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Keki .N.

In Questions
-tion of morning about
scarecrow seasons

Act as an
active spy


Spry - alert

Snuffs - puts out

Dribble - falls or drip in small quantities.

Bolts - fastens something


1. What does the scarecrow do in the morning?

Ans: The scarecrow spies on monkeys and porcupines in the morning.

2. What does the scarecrow see?

Ans: The scarecrow sees everything around him except his own shadow.

3. What are the questions that bother him?

Ans: The scarecrow doesn’t know about the order in which seasons come and
go and where they come from. These questions bother him.

4. What does he know about the seasons?

Ans: The scarecrow knows that winter is freezing and that summer is hot.

5. What does the scarecrow do to keep questions out and answers in?

Ans: The scarecrow bolts his upper storey’s door, which means his head.


1.Why are scarecrows named so? Why are they used by the farmers?

Scarecrows are named so because they are literally meant to scare away the
crows. They are figures on stick that are meant to look like humans. They are
filled with straw or cotton and covered with old clothes and are placed in the
fields to scare away any crows that might come to peck at the crops.
Scarecrow have been used by the farmers to protect their crops since old days.
The exact date or period were unknown. Farmers from all over the world have
used them in various forms in their fields. They have become popular figures
with festivals being celebrated in their honour in many places. Despite
advancements in agricultural practices, they continue to be used in various
parts of the world.

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