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Read the following sentences and choose the correct answer.

1. would you please pass me the salt? A/ I can B/ I shall C/ Ofcourse D/Here it is

2. He won't learn English, are you?" A/ so do l B/So shall 1 C/ Neither shall 1 D/ No

did I

3.You go in for sports, don/you? A/I the foot ball B/ Yes I do C/ No, I don't D/ Yes, I

4. The government puts up taxes_____ get more money from us. A/ In order to B/ as
C/ because D/ so that

5. I wrote down the address, _________I wouldn't foreget it. A/ because B/ so and to
C/ so that D/ as

6. I did my homework__________ our teacher had instructed. A/as B/ in order that

C/for fear that D/ so that

7. Having seen that film before, she wants to see a different one." Means __________.

A/ As she has seen a different film before, she can see this film.

B/ Because she has seen that film before, she wants to go to different one.

C/As she hasn't seen that film before, she wants to see a different one.

D/ Because she wants to see that film, she can watch it.

8. "Having worked all day, I was tired last night." means

A/As I had worked all day, I was feeling tired last night.

B/I worked tiringly hard all day yesterday.

C/ Since I have worked all day, I am tired now. D/ Because I was tired last night, I
worked all day.

9._________quickly you work, you'll never catch up. A/ Although B/ Even though
C/more over D/ However

10.She doesn't like phones in living rooms, and ________ does her sister.

A/so B/but C/ neither D/too


11. 1. It is situated on a high hill.

2. The castle is made of stone.

3. Now a days the castle serves as a museum.

4.It is people were brave and fought against invaders.

5.Hillfer castle is in Netherlands.

A/5,1,2,4,3 B/1,2,4,3,5 C/ 2,1,5,4,3

12. 1. In England this is an extremely interesting topic and you must be good at discussing


2. Perhaps, a long time ago when you wanted to describe someone as unusually dull,
you used to say.

3." He is the kind of person who always discusses the weather with you."

4. The weather is a very important topic in England.

5. forget it

A/4,1,2,5,3 B/ 4,2,3,5,1 C/ 4,5,2,1,3 D/1,2,3,4,5

Set by English Department.

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