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The Black Aeroplane

The story is based on the theme that there is a divine power that controls and guides human effort. The
pilot of the Dakota could not have asked for an easier flight when he started from Paris. However, the
sudden change in the flying conditions brings him close to death. It is at at this time that a guide-plane
appears mysteriously and rescues him. This plane disappears as mysteriously as it had appeared. But, it
rescues the life of the narrator. So, the courage of the pilot to fly to safety is guided by supernatural

The story conveys the message that courage is guided by faith. The pilot of the Dakota plane was an
experienced flier but he panicked when he got engulfed by the black storm. Still, he kept trying to reach
to safety with the help of the guiding instruments in his plane. When all the instruments too got
jammed, he suddenly found a mysterious black plane that guided him. It was perhaps the pilot's courage
that gave him faith and he managed to find his way out of the storm. So faith is very important to guide
courage in the proper direction.The story also gives the message that one must never give up in the face
of adverse times. Difficulties should be taken by the horns and hope should not be abandoned.

The Pilot
The narrator is a pilot by profession and flies the old Dakota DS 088. He is an Englishman who loves his
homeland. This is evident from the fact that he takes the risk of entering the storm clouds because he is
eager to reach home to his family to enjoy a good big English breakfast with them. He has proper
knowledge about weather conditions and enjoys his job. He begins his flight at 1.30 in the morning
because he is confident that the weather conditions are favourable. He is cheerful as he starts the flight
and admires the sleepy countryside beneath. The narrator is also a brave man. He takes the risk of flying
straight into the storm. Although later it proves to be an error of judgement, he does not ever lose
courage. On realizing that he is in danger, he at once tries to contact the control room. He does not panic
when his equipments fail one after the other. He tries to use the last device, radio, to contact the control
room. The narrator's courage is strengthened by his faith. His will to survive brings a mysterious black
plane by his side whose pilot guides him to safety. This illusion is so real that the pilot follows his guide
like an obedient child till he lands safely. The pilot is also a humble man who has deep sense of gratitude
for his mysterious guide. The first thing he does on landing safely is to inquire about his saviour so that
he could thank him. The narrator inspires the readers to always keep faith and never give up in the face
of adversity.

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