SDP Proposal 1

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GLS University

Faculty Of Computer Applications & Information Technology


SDP Proposal 2023-24

Student 1 Name: Mobile : Enroll : Div_Rollno.

ACHAL CHHAG 9537534104 202100319010198 C_08
Student 2 Name: Mobile : Enroll : Div_Rollno.
MANSI JHA 8849646874 202100319010023 A_25
Student 3 Name: Mobile : Enroll : Div_Rollno.
DHRUVI VISANA 9727479325 202100319010189 B_99
Company/Organization Name: GLYSIS SOFTWARE PVT. LTD.
Company Contact No: 9328180802
Company Email Id:
Front end Technologies: React Native
Back end Technologies: Google Firebase
List of Hardware / Sensor / Processor (if Project on Embedded System) :

Project Description:

Laundry firms currently use a manual system for the management and
maintenance of critical information. The current system requires numerous paper
forms, with data stores spread throughout the laundry management infrastructure.
The goal of laundry management system is to automate the management of the
laundry firm making it more efficient and error free
React Native would be at the front-end and provide the graphical
user interface that relates with the user, while the Google Firebase will be at the back-end
process. By using Firebase, the data can be retrieve after uninstalling the application.

1. User
2. Admin
3. Delivery
User Sign up: In this section user can register himself. After successful sign up, he/she can
sign in into the system and use the Application.

Dashboard: In this section, the user can view new requests, accepted request, in process
request, and laundry price (per unit).

Laundry Request: In this section, user can sent the laundry request by filling the laundry
detail form which includes pick-up & drop date, cloth type, pickup address, contact person
details and description.

Request Status: In this section, user can check his/her laundry request status which is done
by admin(means his/her request is on which step).

Price Card: In this user can know the prices of different types of garments.

Feedback: In this the user can report or can give the feedback of their order.

A user can also update his/ her profile, change the password and recover the password.

Dashboard: In this section, admin can see laundry request of all user(means how many
new requests are there, accept the request, in-process request and finish request) in brief.

Reg Users: In this section, admin can view user detail and update user detail.

Laundry Request: In this section, admin can see the detail of the laundry request and also
change the stage of the laundry request.

Manage Laundry Price: In this section, admin can change the laundry price according to a
market price.

Reports: In this section, admin can see the laundry request according to dates and admin
can also count request on the basis of month and year.

Feedback: In this section the admin can see the feedbacks and reports of the user.

Notification: In this section, admin gets the notification if any user request for laundry.

In this section, admin can add/update/delete the delivery boy details and also assign the
delivery person to the order.

Sign up: In this the delivery person can sign up and/or can login into the system.

Pick-up/Drop Detail: In this section the delivery person can see the pick-up/drop details.

A delivery person can also update his/ her profile, change the password and recover the

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