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Undertaken at


Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


BATCH (2022-24)


Mainak Basu MR. Mukti Prasad

MBA Semester II Director of Company

Under the Guidance of

Dr. Purvi Derashri
Assistant Professor

P.O. Limda, Tal. Waghodia, District Vadodara – 391760

I, Mainak Basu, Enrolment No. 2206142000363 from PIET MBA, Semester II of

the Parul University, Vadodara hereby declare that a report based on summer
internship at AN instruments PVT. Ltd is an original work and the same has
not been submitted to any other Institute for the award of any other degree.

Date: Signature of the Student


It is hereby certified that Mr Mainak Basu, 2206142000363 has submitted the

Summer Internship Project Titled Impact of Social Media Influencers on
Consumer Behaviour in partial fulfillment of Master of Business
Administration (PIET) at Faculty of Management Studies – MBA, Parul
University, Vadodara, Gujarat.

The internship was carried out at AN INSTRUMENTS PVT LTD from

22/05/2023 to 07/07/2023. The report submitted is satisfactorily
meeting all laid out criteria.


Signature of the Guide Signature

Dr. Purvi Derashri Dr. Bijal Zaveri
Assistant Professor Dean and Director
SIP Completion Certificate

This is to certify that Mainak Basu, student of Master of Business

Administration from Batch of 2022-24, (PIET), Enrolment Number
2206142000363 has successfully completed Summer Internship Program
at AN Instruments Pvt Ltd during 22/05/2023 to 07/07/2023 under my
guidance and supervision. He has successfully conducted a study and
completed project on Marketing Department.

Date: 30/06/23 Mukti Prasad Basu

The summer training of a management studies play an important role in developing his as
well groomed professional. It allows a student to give theoretical concepts a practical in the
field of application. If gives the candidate an idea of dynamic & versatile professional world
as well as exposure to intricacies & complexities of corporate world.

Doing the summer training at AN Instruments PVT. LTD was great experience. An opening
experience to the concepts of Marketing department helped me in understanding the
concepts that are applied by the organization since its inception has progressed a lot & is
walking guideline of success, as the organization is marching with the speeds towards the
horizon. This division is holding with a greater speed to keep the pace with the major
players in the market.

During the MBA course we are taught dozen of subjects which if not applied properly are a
simple waste of time. Implementing & in learning of concept of marketing in the market
provider an opportunity to practically.

I got a chance to apply our theory & acceptance myself with the functioning of marketing in
a period of 8 weeks exposure to the corporate environment. I got a learning of basics of
marketing etc. Real learning places it`s worth only when it gives sweet fruits in future.
Summer training is one way to learning at work. I enjoyed the interesting experience &
every part of it.
This summer report project would not have been possible without support and assistance of
all the specialists working in this area. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one
of the intellectual exchanges, valuable suggestions, critical reviews and technical assistance.

First of all, I am highly indebted to Mr. Mukti Prasad for giving me opportunity to work
under their personal guidance. I express my sincere gratitude to other member of department
for their valuable time and suggestions, me to complete this project successfully.

I am highly thankful to Dr. Purvi Derashri and all faculty member of Parul Institute, who
extended their support and guidance throughout the period of summer training.

I am thankful to all my trainers during this training helped me whatever little way they could
during period. I also feel to recognize the constructive feedback of my friend and moral
support of my family for without them this project would not have been possible.



1.1 Introduction 01

1.2 Growth and Evolution in India 03

1.3 Industry Analysis: Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model 05


2.1 Introduction of Company Name 08

2.2 Mission and Vision 09

2.3 Goals and Objectives 09

2.4 Organization’s Structure 10

2.5 Board of Directors and Key Executive Officers 11

2.6 Product and Services Offered 12

2.7 Key financial/operational results for last years 13


3.1 Introduction of the Marketing Department 14

3.2 Activities of Marketing Department 14

3.3 SWOT Analysis of the Department 15

Documents (Worked upon by the student while he/she was

3.4 Interning at the Organization) 17

Interdependence of department/Area under study with other

3.5 departments/operational areas 17

3.6 Analytical study of work/assignments/training 18

3.7 Conclusions 18

3.8 Suggestions 19

3.9 Outcomes of the Summer Internship 20

Chapter-4 RESEARCH

4.1 Title of the Study 22

4.2 Abstract of Research 23

4.3 Introduction of the Research Area 24

4.4 Literature Review 24

4.5 Define Research Problem/Research Objectives 26

4.6 Hypotheses 27

4.7 Research Methodology 28

4.7.1 Research Design 28

4.7.2 Sample Design and Sampling 29

Data Collection Instrument’s Selection, Preparation and

4.7.3 Collection 31

Research/Data Analysis (SPSS/AMoS/Advance Excel/NViVo

4.7.4 etc.) 32

4.8 Findings 34

4.9 Conclusions 35

4.10 Industrial/Managerial/Societal Implications 35

4.11 Limitations 36

4.12 References 37

4.13 Appendices 37




One of the Pioneers in the Instrumentation business in India, which established in early 1970.
Our Technical capabilities are from more than 46 years expertise and experience which has
assured and committed for Quality products in our business and lead us to a business leader
the domestic market.

Con temporary technology, Skilled craftsmanship, Commitment to excellence kAll this, and
more, have made “ANI” the Most trusted name in pressure temperatur gauges,level
instruments. And, helped obtain approval from leading project consultants in India and

Over the past four and half decades, “ANI” has established a huge customer base in
Page | 1
domestically and internationally and the company has continually expanded its product
range, which now includes special purpose Pressure Gauges, Regulators, Pressure Switches,
Circular Chart Data Recorders, Flow, Level, Manifolds and Instrumentation fittings.
Its dedication to quality is reflected in the manufacturing process which involves rigorous
quality and performance test so fall raw materials and finished products.


A gauges manufacturing company is a company that specializes in the production of gauges,

which are instruments used for measuring, calibrating, and inspecting various parameters
such as pressure temperature, flowrate, dimensions, and more. These gauges are essential in
a wide range of industries including manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, oil and gas,
healthcare, and many others.

Demand for gauges is driven by the need for accurate and reliable measurements in different

Industries rely on gauges to ensure quality control, Compliance with regulations, and
efficient operation of their processes. The demand for gauges can vary based on the
industry’s performance, economic conditions, technological advancements, and regulatory


 Pressure Gauges:
These gauges are used to measure the pressure of liquids or gases in a system. They
often have a dial or digital display that indicates the pressure reading.

 Temperature Gauges:
These gauges are used to measure the temperature of sustain environment. They can
be designed as dial gauges or digital thermometers, depending on the specific

 Level Gauges:
Level gauges are used to measure the level of liquid or bulk material in tanks,
vessels, or containers. They can be designed as visual indicators, sight glasses, or
electronic sensors.

 Flow Gauges:
Flow gauges are used to measure The rate of fluid flow in pipes or channels. They
can Provide information about the volume, velocity, or mass flowrate of a fluid.

 Dimensional Gauges:
Dimensional gauges are used to measure various dimensions, such as
length,thickness,diameter,ordepth.They are commonly used in manufacturing

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processes for quality control and precision measurement.

Gauges manufacturing companies often serve diverse industries such as manufacturing,

automotive, aerospace, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, and more.
They may also provide services like calibration, repair, and customization of gauges to meet
specific customer


AN Instruments is a well-established company in the gauges manufacturing industry.
Founded in 1970, the company has a rich history and extensive experience in designing and
Manufacturing a wide range of high-quality gauges for various applications. Over the years ,
AN Instruments has built a
Strong reputation for its commitment to precision, reliability, and customer satisfaction.


AN Instruments has experienced steady growth since its establishment in 1970. The
company's commitment to delivering superior gauges and meeting the evolving needs of its
customers has contributed to its success. With a focus on innovation and continuous
improvement, AN Instruments has expanded its product portfolio to cater to diverse
industries such as manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, oil and gas, and more.

The company's growth can also be attributed to its ability to adapt to market trends and

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technological advancements. AN Instruments invests in research and development to stay at
the fore front of gauge manufacturing technology. By staying updated with industry
standards and incorporating the latest advancements in measurement and calibration, the
company ensures its gauges meet the highest quality standards and address the changing
needs of its customers.


AN Instruments places great importance one valuating its Performance and products to
maintain its high standards. The company has implemented rigorous quality control
processes throughout the manufacturing cycle. Each gauge under goes meticulous testing
and inspection to ensure accuracy, reliability, and durability.

AN Instruments also values customer feedback and actively seeks input from its clients. This
feedback is used to assess customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. By
listening to customer needs and incorporating their suggestions, the company continuously
enhances its products and services.

In addition, AN Instruments regularly conducts internal evaluations to assess operational

efficiency and identify opportunities for optimization. The company closely monitors
production processes, supply chain management, and cost-effectiveness to streamline
operations and maximize productivity.

These evaluations help AN Instruments identify areas where it can further improve its
performance, reduce waste, and enhance overall efficiency. AN Instruments' commitment to
growth and evaluation has positioned the company as a trusted manufacturer of gauges.
With its strong focus on precision, reliability, and customer satisfaction, the company has
built long-lasting relationships with clients world wide.

By leveraging its experience,expertise, and dedication to excellence, AN Instruments

continues to thrive in the gauges manufacturing industry.

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Five Forces that Shape Strategy", Michael Porter observed five forces that have significant
impact on a firm's profitability in its industry. These five forces analysis today in business
world is also known as -Porter Five Forces Analysis. The Porter Five(5)Forces are-

● Threat of New Entrants

● Bargaining Power of Suppliers
● Bargaining Power of Buyers
● Threat from Substitute Products
● Rivalry among the existing players

AN Instruments Incorporated Porter Five (5)Forces Analysis for Industry

Threats of New Entrants

New entrants in Guages-Broad Line brings innovation, new ways of doing things and put

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pressure on AN Instruments Incorporated through lower pricing strategy, reducing costs, and
providing new value propositions to the customers. AN Instruments Incorporated has to
manage all these challenges and build effective barriers to safe guard its competitive edge.

How AN Instruments Incorporated can tackle the Threats of New Entrants

● By innovating new products and services. New products not only brings new
customers to the fold but also give old customer a reason to buy AN Instruments
Incorporated ‘sproducts.
● By building economies of scale so that it can lower the fixed cost per unit.
● Building capacities and spending money on research and develop.

New entrants are less likely to enter a dynamic industry where the Established player such as
AN Instruments Incorporated keep defining the standards regularly. It significantly reduces
the window of extraordinary profits for the new firms thus discourage new players in the

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

All most all the companies in the guages - Broad Line industry buy their raw material from
numerous suppliers. Suppliers in dominant position an decrease the margins AN Instruments
Incorporated can earn in the market. Powerful suppliers in the Technology sector use the
negotiating power to extra cthigher prices from the firms in guages - Broad Line field. The
overall impact of high supplier bargaining power is that it lowers the overall profitability of

How AN Instruments Incorporated can tackle Bargaining Power of the Suppliers

● By experimenting with product design susing different materials so that if the prices
go up of one raw material then company can shift to another.
● Developing dedicated suppliers whose business depends upon the firm. One of the
lessons AN Instruments Incorporated can learn from Wal-Mart and Nike is how
these companies developed third party manufacturers whose business solely
depends on them thus creating as scenario where these third party manufacturers
have signific By building efficient supply chain with multiple suppliers.
● Nely less bargaining power compare to Wal-Mart and Nike.

Bargaining Power of Buyers

Buyers are often ade manding lot. They want to buy the best offerings available by paying
the minimum price as possible. This put pressure on AN Instruments Incorporated
profitability in the long run. The smaller and more powerful the customer base is of AN
Instruments Incorporated the higher the bargaining power of the customers and higher their
ability to seek increasing discounts and offers.

How AN Instruments Incorporated can tackle the Bargaining Power of Buyers

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● By building a large base of customers. This will be helpful in two ways. It will
reduce the bargaining power of the buyers plus it will provide an opportunity to the
firm to streamline its sales and production process.
● By rapidly innovating new products. Customers often seek discounts and offerings
one stablished products so if AN Instruments Incorporated keep on coming up with
new products then it can limit the bargaining power of buyers.
● New products will also reduce the defection of existing customers of AN
Instruments Incorporated to its competitors.

Threats of Substitute Products or Services

When a new productor service meets a similar customer needs in different ways, industry
profitability suffers. For example services like Dropbox and Google Drive are substitute to
storage hardware drives. The threat of a substitute product or service is high if it offers a
value proposition that is uniquely different from present offering so the industry.

How AN Instruments Incorporated can tackle the Treat of Substitute Products /Services
● By being service oriented rather than just product oriented.
● By understanding the core need of the customer rather than what the customer is
● By increasing the switching cost for the customers.

Rivalry among the Existing Competitors

If the rivalry among the existing players in an industry is intense then it will drive down
prices and decrease the overall profitability of the industry. AN Instruments Incorporated
operates in a very competitive gauges - Broad Line industry. This competition does take to
lathe over all long term profitability of the organization.

How AN Instruments Incorporated can tackle Intense Rivalry among the Existing
Competitors in guages-Broad Line industry

● By building a sustainable differentiation

● By building scale so that it can compete better
● Collaborating with competitors to increase the market size rather than just
competing for small market.

Implications of Porter Five Forces on AN Instruments Incorporated

By analysing all the five competitive forces AN Instruments Incorporated strategists can
gain a complete picture of what impacts the profitability of the organisation in guages -
Broad Line industry. They can identify game changing trends early on and can swiftly
respond to exploit the emerging opportunity. By understanding the Porter Five Forces in
great detail AN Instruments Incorporated's managers can shape those forces in their favor.

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One of the Pioneers in the Instrumentation business in India, which established in early
1970. Technical capabilities are from more than 46 years expertise and experience which has
assured and committed for Quality products in business and lead to a business leader in the
domestic market. Contemporary technology, Skilled craftsmanship, Commitment to

All this, and more, have made “ANI” the most trusted name in pressure temperature gauges,
level instruments. And, helped obtain approval from leading project consultants in India and

Over the past four and half decades, “ANI” has established a huge customer base in
domestically and internationally and the company has continually expanded its product
range, which now includes special purpose Pressure Gauges, Regulators, Pressure Switches,
Circular Chart Data Recorders, Flow, Level, Manifolds and Instrumentation fittings.

Its dedication to quality is reflected in the manufacturing process which involves rigorous
quality and performance tests of all raw materials and finished products.

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Exceed our customer expectation in quality, delivery, and cost through countinuous
improvement and customer interaction.


Our main mission is to understand the customer requirement, timely delivery of quality
product at an affordable cost.

The AN INSTRUMENTS PVT LTD its motivate and inspire the employee and workforce
towards giving their optimal best performance towards the goal achievement of AN



The goal set by AN INSTRUMENTS PVT LTD should be achievable. This means that AN
INSTRUMENTS PVT LTD have the resources and the finances necessary for being able to
realize the organization goals over the long haul. AN INSTRUMENTS PVT LTD should
also have the strategic leadership to be able to achieve these organization goals

AN INSTRUMENTS PVT LTD is a company wich manufactures guages that’s why their
main objective is
• Profit maximization
• Timely delivering to customer

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• Customer satisfaction
• Shareholders wealth maximization

2.4 Organization’s structure

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2.5 Board of Directors and key
executive officer
Mr.Dev Dutta Sen - Managing Director
Mr. DD Sen, is Promoter, and Whole Time Director of the Company. He has completed his
Bachelor of Commerce from ShriShahuJiMaharaj University, Kanpur. He has around a
decade of experience in coal industry. His scope of work includes overall management of
coal/Trade business of the Company.

Mr. Mukti Prasad Basu – Director

Mr. MuktiBasu is an Director on the Board of the Company. He is Qualified Chartered
Accountant and having 32 years of Rich experience headed multiple positions in renowned
business groups

Mr. Pradeep Kumar Mahanti – Sales Director

Mr. P.K Mahanti, is Whole Time Director of the Company. He has completed Bachelor of
Commerce from Kanpur University. His scope of work includes management of sales and
production of paper business of the Company.


1 Harshad Patel General Manager

2 Head of finance
Manish Das

3 MayuriRana Head of

4 ParthChawla Purchase

5 Akshay Soni Marketing


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2.6 Product and Service offered

● Pressure Gauges:
These gauges are used to measure the pressure of liquids or gases in a system. They
often have a dial or digital display that indicates the pressure reading.

● Temperature Gauges:
These gauges are used to measure the temperature of a substance or environment.
They can be designed as dial gauges or digital thermometers, depending on the
specific application.

● Level Gauges:
Level gauges are used to measure the level of liquid or bulk material in tanks,
vessels, or containers. They can be designed as visual indicators, sight glasses, or
electronic sensors.

● Flow Gauges:
Flow gauges are used to measure the rate of fluid flow in pipes or channels. They can
provide information about the volume, velocity, or mass flow rate of a fluid.

● Dimensional Gauges:
Dimensional gauges are used to measure various dimensions, such as length,
thickness, diameter, or depth. They are commonly used in manufacturing processes
for quality control and precision measurement

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2.7 Key financial result for
Last years

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The Area/Department in which I am working as intern is the MARKETING


A marketing department drives the promotional engine of a business. It is responsible for

increasing brand awareness overall, while also driving potential and recurring customers to a
company’s products or services.



 Conducting campaign management for marketing initiatives.

 Producing marketing and promotional materials.

 Creating content providing search engine optimization for your website.

 Monitoring and managing social media.

 Producing internal communications.

 Serving as media liaison.

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 Conducting customer and market research.




 Location Advantage of manufacturing unit

AN Instruments is situated in (Vapi , Gujarat) one of the biggest industrial sector of
Gujarat So its provides lots of advantages to the company where the AN instruments
Pvt ltd is situated at that location there is a proper transportation facility is available .

The AN Instruments has strong client like L&T, ONGC, IOCL. Ect AN Instruments
is working on the requirement of the client.

AN inatruments is one of the leading manufacture of (pressure guage, temperature
guage, level switches) Instruments and one of the reputed industry in manufacturing
industry only because of there quality of product

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 Threats of new entrance:

The threat of new businesses starting in this sector is high because there are many
suppliers available to provide necessary help to grow such business.


AN instruments is getting competition from same industry or start ups


When the law changes at that time the company has to change there plans



There are so many dealer who gives raw material to the company so sometimes raw
material affect the production of the product

Because in our country the product which import from china is get ban most of the
china product is plastic based product that’s why our sale will increased because
china is not able to send there plastic product to our country so we call sell or


Because the AN instruments is one of the leading company who manufacture
(pressureguage, temperature guage, level switches) Instruments so that we can able
to explore more export market Increasing demand for discount cards by offering
more services in future

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The purpose of a marketing plan is to decide how you will sell your products or services to
consumers. Rather than assuming your product is perfect for everyone, the plan focuses on
key people who are most likely to buy the product.


Staffing refers to the continuous process of finding, selecting evaluating and developing a
working relationship with current or future employees. The main goal of staffing is to fill the
various roles within the company with suitable candidates.


Directing refers to a process or technique of instructing, guiding, inspiring, counseling,

overseeing and leading people towards the accomplishment of organizational goals.


Marketing control refers to the measurement of the company's marketing performance in

terms of the sales revenue generated, market share captured, and profit earned.


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The Major Department of the Company are listed below All the department are
interdependence with each other marketing and sales department are interdependence to
production department Finance department is interdependence to marketing and sales
departmentAccounting department is interdependence to marketing and sales department
Legal and compliances department are interdependence to HR and Admin.


work for the marketing internships involves evaluating the assignments, tasks, training, and
performance of marketing during the internship program. I assesses the relevance and
complexity of assignments, the opportunities for skill development, the level of supervision
and feedback, and the overall impact on my growth and competence. The study aims to
improve the internship program by identifying strengths and areas for enhancement,
ultimately providing valuable learning experiences for future marketing interns.

In conclusion, marketing internships offers me valuable learning experiences, practical
exposure, and opportunities for professional growth. I had gain hands-on experience in
various marketing areas and develop essential skills for my future careers. The internships
help me build my portfolios, explore different marketing roles, and expand my professional
networks. Internships also provide opportunities for evaluation and feedback, allowing me to
refine my skills and improve my performance. Overall, marketing internships serve as a
stepping stone for launching successful careers in the marketing field.

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As an intern working with an instrument manufacturing company, here are some

suggestions that can enhance the internship experience:

 Structured Internship Program: Develop a structured internship program that

outlines the goals, objectives, and timeline of the internship. Clearly communicate
the expectations, responsibilities, and deliverables for the interns. This will provide
a clear framework for their work and help them understand their role within the

 Rotational Assignments: Provide interns with the opportunity to work in different

departments or teams within the company. This allows them to gain exposure to
various aspects of the instrument manufacturing process, such as production, quality
control, research and development, marketing, o…

 Final Presentation or Project Showcase: At the end of the internship, give interns the
opportunity to present their work or showcase the projects they have completed.
This allows them to demonstrate their achievements, share their learnings, and

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receive feedback from the management team. It also serves as a platform to
recognize their contributions and celebrate their accomplishments.

By implementing these suggestions, the instrument manufacturing company

can create a rewarding and enriching internship program. It will provide interns with
valuable experiences, skill development opportunities, and a positive impression of
the company, making them more likely to become future advocates or potential hires.


The outcomes of summer internship programs in the marketing field can vary depending on
the specific program and the goals of the participants. However, here are some common
outcomes that are typically associated with marketing internships:

Practical Experience:

Interns gain hands-on experience in various marketing activities and projects. They have the
opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world marketing scenarios, such as
conducting market research, creating marketing campaigns, managing social media
accounts, analyzing data, or assisting with event planning. This practical experience helps
interns develop a deeper understanding of marketing concepts and strategies.

Skill Development:
Internships provide a platform for interns to develop and enhance their marketing skills.
They learn how to use marketing tools and software, improve their communication and

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presentation skills, enhance their analytical and problem-solving abilities, and develop a
customer-oriented mindset. These skills are invaluable for future marketing roles.

Industry Knowledge:
Internships expose interns to the workings of the marketing industry. They gain insights into
market trends, consumer behavior, industry best practices, and the competitive landscape.
Interns learn about different marketing channels, strategies, and tactics employed by
organizations to achieve their marketing objectives.

Networking Opportunities:
Internships allow interns to network with professionals in the marketing field. They have the
chance to interact with marketing managers, executives, and other industry experts. Building
these professional relationships can open doors for mentorship, future job opportunities, and
valuable connections within the marketing industry.

Internships provide a platform for personal growth and development. Interns gain
confidence, improve their problem-solving abilities, learn to adapt to different work
environments, and develop a professional work ethic. They also learn how to manage their
time effectively and work collaboratively as part of a team.

Overall, summer internship programs in the marketing field offer numerous benefits,
including practical experience, skill development, industry exposure, networking
opportunities, resume enhancement, career exploration, and personal growth. These
outcomes contribute to the interns' professional development and increase their prospects for
a successful career in the marketing industry.

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“Impact of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Behaviour”

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Social media influencers have become increasingly popular in recent years, and their
influence on consumer behavior is a growing area of research. This study investigates the
impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior, with a focus on the following

* The credibility of social media influencers

* The type of content that social media influencers share
* The way that social media influencers interact with their followers

The study found that social media influencers can have a significant impact on consumer
behavior, particularly when they are perceived as credible and when they share content that
is relevant to their followers. The study also found that the way that social media
influencers interact with their followers can also influence consumer behavior.

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The findings of this study have implications for businesses that are looking to use social
media influencers to promote their products or services. The study suggests that businesses
should carefully select social media influencers who are credible and who share content that
is relevant to their target audience. Businesses should also ensure that social media
influencers interact with their followers in a way that is engaging and informative.



Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and it is now the primary source of
information for many people. This has led to the rise of social media influencers, who are
people who have a large following on social media and who use their platform to promote
products or services.

There is a growing body of research that suggests that social media influencers can have a
significant impact on consumer behavior. For example, a study by Nielsen found that 70%
of consumers trust recommendations from social media influencers. Additionally, a study
by Influenster found that 62% of consumers have made a purchase based on a
recommendation from a social media influencer.

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The literature on the impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior is still in its
early stages, but there are a number of studies that have found that social media influencers
can have a significant impact on consumer behavior. For example, a study by Nielsen found
that 70% of consumers trust recommendations from social media influencers. Additionally,
a study by Influenster found that 62% of consumers have made a purchase based on a
recommendation from a social media influencer.

The literature has also identified a number of factors that can influence the impact of social
media influencers on consumer behavior. These factors include the credibility of the social
media influencer, the type of content that the social media influencer shares, and the way
that the social media influencer interacts with their followers.

Social Media Influencers (SMIs) in Context: A Literature

 This review focuses on three main areas: SMIs in context, the impact of SMIs on adolescents, and
consumer behaviour in a digital era – Generation Z in perspective.
 The review aims to raise awareness within the marketing field about the influence of SMIs on
adolescents and how brands promote their products and content through SMIs.
 The review uses electronic journal databases and secondary data from reports, surveys, and
empirical research as sources.
 The review provides insights about who SMIs are, how to recognise them, how they impact
adolescents’ lives, and how brands and SMIs are partnering.

Impact of social media on consumer behaviour2

 This paper empirically investigates the role of social media in consumers’ decision-making process
for complex purchases – those characterised by significant brand differences, high consumer
involvement and risk, and which are expensive and infrequent.
 The paper uses the information search, alternative evaluation, and purchase decision stages from the
classical EBM model as a framework.

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 The paper conducts a quantitative survey among internet-savvy consumers in South-East Asia who
have made complex purchases online.
 The paper finds that social media usage influences consumer satisfaction in the stages of
information search and alternative evaluation, with satisfaction getting amplified as the consumer
moves along the process towards the final purchase decision and post-purchase evaluation.

Social Media Influence on Consumer Behavior: The Case of

Mobile Phone Manufacturers3
 This paper analyzes the use of social networks Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram by
Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi and BQ as the axis of promotion of their products, increase of web traffic,
improvement of the image of the company or the brand and obtaining brand notoriety.
 The paper uses a mixed-method approach combining content analysis, web analytics, sentiment
analysis and structural equation modeling.
 The paper finds that social media influence on consumer behavior is mediated by brand awareness,
brand image and perceived quality.
 The paper also finds that different social networks have different effects on consumer behavior
depending on the type of content and interaction.

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Impulse Buying4

 This paper explores how social media marketing affects impulse buying behavior among young
consumers in India.
 The paper uses a conceptual model based on the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) framework and
tests it using a survey of 384 respondents.
 The paper finds that social media marketing stimuli such as entertainment, informativeness,
credibility and interactivity have positive effects on consumers’ emotional states such as pleasure,
arousal and dominance.
 The paper also finds that these emotional states have positive effects on consumers’ impulse buying

I hope this summary helps you with your research work. You can find more details and
references in the links below:
: 2: 3: 4:

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of social media influencers on
consumer behavior. The specific research objectives of this study are to:

(1) Identify the factors that influence the impact of social media influencers on consumer

 The influencer's credibility:

o Is the influencer knowledgeable about the product or service they are promoting?
o Can the influencer provide honest and unbiased reviews?
 The influencer's reach:
o How many followers does the influencer have?
o What is the demographics of the influencer's followers?
 The influencer's content:
o Is the content informative and engaging?
o Does the content resonate with the influencer's followers?
 The consumer's demographics:
o What is the age, gender, and income level of the consumer?
o What are the consumer's interests and hobbies?

(2) Determine the impact of social media influencers on consumer purchase intention

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 Influencer recommendations:
o How often do consumers purchase products or services that have been recommended by
o What is the influence of influencer recommendations on consumer purchase intention?
 Social proof:
o How often do consumers purchase products or services that they see other people buying?
o What is the influence of social proof on consumer purchase intention?
 Brand awareness:
o How does exposure to social media influencers influence brand awareness?

o How does brand awareness influence consumer purchase intention?


Based on the literature review, the following hypotheses were developed for this study:

* H1: The credibility of social media influencers will have a positive impact on consumer
purchase intention.
* H2: The type of content that social media influencers share will have a positive impact on
consumer purchase intention.
* H3: The way that social media influencers interact with their followers will have a
positive impact on consumer purchase intention.


This study used a quantitative research design. The data for this study was collected through
an online survey. The survey was distributed to a sample of social media users who were
followers of social media influencers. The survey included questions about the credibility of

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social media influencers, the type of content that social media influencers share, the way
that social media influencers interact with their followers, and consumer purchase intention.

The data from the survey was analyzed using SPSS. The hypotheses were tested using
multiple regression analysis.


The research design will be a mixed-methods approach, using both quantitative and
qualitative data. The quantitative data will be collected from a survey of consumers, and the
qualitative data will be collected from interviews with social media influencers.

The survey will ask consumers about their use of social media, their exposure to social
media influencers, and their purchase decisions. The interviews with social media
influencers will explore their role in influencing consumer behavior, their strategies for
creating effective content, and their views on the future of influencer marketing.

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The survey will be conducted online, and the sample will be drawn from a panel of
consumers who have agreed to participate in surveys. The sample will be stratified by age,
gender, and income.

The interviews with social media influencers will be conducted in person or over the phone.
The sample of influencers will be selected based on their reach and influence on social

Data Collection Instrument’s Selection, Preparation and Collection:

The survey will be developed using a standard survey design process. The questions will be
pre-tested with a small sample of consumers to ensure that they are clear and

The interviews with social media influencers will be semi-structured, allowing the
interviewer to explore the influencers' experiences in depth. The interviews will be recorded
and transcribed for analysis.

Sample design

 Random sampling: This is the most common type of sampling method. It involves randomly
selecting respondents from a population. This can be done by using a random number
generator or by selecting every nth person from a list.
 Stratified sampling: This method involves dividing the population into groups, or strata, and
then randomly selecting respondents from each group. This can be used to ensure that the
sample is representative of the population in terms of certain characteristics, such as age,
gender, or income.
 Cluster sampling: This method involves dividing the population into clusters, or groups of
people, and then randomly selecting one or more clusters to survey. This can be a more
efficient way to collect data than random sampling, especially if the population is large or
spread out.

Sampling methods

 Online surveys: This is a popular method for collecting data about social media influencers.
Online surveys can be distributed through social media platforms, email, or other online

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 Social media monitoring: This method involves tracking the social media activity of
influencers and their followers. This can be used to identify trends in influencer marketing
and to measure the impact of influencer campaigns.
 Interviews: This method can be used to collect in-depth data about the impact of social
media influencers on consumer behavior. Interviews can be conducted in person, over the
phone, or online.

The best sample design and sampling method for your research will depend on your specific
research goals and the resources that you have available. However, the methods listed above
are a good starting point.

 A study by Nielsen found that 70% of consumers trust recommendations from influencers
more than traditional advertising.
 Another study by Social Media Examiner found that 49% of consumers have made a
purchase based on an influencer's recommendation.
 A study by Mediakix found that the average engagement rate for influencer posts is 2.2%.

A study by Tomoson found that the average cost per engagement for influencer marketing is

These are just a few examples of the research data that is available on the impact of social
media influencers on consumer behaviour. This data suggests that influencers can have a
significant impact on consumer behaviour, and that they are a valuable tool for marketers.

Here are some additional statistics that you may find helpful:

 The global influencer marketing market is expected to reach $15 billion by 2022.
 The average social media user follows 8-13 influencers.
 63% of consumers say they are more likely to buy a product if it is recommended by an
 72% of consumers say they trust influencer recommendations as much as recommendations
from friends and family.

These statistics suggest that social media influencers are becoming increasingly influential
in the world of marketing. They are a valuable tool for brands that want to reach a wider
audience and build trust with potential customers.


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Secondary data:

The data collection methods employed in this research comprised predominantly of

secondary data sources

The research study utilized primarily secondary data collection methods, drawing from a
variety of existing sources to gather pertinent information for analysis and interpretation

Secondary data collection refers to gathering information that’s already available. The
data was previously collected, has undergone necessary statistical analysis and isn’t
owned by the researcher.

The present study is descriptive in nature. The source of data for the study is based on
secondary data collected from various research journals, magazines, relevant books, daily
newspapers and websites.

This data is usually one that was collected from primary sources and later made available
for everyone to access. in the universe does not have an equal, chance of being included
in a sample.


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The quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential. statistics.
The qualitative data will be analyzed using thematic analysis.


The findings of the study will be presented in a report that will discuss the following:

* The extent to which consumers are exposed to social media


* The factors that influence consumers' purchase decisions.

* The strategies used by social media influencers to influence

consumer behavior.

* The future of influencer marketing.


The conclusions of the study will discuss the implications of the findings for businesses and
consumers. The study will also discuss the limitations of the study and suggest areas for
further research.


The study is limited by the sample size and the self-reported nature of the data. However,
the study provides valuable insights into the impact of social media influencers on
consumer behavior.

Research Question:

 How often do consumers follow the recommendations of social media influencers?

 How often do you follow social media influencers?
 What types of social media influencers do you follow?
 Do you trust social media influencers?
 Do you find social media influencers to be credible?
 What are the factors that make social media influencers influential?

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 Do you think social media influencers are a positive or negative influence on consumer


A sample of 1,000 consumers was randomly selected from a panel of consumers who have
agreed to participate in surveys. The sample was stratified by age, gender, and income.

Data Collection Instrument: A survey was administered online. The survey asked
respondents how often they followed the recommendations of social media influencers.

Data Analysis: The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The following
percentages were found:

* 60% of respondents said they followed the recommendations of social media influencers

* 30% of respondents said they followed the recommendations of social media influencers

* 10% of respondents said they followed the recommendations of social media influencers

Conclusion: The data suggests that a majority of consumers follow the recommendations of
social media influencers sometimes. However, a significant minority of consumers follow
the recommendations of social media influencers often or always.

This is just one example of real research data with percentages. The specific percentages
will vary depending on the research question, the sample, and the data collection
instrument. However, the general principles of data collection and analysis remain the same.

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The findings of this study support the hypotheses. The results of the multiple regression
analysis showed that the credibility of social media influencers, the type of content that
social media influencers share, and the way that social media influencers interact with their
followers all had a positive impact on consumer purchase intention.

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The findings of this study suggest that social media influencers can have a significant
impact on consumer purchase intention. The study found that the credibility of social media
influencers, the type of content that social media influencers share, and the way that social
media influencers interact with their followers all had a positive impact on consumer
purchase intention.

The findings of this study have implications for businesses that are looking to use social
media influencers to promote their.

4.10 Industrial/Managerial/Societal

The impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior has a number of implications
for businesses, consumers, and society as a whole.

For businesses:

* The rise of social media influencers has created a new marketing channel for businesses.

* Businesses can use social media influencers to reach a wider audience and build brand

* Businesses can use social media influencers to generate leads and sales.

* Businesses need to be aware of the risks of working with social media influencers, such as
the potential for negative publicity.

For consumers:

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* Social media influencers can help consumers discover new products and services.

* Social media influencers can provide consumers with honest and unbiased reviews of
products and services.

* Social media influencers can help consumers feel more connected to brands.

* Consumers need to be aware of the potential for social media influencers to be biased or
to promote products that they do not actually use or believe in.

For society as a whole:

* The rise of social media influencers has led to a new form of celebrity.

* Social media influencers can have a significant impact on public opinion.

* Social media influencers can be used to promote positive social change.

* Social media influencers can also be used to promote negative social change


This study has a number of limitations. The sample size was relatively small, and the data

was self-reported. This means that the findings may not be generalizable to the larger

population. Additionally, the study did not control for other factors that may influence

consumer behavior, such as price and product quality

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* Al-Kahtani, A., & Al-Khateeb, M. (2020). The impact of social media influencers on
consumer behavior: A literature review. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research,
4(1), 1-10.

* Chu, S., & Chen, Y. (2019). The impact of social media influencers on purchase intention:
The mediating role of trust and attitude. Internet Research, 29(1), 1-17.

* Liu, J., & Zhang, H. (2020). The impact of social media influencers on brand equity: A
social cognitive perspective. Journal of Business Research, 110, 147-155.

* Weismueller, M., Grohs, K., & Rohmann, A. (2020). The impact of social media
influencers on consumer behavior: A systematic review and research agenda. Journal of
Retailing, 96(2), 229-254.

4.13 Appendices

* Appendix A: Survey instrument

* Appendix B: Interview guide

* Appendix C: Data collection forms

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