Module 1. Definition and Characteristics of Globalization

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SS 103N Module 1 1

Module 1: Definition and Characteristics of Globalization

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
a. differentiate the competing definitions of globalization
b. explain and illustrate with examples the characteristics of globalization
c. make a reflection on the effects of globalization

(excerpted from: Steger, M.B. [2003]. Globalization: A very short introduction. New York: Oxford University Press) Details of the
lesson are found in this book.
Competing Definitions of Globalization
Globalization xxx (is) the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant
localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many
miles away and vice versa. (Anthony Giddens, Director of the London School of Economics)

The concept of globalization reflects the sense of an immense enlargement of world

communication, as well as of the horizon of a world market, both of which seem far more
tangible and immediate than in earlier stages of modernity. (Fredric Jameson, Professor of
Literature at Duke University)

Globalization may be thought of as a process (or set of processes) which embodies a

transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions - assessed
in terms of their extensity, intensity, velocity and impact - generating transcontinental or
interregional flows and networks of activity, interaction, and the exercise of power. (David
Held, Professor of Political Science at the London School of Economics)

Globalization as a concept refers both to the compression of the world and the
intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole. (Roland Robertson, Professor of Sociology
at the University of Pittsburgh)

Globalization compresses the time and space aspects of social relations. (James Mittelman,
Professor of International Relations at American University)

There is no single or standard definition of globalization. Different scholars propose their

own definition based on the evidence they gathered for their scholarly works. What is common
though is the compression of space and time made possible by the rapid advancement in
communication, transportation, and information technologies. The last one includes artificial
intelligence, robotic, and intelligent apps, data science, virtual reality, Internet of Things, and
edge computing. All the pros and cons of these innovations had already been or being
experienced by all of you in different levels.
Four distinct qualities or characteristics of globalization
a. involves the creation of new and the multiplication of existing social networks and
activities that increasingly overcome traditional political, economic, cultural, and
geographical boundaries

This started with offshoring when global corporations started to transfer their
manufacturing plants in developing countries that offered cheaper wages. These corporations
integrated varied economies as they divided the production of the different parts of their
products to different developing countries and which parts will be assembled in another country,
then sold in developed and developing countries. The global food corporations also integrated
SS 103N Module 1 2

different economies through their franchising practices. And the satellite news corporations are
not left behind as they made possible the combinations of professional networking and
technological innovations making physical boundaries no longer a barrier in reporting news from
different corners of the world in real time.

b. reflected in the expansion and the stretching of social relations, activities, and

This does not only refer to the use of the Internet of Things and Intelligent Apps for
electronic banking and trading, or for the terrorist organizations to recruit members and
supporters in different parts of the world, but also to different multilateral organizations like the
United Nations, regional organizations like the European Union and ASEAN, and international
non-government organizations or civil societies like Red Cross, Amnesty International, Doctors
without Borders, among others. All of these promote interdependencies in pursuing their

c. involves the intensification and acceleration of social exchanges and activities

No country is fully isolated due to the speed of communication through the Internet and
satellites. What happens (or a problem) in one locality is affected by what happens in other
territories. The solutions or remedies to such problem cannot be solved alone by one country.
And this calls for interdependence which is affected by the speed by which needed information
are disseminated. The speed by which leaders or concerned experts can get crucial information
can determine how fast they can address a problem that will not only affect their own national
interests but also the entire global community. You see this in the current situation where big
pharmaceutical firms that researched and developed a vaccine against severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2  (SARS Cov 2 or Covid 19) are encouraging different countries to
participate in the trial stage for their vaccines.
Sharing of intelligence is also done by states. And the Internet of Things and Intelligent
Apps, among others, are used by developed states to surveil not only their people but also
foreign state leaders and other personalities, like international terrorists or drug syndicates, they
are interested in to apprehend.

c. the creation, expansion, and intensification of social interconnections and

interdependencies do not occur merely on an objective, material level, but also the
subjective plane of human consciousness.

This simply means that people are becoming more conscious of social interaction and
interdependence in a global scale and easily perceived and experienced in times of disasters,
crisis, and pandemic. People, in their little ways, give help to those who are in need. And this is
reinforced on a daily basis in their local neighborhood as they begin to be aware and
understand that the local happenings are somehow connected to global events like the current
pandemic and the problem on climate change. This realization of global interconnectedness and
the need for global interdependence can gradually change people’s individual behavior to
become more mindful of the global repercussions of their individual local acts.
SS 103N Module 1 3

Read this poem on globalization.

By Shahin Shabanian

Bankers of the world unite

And ruin the public with delight.
Your dictates coerce nations
Governments are cowed, causing devastations.

Capital moves around the globe without hindrance

Workers are arrested crossing borderline entrance
Capital moves around the globe like locusts
When leaving, lives are crumpled into dust.

Climate cries as we see

Brought the farmers to the knee
As our world is to lie in your abyss
Your actions show your malice.

Putting the noose of debt around our necks

While you cheat, making undue profits
Mourn, should we not
For losing the job and house to your lot.

Workers looking for jobs, noon and night

If they find one, the pay is not enough.
While they work to gain bread
Their safety at job is a dread.

Jobs, Housing, Education are the needs

Wars, Corruption and Theft become the deeds.
And on the altar of your Globalization shrine,
Blood of hungry children rolls down.

As the “money-changers” of the old,

Morphed into the vultures in the fold,
All must heed the History’s remark,
Trusting the profit system is a bunk.

Click Assignment/Quiz to answer three questions.

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