English Speaking

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War causes massive bloodshed and destruction but it is the only option when

countries fail to solve an issue through political or economic arrangements.

Technological advancements like radars and cell phones came up after World
War 2. War helps in creating a national identity. People forget their regional
differences and fight as one. An example is the Chinese Civil War, which
brought China together. It transformed into an economic superpower that we
know today.The American Civil War led to the abolition of slavery. John F
Kennedy was right when he said ‘It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure
peace only by preparing for war’.

War isn’t just a simple disagreement between two countries. It leads to turmoil
and upheaval of peace in both parties involved. It’s always about the powerful
versus the powerless. Rarely is it about what’s right and wrong. Tracking the
recent Russia-Ukraine war, as the scenes of devastation and panic unfold, I
see history repeating itself. Thousands of people are fleeing homes, bidding
goodbye to their kids, and many have become homeless. It’s always the
innocent people who face the brunt of war. Their personal lives are torn apart
and their education and healthcare is severely affected as is their financial
situation. We have progressed and learnt our lessons about what losses such
wars can bring. Now that we have organisations that support humanitarian
rights and world peace, we should act sensibly to ensure world peace.

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