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Immersion plating 331
Immersion test, of solderability 6(T)
Impact resistance
of brasses (C20100–C28000) 484 485(F) 486

of brasses, tin (C40400–C48600) 503(T) 504

of bronzes, aluminum (C60800–C64210) 511 512(F) 513 514(F) 515

of copper alloys, high-copper (C16200–C19900) 479

of copper-nickels (C70100–C72950) 523 524(T)

of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100–C15815) 453 455(F) 458 461(T) 466

Impact strength
of brasses, red (C83300–C83810) 537 538
of brasses, semi-red (C84200–C84800) 538
of brasses, silicon (C87300–C87800) 543 545 546

of bronzes, aluminum (C95200–C95900) 555 556 557 558

of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 548 549 550 551 552

553 554
of bronzes, manganese (C86100–C86800) 540 541 542(F)

of bronzes, silicon (C87300–C87800) 543 545

of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 546
of copper alloys, high-copper (C81400–C82800) 530
of copper-nickels (C96200–C96950) 559
of low-temperature alloys 430(F) 432(T)
of nickel silvers (C97300–C97800) 560
of special alloys (C99300–C99750) 562
Impingement 388(F) 400(F,T) 401(F)
characteristics and preventive measures 387(T)
Impregnation, to close pores on P/M parts 327
Incipient melting temperature
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of bronzes, leaded tin (C99200–C94500) 548 549 550 551 552
of copper alloys, high-copper (C81400–C82800) 533 534

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Inclusions, microexamination for evaluation of 339

effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Induction brazing 306(T) 309(F)
Infiltration of contact materials 113
Ingots 68
defects 364(F)
solidification structures for 360(F,T)
Inhibited alloys, corrosion resistance 386
Inhibited admiralty brass. See also Brasses, tin.
composition 7
description 7
In situ composites 123
Insulation, of wire 72
Interconnect defect (ICD) 148 149(F)
Intergranular corrosion 389 392 397
characteristics and preventive measures 387(T)
Intergranular cracking 420
Intergranular stress-corrosion cracking 427
International alloy designations 28(T) 29(T) 30(T)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), alloy
designation system 28(T) 29(T) 30(T)
International temper designations 28
Investment casting 186
technical factors in casting method choice for copper alloys 186(T)
Ionization potential, of unalloyed copper 448
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
addition to inhibit water corrosion 402(F)
alloying element effect on electrical conductivity of copper 182(F)
content effect on corrosion of copper-nickels 400(F,T)
content effect on weldability 278
corrosion in various soils 397(F)
effect on electrical conductivity of oxygen-free high-conductivity copper 4(F)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
physical properties 4(T) 5(T) 31(T)

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Iron (Cont.)
sintering 236(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Iron-graphite, sintering 236(T)
Iso-decanic acid, corrosion rates of copper and copper alloys 407(T)
Iso-octanoic acid, corrosion rates of copper and copper alloys 407(T)
Isotopes, of unalloyed copper 450

Jacquet test 148
Jet impingement test 415
Jewelry bronze. See also Brasses.
Jewelry bronze, 87.5%
applications 8
composition 8
Joining 5
Jump frequency 235

Kerosene, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
corrosion by 409 410(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Kirkendall porosity 236

corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Lacquer thinners
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Lactic acid
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Lap defect 345(F)
Laser beam welding (LBW) 299
Laser welding 346(F)

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Latent heat of fusion

of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100-) 458
of unalloyed copper 449
Latent heat of vaporization, of unalloyed copper 449
Leaching 231
as alloying element in cast copper alloys 85
atom diameter size difference 36(T)
content effect in red and leaded red brasses 90
content effect on copper alloy properties 265
content effect on weldability 278 299
corrosion in various soils 397(F)
corrosion ratings, atmospheric 10- and 20-year exposures 396(T)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
for protective coatings 414
physical properties 5(T) 31(T)
solubility in copper 36(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Leadbend fatigue test 440
Leaded commercial bronze. See also Brasses, leaded.
applications 8
composition 8
Leaded Muntz metal. See also Brasses, leaded.
applications 8
composition 8
Leaded naval brass. See also Brasses, tin.
composition 8
forms available 8
properties 8
Leaded semi-red brasses. See Brasses, semi-red leaded.
Leaded yellow brasses. See Brasses, yellow.
Lead frames 159(F) 160(T) 162(F) 195 196(F)
composition 160(T)
mechanical properties 160 161(T)
physical properties 160(T) 161(T)
solderability 161(T)
Leveling, of sheet and strip 79(F)
Lime, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)

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Lime sulfur, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)

Limiting dome height (LDH) curve 207(T) 208(F)

Limiting draw ratio (LDR) 195 198 200(F) 201 202

Linear thermal expansion coefficient
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 563
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of brasses (C20100–C28000) 57(T) 482 483 485 486
488 489
of brasses, leaded (C31200–C38500) 57(T) 490 491 492 493
494 495 496 497
of brasses, red (C83300–C83810) 537 538(F)

of brasses, semi-red (C84200–C84800) 538

of brasses, silicon (C87300–C87800) 544 545 546(F)

of brasses, tin (C40400–C48600) 57(T) 498 499 500 501

502 504 505 506
of brasses, yellow (C85200–C85800) 539
of bronzes, aluminum (C60800–C64210) 57(T) 510 511 512 513
514 515 516 517 555
556 557 558 559
of bronzes, leaded phosphor (C53400–C54400) 57(T) 509

of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 547 548 550(F) 551 552

553(F) 554
of bronzes, manganese (C86100–C86800) 540 541 542 543 544(F)

of bronzes, phosphor (C50100–C52480) 57(T) 507 508 509

of bronzes, silicon (C64700–C66100) 57(T) 518 519 544 545

of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 546 547
of copper and copper alloys 57(T)
of copper alloys, high-copper, cast 529 530 531 532 533
534 535
of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 57(T) 470 472 474 476
477 478 479 480
of copper-nickels (C70100–C72950) 57(T) 521 522 523 524
525 559 560
of coppers, 99.3 min 57(T) 453 456 457 458
461(F) 462 463 464 465

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Linear thermal expansion coefficient (Cont.)

466 467 468 469 529
of copper-zinc alloys (C66300–C69710) 57(T) 520 521

of nickel silvers (C73500–C79830) 57(T) 525 526 527 528

560 561
of unalloyed copper 448 (T)
Linseed oil
corrosion by 409
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Liquid metal embrittlement (LME) 409 413 427
Liquid surface tension, of unalloyed copper 452
Liquidus temperature 277(T)
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 563
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of brasses (C20100–C28000) 482 483 484 485 486
488 489
of brasses, leaded (C31200–C38500) 490 491 492 493 494
495 496 497
of brasses, red (C83300–C83810) 536 537 538

of brasses, semi-red (C84200–C84800) 538

of brasses, silicon (C87300–C87800) 544 545 546

of brasses, tin (C40400–C48600) 498 499 500 501 502

503 504 505 506
of brasses, yellow (C85200–C85800) 539

of bronzes, aluminum (C60800–C64210) 510 511 512 513 514

515 516 517 555 556
557 558 559
of bronzes, leaded phosphor (C53400–C54400) 509

of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 547 548 549 550 551

552 554
of bronzes, manganese (C86100–C86800) 540 541 542 543

of bronzes, phosphor (C50100–C52480) 506 507 508 509

of bronzes, silicon (C64700–C66100) 518 519 544 545

of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 546 547

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Liquidus temperature (Cont.)

of copper alloys, high-copper, cast 529 530 531 532 533
534 535 536
of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 470 472 473 474 476
477 478 479 480
coppers and copper alloys 297(T)
of copper-nickels (C70100–C72950) 521 522 524 525 559
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100–C15815) 456 457 458 461 463
464 465 466 467 468
469 529
of copper-zinc alloys (C66300–C69710) 519 520 521
definition 171
of nickel silvers (C73500–C79830) 525 526 527 528 560
of special alloys (C99300–C99750) 561 562
Liquors, black, corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
Liquors, green, corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
Liquors, white, corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
as copper deoxidizer 183
deoxidation of copper alloys 182
Lithium compounds, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Lithium stearate, as lubricant for brass and nickel silver powders 239(F) 240
Loop tests 415
Lost wax process 186
Low-alloy steel, corrosion ratings, atmospheric 10- and 20-year exposures 396(T)
Low brass. See also Brasses.
Low brass, 80%
composition 8
forms available 8
Low-leaded brass. See also Brasses, leaded.
applications 8
composition 8
properties 8
Low-oxygen (LOX) compositions, of ODS copper 116
Low-silicon bronze (B). See Bronzes, silicon.

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Low-stacking-fault-energy (SFE) alloys 441(F)

Low-temperature-hardening alloys 248 252(T) 253(F)
and annealing 246
effect on sintering of brass and nickel silvers 239(F)

Machinability 6(F) 15
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 563
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of brasses 55(T)
of brasses, leaded 55(T) 64
of brasses, red and leaded red 101(T) 536 537 538
of brasses, semi-red and leaded semi-red 101(T) 538
of brasses, silicon 101(T) 544 545 546
of brasses, tin 56(T)
of brasses, yellow and leaded yellow 101(T) 539 540
of bronzes, aluminum 56(T) 101(T) 555 556 557
558 559
of bronzes, leaded phosphor 56(T)
of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 101(T) 547 548 549 550
551 552 553 554 555
of bronzes, manganese and leaded manganese 101(T) 540 541 542 543
of bronzes, nickel-tin (C94700–C94900) 101(T)
of bronzes, phosphor 56(T)
of bronzes, silicon 56(T) 101(T) 544 545
of bronzes, tin 101(T) 546 547
cast copper and copper alloys 100(T) 267(T)
of copper alloys, high-copper (C81400–C82800) 55(T) 101(T) 529 530 531
532 533 534 535 536
of copper alloys, leaded coppers 101(T)
of copper and copper alloys 55(T)
of copper-base leaded alloys 46(F) 47(F) 50
of copper-bismuth and copper-bismuth-selenium alloys 101(T)
of copper-nickels 56(T) 101(T) 559 560
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C80100–C81200) 55(T) 101(T) 529
of copper-zinc alloys 56(T)
definition 264(F)

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Machinability (Cont.)
lead-bearing copper alloys (Type I) 265(F)
long-chip (Type III) 267(F)
of nickel silvers 56(T) 101(T) 560 561
short-chip alloys (Type II) 267(F)
of special alloys (C99300–C99750) 101(T) 561
workpiece hardness influence 264(F)
wrought copper alloy ratings 266(T)
Machining 5 264(F,T)
boring 271(T) 272(F)
of brasses (C20100–C28000) 482 483 485 487 489
of brasses, leaded (C31200–C38500) 490 491 492 493 494
495 496 497
of brasses, tin (C40400–C48600) 498 499 500 501 502
504 505 506
of bronzes, aluminum (C60800–C64210) 510 511 512 513 514
515 516 517
of bronzes, leaded phosphor (C53400–C54400) 509

of bronzes, phosphor (C50100–C52480) 507 508 509

of bronzes, silicon (C64700–C66100) 518 519

chip appearance effect 265 267(F)
of copper alloys, high-copper (C16200–C19900) 470 471 472 474 476
477 478 479
of copper-nickels (C70100–C72950) 521 522 523 524 525

of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100–C15815) 453 456 457 460 462

463 464 465 466 467
drilling 271(F)
electrical discharge machining 274 275(F)
electrochemical machining 274 275(F)
form turning 268(F) 269(F) 270(F,T)
grain size effect 268
grinding 274 275(T)
heat treatment effect 268
milling 270(F,T)

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Machining (Cont.)
of nickel silvers (C73500–C79830) 526 527 528
photochemical machining 274
practices recommended 268(F) 269(F,T) 275(T)
reaming 271(F,T)
sawing 272 273(T) 274(F,T)
selection of copper alloys 266(T) 267(T) 268
single-point turning 268(F) 269(F) 270(F,T)
specifications for 264(F)
tapping 272 273(F,T)
temper effect 268
texture effect 268
threading 272 273(F,T)
Macroetching, of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 355
Macroexamination 337(T)
of copper alloys, high-copper 355
etchants for coppers and copper alloys 337(T)
Macrosegregation 366(F) 367(F)
as copper deoxidizer 183
deoxidation of copper alloys 182
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
physical properties 4(T) 5(T) 31(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Magnesium chloride
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Magnesium hydroxide
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Magnesium sulfate
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Magnetic permeability
of brasses, red (C83300–C83810) 537 538
of brasses, semi-red (C84200–C84800) 538
of brasses, silicon (C87300–C87800) 544 545

of brasses, yellow (C85200–C85800) 539 540

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Magnetic permeability (Cont.)

of bronzes, aluminum 510 511 512 514 515
516 555 556 557 558
of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 548 551 552 554 555

of bronzes, manganese (C86100–C86800) 540 542

of bronzes, silicon (C87300–C87800) 544 545

of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 546 547
of copper alloys, high-copper (C81400–C82800) 479 530
of copper-nickels 524
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C80100–C81200) 529
of copper-zinc alloys 520
of unalloyed copper 449
Magnetic pulse forming 205
Magnetic susceptibility
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of brasses 482 485 487
of brasses, leaded 497
of copper alloys, high-copper (C81400–C82800) 530 531 532 533 534
of unalloyed copper 449 450(T)
content effect on weldability 278
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Manganins 158(F,T)
Manual bending 209
Marine industry, application 165(T)
Martensite, in copper-aluminum alloys 52
Mass finishing 322(T)
Matte 10(F) 12(F)
Matte converting 11 12(F)
Mattsson’s solutions 420(F) 421 422 423 424(F)
Mechanical presses, for bending rod 209(F)
Mechanical ratcheting 437

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boron deoxidation 182(F)
chlorine fluxing 176
copper alloys, high-copper, deoxidation 182(F)
of copper, for P/M processing 222(F)
degassing 176(F,T)
deoxidation of alloys 181(F)
filtration 183
fluxing 174(F,T) 177(F) 178(F) 179(F) 184
furnaces 172(F)
lithium deoxidation 182(F)
magnesium deoxidation 182
phosphorus deoxidation 181
pouring temperatures 183 185(T)
processing steps for treatments 174
Melting point
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100–C15815) 453
of unalloyed copper 448
Melting temperature
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 563
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of copper alloys, high-copper (C81400–C82800) 530 531 532 533 535
of copper-nickels (C96200–C96950) 560
corrosion by 413
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Mercury salts
corrosion by 413
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Metal-matrix composites 122(F,T)
2-methylpentanoic acid, corrosion rates of copper and copper alloys 407(T)
Microduplexing, of spinodal-hardening alloys 261 262(F)
Microetching 146

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Microexamination 337(T)
of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 355(T)
Microplasma welding 279
Micropores 85
of brasses 481 485 486 488(F) 489
of brasses, leaded 493 495 496 497
of brasses, tin 504 505 506
of bronze P/M bearings 108 110(F)
of bronzes, aluminum, wrought 510 511 512 514 515
516 555 556 557 558
cooling rate effect 363(F)
of copper alloys, high-copper 356(F) 471 474 476 533
effect on stress-corrosion cracking 423(F)
of unalloyed copper 446 447(F)
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Milling 270(F,T)
sheet and strip 75
Minimum bend radius 195 199
Miscibility gap 249 260(F)
Mixed lubrication 107
Modified copper 6
Modulus of elasticity. See Elastic modulus.
Modulus of the shape 191
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Molded interconnect devices 143 144(F)
Molybdenum-copper P/M composites 123(T)
compositions 123(T)
mechanical properties 123(T)
physical properties 123(T)
Monel, corrosion ratings, atmospheric 10- and 20-year exposures 396(T)
Morpholine 399
Motor vehicles 165 166(T)

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of copper alloys, high-copper 354
for microexamination 337
Multichip modules (MCMs) 143(F)
Multifilament composite wires 123(F)
Muntz metal. See also Brasses.
composition 8
forms available 8
Muriatic acid, corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
Mushy zone 91 93
Musical instruments 195 198(F)

Natural gas
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Naval brass. See also Brasses, tin.
applications 8
composition 8
forms available 8
Necking, in copper-zinc alloys 36
Neutron irradiation effect
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of copper alloys, high-copper (C81400–C82800) 531 532 533 534 535
alloying element effect on electrical conductivity of copper 182(F)
atom diameter size difference 36(T)
content effect on stress-corrosion cracking 423(F)
content effect on weldability 278
corrosion ratings, atmospheric 10- and 20-year exposures 396(T)
diffusion constant in copper 235(T)
effect on electrical conductivity of oxygen-free high-conductivity copper 4(F)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
physical properties 4(T) 5(T) 31(T)
sintering 236(T)
solubility in copper 36(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Nickel alloys, copper as alloying element 168
Nickel beryllides 444

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Nickel chloride
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Nickel electroplating 329(T)
Nickel silvers
applications 65 92
brazing 303(T) 304
casting processes used 90(T) 560
color description 6(T)
composition 8 14(T) 22(T) 26(T) 56(T)
90(T) 277(T) 297(T)
corrosion 13 386 393(T) 396(F) 397
commercial forms 56(T)
cross-reference for international alloy designations 29(T)
dendrite arm spacing 361(F)
description 8
descriptive names and designations 90(T)
fabrication 13
formability 202 204 526 527 528
heat treatment 246 526 527 528 560
leaded, extrusion 221
machinability 56(T) 101(T) 526 527 528
560 561
mechanical properties 5(F) 56(T) 58(T) 61(T) 65(F)
96(T) 97(T) 98(T) 440 525
526(T) 527(T) 528(T) 560 561
melting 184
melt refining 175
physical properties 5(F) 57(T) 65(F) 92 96(T)
101(T) 277(T) 297(T) 525 526(T)
527(T) 528(T) 560 561
pickling 321
pouring temperatures 185(T)
applications 106(T)
composition 112(T)
mechanical properties 112(T)
parts 110 112(T)

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Nickel silvers (Cont.)

physical properties 107(T) 112(T) 233(T)
prealloyed 105
production 233(T) 234(F,T)
previous trade names 22(T)
sintering practices 238(F)
soldering 303(T)
UNS designation number range 14(T)
UNS number 6(T)
weldability 276 288 299 276(T) 277(T)
285(T) 288 297(T) 299 526
527 528 560 561
Nickel sulfate
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Nickel-tin bronzes. See Bronzes, tin.
Nickel-titanium alloys, equiatomic
alloys, as shape memory alloys 121
Niobium-tin intermetallic superconductors 124(F)
Niobium-titanium superconductors 123(F)
Ni-Resist cast irons, galvanic corrosion 401(T)
Nitrate solutions, corrosion by 413
Nitric acid
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Nitrogen, and degassing 177
No-bake casting, technical factors in
casting method choice for copper alloys 186(T)
Nonaging alloys, mechanical properties 441(F)
Nonoxidizing acids, corrosion by 404(F)
Noranda process 11(F)
Notch tensile strength, of alloys, low-temperature 431(T)
Nuclear absorption cross section, of unalloyed copper 451
Nuclear fuel containers, gas tungsten arc welding of 282(F)
Nuclear waste containment 167
underground, and corrosion 397

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Oil wedge 107 108(F)
Oleic acid
corrosion by 407
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Orange peel 201
Order-hardening alloys 249
Order strengthening
definition 9
of copper-zinc alloys 520
Organic acids, corrosion by 406 407(T)
Organic compounds, corrosion by 408(T) 409(T) 411(T) 412(T)
Orthophosphate 134
Outokumpu process 11(F)
Overaging 255 444 445(F)
Overbending 206
Oxalic acid
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Oxidation 411 412(T)
and annealing 246
of copper alloys, high-copper 253
of copper powder 223(T) 224(F,T)
of spinodal-hardening alloys 261
Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) copper 115(F,T) 119
applications 106(T) 117(F,T) 119(T)
mechanical properties 117(F,T) 118(F)
physical properties 117(F,T)
Oxide reduction method, copper powder production 105 106(T)
Oxidizing salts, corrosion by 408
Oxyacetylene welding 6
Oxyfuel gas welding 276(T) 280 295
atom diameter size difference 36(T)
content effect on weldability 278
corrosion by 401 411 412(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)

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Oxygen (Cont.)
and degassing 177 179(F) 180(T)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
solubility in copper 36(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Oxygen-free (OF) copper. See also Copper, 99.3 min.
description 7
heat treatment 36(F)
physical properties 117(T)
Oxygen-free electronic (OFE) copper
mechanical properties 34(T)
oxygen content 34(T)
physical properties 4(T) 34(T)
Oxygen-free silver-bearing copper, description 7

Padding 192
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Palmitic acid, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Paper-and-oil, insulation material for wire 73
Paraffin, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Passivation 332
Patternmaker’s shrinkage
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 563
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of brasses, red (C83300–C83810) 536 537 538

of brasses, semi-red (C84200–C84800) 538

of brasses, silicon (C87300–C87800) 543 544 545 546

of brasses, yellow (C85200–C85800) 539

of bronzes, aluminum (C95200–C95900) 555 556 557 558 559

of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 548 549 550 551 552

of bronzes, manganese (C86100–C86800) 542(F) 543

of bronzes, silicon (C87300–C87800) 543 544 545

of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 547

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Patternmaker’s shrinkage (Cont.)

of copper alloys, high-copper (C81400–C82800) 529 530 531 532 533
of copper-nickels (C96200–C96950) 559 560

of coppers, 99.3 min. (C80100–C81200) 529

of nickel silvers (C97300–C97800) 560 561

of special alloys (C99300–99750) 561
Pearlite, in copper-aluminum alloys 48(F) 52
Peirce-Smith converters 11 12(F)
Pell-Walpole oxidation, deoxidation practice 178
Pentanoic acid, corrosion rates of copper and copper alloys 407(T)
Percolation 12
Periodic table 447(F)
Permanent mold casting 187
technical factors in casting method choice for copper alloys 186(T)
Petch relationship 423
Phase diagrams
copper-aluminum 48(F) 51 370(F)
copper-aluminum-iron alloys 379(F)
copper-aluminum-manganese alloys 380(F)
copper-aluminum-zinc alloys 380(F) 381(F)
copper-antimony 376(F)
copper-antimony-tin alloys 382(F)
copper-arsenic 370(F)
copper-beryllium 50(F) 53 66 67(F) 371(F)
copper-bismuth 371(F)
copper-cadmium 371(F)
copper-chromium 372(F)
copper-cobalt 372(F)
copper-gold 370(F)
copper-iron 372(F)
copper-iron-nickel alloys 381(F)
copper-lead 34 35(F) 374(F)
copper-lead-zinc alloys 382(F)
copper-manganese 373(F)
copper-nickel 360 373(F)
copper-nickel-tin alloys 381(F)
copper-nickel-zinc alloys 382(F)

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Phase diagrams (Cont.)

copper-oxygen 32(F) 177 179(F) 373(F)
copper-palladium 374(F)
copper-phosphorus 374(F)
copper-selenium 376(F)
copper-silicon 376(F)
copper-silver 369(F)
copper-silver-cadmium alloys 379(F)
copper-silver-gold alloys 378(F) 379(F)
copper-sulfide (digenite) 375(F)
copper-sulfur 375(F)
copper-tellurium 377(F)
copper-tin 44(F) 46 377(F)
copper-tin-zinc alloys 382(F)
copper-zinc 35 37(F) 39 40(F) 377(F)
copper-zinc-tin 45(F) 46
copper-zirconium 378(F)
Phase transformation temperature, of bronze, aluminum, wrought 514
Phosphor bronze. See Bronzes, phosphor.
Phosphoric acid corrosion by 404
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
alloying element effect on electrical conductivity of copper 182(F)
atom diameter size difference 36(T)
content effect in phosphorus-deoxidized
copper content effect on stress-corrosion cracking 423
content effect on weldability 278
as copper deoxidizer 183
deoxidation of copper alloys 181
effect on electrical conductivity of oxygen-free high-conductivity copper 4(F)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
solubility in copper 36(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Phosphorus-deoxidized arsenical copper, description 7
Phosphorus-deoxidized copper, high-residual phosphorus, description 7
Phosphorus-deoxidized copper, low-residual phosphorus, description 7
Phosphorus-deoxidized copper, tellurium-bearing, description 7
Phosphorus pentoxide 234

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Photochemical machining 274

Pickling 210 217 320(T)
defects caused by 322
equipment 321(T) 322
of P/M parts 328
safety practices 322
Picric acid
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Piercing 5
Pitting corrosion 388 389(F) 392 397 399
characteristics and preventive measures 387(T)
Planar slip 66
Plasma arc welding 278 279 280
Plaster casting, technical factors in casting method
choice for copper alloys 186(T)
Plaster molding 186
Plastic dual-in-line packages (PDIPs) 160(T)
Plastic injection molds 164(T)
Plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC) 161(T)
Plastic strain 248
Plastic-strain ratio (r value) 195 198 200(F) 201 204
Plate, characteristics and specifications 73 75(T)
Plateability 15
Plating, preparation for 326(F)
Plater’s brass
applications 8
composition 8
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
physical properties 31(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Plumbing goods 153(F,T)
Poisson’s ratio
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 563
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of bronzes, aluminum 510 511 512 513 514

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Poisson’s ratio (Cont.)

515 516 517 555 556
557 558
of copper alloys, high-copper 470 471 530 531 532
533 535
of copper-nickels (C96200–C96950) 560
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100-) 458
of unalloyed copper 451
Polishing 323(T)
for microexamination 338(T)
Polishing, automatic, of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 354
Polishing, mechanical, of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 354
Polluted cooling waters, corrosion by 401(F)
Polymer, insulation material for wire 72
Porosity 278
Potassium carbonate, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Potassium chloride
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Potassium cyanide
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Potassium dichromate (acid), corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 394(T)
Potassium hydroxide
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Potassium sulfate
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Pourbaix diagram. See also Phase diagrams 420(F)
Pouring temperatures 185(T)
Powder metallurgy, definition 222
Powder metallurgy parts, preparation before plating 327(F)
Powder metallurgy (P/M) processing.
See also Copper, powder 222(F,T)
antioxidant treatments 224
commercial grades of powder, properties 225(T)
copper alloy powders 232(F,T)
powder pressing 234(F,T)

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Powder metallurgy (P/M) processing. (Cont.)

production by atomization 229(F,T)
production by electrolysis 225(F,T)
production by hydrometallurgical processing 231(F,T)
production of copper powder by copper oxide reduction 222(F,T)
sintering practices for bronze 237(F) 239(F)
sintering principles 235(F,T)
Power utility boilers 399
Prealloying, copper alloy powder production 105
Preblending, copper alloy powder production 105
Precipitation hardening (precipitation heat treatment) 5(F) 66 67(F) 195 196
198(F,T) 199(T)
of copper alloys, high-copper 254(F,T) 258(F,T) 259(F)
definition 9
effect on electrical conductivity 4 5(F)
Precipitation-hardening alloys 248
Precipitation-hardening alloys, miscellaneous, heat treatment 259 260(T)
Precision casting 186
Press forming 211(F)
Printed circuit boards 159(T)
Printed wiring boards (PWBs) 142 144 146(F) 147 148
Product forms 567(T)
of bronze P/M filters 109 111(F)
cast coppers and copper alloys 583(T)
flat-rolled 73 75(T) 76(T) 567(T)
foil, applications 159(T)
specifications for 567(T)
wrought, classification of 67
of wrought coppers and copper alloys 67(F,T) 567(T)
wrought, forgings 82(T) 567(T)
wrought, refinery shapes 67(F) 567(T)
wrought, rod, bar, and shapes 58(T) 61(T) 82 83(F,T) 567(T)
wrought, tubular products 79(F,T) 567(T)
wrought, wire mill products 68(F,T) 567(T)
Projection welding (PW) 296(T)
Propane gas
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)

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Propionic acid, corrosion by 406 407(F)

Purchase agreements 6
Pure copper. See also Copper, 99.3 min.; Unalloyed copper in Alloy Index.
extrusion 221
heat treatment 247(F)
machinability 267
powder, applications 106
powder, compacting pressure and compression ratios 235(T)
powder, parts 106(F)

Quench hardening 249
definition 9
Quenching, of spinodal-hardening alloys 261

Radiator core brass, applications 8
Radio alloys 158(T)
Rapid recrystallization 245
Rapid solidification 363(F)
Razorite 175
Reaming 271(F,T)
Recovery 243(F) 244(F) 245(F) 246(F) 247(F)
248(T) 437
Recrystallization 6 243(F) 244(F) 245(F) 246(F)
247(F) 248(T) 437
Recrystallization annealing 392
Recrystallization temperature 243 247(F)
of brasses 482 483 485 487 489
of brasses, leaded 491 492 493 496
of brasses, tin 504 505 506
of bronzes, aluminum 510 512 513
of copper 35 36(F)
of copper alloys, high-copper 471 473
of copper-beryllium alloys 53
of unalloyed copper 448(F) 449
variables affecting 248(T)
Recycling 10(F) 12
Red brass. See Brasses, red. Reduced-pressure test 177 179(F) 180(F)

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Reduction 232
of copper oxide 224(F,T) 230
temperature range 224(T)
Reduction in area 5
of brasses 488(F) 489(F)
of brasses, leaded 490 496(T)
of brasses, tin 504
of bronzes, aluminum 511(T) 513(T) 514 515(T) 516
555(F) 556(F) 557 558
of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 547 548(F) 552(F) 554
of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 546
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100-) 454(F) 466(F) 467(T)
of low-temperature alloys 431(T)
of unalloyed copper 451(F,T)
Refinery shapes 67(F) 567(T)
Reflectivity, of unalloyed copper 449 451(T)
Relief annealing 392(T)
Repassivation 427
Residual stresses 5
and stress-corrosion cracking 392 427
Resilience 442 444(F)
Resistance brazing 306(T) 311(F)
Resistance heating 6
Resistance seam welding (RSEW) 296(T)
Resistance spot welding (RSW) 296(T)
Resistance welding 6 276(T) 296(T)
Resistors for electrical and electronic devices 157(F,T)
Resolution annealing, of copper-beryllium alloys 53
Restriking 206
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Rhodium electroplating 329(T)
Rigidity modulus, of coppers, 99.3 min., wrought 468
Risering 190(F,T)
Rockwell hardness
equivalent hardness numbers for cartridge brass 589(T)
equivalent hardness numbers for wrought coppers 588(T)

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Rockwell superficial hardness

equivalent hardness numbers for cartridge brass 589(T)
equivalent hardness numbers for wrought coppers 588(T)
Rod, bar, and shapes 82 83(F)
bending of 208(F)
rotary swaging 211(F)
specifications 58(T) 61(T) 83(T)
Roll bending 209(F)
Roll cladding 299(F,T)
Rolled-annealed (RA) copper 159(T)
Rolling 5 327
Rolling mills 76(F)
Roll welding 299(F,T)
Rosin, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Rosin fluxes 6(T)
Rotary benders 209(F) 210
Rotary piercing, of tubular products 81(F)
Rotary swaging, of rod, bars, and tubes 211(F)
Rough polishing
equipment requirements, speed, and lubricants 324(T)
for microexamination 337
Rubber-pad forming 204

Salt baths 250
Salt fog test 415
Salts, corrosion by 408(T)
Salt water, corrosion by 399
Sand casting 186
technical factors in casting method choice for copper alloys 186(T)
Sawing 272 273(T) 274(F,T)
Scale dipping 320(T)
Scalping 75
Scrap 10(F) 12
Scratch brushing 323(T) 332
Season cracking. See also Stress-corrosion cracking 391(F,T) 419 427
corrosion by 385 414(T)
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)

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Seawater (Cont.)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sectioning, of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 354
Selective plating 127
content effect on weldability 278
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Semi-red brasses. See Brasses, semi-red.
Sensitization 424
Sewage, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Shape factor 190
Shape memory alloys (SMA) 121(F,T)
Shapes, bending of 208(F)
Shear banding 66
Shear strength
of brasses (C20100–C28000) 481 482(T) 483(T) 484(T) 485
486(T) 487(T) 488 489(T)
of brasses, leaded (C31200–C38500) 490 491(T) 492(T) 493(T) 494(T)
495(T) 496(T) 497
of brasses, silicon (C87300–C87800) 545
of brasses, tin (C40400–C48600) 498(T) 499(T) 502(T) 504(T) 505(T)
of bronzes, aluminum (C60800–C64210) 512(T)

of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 553

of bronzes, silicon (C64700–C66100) 518(T) 519(T) 545

of copper alloys, high-copper (C16200–C19900) 470 477 478(T)

of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100–C15815) 453 454(T) 455(T) 456(T) 457(T)

461(T) 463 464(T) 465(T) 466(T)
of nickel silvers (C73500–C79830) 526(T) 527(T) 528(T)
of corrosion-resistant coatings 150
for marine vessels 167
characteristics and specifications 73 75(T)
manufacture of 74(F,T)
Shell casting, technical factors in casting method choice for copper alloys 186(T)
Shell molding 186

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Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) 276(T) 277(T) 278 279 280(T)
284 288 289 291 292
Shotting, of copper 223(F)
Shunt manganin 158(F)
alloying element effect on electrical conductivity of copper 182(F)
atom diameter size difference 36(T)
content effect on weldability 278
effect on electrical conductivity of oxygen-free high-conductivity copper 4(F)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
solubility in copper 36(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Silicon brass. See Brasses, silicon.
Silicon bronze. See Bronzes, silicon.
Silicon-containing alloys, pickling 321(T)
Silicon devices 144
alloying element effect on electrical conductivity of copper 182(F)
atom diameter size difference 36(T)
content effect on oxygen-free silver-bearing copper 7
content effect on stress relaxation 433
effect on electrical conductivity of oxygen-free high-conductivity copper 4(F)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
physical properties 4(T) 5(T) 31(T)
solubility in copper 36(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Silver-bearing copper
description 7
mechanical properties 34(T)
oxygen content 34(T)
physical properties 34(T)
Silver-bearing tough pitch copper
composition 7
description 7
Silver electroless plating 331
Silver electroplating 329(T)
Silver immersion plating 331

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Silver salts, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)

activated 236(T)
brass P/M parts 110
bronze P/M parts 107(F) 108 110(F)
of copper alloy powders 106
homogenization (interdiffusion) 236
liquid-phase 236
nickel silver P/M parts 110
principles of 235(F,T)
Sizing 220
Skip plating 148
Slabs, hot rolling of 75
Slag 11 12(F)
Slip 35
Slip systems 446
Slitting, of sheet and strip 79(F)
Slow-fail feature of leaded tin bronzes 91
Small-outline integrated circuits (SOICs) 160(T)
Smelting processes 10 12(F)
S-N curves 441(F) 442(F) 443(F) 444(F)
Soap solutions
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium bicarbonate
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium bisulfate
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium carbonate
corrosion by 408(T)
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium chloride
corrosion by 408(T)
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)

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Sodium chromate, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)

Sodium cyanide
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium dichromate, corrosion by 408
Sodium dichromate (acid), corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium hydrosulfite, as additive to cleaning solutions 325
Sodium hydroxide
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 99(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium hypochlorite
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium nitrate
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium peroxide
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium phosphate
corrosion by 408(T)
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium silicate
corrosion by 408(T)
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium sulfate
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium sulfide
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sodium thiosulfate
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Softening temperature, of coppers, 99.3 min., wrought 460 462
Solderability, of lead frame alloys 161(T)
Soils, corrosion by 397(F)

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Soldering 6 303(T) 313(F,T)

brasses 303(T)
brasses, leaded 303(T)
bronzes, aluminum 303(T) 313
bronzes, phosphor 303(T)
bronzes, silicon 303(T) 313
copper alloys, high-copper 303(T)
copper-nickels 303(T)
coppers, 99.3 min 303(T) 468
fluxes 313
flux removal 314
joint mechanical properties 316(F) 317(F,T) 318(F)
joint metallurgy 314(F) 316(F,T) 317(T)
nickel silvers 303(T)
precleaning and surface preparation 314
solders 313(T)
tubular products 314
Solders. See also Soldering 313(T)
corrosion by 413(T)
Solidification structures of copper alloy ingots 360(F,T)
Solid-solution hardening (strengthening) 5(F) 196(T)
Solid-state cladding, of corrosion-resistant coatings 150
Solid-state welding 276(T) 299(F,T)
Solidus temperature
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 563
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of brasses (C20100–C28000) 482 483 484 485 486
488 489
of brasses, leaded (C31200–C38500) 490 491 492 493 494
495 496 497
of brasses, red (C83300–C83810) 536 537 538
of brasses, semi-red (C84200–C84800) 538
of brasses, silicon (C87300–C87800) 544 545 546
of brasses, tin (C40400–C48600) 498 499 500 501 502
503 504 505 506
of brasses, yellow (C85200–C85800) 539
of bronzes, aluminum (C60800–C64210) 510 511 512 513 514
515 516 517 555 556

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Solidus temperature (Cont.)

557 558 559
of bronzes, leaded phosphor (C53400–C54400) 509

of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 547 548 549 550 551

552 554
of bronzes, manganese (C86100–C86800) 540 541 542 543

of bronzes, phosphor (C50100–C52480) 507 508 509

of bronzes, silicon (C64700–C66100) 518 519 544 545
of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 546 547
of copper alloys, high-copper, cast 529 530 531 532 533
534 535
of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 470 472 473 474 476
477 478 479 480
of copper-nickels (C70100–C72950) 521 522 524 525 559
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100–C15815) 456 457 458 461 465
466 467 468 529
of copper-zinc alloys (C66300–C69710) 519 520 521
definition 171
of nickel silvers (C73500–C79830) 526 528 560 561
of special alloys (C99300–C99750) 561 562
Solubility limits, and electrical resistivity 4(T)
Solution hardening, copper and copper alloys, wrought 65(F)
Solution heat treatment, definition 9
Solutionizing 342(F)
Solution temperature
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 563
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of copper alloys, high-copper 471 473 475 476 530
531 532 533 535 536
of copper-nickels (C96200–C96950) 560
of coppers, 99.3 min., wrought 467
Solvent cleaning 324(T)
Solvent extraction, electrowinning 12
Sovent fittings 404

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Specific damping capacity

of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100-) 458
of unalloyed copper 452
Specific heat
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 563
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of brasses (C20100–C28000) 57(T) 482 483 485 486
488 489
of brasses, leaded (C31200–C38500) 57(T) 490 491 492 493
494 495 496 497
of brasses, red (C83300–C83810) 536 537 538
of brasses, semi-red (C84200–C84800) 538
of brasses, silicon (C87300–C87800) 544 545 546
of brasses, tin (C40400–C48600) 57(T) 498 499 500 501
502 504 505 506
of brasses, yellow (C85200–C85800) 539
of bronzes, aluminum (C60800–C64210) 57(T) 510 511 512 513
514 515 516 517 555
556 557 558
of bronzes, leaded phosphor (C53400–C54400) 57(T) 509

of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 547 548 549 550 551

552 554
of bronzes, manganese (C86100–C86800) 540 541 542 543
of bronzes, phosphor (C50100–C52480) 57(T) 507 508 509
of bronzes, silicon (C64700–C66100) 57(T) 518 519 544 545
of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 546 547
of copper alloys, high-copper, cast 529 530 531 532 533
534 535
of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 57(T) 470 472 474 476
477 478 479
of copper and copper alloys 57(T)
of copper-nickels (C70100–C72950) 57(T) 521 522 523 524
525 559 560
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100–C15815) 57(T) 453 456 457 458
462 463 464 465 466
468 469 529
of copper-zinc alloys (C66300–C69710) 57(T) 520 521

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Specific heat (Cont.)

of nickel silvers (C73500–C79830) 57(T) 525 526 527 528
560 561
of special alloys (C99300–C99750) 562
of unalloyed copper 449(F) 450(T)
Spectral reflectance, of brasses, wrought 482
Spectral reflectivity, of coppers, 99.3 min., wrought 459 463(F)
Speculum alloys 139
Spinning 211(F)
Spinning-disk test 415
Spinodal hardening (spinodal heat treatment) 9 67
Spinodal-hardening alloys 248 253(F) 437
heat treatment 259(F,T)
Spinodally decomposed. See Spinodal heat treatment.
Spot buffing, equipment requirements, speed, and lubricants 324(T)
Spot polishing, equipment requirements, speed, and lubricants 324(T)
Springback 205(F) 416
Spring brass, description 8
Spring bronze, description 8
Sputtered metal, electromagnetic interference shielding
capacity, cost, advantages, and disadvantages 143(T)
Stabilization treatment, of other copper-zinc alloys, wrought 520(T)
Stacking faults 66 446
Stainless steels
copper as alloying element 168
galvanic corrosion 401(T)
physical properties 4(T) 5(T)
sintering 236(T)
Static corrosion tests 414
corrosion by 398
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Steam condensate, corrosion by 399(F,T)
Stearic acid
corrosion by 407
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
as lubricant for brass and nickel silver powders 239(F)

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copper-infiltrated 114(T) 116(F,T)
machinability 6(F) 265(F)
physical properties 4(T) 5(T) 31(T)
structural, copper as alloying element 168
Strain hardening, definition 9
Strain-hardening exponent, of unalloyed copper 451
Strain-rate sensitivity (m value) 195
Stranders 71
Straube-Pfeiffer test 177 179(F) 180(F)
Stress-corrosion cracking 4 5 15 347(F) 349(F)
391(F) 397 419(F,T)
alloy composition effect 422(F,T)
annealing effect 243
characteristics and preventive measures 387(T)
cold work effect 424(F)
cracking mechanisms 427
of copper alloys, high-copper (C81400–C82800) 534
and dezincification 392
environments as cause in copper-base alloys 419(T)
environment composition effect 419(F)
factors necessary for 419(F)
grain size effect 423(F)
of heat exchangers and condensers 162
heat treatment effect 423
of lead frames 161
microstructure effects 423(F)
modification and mitigation 427
pH solution effect 420(F)
potential effect 421(F)
specifications 425
in specific environments 411(T)
and steam corrosion 398
stress effect 425(F) 426(F)
stress intensity effect 425(F) 426(F)
and stress relieving 248
temperature effect 422(F)
testing 416 425(T)

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Stress-corrosion cracking (Cont.)

zinc content effect 386
Stress relieving 5 9 247 252(T) 392(T)
applications 437(F)
equipment 250 254(F)
of high-temperature alloys 432(F,T)
Stress-rupture strength
of copper alloys, high-copper (C16200–C19900) 479(T)

of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100–C15815) 453 455(T) 466(F)

Stretch bending 209
Stretch-forming 201 202(F)
characteristics and specifications 73 75(T) 567(T)
manufacture of 74(F,T)
Structural capability, copper and copper alloy consumption in U.S. (1997) 3(T)
Submerged arc welding (SAW) 279
Sugar solutions
corrosion by 409 412(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sulfate solutions, corrosion by 414
Sulfides, and corrosion 415
Sulfide solutions, corrosion by 414
content effect on copper alloy machinability 266
content effect on weldability 278 299
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Sulfur chloride
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sulfur compounds, corrosion by 410 412(T)
Sulfur dioxide
corrosion by 410 412(T) 414
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sulfur fixation 11

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Sulfur gases, and degassing 177

Sulfuric acid
corrosion by 404(F) 405(T)
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sulfuric acid, leaching 232
Sulfurous acid, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Sulfur trioxide, dry
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Superconducting magnets 430
Superconductors 123(F) 430
Superlattice 39(F)
Surface diffusion coefficient 235(F)
Surface engineering 320(F,T)
Surface finishes 6
Swaging 205

Tannic acid
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Tapping 272 273(F,T)
Tarnishing 250 419(F) 420 425(F)
prevention of 321
and removal of 321
and stress-corrosion cracking 421 422
as test of part cleanliness 328
Tarnish inhibitors 78 416
Tarnish-rupture model 427
Tartaric acid
corrosion by 407 408(T)
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
content effect on copper alloy machinability 266
content effect on phosphorus-deoxidized copper, tellurium-bearing 7
content effect on weldability 278
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)

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Tellurium (Cont.)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Temper annealing, definition 9
effect on electrical conductivity 4(T)
effect on heat treatment of copper alloys, high-copper 254 256(T) 257(T)
effect on properties 430(F,T)
high-temperature properties 431(F,T)
low-temperature properties 430(F,T) 432(T)
Temper designation systems 14 26(T) 195(T) 196
Tempering 249
of copper-aluminum alloys 49(F) 52
definition 9
annealed 15
annealed, designation codes and material conditions 27(T)
cold-worked 15
cold-worked and precipitation-hardened, designation
codes and material conditions 27(T)
cold worked and stress-relieved, designation
codes and material conditions 26(T)
cold-worked, designation codes and material conditions 26(T)
definition 14
effect on machinability 268
extra hard 15
hard 15
international designations 28
mill-hardened, designation codes and material conditions 27(T)
precipitation-hardened, cold-worked, and thermal-
stress-relieved, designation codes and material conditions 27(T)
precipitation-hardened or spinodal-heat-treated and cold-
worked, designation codes and material conditions 27(T)
quench-hardened, designation codes and material conditions 27(T)
solution-treated and cold-worked, designation codes
and material conditions 27(T)
solution-treated and precipitation-hardened, designation
codes and material conditions 27(T)
solution-treated and spinodal-heat-treated, designation
codes and material conditions 27(T)

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Tempers (Cont.)
solution-treated, cold-worked, and spinodal-heat-
treated, designation codes and material conditions 27(T)
solution-treated, designation codes and material conditions 27(T)
spinodal-heat-treated, cold-worked, and thermal-stress-
relieved, designation codes and material conditions 27(T)
spring 15
of welded tubing 27(T)
Temper terminology 8
Tensile strength 5(F)
annealing effect on strip 77(F)
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 562(F)
of beryllium copper 21C 562(F)
of brasses (C20100–C28000) 55(T) 58(T) 66(F) 481 482(F,T)
483(F,T) 484(F,T) 485 486(F,T) 487(F,T)
488(F) 489(F,T) 490(F)
of brasses, leaded (C31200–C38500) 55(T) 58(T) 490 491(T) 492(F,T)
493(T) 494(F,T) 495(F,T) 496(T) 497(F)
of brasses, red and leaded red 95(T) 97(T) 536 537 538
of brasses, semi-red and leaded semi-red 95(T) 97(T) 538
of brasses, silicon (C87300–C87800) 95(T) 97(T) 543 544 545
of brasses, tin (C40400–C48600) 56(T) 58(T) 498(T) 499(T) 500(T)
501(T) 502(T) 503(F,T) 504(T) 505(F,T)
of brasses, yellow and leaded yellow 95(T) 97(T) 539
of bronzes, aluminum 56(T) 58(T) 66(F) 96(T) 97(T)
509 510 511(T) 512(T) 513(T)
514 515(T) 516 517(F,T) 555(F)
556(F) 557 558
of bronzes, leaded phosphor (C53400–C54400) 56(T) 509(T)

of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 96(T) 97(T) 547 548(F) 549

550 551 552 553 554
of bronzes, manganese and leaded manganese 95(T) 97(T) 540 541 542(F)
of bronzes, nickel-tin 96(T) 97(T)
of bronzes, phosphor 56(T) 58(T) 66(F) 506(T) 507(T)
508(T) 509(T)

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Tensile strength (Cont.)

of bronzes, silicon 56(T) 58(T) 66(F) 95(T) 97(T)
518(T) 519(T) 543 544 545
of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 96(T) 97(T) 546 547
cast copper and copper alloys 93 95(T) 97(T)
of copper alloys, high-copper, cast 95(T) 97(T) 529 530(T) 531(T)
532(T) 533(T) 534(F) 535(F) 536(F,T)
of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 55(T) 58(T) 66(F) 443(T) 470(T)
471(T) 472(T) 473(T) 474(T) 475(F,T)
476(T) 477(T) 478(T) 479(T) 480(T)
of copper alloys, leaded coppers 96(T) 97(T)
of copper-bismuth alloys and copper-bismuth-selenium alloys 95(T) 97(T)
of copper-nickels 56(T) 58(T) 66(F) 96(T) 97(T)
521(T) 522(F,T) 523(F,T) 524(T) 525(T)
559 560
of copper-phosphorus alloys 58(T)
of copper, 99.3 min., cast 95(T) 97(T) 529
of copper-silver-phosphorus alloys 58(T)
of coppers, 99.3 min., wrought 55(T) 58(T) 66(F) 453 454(F,T)
455(F,T) 456(T) 457(T) 458 459(F)
460(F) 461(T) 463 464(T) 465(T)
466(F,T) 467(T) 468(T) 469(T)
of copper-zinc alloys (C66300–C69710) 56(T) 58(T) 519(T) 520(T) 521(T)
of electrolytic copper powder 229(F)
of hard-drawn copper and copper alloy round wire 69 71(T)
of high-temperature alloys 431 433(F) 435(T)
of low-temperature alloys 431(F,T) 433(F)
of nickel silvers 56(T) 58(T) 66(F) 96(T) 97(T)
526(T) 527(T) 528(T) 560 561
of special alloys (C99300–C99750) 96(T) 97(T) 561 562
of unalloyed copper 451(F,T)
of wrought copper and copper alloys 55(T)
of wrought copper and copper alloys, rod form 58(T) 64 65(F)
Thermal conductivity 4 5(T) 15 277(T)
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 563
of beryllium copper 21C 562
of brasses (C20100–C28000) 57(T) 64(T) 482 483 485

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Thermal conductivity (Cont.)

486 488 489
of brasses, leaded (C31200–C38500) 57(T) 64(T) 490 491 492
493 494 495 496 497
of brasses, red and leaded red 101(T) 537 538
of brasses, semi-red and leaded semi-red 101(T) 538
of brasses, silicon (C87300–C87800) 101(T) 544 545 546(F)
of brasses, tin (C40400–C48600) 57(T) 64(T) 498 499 500
501 502 504 505 506
of brasses, yellow and leaded yellow 101(T) 539
of bronzes, aluminum 57(T) 64(T) 101(T) 510 511
512 513 514 515 516
517 555 556 557 558
of bronzes, leaded phosphor 57(T) 64(T) 509
of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 101(T) 548 550(F) 551 552
553(F) 554 555
of bronzes, manganese and leaded manganese 101(T) 540 541 542 544(F)
of bronzes, nickel-tin (C94700–94900) 101(T)

of bronzes, phosphor (C50100–C52480) 57(T) 64(T) 507 508 509

of bronzes, silicon 57(T) 64(T) 101(T) 518 519
544 545 546(F)
of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 101(T) 546 547
cast coppers and copper alloys 100 101(T)
of copper alloys, high-copper, cast 101(T) 529 530 531 532
533 534 535
of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 57(T) 64(T) 470 472 473
476 477 478 479 480
of copper alloys, leaded coppers 101(T)
of copper-bismuth alloys and copper-bismuth-selenium alloys 101(T)
of copper-nickels 57(T) 64(T) 101(T) 521 522
523 524 525 559 560
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100–C15815) 57(T) 64(T) 101(T) 453 456
457 458 462 463 464
465 466 467 468 469
of copper-zinc alloys 57(T) 64(T) 519 520 521
of nickel silvers 57(T) 64(T) 101(T) 525 526

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Thermal conductivity (Cont.)

527 528 560 561
of special alloys (C99300–C99750) 101(T)
of unalloyed copper 448(F,T)
of wrought copper and copper alloys 57(T) 64(T) 297(T)
Thermal expansion coefficient. See Linear thermal expansion coefficient.
Thermal ratcheting 437
Thermal shock 247
Thermal softening
additives to impart resistance 437
applications 437
in electrical coppers 437(F)
Thermal spraying, of hardfacing alloys 150
Thermal-stress cracking 365(F)
Thermal stress relieving 5 392(T)
Thermal treatment, definition 9
Thermoelectrical potential
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100-) 459 462(F)
of unalloyed copper 448
Thermosetting lacquers 331
Thermosetting resins, impregnated on P/M parts 327
Threading 272 273(F,T)
alloying element effect on electrical conductivity of copper 182(F)
atom diameter size difference 36(T)
content effect on hardness of binary solid solutions 43(F) 45
content effect on weldability 277
corrosion ratings, atmospheric 10- and 20-year exposures 396(T)
diffusion constant in copper 235(T)
effect on electrical conductivity of oxygen-free high-conductivity copper 4(F)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
for protective coatings 414
physical properties 5(T) 31(T)
solubility in copper 36(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Tin bronze. See Bronzes, phosphor.
Tin-copper alloy electroplating 330
Tin-copper alloys, for electroplating 330
Tin electroless plating 331

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Tin electroplating 330(T)

Tin-lead alloy electroplating 330 331(T)
Tin-lead alloys, for electroplating 330 331(T)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
pure, physical properties 5(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Torch brazing 306(T) 307(F)
Tough pitch copper. See also Coppers, 99.3 min 33
composition 7
description 7
mechanical properties 34(T)
microstructure 34(F)
oxygen content 34(T)
physical properties 34(T)
Transgranular cracking 421(F)
Transgranular stress-corrosion cracking 347(F) 427
Transistor outline (TO)-type plastic package configurations 161(T)
Transverse cracking 365(F) 366(F)
Trichloracetic acid, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Tube drawing 5
Tube reducing, of tubular products 82
Tubular products 79(F,T)
alloys, applications, and specifications 80(T)
bending and forming 210(T)
corrosion 154 155(T)
dimensions 154(T)
mechanical properties 80 84(T)
plumbing applications 153(F,T)
plumbing tube, specifications, sizes and materials 155(T)
pressure fittings 80(F)
pressure ratings 155(T)
production 80(F)

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Tube reducing, of tubular products (Cont.)

rotary swaging 211(F)
soldering 314
specifications 82(T)
Tungstate solutions, corrosion by 414
Tungsten, unalloyed, physical properties 4(T) 5(T)
Tungsten-copper P/M composites 123 (F,T)
mechanical properties 123(T)
microstructure 123(F)
physical properties 123(F,T)
Turning, form 268(F) 269(F) 270(F,T)
Turning, single-point 268(F) 269(F) 270(F,T)
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Twinning 446

U-bend test 416
Ultrasonic cleaning 325
Ultrasonic welding 300(F)
Underaging 444 445(F)
Undercooling 260
Unified Numbering System (UNS)
for Metals and Alloys, for copper and copper alloys 3 14(T) 15(T) 23(T) 28(T)
29(T) 30(T) 271
Uniform solidification 192
Unsoundness 365(F)

Valeric acid, corrosion rates of copper and copper alloys 407(T)
Vapor degreasing 324
Vapor pressure, of unalloyed copper 449
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Velocity of sound, of unalloyed copper 452
Velocity, solution 415
Vertical direct-chill (DC) semicontinuous casting 74

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Vibratory finishing 323(T)

Vickers hardness, international temper designations 28
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Voiding 148
Volume change on freezing
of brasses, red and leaded red 537
of brasses, yellow and leaded yellow 539
of bronzes, aluminum 510 511 512 514 516
555 558
of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 551 552 554
of bronzes, manganese and leaded manganese 540 541 543
of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 546 547
of copper alloys, high-copper (C81400–C82800) 529
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C80100–C81200) 529
of special alloys (C99300–C99750) 561
of unalloyed copper 446
Volume change on phase transformation, of copper
alloys, high-copper, wrought 470 472 474
Volume diffusion coefficient 235(F)

corrosion by 398(F,T) 414
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
corrosion, testing 414(T)
Water atomized powder 229(F,T)
composition 106(T)
particle shape 106(T)
surface area 106(T)
Water line attack 388
Water rolling 322(T)
Water vapor, and degassing 177 180(T)
Wear, resistant coatings of copper alloys 150(T)
Wear-resistant copper alloy coatings 150(T)
Weathering steels, copper as alloying element 168

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Weldability 6
alloying element effects 277
of brasses 276 280 288 296 298(T)
487 490
of brasses, leaded (C31200–C38500) 490 491 492 493 494
495 496 497
of brasses, tin (C40400–C48600) 498 499 500 501 502
504 505 506
of bronzes, aluminum 65 276 280 287 289(F,T)
296 298(T) 299 510 511
513 514 515 516 517
of bronzes, leaded phosphor (C53400–C54400) 509

of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 548 549 550 551 552

553 554
of bronzes, phosphor (C50100–C52480) 276 280 288(T) 294 295(T)
296 298(T) 299 507 508
of bronzes, silicon 65 276 280 287 291(T)
294 295(T) 296 298(T) 299
518 519
of copper alloys, high-copper 277 284(T) 296 298 470
471 473 476 477 478
479 480 530
of copper alloys, leaded coppers 298
of copper-nickels 276 281 292(T) 296 299
522 523 524 525 559
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100–C15815) 276 280 281(F,T) 295 298
453 460 462 463 464
465 467 468 469
of copper-zinc alloys 297(T) 520 521
factors affecting 277(T) 278
of nickel silvers (C97300–C97800) 276 288 299 526 527
528 560 561
of special alloys 276 561
of wrought copper and copper alloys 297(T)
Weld cladding, of corrosion-resistant coatings 150
Welding 276(F,T)

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Welding (Cont.)
alloy metallurgy and weldability 276(T)
arc welding 276(T)
cold 300(F) 301(F)
cold pressure 300(F) 301(F)
diffusion 299
dissimilar metals 293(T) 295(T)
electron beam 276(T) 299
filler metals 279(T)
flash welding (FW) 296 298
friction 299
gas metal arc 276(T) 277(T) 278 279 280(T)
281(T) 284 285(T) 286 289(T)
291 293(T) 295(T)
gas tungsten arc 276(T) 277(T) 278 279 280(T)
281(F) 286(T) 287 288 289(T)
290(F,T) 291 292(T) 294(T)
high-frequency resistance (HFRW) 296
laser beam 299
microplasma 279
non-arc fusion processes 295(F,T)
oxyfuel gas 276(T) 280 295
plasma arc 278 279 280
projection (PW) 296(T)
resistance 276(T) 296(T)
resistance seam (RSEW) 296(T)
resistance spot (RSW) 296(T)
roll 299(F,T)
safe practices 294
shielded metal arc 276(T) 277(T) 278 279 280(T)
284 288 289 291 292
solid-state 276(T) 299(F,T)
specifications 279
submerged arc 279
ultrasonic 300(F)
Weld surfacing, with hardfacing alloys 150(T)
Wet blasting 322
Wetting agents, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)

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corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
White cloth wipe test 325
White water, corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Wiedemann-Franz relationship 4
Wire and cable
applications, building wire 154(F) 156(T)
applications, cable 155(F) 156
bunch stranded, uncoated or tinned members, characteristics 69 74(T)
classification 68 70(T) 71(T) 72(T) 73(T)
74(T) 75(T)
concentric-lay stranded, characteristics 69 72(T)
forming 211
gage (AWG) sizes, American 156(T)
hard-drawn round, mechanical properties 69 71(T)
insulation and jacketing 72
properties 69 70(T) 71(T) 72(T) 73(T)
74(T) 75(T)
rod fabrication 69
rope-lay stranded, characteristics 69 73(T)
rope-lay stranded, shaving uncoated or tinned bunched members,
characteristics 69 74(T)
square and rectangular 69
tinned/solid/round, characteristics 69 75(T)
Wiredrawing 69
Wire mill products 68(F,T) 567(T)
Wire rods 67 68(F)
Workability 5
Work function, of unalloyed copper 448
Work hardening 6
copper and copper alloys, wrought 66(F)

Yellow brass
composition 8
product forms 8

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Yield strength
of beryllium copper-nickel 72C 562(F)
of beryllium copper 21C 562(F)
of brasses (C20100–C28000) 55(T) 481 482(T) 483(T) 484(T)
485 486(T) 487(T) 488(F) 489(F,T)
of brasses, leaded (C31200–C38500) 55(T) 490 491(T) 492(T) 493(T)
494(T) 495(T) 496(T) 497(F)
of brasses, red and leaded red 95(T) 97(T) 536 537 538
of brasses, semi-red, and leaded semi-red 95(T) 97(T) 538
of brasses, silicon 95(T) 97(T) 543 544 545
of brasses, tin 56(T) 498(T) 499(T) 500(T) 501(T)
502(T) 503(T) 504(T) 505(T) 506(T)
of brasses, yellow and leaded yellow 95(T) 97(T) 539
of bronzes, aluminum (C60800–C64210) 56(T) 96(T) 97(T) 509 510
511(T) 512(T) 513(T) 514 515(T)
516 517(F,T) 555 556(F) 557
of bronzes, leaded phosphor (C53400–C54400) 56(T) 509(T)

of bronzes, leaded tin (C92200–C94500) 96(T) 97(T) 547 548(F) 549

550 551 552 553 554
of bronzes, manganese and leaded manganese 95(T) 97(T) 540 541 542(F)
of bronzes, nickel-tin (C94700–C94900) 96(T) 97(T)

of bronzes, phosphor (C50100–C52480) 56(T) 506(T) 507(T) 508(T) 509

of bronzes, silicon 56(T) 95(T) 97(T) 518(T) 519(T)
543 544 545
of bronzes, tin (C90200–C91700) 96(T) 97(T) 546 547
cast copper and copper alloys 94 97(T)
of copper alloys, high-copper, cast 95(T) 97(T) 529 530(T) 531(T)
532(T) 533(T) 535(F) 536(T)
of copper alloys, high-copper, wrought 55(T) 64 65(F) 443(T) 470(T)
471(T) 472(T) 473(T) 474(T) 475(F,T)
476(T) 477(T) 478(T) 479(T) 480(T)
of copper alloys, leaded coppers 96(T) 97(T)

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Yield strength (Cont.)

of copper-bismuth alloys and copper-bismuth-selenium alloys 95(T) 97(T)
of copper-nickels (C70100–C72950) 56(T) 96(T) 97(T) 521(T) 522(F,T)
523(F,T) 524(T) 525(T) 559 560
of coppers, 99.3 min. (C10100–C15815) 55(T) 95(T) 97(T) 453 454(F,T)
455(F,T) 456(F,T) 457(T) 458 459(F)
460(F) 461(T) 463 464(T) 465(T)
466(T) 467(T) 468(T) 469(T) 529
of copper-zinc alloys 56(T) 519(T) 520(T) 521(T)
of high-temperature alloys 435(T)
of low-temperature alloys 431(T)
of nickel silvers, wrought 56(T) 96(T) 97(T) 526(T) 527(T)
528(T) 560 561
of special alloys (C99300–C99750) 96(T) 97(T) 561 562
of unalloyed copper 451(T)
of wrought copper and copper alloys 55(T)
of wrought copper and copper alloys, rod form 61(T)
Young’s modulus. See also Elastic modulus 430(F)
of low-temperature alloys 431(T)

alloying element effect on electrical conductivity of copper 182(F)
atom diameter size difference 36(T)
content effect on hardness of binary solid solutions 43(F) 45
content effect on semi-red and leaded semi-red brasses 90
content effect on shear stress of copper-zinc alloys 36 38(F)
content effect on stress-corrosion cracking 422(F)
content effect on weldability 277
corrosion in various soils 397(F)
corrosion ratings, atmospheric 10- and 20-year exposures 396(T)
diffusion constant in copper 235(T)
effect on electrical conductivity of oxygen-free high-conductivity copper 4(F)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
physical properties 4(T) 5(T) 31(T)
solubility in copper 36(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)
Zinc arc spray method, electromagnetic interference shielding
capacity, cost, advantages, and disadvantages 143(T)

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Zinc chloride
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
Zinc fuming 6
Zinc stearate, as lubricant for brass and nickel silver powders 239(F)
Zinc sulfate
corrosion ratings, cast copper alloys 100(T)
corrosion ratings, wrought copper alloys 395(T)
effect on electrical resistivity as solute addition 4(T)
physical properties 5(T)
solubility limits in copper alloys 4(T)

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