagnosing schizophrenia? This question is
based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Delusions
B. Disorganized speech
C. Grossly disorganized or catatonic behaviour
D. Unkempt appearance
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #131
132. Which of the following is not needed to meet the criteria for schizophrenia? This question is based on
the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Active symptoms must persist for at least one month
B. Hallucinations must persist for at least 6 months
C. Symptoms must significantly interfere with the person's work, relationships, or self-care
D. Symptoms cannot be better explained by another medical or psychological condition
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #132
133. Which of the following statements is least true of schizophrenia? This question is based on the Faces
Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. 1% to 2% of North Americans will suffer from schizophrenia
B. Schizophrenia occurs in every culture around the world
C. Men usually develop schizophrenia earlier than women
D. Schizophrenia is more common among people with low intelligence
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #133
134. If a person experiences psychotic symptoms that lasts less than a month, they are said to be suffering
from which of the following disorders? This question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid
Schizophrenia Module
A. Schizophrenia Spectrum
B. Brief Psychotic Disorder
C. Schizophreniform Disorder
D. Schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #134
135. If a person experiences psychotic symptoms that lasts more than a month but less than six months,
they are said to be suffering from which of the following disorders? This question is based on the
Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Schizophrenia Spectrum
B. Brief Psychotic Disorder
C. Schizophreniform Disorder
D. Schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #135
136. Which of the following represents the most commonly diagnosed subtype of schizophrenia? This
question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Disorganized subtype
B. Paranoid subtype
C. Undifferentiated subtype
D. Catatonic subtype
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #136
137. Which of the following factors is not associated with a good prognosis for schizophrenia? This
question is based on the Faces Interactive Paranoid Schizophrenia Module
A. Good social adjustment prior to onset
B. Family history of schizophrenia
C. A rapid, acute onset
D. Being female
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #137
138. Type I symptoms include negative symptoms such as blunted or flat affect.
(p. 380) FALSE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #138
139. Positive symptoms include delusions and hallucinations.
(p. 380) TRUE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #139
140. Delusions are ideas that an individual believes to be true but have no basis in reality.
(p. 381) TRUE
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #140
141. A persecutory delusion is the tormenting of one person by another.
(p. 381) FALSE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #141
142. Grandiose delusions are beliefs that one possesses special powers.
(p. 381) TRUE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #142
143. In delusions of reference, people believe that their thoughts are controlled by outside forces.
(p. 382) FALSE
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #143
144. Studies have indicated that the specific content of delusions is different across cultures.
(p. 383) TRUE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #144
145. Real perceptual experiences are hallucinations.
(p. 384) FALSE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #145
146. The most common type of hallucination is visual hallucination.
(p. 384) FALSE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #146
147. A visual hallucination occurs when a person hears voices that give him/her commands.
(p. 384) FALSE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #147
148. Derailment is slipping from one topic to a seemingly unrelated topic.
(p. 384- TRUE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #148
149. Somatic hallucinations involve the perception that something is happening inside one's body.
(p. 384) TRUE
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #149
150. Speech that is disorganized and totally incoherent to a listener is referred to as word cross.
(p. 384- FALSE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #150
151. Working memory is the ability to hold information in memory and manipulate it.
(p. 385) TRUE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #151
152. In catatonic excitement, a patient with schizophrenia becomes wildly agitated for no apparent
(p. 386) reason.
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #152
153. Affective flattening is also referred to as alogia.
(p. 387) FALSE
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #153
154. Laughing at sad things and crying at happy things is referred to as inappropriate affect.
(p. 388) TRUE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #154
155. A mix of schizophrenia and mood disorders is called schizodepressive disorder.
(p. 390) FALSE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #155
156. Dementia praecox is now known as schizophrenia.
(p. 389) TRUE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #156
157. People with paranoid schizophrenia have no prominent delusions or hallucinations.
(p. 390- FALSE

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #157
158. The mesolimbic pathway is the part of the brain involved in cognition and emotion.
(p. 400) TRUE

Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #158
159. Canadian research shows that people diagnosed with schizophrenia who have never been treated
(p. 401) manifest increased levels of the neurotransmitter glutamate, particularly in the medial prefrontal
region of the brain.
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #159
160. People with schizophrenia are less likely to live in impoverished circumstances because they live with
(p. 402- family members.
403) FALSE
Learning Objective: 3
Nolen - Chapter 11 #160

161. Drug therapy has very little effect on the symptoms of schizophrenia so psychiatrists typically
(p. 407- prescribe medication as a last resort.
408) FALSE

Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #161
162. is the inability to tell the difference between what is real and what is unreal.
(p. 376) Psychosis
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #162
163. A psychotic disorder in which people think and communicate clearly at times then lose touch with
(p. 376) reality and are unable to care for themselves is called .
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #163
164. symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thought, speech
(p. 380) or catatonic behaviour.
Positive or Type I
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #164
165. are ideas that an individual believes to be true but are often simply impossible.
(p. 381) Delusions

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #165
166. A delusion is when people believe they are being tormented or watched by
(p. 381) people.
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #166
167. delusions are beliefs that an individual possesses special powers.
(p. 381- Grandiose

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #167
168. Thoughts of being controlled by outside forces are described as delusions of .
(p. 382) thought insertion

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #168
169. and delusions of control are often a part of grandiose delusions.
(p. 381) Persecutory delusions

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #169
170. Unreal perceptual experiences are called .
(p. 384) hallucinations

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #170
171. The most common type of hallucination is .
(p. 384) auditory

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #171
172. A person who sees things that are not really there has .
(p. 384) visual hallucinations

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #172
173. The tendency to slip from one topic to a seemingly unrelated topic is referred to as
(p. 384- .
loosening of association or derailment
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #173
174. When a person's speech is disorganized and totally incoherent to the listener, the process is referred to
(p. 385) as a .
word salad
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #174
175. Smooth pursuit eye movement is also referred to as .
(p. 385) eye tracking

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #175
176. is when a person becomes wildly agitated for no apparent reason.
(p. 386) Catatonic excitement
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #176
177. A severe reduction in emotional responses to the environment is called .
(p. 387) affective flattening

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #177
178. is the inability to persist at common, goal-directed activities.
(p. 387- Avolition

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #178
179. A mix of schizophrenia and mood disorders is called .
(p. 390) schizoaffective disorder
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #179

180. The part of the brain that is smaller and shows less activity in some people with schizophrenia is the

(p. 398) .
prefrontal cortex
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #180
181. A birth complication that deprives oxygen to the brain during labour and delivery is called
(p. 399- .
perinatal hypoxia
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #181
182. The neurotransmitter is associated with the symptoms of schizophrenia.
(p. 400) dopamine

Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #182
183. The subcortical part of the brain involved in cognition and emotion is the
(p. 400) .
mesolimbic pathway
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #183
184. Thorazine, also known as , calms agitation and reduces hallucinations and
(p. 408) delusions.
Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #184
185. is an agitation that causes people to pace and makes it very difficult to sit
(p. 408) still.
Learning Objective: 4
Nolen - Chapter 11 #185
186. Create a diagnosable case vignette describing a person with brief psychotic disorder.
(p. 377)
Key terms and concepts that may be included in student responses:
• symptoms should be reflective of DSM criteria: presence of one (or more) of the following
symptoms-presence of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or behaviour
• duration-disturbance is at least 1 day but less than 1 month; returning to level of pre-morbid

Learning Objective: N/A

Nolen - Chapter 11 #186
187. Differentiate between schizoaffective disorder and major depression with psychotic features.
(p. 377)
Key terms and concepts that may be included in student responses;
• schizoaffective disorder-DSM criteria: uninterrupted period of illness during which, at some time,
there is either a major depressive, manic, or mixed episode
• schizoaffective disorder must meet criteria A of schizophrenia—2 or more symptoms (delusions,
hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behaviour, negative symptoms)
• schizoaffective duration-during the same period of illness, there have been delusions or
hallucinations for at least 2 weeks in the absence of prominent mood symptoms
• major depression—must have at least 1 major depressive episode without the presence of mania,
hypomania, or mixed episode
• major depressive episode—5 or more of the symptoms (depressed mood, anhedonia, eating changes,
sleep changes, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue, feelings of low self-worth, concentration
deficits, recurrent thoughts of suicide)
• major depression episode duration—present during the same 2 week period; change in the level of
• major depression with psychotic features—experience delusions and hallucinations during a major
depressive episode
Feedback: See Chapter 9
Learning Objective: N/A
Nolen - Chapter 11 #187
188. Discuss the biological theories used to explain schizophrenia.
(p. 393-
Key terms and concepts that may be included in student responses:

• there is strong evidence for a genetic contribution to schizophrenia, although genetics do not fully
explain who will develop the disorder
• many people with schizophrenia show significant structural and functional abnormalities in the
brain, including low frontal activity and enlarged ventricles
• a number of prenatal and birth difficulties are implicated in the development of schizophrenia,
including prenatal hypoxia and exposure to the influenza virus during the second trimester of gestation
• difficulties in deploying attention may be at the core of many symptoms of schizophrenia
• excess dopamine activity in the mesolimbic pathway and unusually low dopamine activity in the
prefrontal area of the brain may work together to create the symptoms of schizophrenia
• new research suggests that serotonin, glutamate, and GABA may also play a role in schizophrenia
Learning Objective: 2
Nolen - Chapter 11 #188
189. Differentiate between schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder.
(p. 377)

Key terms and concepts that may be included in student responses:

• schizophreniform—diagnosed when the symptoms for schizophrenia are met but the duration is
too short (at least 1 month but less than 6 months); social and occupational functioning may not be
• schizophrenia—continuous signs of disturbance for at least 6 months, must include at least 1 month
where symptoms meet Criteria A (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or behaviour)

Learning Objective: N/A

Nolen - Chapter 11 #189
190. Identify and briefly describe the subtypes of schizophrenia.
(p. 380-
Key terms and concepts that may be included in student responses:

• paranoid schizophrenia-delusions and hallucinations with themes of persecution and grandiosity

• disorganized schizophrenia-incoherence in cognition, speech, and behaviour, and flat or
inappropriate affect
• catatonic schizophrenia-nearly total unresponsiveness to the environment, as well as motor and
verbal abnormalities
• undifferentiated schizophrenia-diagnosed when a person experiences schizophrenia symptoms but
does not meet the criteria for paranoid, disorganized, or catatonic schizophrenia
• residual schizophrenia-history of at least one episode of the acute positive symptoms but currently
no prominent positive symptoms

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #190
Differentiate between delusions and hallucinations and define the different types. Provide examples of
191. 2 types of delusions and hallucinations that are not given in your text.
(p. 380-
Key terms and concepts that may be included in student responses:
• delusions—ideas that a person believes to be true but have no basis in reality—persecutory (being
watched or persecuted); reference (random events or comments are directed toward them); grandiose
(special being or have special powers); thought control (outside forces are controlling their thoughts)
• hallucinations—unreal sensory or perceptual experiences—auditory (hearing voices—generally
commands);visual (seeing things); tactile (crawling or tingling of skin); somatic (something is
happening inside one's body)
• examples should reflect an understanding of the processes; students should avoid restating examples
from the text
Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #191
192. Discuss the different presentations of symptoms in schizophrenia.
(p. 380-
Key terms and concepts that may be included in student responses:

• positive or Type I symptoms of schizophrenia-delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and

speech and disorganized or catatonic behaviour; delusions and hallucinations similar across cultures
(specific content varies by culture)
• negative or Type II symptoms of schizophrenia-affective flattening, poverty of speech, loss of
• other symptoms of schizophrenia include anhedonia, inappropriate affect, and impaired social skills
• prodromal symptoms are moderate positive and negative symptoms that are present before an
individual goes into an acute phase of the illness
• residual symptoms are symptoms present after an acute phase

Learning Objective: 1
Nolen - Chapter 11 #192
11 Summary
Category # of Questions
Learning Objective: 1 127
Learning Objective: 2 22
Learning Objective: 3 13
Learning Objective: 4 12
Learning Objective: N/A 18
Nolen - Chapter 11 192

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