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2023- 24 Year 9 Going to Year 10

Paper 2: Investigation and Breadth Studies - Paper code 4HI1/02*
SAP - Summer Academic Programme
Topic: B5 The changing role of international organisations: the league and the UN,
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes
60 marks
AO1 - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the periods
AO2 - Explain, analyse and make judgements about historical events and periods studied using second-order
historical concepts.
AO4 - Analyse and evaluate historical interpretations in the context of historical events studied.

To be done systematically on a ruled sheet paper

Section A – Study time 3 Hours – Draft time – 3 Hours.
Students can refer the text content to work on the answer.
Study Unit 1.1 – The Creation of the League of Nation – Pgs 3 – 9.
3.1 – Setting up the United Nations and its Structure – Pgs 45 – 55
Answer the following questions
1. Identify the 3 similarities and 3 differences in the set – up of the United Nations and the League
of Nation. 6 Marks
2. Which difference is the most important improvement? Explain your choice. 6 Marks
3. Look at the Principles of the UN on pg. 45 which key bodies of the UN would have a role in
fulfilling those principles? 8 Marks
4. Explain in detail the set – up and the role of the Key bodies of the United Nation. – 16 Marks
5. Explain in detail the set – up and the role of the Key bodies of the League of Nations – 16 Marks
6. Explain the structural problems of the United Nations. 6 Marks
7. How successful was the United Nations in dealing with Disarmament and the Human Rights?
6 Marks

Year 9 going to Year 10 Subject - History Summer Academic Programme 2023

Section B – This section focuses on 8 Marks question – It is a caused based question.

Study time 2 Hours – Draft time – 2 Hours

The best way to write this answer is

 Provide 2 causes
 Provide detailed information to support the causes
 Show how the causes led to the given outcome.
1. Explain 2 causes why the League of Nations failed to stop leaders with aggressive foreign policy?

Sample example of an Answer this can be elaborated further.

Introduction – The League of Nations failed miserably when they came across the aggressive
foreign policy.

The League of Nations failed to stop leaders with aggressive foreign policy due to several causes.
Firstly, one major cause was the absence of powerful nations like the United States and the Soviet
Union. The League was founded after World War I with the aim of maintaining peace and
preventing future conflicts, but the absence of these influential nations weakened its authority.
Without the participation of these global powers, the League lacked the necessary political and
military strength to effectively deter aggressive leaders. As a result, leaders with aggressive
foreign policies, such as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, were able to pursue their
expansionist agendas without significant opposition from the League. Britain and France were
into appeasing them rather than stand up to their aggressive action.

Link – The membership posed as a problem but the internal working of the League too was a

Secondly, another cause was the League's limited ability to enforce its decisions and take decisive
action. While the League had the authority to impose economic sanctions or military force on
member states that violated international agreements, these measures often proved ineffective.
The League's reliance on collective security and unanimous decision-making hindered its ability
to respond swiftly and decisively to aggressive leaders. Additionally, some member states were
hesitant to take action against aggressive leaders due to their own political, economic, or strategic

Year 9 going to Year 10 Subject - History Summer Academic Programme 2023

interests. This lack of cohesion and enforcement mechanisms undermined the League's credibility
and allowed leaders with aggressive foreign policies to act with impunity.

In conclusion the League of Nations failed to stop leaders with aggressive foreign policies due to
the absence of influential nations like the United States and the Soviet Union, which weakened its
authority, and the limited ability of the League to enforce its decisions and take decisive action
against violators. These factors contributed to the League's inability to effectively deter and
prevent conflicts, ultimately leading to its failure in maintaining global peace and security.

2. Explain 2 causes why United Nations improved its structure than that of the League.
3. Explain 2 causes of the weaknesses of the League of Nations.
4. Explain 2 causes of the Successes of the League of Nations’ Drug and Refugees commissions’

Year 9 going to Year 10 Subject - History Summer Academic Programme 2023

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