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Nama : Aiko Yudhintha Isfandari
NIM : G0B020034

Re-write this article with your own word

5 key habits of healthy eaters
Most eating habits are established during childhood. But that doesn't mean
it's too late to adopt new, healthy habits.
healthy changes, we don't always have to change the way we diet. Try to start by
eating healthy foods

Eat breakfast
research shows that breakfast every day can help you lose weight, maintain a healthy
body and can reduce hunger during the day.Include two types of food, at least like
whole grains, lean protein, dairy products, fruits and vegetables at breakfast.

Drink water
water is an important nutrient that is often overlooked, 60% of our body weight is
water. And every system in our body needs water to work properly. Water needs
depend on how active our bodies are, the Institute of Medicine recommends 13
glasses per day for men, and 8 glasses per day for women. Drinking a glass of water
before meals can prevent us from overeating

Know what's in your food

eat foods that contain ingredients that we are easy to recognize, eating real foods will
help you reduce processed foods. It is better for us to choose natural foods such as
fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are rich in nutrients but still have to
control food portions so as not to Overeating. Bring your own food supplies from
home, so we will not be tempted to eat more than we need
Be politely picky at restaurants
Most restaurants serve large portion sizes, loaded with salt and fat. To prevent
overeating, ask for a box to take with you just as your meal is served and save half of
it for the next day. That way, you won't be tempted to eat more than you really want
or need.

Practice mindful eating

The practice of mindful eating allows us to slow down and enjoy our food, which can
help prevent overeating. How? It can take the brain up to 20 minutes to record a
chemical that tells us when we are no longer hungry. Slowing down helps our brains
think about how full we feel.
Take a moment before eating and think about the foods we will eat as fuel for our
bodies. Remind ourselves that we want to be satisfied, not full.
What is the main idea of this article?
the main idea of this article is The importance of applying 5 key habits of healthy
Find the synonym of these words:
a. Indicates = Shows
b. Remind = Bring to mind
c. Reducing = Dieting
d. Overlooked = Ignored
e. Mindful = Aware

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