BUS10012 Assignment 1

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Social Problem Report| Design Thinking Stage Empathise and Define

BUS10012| Assignment 1| Semester 2
Shalven A/L Mohan| 104100182
Table of Content
2.Design Thinking.....................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Design Thinking Stages......................................................................................................................3
2.2 Social Entrepreneurship....................................................................................................................3

3.The Social Problem: Flood.......................................................................................................................4

3.1 Impact On Societies.............................................................................................................................4
3.2 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.................................................................................5
3.3 Personal Connection.............................................................................................................................5

4.Users Affected By Flood...........................................................................................................................6

4.1 Loss Of Life...........................................................................................................................................6
4.2 Homeowners........................................................................................................................................6
4.3 Families.................................................................................................................................................7
4.4 Business................................................................................................................................................7

5.Problem Statement...................................................................................................................................8
Ruzita Che Him Journey Map......................................................................................................................9
Ruzita Che Him Customer Profile Map........................................................................................................9
Ruzita Che Him Empathy Map...................................................................................................................10
Khairudin Ali empathy map.......................................................................................................................11
Persona Volunteers(NGO)……………………………………………………………………………….11
Sanjeev Kumar empathy map……………………………………………………………………………12
Persona: Business Owners……………………………………………………………………………….12
Reference List…………………………………………………………………………………..………..13
The design thinking method will be applied in this social report to work toward a social issue
interacting with the environment.

2.Design Thinking
Design Thinking is a cycle for solving problems by putting the needs of the client above
anything else. It relies on observing, with compassion, how people interact with their
environment and applies an iterative cycle that teams use to identify customers, test assumptions,
categorize problems, and come up with creative solutions for model and test. Consisting of the
Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test phases. In general, dealing with situations that are
poorly defined or unclear is beneficial.

2.1 Design Thinking Stages

There are 5 stages which guide the process

Stage 1 | Empathize
Empathy is crucial to a human-centered design approach like design thinking because it allows
you to set aside your own perspective and get true insight into consumers and their needs.

Stage 2 | Define
It's time to gather the information gleaned from the Empathize stage. Then, by evaluating and
synthesizing your data, you and your team outline the basic problems you have found.

Stage 3 | Ideate
Thanks to the strong foundation of knowledge from the prior two phases, you may start to "think
outside the box," investigate for novel approaches to the problem, and develop original solutions
to the problem statement you've developed.

Stage 4 | Prototype
Iterative stage currently. The aim is to find the best response for each circumstance. Your team
should produce numerous inexpensive, scaled-down versions of the product or certain features
featured inside the product to test the hypotheses you've developed.

Stage 5 | Test
This is the final stage of design thinking, which is iterative: Teams usually use the information to
redefine one or more new challenges. You can go back and carry out further iterations,
alterations, and improvements to discover or exclude viable solutions.
2.2 Social Entrepreneurship
The core of social entrepreneurship is identifying social problems and achieving social change
via the use of entrepreneurial methods. Prior to developing, establishing, and managing a social
business to effect the desired change, careful research must be conducted to adequately identify a
particular social issue. The transition might partially or totally solve a societal issue. Making
improvements to the present condition may be a lifetime endeavour. Social entrepreneurs can be
people who work for non-profit or non-governmental groups that collect money via fundraisers
and other neighborhood events while also making a difference in their neighbourhood, society,
or the entire world.

3.The Social Problem: Flood

Floods are the principal calamity influencing Malaysia as the nation is impacted via occasional
rainstorm floods (the most serious) as well as glimmer floods and flowing floods. The east coast
and the southern piece of Peninsular Malaysia are predominantly impacted by floods during
December to January when the upper east rainstorm is winning. Flooding happens because of
broad delayed weighty precipitation bringing about an enormous grouping of spillover which is a
lot of in overabundance of the limits of streams and waterways. Broad regions are frequently
immersed. The west shore of Peninsular Malaysia then again is basically impacted from
September to November during the entomb storm period when convectional rainstorms become
predominant. Such tempests bring short however extremely serious precipitation which seriously
over-burdens the seepage frameworks, causing restricted "streak" floods.
3.1 Impact on Societies
Flood calamities seriously affect individuals influencing occupations, harming properties and
frameworks, and killing lives. The yearly flood harm is about US$274 million and lives are
misfortune consistently. The surges of December 2021 in Malaysia left very nearly 50 dead,
required the departure of around 400,000 individuals, and brought about a general gauge of
RM6.1 billion in monetary misfortunes. Extraordinary volumes of precipitation left regions on
the west shore of Peninsular Malaysia under right around four meters of water and transformed
streets into streams. The water supply in a few state was tainted and a portion of the states
needed to look for provisions from their neighbor states. The floods likewise obliterated an
expected 45,000 hectares of rice fields with the public authority vowing MYR26 million in help
to ranchers.
Some flood casualties, who lost their homes and family as well as their assets, had the option to
try to avoid panicking notwithstanding the misfortune and recover financially by fixing their
vehicles and homes. In any case, certain individuals are not even ready for a minuscule
aggravation, such as getting abandoned by the roadside, not to mention an enormous calamity,
which causes them to feel worried or even baffled.
3.2 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
The seventeen Maintainable Improvement Objectives laid out by the Assembled Countries are
planned to influence the world. The system for accomplishing a superior, more manageable
future for everyone is tracked down in the Supportable Improvement Objectives. They manage
issues like destitution, disparity, environmental change, natural corruption, harmony, and equity,
as well as other overall issues we stand up to. One of these objectives can be applied flood
counteraction in Malaysia: Objective 15 Life Ashore ,means to make battle desertification,
reestablish debased land and soil, including land impacted by desertification, dry spell and
floods, and endeavor to accomplish a land corruption nonpartisan world.

3.3 Personal Connection

During December 2021 there was a flood episode that impacted the vast majority of individuals
in Malaysia. We was watching it in the news that the greater part of the flood casualty was
emptying their to move to a taller structure like school and was looking for help since they had
deficient of food and they to illuminate candles during the evening time. So my companion and I
willfully accumulated with the nearby occupants and chosen to help those casualties by giving
them food and garments. So we had find individuals who needs our assistance and accumulated
every one of them in a superior and more secure place.There certain region where we cannot
enter on the grounds that the spot was excessively overwhelmed and it will be perilous to go in
yet we could hear individuals yelling "Help! Help! Help!". So we needed to assemble more men
since we wanted more labor to help those casualties who are caught in specific spot. Late night
of battle we figured out how to help the greater part of individuals and we brought however
many individuals as we could to a spot where we can give them food, dress and clean water. The
second they saw the food, tears began moving from their eyes.

After a while, everyone made it to the roadside safely. It was an emotional occasion for everyone
since they could finally meet their friends and siblings. They were then driven to the closest
flood victim centre.
4. Users affected by Bushfires

4.1 Loss of Life

Malaysia has experienced numerous occasions of flood. The moonson downpour and resulting
floods have become a vital part of regular daily existence of Malaysians. The flood have affected
a large number of individuals in Malaysia and, surprisingly, a portion of the casualty were killed.
On the ground, numerous non-legislative associations (NGOs) have likewise met up to assist
with saving individuals abandoned by floodwaters, carry dislodged individuals to asylums, and
help in tidy up endeavors. A portion of the workers had been harmed during the time spent
aiding the casualty who was trap in houses. One of it was 56 year old worker went into an
overflowed house where the casualty they were caught by rising waters.
The clients impacted by this social issue are the families and networks that have lost friends and
family to floods. The serious psychosocial repercussions of flooding can leave people and their
families damaged for quite a while.
4.2 Homeowners
While during the serious flooding circumstances inhabitants were ignorant and not ready for the
floods, not to mention the degree of the seriousness of this specific season's outrageous
precipitation and flooding occasion, floods can cause primary harm, for example, free or clasping
floors and rooftop or establishment breaks. Occupants had to pass on their homes to move to a
more secure area since their assets in general, including any spots or things of wistful or social
worth, were unsalvageable. Less fortunate areas experience more than rich ones, particularly
when individuals should get a vacation from of work to fix and save their best of their homes.
Neighborhood stores and related stock or hardware might be harmed, making it very harder for
individuals to reestablish their life subsequent to burning through cash on fixing houses and
restoring types of revenue.
The clients impacted by this social issue are those property who are harmed by flood. A greater
number of individuals property harm in streak floods than in riverine floods because of the short
or nonexistent admonition time frame.
4.3 Families

Flood casualties and their families might encounter durable injury. Losing a friend or family
member makes a significant difference, especially on youngsters. Stress can continue in the wake
of being evacuated from one's home, subsequent to losing possessions, and subsequent to having
business and social exercises upset. The mental impacts might continue quite a while for certain
individuals. The heft of the relatives were all the while managing the effects of the Coronavirus
episode, and some of them turned out to be destitute. Most of their relatives battled and looked
for help to fix their homes while likewise wanting to give food and attire to their families. .
During the flood numerous kids trainings were delayed on the grounds that school were utilized
as a protected haven for individuals. Since the flood misfortune numerous youngsters and
families needed to recuperate themselves actually and intellectually.
The clients impacted by this social issue are guardians and kids who was affected by flood.
Losing a friend or family member might make enduring impacts, particularly on youngsters.
Proceeded with pressure can be welcomed on by being removed from one's home, losing
resources and method for help, and encountering disturbances in friendly and expert issues.
Conquering this pressure and the subsequent misfortunes could make enduring mental impacts.
4.4 Business
Living quarters, autos, business areas, the assembling and rural areas, as well as open resources
and framework, were completely harmed by the flood that struck this country in late 2021 and
mid 2022. The water demolished a few hectares of estate, and, surprisingly, killed a few
creatures. Also, proprietors of organizations like PC shops and cafés experienced critical
misfortunes. What's more, ranchers experience a scope of financial troubles while they
recuperate from a flood. Flooding additionally eases back crop advancement and lifts weed
development since weed seeds wash in from different areas. So ranchers need to begin from the
base again which it will require investment significantly more opportunity to develop the
The clients impacted by this social issue are entrepreneurs and networks. Networks living in the
locale become more helpless because of the deficiency of land esteem in the flood fields. The
additional cost of rebuilding, moving individuals, and eliminating property from flood-impacted
districts could redirect the cash expected to make a big difference for creation.
5.Problem Statement
Floods cause havoc in many places of Malaysia every year during moonson season. A flood is by
far a worst thing to happen. The infrastructure in our environment and the ecosystem itself may
be harmed by severe flooding. They can first demolish houses and render them inhabitable.
Additionally, they may clear farms of sand, which makes it harder to cultivate crops. In addition
to the aforementioned, flooding taints pure water, resulting in illnesses.

How might we prevent floods in Malaysia?

To concoct procedures to turn away floods, the public authority and the general population
should team up. Bringing issues to light on what to do in case of floods is fundamental. It is
important to develop advance notice frameworks so people have sufficient opportunity to
safeguard themselves. Tall designs that are above flood levels should be built in places that are
more inclined to encounter flooding.
Moreover, a solid component for putting away additional water from downpour ought to be set
up. This will prevent the water from spilling. The seepage framework should be fortified, which
is perhaps of the most essential measure. Floods can be kept away from because of staying away
from water logging.
Aside from that, dams need to be well built. Dams fail when inexpensive materials are used. To
stop floods, the government must make sure that high-quality dams are built. We cannot stop
natural events, like a severe rainstorm. However, we can prevent the effects of human activity,
such as dam failure, inadequate drainage, the installation of warning systems, and more.
Flood can bring a lot of losses to the government because majority public property will
destroyed. All of these issues would be very expensive to maintain, and the government would
have to spend more money cleaning up the impacted areas. Additionally, the government must
pay for all of the victim's basic needs, which is an expensive endeavor. We should all take
precautions as citizens to avoid this, such as using trash cans instead of the drains and being
mindful of the effects of flooding. To preserve the lake's capacity for storage, all unlawful land
grabbing and deforestation must end.
The government should not be the lone institution in charge of maintaining the ecosystem's
equilibrium. While it is true that humans cannot control the weather or the likelihood that a flood
will occur, there must be some effort done to lessen the effects of a flood.
6. Appendinces
Ruzita Che Him Journey Map

Ruzita Che Him Customer Profile Map

Knows how
to deal
Free of Fear another
bravely Provide
good Travel from
enviroment to school
for living
Family at risk

Evacuate intensified
House been
home natural
Ruzita Che Him Empathy Map

property Sad Government
will provide
Flood compensation
plants Injured
Amount of

Be bold
We are
sorry for Volunteers
your loss helps victims

It happen Ruzita Che Him

all of
Job Title:

Perona: Parents

About: Ruzita is married woman with 3 kids. She lives with her family and their house was
submerged in flood. Her main priority is to keep her kids safe during the flood. Her goal is to
provide good environment for her family and the community. Ruzita will ensure that this
incident will be lesson and they will not repeat the same mistake again. So Ruzita decided to
educate the kids by preparing for the worst scenarios in the future. Ruzita frustration is she had
one and only belongings which was her house and it was damaged also due to the flood many
people were hurt and same as Ruzita they had to build or repair their home.
Khairudin Ali empathy map

Sad Exhausted

Pressured Safety of Tension

Many the people
trees are Saved my
down life
Heavy Children
floods are hurt

Thanks for
the help
I want to
It was too
You are a see my
brave kid family

Khairudin Ali
will come Volunteers
to help
you (NGO)

About: Khairudin Ali is a husband and he has two children. He lives in Pahang, Malaysia and his
age is 54 years old and he has been in NGO for more than 10 years. He goals is to serve people
and always help them where they are in need it. HE want to create a better environment and
community for the people. His frustration is government are not considering or improving to
make anything better for the local communities.
Sanjeev Kumar empathy map


Scared Worst Need

Loss of moment money for
Agriculture Most land
destroyed has been

revenue Impossible to
start from
Sanjeev Kumar
Have to
start from Job title:

About:Sanjeev is a full time farmer. He has thousand of chickens

in farms and also planting vegetables. He spend most of his time
in the farm. His goals is to spend time with his family, produce the
best vegetables and also provide the best healthy foods to the
consumers. His frustration was his agriculture land got destroyed
due to the heavy flood and had to start from the scratch.
7.Reference List

Tyre, D. (2018). Social Entrepreneurship: What It Is and Why Everyone’s Talking

About it. [online] Hubspot.com. Available at: https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/social-
‌Yu Siang, T. (2009). What is Design Thinking? [online] The Interaction Design
Foundation. Available at:

T‌ he Star. (n.d.). Reach out to traumatised flood victims, say experts. [online]

Available at: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021/12/29/reach-out-to-
traumatised-flood-victims-say-experts [Accessed 21 Sep. 2022].

Auto, H. (2021). Malaysian businesses hit hard by the floods | The Straits Times.
[online] www.straitstimes.com. Available at: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-

ADAM, A. (2022). Here’s how Malaysian Family Flood Aid is helping those affected by
the recent floods get back on their feet. [online] Malay Mail. Available at:
family-flood-aid-is-helping-those-affected-by-the-recen/2034421 [Accessed 21 Sep.

www.termpaperwarehouse.com. (n.d.). Malaysian Flood - Term Paper. [online]

Available at:
[Accessed 21 Sep. 2022].

‌ PFM (2013). What are the negative social impacts of flooding? – APFM. [online]
Floodmanagement.info. Available at: https://www.floodmanagement.info/what-are-

‌ ueensland Government (2018). What are the consequences of floods? [online]

Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist. Available at:

Anon, (n.d.). How Flooding Affects Farm Land. [online] Available at:


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