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Understanding Culture Society and Politics

Lesson: Social Stratification

Activity 1: In the News

Instruction: You will find news article from the internet. First article is about the poverty in the country.
Second article is about the lifestyle of the rich and the famous. Third article is about the government
program to address poverty. Make a one-paragraph summary of each of the article and on the second
paragraph write your reaction or reflection.

Despite enviable economic growths that began in 2010, more than 26 million Filipinos remain poor.
Nearly half or more than 12 million of them live in extreme poverty and without the means to feed
themselves. Contrast this with the few Filipino families who land every year in Forbes magazine's list
of billionaires (in US dollars) and one can do the math. For "crazy rich" Filipinos, spending P10 million
for a birthday party is nothing, according to Gonzalez. This is particularly true for the Filipino-Chinese,
who "set the bar" when it comes to parties. "A few years ago, there is this Chinese dowager who
celebrated her birthday, and the blooms that were brought into Manila especially for that party
amounted to something like P25 million," The current Filipino population is at 104 million and
continues to rise at an alarming rate of 1.7 percent each year. This new law will enable families to
control how many children they want. It will also hopefully take down the population rate to 1.4
percent each year once the law is fully executed.

People in the Philippines do not have an equitable distribution of wealth; if they become poor, they
become extremely poor; if they become rich, they become extremely rich. It is the condition in which
a person has little or no money or few or no tangible belongings. These folks have had challenges in
their lives and are likely unable to eat every day or every meal, as well as purchase clothing to protect
their bodies. They have no where to live. Poverty can be seen in how individuals live and how much
money they have. Not everyone understands the genuine meaning of poverty, and some are unaware
of the situation. Lack of sex education and education itself is very dangerous. I suggest teaching
teenagers about sex when they start in highschool.

Activity 2: Ugly Duckling

Instruction: Watch the children’s story about Ugly Duckling. Then you will answer the following
1. What are the problems the characters face? Identify at least 3 characters from the story. How do
they solve the problems?

The Dutchess – She is very rude and judgemental and thinks of herself high which is very
annoying and irritating (I would try to talk about her attitude and educate her so that she
can stop being mean and start being nice to others)

The Swan – The problem he faces is lack of confidence (I would try to talk to him that he is
beautiful inside and outside and that no one should judge other people of how they look)

The Mother Duck – Even tho she really loved The Swan let’s not forget she said “It might
have been better for all our sakes if he’d never hatched at all” (It is just mean and very
hurtful thing to say, I would try to tell her she should never say such things just because
something bad happened to them that day)

2. Give at least 3 themes or morals from the story. (example: Respect Other)
Accept yourself for who you are
Never judge/discriminate someone quickly
And never ever forget to love yourself

3. How people usually treat others who do not belong to the same ethnic group as they?
Most of the time those people treat others as very under or different from them mostly of
them will judge or discriminate others just because they’re different from them

4. What are some situations where there is discrimination of people who look and act differently?
Racial discrimination – I am shocked that other people doesn’t know what being a racist is
and what is not, I just hope that the school system Lectures Students about racists.

5. How does this story relate to your own life?

I relate to The Swan some people are judging me because I have acne, It doesn’t bother me
but I am more worried to those who are dealing with bullying and not telling it to others
because they’re afraid to do so. The Swan finally realized he was beautiful I am just waiting
for the time that I’ll realize that I am one.

6. Share about a place where you feel “accepted”

I don’t know if this is counted as “place” but there is this one website where other people
who are dealing with different/same problems like bullying, discrimination etc.. they will try
their best to cheer each others up, it’s very wholesome there it is called “9gag”

7. Write your own version or alternate ending for the story.

As the Swan realized he was beautiful by the help of the other swans, the swans invited him
to join them because he is now family to them but The Swan nicely refused the offer because
he has other plans and thanked them for helping him realize he was a handsome swan. The

Swan came back to the Mother Duck, The mother duck was surprised and happy to see The
Swan again and apologized she said such mean thing to him.

Activity 3: Male and Female Differences

Instruction: Write 10 adjectives that describes to each of the gender. Write also 10 activities that
represents to each gender.

Adjectives that describes MALE

Powerful Athletic
Confident Classy
Protective Handsome
Heroic Courtly
Charming Agreeable

Activities that MALE does

Chess Bodybuilding
Rocksports Mountain Climbing
Paintball Photography
Martial Arts Skateboarding
BMX Basketball
Adjectives that describes FEMALE

Beautiful Brave
Bright Clever
Competent Determined
Diciplined Devoted
Confident Creative

Activities that FEMALE does

Yoga Karate
Dancing Cooking
Gardening Painting
Singing Scrapbooking
Coloring Reading
Can these traits, characteristics and activities be exclusive to either male or female? Can this be
associated with both? Discuss your thoughts.
No, all activities are both for the males and females. There are no such thing as activities
exclusive for men and women all are actually okay for both sex, for example basketball just
because majority of the people who plays basketball are men does not mean women aren’t
allowed to play basketball.

Activity 4: My President and Vice President
Instruction: If you will be voting for the next executive officers of the country this coming May 2022 who
you will be voting from the following president and vice president aspirants.

Candidates for Presidents Candidates Vice Presidents

1. Leni Robredo 1. Sara Duterte
2. Panfilo Lacson 2. Lito Atienza
3. Isko Moreno 3. Willie Ong
4. Manny Pacquiao 4. Walden Bello
5. Bongbong Marcos 5. Francis Pangilinan
6. Bong Go 6. Tito Sotto

Make a biography of the person that you have chosen by proving the following;
1. Family Background
2. Educational Attainment
3. Political Career
4. Political Achievement and Professional Achievement
5. Other contributions that affect the lives of the Filipino

President: Bongbong Marcos

Family Background

Date of Birth : 13 September 1957  

Place of Birth : Manila, Philippines
Civil Status : Married, 17 April 1993
Spouse : Louise C. Araneta, 21 August 1959
Children : Ferdinand Alexander, 7 March 1994
Joseph Simon, 25 November 1995
William Vincent, 17 May 1997

Educational Attainment:
MBA : Graduate Coursework in Business Administration
Wharton School of Business
University of Pennsylvania, USA
1979 - 1981
Undergraduate degree : Special Diploma in Social Studies
Oxford University
1975 - 1978
Secondary : Worth School
1970 - 1974
Elementary : La Salle Green Hills
Mandaluyong City, Philippines
Kindergarten : Institucion Teresiana
Quezon City, Philippines
1962 – 1963

Political Career:
The political career of Bongbong Marcos started
with his election as Vice Governor of Ilocos Norte (1980–1983) at the young age of 23. In 1983,
he led a group of young Filipino leaders on a 10-day diplomatic mission to China to mark the
10th anniversary of Philippine-Chinese relations. Marcos succeeded as Governor of Ilocos Norte
(1983–1986) which he served until the People Power Revolution ousted his family from power.
He then lived in political exile with his family in Hawaii, United States . In 1995, Marcos ran for
the Senate under the NPC-led coalition, but placed only 16th. He made a second attempt for
the Senate in 2010, this time securing a Senate seat by placing seventh overall. As of February
2016, he is the chairman of the Senate committees on local government and public works. He
also chairs the oversight committee on the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)

Organic Act, the congressional oversight panel on the Special Purpose Vehicle Act, and a select
oversight committee on barangay affairs.
In the 15th Congress (2010–2013), Marcos was the author of 34 Senate bills and was co-author
of 17 more, 7 of which became Republic Acts. Among them are the Anti-Drunk and Drugged
Driving Act, the Cybercrime Prevention Act, the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act, and
the National Health Insurance Act.
In the 16th Congress (2013–2016), Marcos has authored 52 bills, with one enacted into law. His
Senate Bill 1186, which sought the postponement of the 2013 Sangguniang Kabataan (SK)
elections, later became Republic Act 10632 on October 3, 2013.
Marcos has also co-authored 4 Senate bills. One of them, Senate Bill 712, was approved as
Republic Act 10645 or the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010.
On November 20, 2009, the KBL forged an alliance with the Nacionalista Party (NP) between
Marcos and NP chairman Senator Manny Villar at the Laurel House in Mandaluyong City. Marcos
became a guest senatorial candidate of the NP through this alliance. Marcos was later removed
as a member by the KBL National Executive Committee on November 23, 2012. As such, the NP
broke its alliance with the KBL due to internal conflicts within the party, however Bongbong
remained part of the NP senatorial line-up. He was proclaimed as one of the winning senatorial
candidates of the 2010 senate elections. He took office on June 30, 2010.

Political Achievement and Professional Achievement:

In his desire to pursue further studies,
Bongbong took up Masters in Business Administration in Wharton School of Business, University of
Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA. Though he felt privileged to enter such an esteemed institution, he
had to cut his studies short because he was elected Vice-Governor of the province of Ilocos Norte in
1981, at a young age of 23. He succeeded as Governor of the province from 1983 to 1986.

Other contributions that affect the lives of the Filipino:

After his family’s return from exile in 1992,

Bongbong served as Congressman in the Second District of Ilocos Norte. Among the measures he
authored was the landmark law establishing the Philippine Youth Commission. He was also instrumental
in advancing the cause of cooperatives by devoting most of his Countryside Development Fund (CDF) to
organizing the cooperatives of teachers and farmers in his home province.

Vice President: Sara Duterte

Date of Birth : 31 May, 1978

Place of Birth : Davao City, Philippines
Civil Status : Married
Spouse : Mans Caprino
Children : Sharky Duterte, Mateo Lucas D. Caprino

Educational Attainment:
Sara Duterte was born in Davao City on May 31, 1978, the second
child to lawyer Rodrigo Duterte and flight attendant Elizabeth ZimmermanElizabeth ZimmermanFormer
wife of philippine president rodrigo duterteElizabeth ZimmermanFormer wife of philippine president
rodrigo duterte. Since her youth, Duterte had a fierce and independent character, leading to a "love-hate
relationship" with her father when she was a student due to her disapproval for his womanizing
tendencies and late night activities. Despite this, Rodrigo considered Sara to be his favorite child, and
placed high value on the education she and her brothers received. Sara Duterte attended San Pedro
College, majoring in BS Respiratory Therapy, and graduated in 1999; in her inaugural speech as Mayor of
Davao City, Duterte said she originally wanted to be a pediatrician instead of a politician. She later took
up a law degree at the San Sebastian College – Recoletos and graduated in May 2005. In 2006, Duterte
passed the Philippine Bar Examination.

Political Career:

Duterte-Carpio is Davao City's first woman mayor and the youngest to

have been elected to the position in the political history of Davao City after she switched roles with her
father Rodrigo Duterte from 2010-2013 as mayor and vice-mayor, respectively. Vowing to be “useful and
to serve the country at all times,” Duterte, the vice-mayor in the three years prior, assumed the post that
her father Rodrigo held for over 20 years. Sara won over House Speaker Prospero Nograles, her father's
political rival, in a lead of 200,000 votes in the 2010 elections. Nograles earlier filed a protest at the
Commission on Elections in Manila questioning the results, stating that there was a conspiracy of local
poll officials. Duterte was also one of the nine elected governors of the Philippine Red Cross in 2014. In
October 2015, she shaved her head to convince her father to run for President in the 2016 Philippine
presidential elections, despite the latter's reticence due to lack of campaign funds and political machinery.
She ran again for the mayoralty post for Davao City in the 2016 elections and won the position
succeeding her father, now the current president, for the second time.

Political Achievement and Professional Achievement:

Her undergraduate degree of Bachelor of

Science in Respiratory Therapy makes Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio the best
option as head of the country in responding to the health crisis brought by coronavirus
disease (COVID-19). William “Butch” Ramirez, a former consultant of Duterte-Carpio and
currently chairman of the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC), said the educational
background of the mayor was a huge advantage for her if and when she decides to run for
president in the 2022 national elections. “Aside from being a lawyer, the mayor also
finished a bachelor’s degree in Respiratory Therapy so she understands health care,” said
Ramirez in an interview with Manila Bulletin Tuesday, Oct. 5. “We need a president who
understands health care because of the situation with COVID-19 pandemic,” Ramirez also
pointed out. Duterte-Carpio finished college with a degree in Respiratory Therapy back in
1999 at San Pedro College in Davao City. She finished law in 2005 at San Sebastian College
and a year later she passed the Bar Examination. She entered politics in 2007, and won as
vice-mayor of Davao City. Last Tuesday, the number of COVID-19 cases in the country was
at 2,613,070, with 2,471,165 recoveries and 38,828 deaths. The Department of Health
(DOH) has yet to issue the latest update on new cases as of posting time. As of
Wednesday, Oct. 6 the country is at No. 18 in the world in terms of total cases. Ramirez,
71, is part of a group called “Hugpong Para kay Sara” or HPS, an organization calling for
Duterte-Carpio to run for president next year under the People’s Reform Party founded by
the late Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago. Last Tuesday, Ramirez said that the 43-year-
old Davao City Mayor – fondly called “Inday Sara” – was totally different from her father,
President Duterte. “The woman, while she has the politics and the DNA of a Duterte, she is
not a clone of her father nor a puppet to her father,” said Ramirez, who was the ‘advance
team’ chief for the elder Duterte during the 2016 national elections. “Even those who don’t
believe in the leadership of her father, Mayor Inday is a very good option for good
governance and preservation of a country to stand by on its own.” Ramirez said he strongly
felt that ‘Inday Sara’ will run for president. “Ako tuloy (I think it’s a go), I think she will run
(for president). I have not seen any sign that she is not.” The filing of certificate of
candidacy (COC) is until Friday, Oct. 8 and although Duterte-Carpio has already filed her
COC in Davao City seeking a third and last term as mayor, Ramirez expects things to turn
around come the deadline. “Ang aking (In my) assessment, because it’s allowed by law to
withdraw her candidacy as mayor, she can file in a minute, in a second if she withdraws it,
and then file her candidacy for the president… being seen or not,” he said. “Because by
law, you are allowed to have a special power of attorney (in filling for a COC). But nobody

Other contributions that affect the lives of Filipino: Philippine President Rodrigo
Duterte's strongman image helped his allies crush opponents in Monday's midterm elections,
but the candidates also received a boost from a strong woman: his daughter, Sara.

Sara Duterte first rose to national prominence when she punched a sheriff for implementing a
court order to demolish shanties in 2011. Now the mayor of Davao City -- a position her father
held for more than two decades -- she has emerged as an influential politician in her own right.

In the midterm campaign, she rallied supporters and worked with prominent politicians to
improve the chances of the 13 candidates who vowed to back her father. Nine of them are now
poised to take seats in the Senate, out of the 12 that were contested, giving her father's
controversial policy platform a lift.

"But now Inday [Sara] is the one taking the lead," the elder Duterte said early this year, adding
that his daughter was "one who controls politics."

Her high-profile role in the campaign has raised speculation that she will run for president in
2022, when her father's term expires. She may even become part of a three- or four-way race
among female candidates, with other powerful women having claimed top slots in the Senate --
a steppingstone for three of the six Philippine presidents since the restoration of democracy in

In February, Sara Duterte said her decision to run in 2022 will "depend on the circumstances.
Maybe we can make a deadline in January 2021."

A successful bid would enable her to push ahead with her father's policies of fighting crime and
building infrastructure. It would also maintain a tradition in the country of electing women and
offspring of past presidents.

"She's following the style of her father as a strongman, but just the lady version," said Dennis
Coronacion, who chairs the political science department of the University of Santo Tomas in

In another sign of her growing political clout, Sara Duterte led a bid last year to unseat
Pantaleon Alvarez as House speaker, and install former President Gloria Arroyo as the new
leader of Congress. Several members of Congress said Sara Duterte met and phoned
lawmakers to back the ouster plan.

"She is now a national political figure and a possible presidential candidate," said Ramon
Casiple, executive director at the Institute for Political and Electoral Reform in Manila. "She is a
viable candidate if she chooses to run."

But she is not the only woman with a shot in 2022.

Partial results on Tuesday show that two women gained the most votes in the Senate election:
Cynthia Villar, wife of billionaire businessman Manuel Villar, topped the polls, followed by
incumbent Sen. Grace Poe, a 2016 presidential candidate.

"[Cynthia Villar's] strong win gives the family several options for the next presidential cycle in
2022; either Cynthia or Manuel can be considered potential presidential candidates," wrote Bob
Herrera Lim, managing director at risk consultancy Teneo.

The Villars possess the ideal machinery to pull off a successful presidential bid: money and local
government connections.

Manuel Villar, a former Senate president and presidential candidate in 2010, is the Philippines'
richest man with a net worth of $6.2 billion, according to Forbes. He is also chairman of the
Nacionalista Party, the country's oldest political party, which has produced the most presidents
since the 1930s.

Cynthia Villar has been coy about having plans to take the top job: "Why do you have to plan
for it when it's destiny," she said in a TV interview in January.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's strongman image helped his allies crush opponents in
Monday's midterm elections, but the candidates also received a boost from a strong woman: his
daughter, Sara.

Sara Duterte first rose to national prominence when she punched a sheriff for implementing a
court order to demolish shanties in 2011. Now the mayor of Davao City -- a position her father
held for more than two decades -- she has emerged as an influential politician in her own right.

In the midterm campaign, she rallied supporters and worked with prominent politicians to
improve the chances of the 13 candidates who vowed to back her father. Nine of them are now
poised to take seats in the Senate, out of the 12 that were contested, giving her father's
controversial policy platform a lift.

"But now Inday [Sara] is the one taking the lead," the elder Duterte said early this year, adding
that his daughter was "one who controls politics."

Her high-profile role in the campaign has raised speculation that she will run for president in
2022, when her father's term expires. She may even become part of a three- or four-way race
among female candidates, with other powerful women having claimed top slots in the Senate --
a steppingstone for three of the six Philippine presidents since the restoration of democracy in

In February, Sara Duterte said her decision to run in 2022 will "depend on the circumstances.
Maybe we can make a deadline in January 2021."

A successful bid would enable her to push ahead with her father's policies of fighting crime and
building infrastructure. It would also maintain a tradition in the country of electing women and
offspring of past presidents.

"She's following the style of her father as a strongman, but just the lady version," said Dennis
Coronacion, who chairs the political science department of the University of Santo Tomas in

In another sign of her growing political clout, Sara Duterte led a bid last year to unseat
Pantaleon Alvarez as House speaker, and install former President Gloria Arroyo as the new
leader of Congress. Several members of Congress said Sara Duterte met and phoned
lawmakers to back the ouster plan.

"She is now a national political figure and a possible presidential candidate," said Ramon
Casiple, executive director at the Institute for Political and Electoral Reform in Manila. "She is a
viable candidate if she chooses to run."

But she is not the only woman with a shot in 2022.

Partial results on Tuesday show that two women gained the most votes in the Senate election:
Cynthia Villar, wife of billionaire businessman Manuel Villar, topped the polls, followed by
incumbent Sen. Grace Poe, a 2016 presidential candidate.

"[Cynthia Villar's] strong win gives the family several options for the next presidential cycle in
2022; either Cynthia or Manuel can be considered potential presidential candidates," wrote Bob
Herrera Lim, managing director at risk consultancy Teneo.

The Villars possess the ideal machinery to pull off a successful presidential bid: money and local
government connections.

Manuel Villar, a former Senate president and presidential candidate in 2010, is the Philippines'
richest man with a net worth of $6.2 billion, according to Forbes. He is also chairman of the
Nacionalista Party, the country's oldest political party, which has produced the most presidents
since the 1930s.

Cynthia Villar has been coy about having plans to take the top job: "Why do you have to plan
for it when it's destiny," she said in a TV interview in January.


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