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❖ Discuss developmental tasks and challenges being experienced during

adolescence and evaluate one’s development through the help of significant

people around him/her (peers, parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community
leaders) ❖ Identify ways that help one become capable and responsible
prepared for adult life ❖ Discuss understanding of mental health and
psychological well-being to
identify ways to cope with stress during adolescence ❖ Identify causes and
effects of stress and demonstrate personal ways to cope
with stress and maintain mental health

The adolescence period, as a transition stage, carries with it a lot of changes meant to
prepare you for the life ahead. You are in a journey of discovering what you are
capable of doing things. Well, this must be an exciting stage of your life because you
can do things independently but responsibly, wherein the world begins to expect from
you as you start to stand on your own as perform significant tasks.

Thus, your courage, tranquil daring, deep sense of direction and sense
responsibility are very important, for you to accomplish your expected tasks that
would provide strength and wisdom to comply with the demands that would come along
in this crucial stage of your life and be responsible adult in the future

LEARNING KIT NO. 2 Developmental

Tasks and Challenges In Middle and
Late Adolescence

In this lesson, it will lead you to discover, realize and reflect the lingering questions
amidst your struggles in this transition stage of your life:
➢ How can you as an adolescent be prepared for adult life by accomplishing
various developmental tasks?


Independence and

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➢ How can you, as an adolescent, balance the expectations of significant
people in your life and your personal

For young people like you, there are many things you would like to do. You are in a
journey of discovering what you are capable of doing. This must be an exciting
time of your life when you feel that you can do things independently. There are
developmental tasks that need to be accomplished which will enable you to
perform other tasks in life and help you address your life’s challenges.

Facing your challenges squarely will give you an opportunity to take better
perspectives which will encourage you to find ways to manage your life in more
responsible and effective ways.

EYE - My Adolescent Job

OPENER Worksheet

Answer briefly your _____

personal worksheet by ______________________________________

identifying your duties _____
and responsibilities as an ______________________________________
adolescent. Please refer _____
the title and instructions
of the activity on page 64 _____
in your textbook. You will
be guided by the ______________________________________
inspirational thoughts and
Have you ever asked yourself about
inputs on pages 65 – 69. your role as an adolescent? Do you
have an intention to be free so you your role as an adolescent? Do you
can explore the world on your own? have an intention to be free so you
Have you ever asked yourself about can explore the world on your own?

Your previous activity helped you to discover the many tasks you need to
accomplish in your daily activities. This will guide you to acknowledge that being
systematic and organized in performing your tasks to become more responsible

Professor Robert J. Havighurst, a distinguished educator, proposed that there are
specific things that adolescents are expected to do that come with each stage of
development. They are called developmental tasks that you need to accomplish to
enable you to perform other tasks in life. The people around you begin to expect
from you as you start to stand on your own.

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At the heart of many things you need to do, establishing independence is a major
goal during this period which should go hand in hand with becoming more

Developmental tasks are what you need to do in each developmental stage that
will help you adjust with the changes and demands in life (Ramos, 2016). Dealing
with the developmental tasks will help you develop your abilities and will help you
become effective and successful of your being independent.

Senior High School is a crucial point in your career preparation. There are more
academic requirements aimed at developing your skills necessary to prepare you
for bigger tasks ahead. In our previous discussion on pages 65-68 in your
textbook, one of your tasks in order to address demands in school is to improve
your cognitive and intellectual abilities.

KEEP IN MIND.... Perseverance is a key to developing the

Keep your mind at work! Don’t let it stand

Activity 1: Exercise Your Mind

The activity intends to generate your thoughts about the specific tasks that
you can accomplish in order to find ways to cope with the skills needed toward the
development of your cognitive and intellectual capabilities.


(How will you do it?) 1. Be

2. Imagine and Explore

3. Brainstorm

4. Create or Innovate

5. Practice problem solving

After you have accomplished the given activity, do you have any realization or
insights that you can still work on? To concretize your thoughts, express briefly
what you have in your mind...
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More than what you have discovered and realized, your cognitive and intellectual
skills enable you to be logical, creative and critical thinker. These are also
essential in communicating and collaborating with people. You need those skills to
perform well in school, and be more effective in your chosen field of work. Above
all your development tasks, these are significant factors to help you perform your
other responsibilities that are expected of you.

Below is an activity which will help you evaluate how you have been doing your
other developmental tasks.

Activity 2: WORKSHEET ON

According to Havighurst, each task plays a significant factor in the total

development of your SELF which you can carry with you as you move toward into

young adult. In this present generation, young people like you are so remarkable –

most of you do not stop dreaming and succeeding which makes you more

For you to be more enlightened and driven, I would like you to analyze deeper the
insights/inputs about the importance of performing your tasks in Developmental
Tasks on pages 65-68, by assessing your own level of development as a Grade
12 student. Write your answer in the graphic table below.

What are the accomplished?

expected tasks have What are the
you successfully expected tasks have
you partially What are the
accomplished? expected tasks you
What are the have not
expected tasks you accomplished?
have not I REALIZED
THAT ...
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Being aware that you are in transition from high school to college, from being an
adolescent to young adult, how do you feel about this transition? Are you happy
about what have you discovered?

You should always desire to look forward to and work for the BEST in

Do you think, you are ready for this transition which may require
more responsibilities and greater accountability? If NO, what are the
expected tasks you need to work on? If YES, what are the ways to
take so you can better plan for the future?

As you go through life, it is normal to experience worries and fears.

Let us look into the immediate challenges that may be confronting you to deal with
them. In the process, you may find insights on how to work with the greater tasks
ahead that awaits you.

Ponder on this

“When life puts you in tough

situations, Don’t say “why me”, “just
say “try me”.
For youngsters like you, there are just so many things you would like to do in life
that might burst your energies. At present, what are the things you need to deal
with and accomplish? How will you deal with them? Our previous discussion on the
challenges you are facing with on pages 81-86, have enlightened and
strengthened you in dealing with these “baggages” that are bothering you right

The following activity will surely guide you to have a better perspectives in facing
your challenges squarely.
Brief Reflection:






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Activity 3:
My Adolescent Life and the Challenges that
With it

Note: You may use your creativity in presenting your output for Activity
No.3, depending on your own interpretation. Afterwhich, share your
thoughts and realization you will derive from your output, through a brief
reflection. Use small bond paper and attach it in this learning kit.

Admittedly, life is not all for fun for you. There are unexpected trials and challenges
that you need to deal with. Most of the time, major issues or concerns may lead
you to experience stress.
When there are real or imagined disruptions in our lives, may it be a demand or a
stimulation in our life, stress occurs. Stress is not stranger to us. Everyone get it in
one way or another.
In your case as a student, most of the time we would hear you saying, “ I am
stressed with so many exams!” ...”It is so stressful at home!”...”School life is full of
stress!” It sounds like a heavy weight, don’t you think? Remember, not all stress
are bad. Not all stress provides negative effects.
According to Dr. Hans Selye (1907 -1982), an endocrinologist, who made the first
scientific study on “stress”, when we are faced with a stressful situation, our body
reacts through our homeostasis, in an attempt to adjust to it. This is a sign that you
are responding or experiencing psychological and physiological changes in your
In our discussion on stress management on pages 104 – 110 in your textbook, it
was emphasized that there are eight (8) strategies to cope with stress. These
techniques will surely address your needs in coping with your stressful life.
At the onset of a stressful event, you think of its importance. “What does it mean to
you?” “How does it affect your goals?” “Can you handle it? “What can you do about
The following activity will enlighten you and lead you to the best answers of the
stated queries.
Examine your teen years. What are the challenges that you are
currently facing in your life – at home or in school? Please refer
other instructions on how to go about the learning task on page
87 in your textbook.
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Activity 4:
Stress In My Day and How to Cope With It
(A Reflective Journal)
Instructions: Read and comprehend the questions indicated on pages 117 – 118 in
your textbook. Answer the questions honestly, according to how you think and feel
towards the situation. Please use short bond paper/s for your responses and attach
your output in this
learning kit.
Reflective Journal Rubric CRITERIA Above
Meets Expectations
Approaching Expectations
Below Expectations Reflective Thinking The reflection
explains the student’s own thinking and learning processes, as well as implications for future learning.
The reflection explains the student’s thinking about his/her own learning processes.
The reflection attempts to demonstrate thinking about learning but is vague and/or unclear about the personal learning
The reflection does not address the student’s thinking and/or learning.
Analysis The reflection is
an in-depth analysis of the learning experience, the value of the derived learning to self or others, and the enhancement of
the student’s appreciation for the discipline.
The reflection is an analysis of the learning experience and the value of the derived learning to self or others.
The reflection attempts to analyze the learning experience but the value of the learning to the student or others is vague
and/or unclear.
The reflection does not move beyond a description of the learning experience.
Making Connections The reflection
articulates multiple connections between this learning experience and content from other courses, past learning, life
experiences and/or future goals.
The reflection articulates connections between this learning experience and content from other courses, past learning
experiences, and/or future goals.
The reflection attempts to articulate connections between this learning experience and content from other courses, past
learning experiences, or personal goals, but the connection is vague and/or unclear.
The reflection does not articulate any connection to other learning or experiences.
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A personal timeline portrays the influential events and happenings of a person’s life so
that he can understand where he has gone wrong and right in the past. It helps to plan
the future in a better constructive way. Instructions:
Using a bond paper, write the major events in your life and the significant people in your life.
You may add your age, specific dates and places. You may draw the timeline horizontally,
vertically, diagonally or even using ups and down depending on your imagination. Be creative in
your representations. You may also use symbols, figures and drawings. Think of a title for your
personal timeline.

Affirmations motivate us to become a better person. Make a self- affirmation that can
drive you become more lovable, responsible and capable person with full of conviction
by composing your personal slogan or #hashtag reflecting your stress-free disposition
and optimism...
Your affirmation output is a concrete manifestation that you are convinced and positive
that all things will become better, amidst the challenges and stress you are facing with,
there is always hope and sense of direction that await ahead of you. Your CHARISM,
as a unique Paulinian, will lead you in your journey as you desire to attain your life’s
On the other hand, your personal timeline and creative mandala are activities that will
provide you an opportunity to take better perspectives as an adolescent by iidentifying
ways to help you become capable and responsible adolescent prepared for adult life.

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You may use crayons or art materials depending on the available resources or just a simple paper and
pen may be fine. You can also go for the personal timeline website template samples available online.
The link is imeline-templates/personal- timeline-template/

Your Personal Insights ....

Personal Reflection and Journal Writing (Note: Please use a separate

sheet for your reflection.)

1. Is there a ‘center’ or a central theme in your timeline and life? If you will give a
title for your timeline what would it be and why? 2. Identify the turning points in your
timeline. What were the thoughts, feelings and
actions that you experienced? 3. Who are/were the most significant people in your life?
How did they influence you? 4. Where do you want to be in a year, 5 years, and 10
years? What do you expect your
future timeline will be?

Make You Own Mandala – “A Modified Mandala Art” A mandala is a name, of

Sanskrit origin, which means “circle”. It is a concentric design that depicts harmony and unity among its
visual elements. According to Carl Jung, creating a mandala has a profound meaning in achieving personal
growth. In western culture, mental health counselors often use mandalas as a form of stress relief, a tool for
art therapy, and as a meditative exercise. GIVE IT A TRY! Create your own personal mandala that will
symbolize your wholeness/personality, help you find order and inspire you to seek balanced living.
Mandalas can be created into the colors, swim in
by individuals to its patterns.
symbolize their journeys With the assistance of Spirit and Destiny magazine find below are
through life. Mandalas the colors and their symbolic meanings to assist you making your
can also tell a story of mandala color choice: RED for strength, high energy and passion
where an individual has for love, intuition and the feminine ORANGE for creativity,
been. In some cases transformation, self-awareness and intuition YELLOW for
they will reveal the learning, wisdom, laughter and happiness GREEN for physical
individual's path in life. healing, psychic ability, love of nature and caring BLUE for
Let the mandala absorb emotional healing, inner peace and meditation PURPLE for all
all your attention, by things spiritual WHITE for spiritual focus BLACK for mystery,
deep thinking and individuality
falling into it and gazing
After you have accomplished your personal timeline, I hope you were able to
realize the impact of your personal experiences in the past that will surely
challenge you to deal with the tasks that are expected of you in order to have
clearer path as you move toward into young but responsible adult.

Portfolio Output
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1. Choose a place and sit in a comfortable position. Relax and breathe naturally.
Count 1 to 10 as you do so. 2. Close your eyes, and visualize light filling your body. With your
eyes close, let the
light gives spark to the bright side of your life. 3. Make a mental picture of good things, or even
your favorite things that make you
happy. 4. Enjoy the mental picture of things and feel the moment. 5. Silently say a short prayer
of gratitude for what you have at the present moment, even if you are holding them in your
mind. Then slowly, open your eyes with a thankful heart.
MANDALA RUBRIC CRITERIA Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations (3)
Approaching expectations (2)
Not yet approaching expectations (1)
Graphics or use of color X 5
The mandala employs several colors that reflects exceptional the beauty or meaning of the work.
The mandala uses two to three colors that reflects the beauty of the work.
The mandala is carelessly or only partially colored and the colors are based on the designs or ideas of others.
The mandala is not colored and the absence of color is not explained in the written description, or it is colored very carelessly.
Creativity / Symbolism X 5
The design of mandala is original and creative.
It shows exceptional use of creativity and originality in symbol and color choice.
The mandala shows a good level of creativity and originality.
Symbols are clearly used.
The mandala shows some level of creativity, but little originality.
Symbolism is limited.
The mandala lacks creativity and originality.
Images are not symbolic, but literal.
Craftsmanship X 3
The artwork is patiently done. It manifests the hard work of the student.
With a little more effort, the work could have been outstanding. It lacks the finishing touches.
It shows average craftsmanship; adequate, but not as good as it could have been, a bit careless.
It shows below average craftsmanship, lack of pride in finished work.
Neatness X 2
The mandala is exceptionally attractive in terms of design and neatness. It is void of excess marks, scribbling, unnecessary pencil marks.
The mandala is attractive in terms of design and neatness.
It has a few excess marks, scribbling, unnecessary pencil marks.
The Mandala is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit.
It has many excess marks, scribbling, unnecessary pencil/pen marks.
The mandala is distractingly messy.
Overall design
The mandala exhibits an especially thoughtful or complex design that adds to the beauty or meaning of the work.
The mandala exhibits a thoughtful or complex design.
The mandala exhibits a basic or simple design.
The mandala seems inaccurately designed.
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The child that was me have grown Now I can do

things on my own; But it doesn’t mean I am totally
free For I have to take responsibilities. This, I will

keep telling myself

“Yes, I can! Of course, I can.” The
world prepares me for the challenges
ahead With trust and confidence in me
and with God, I will not bend.

Always Remember that...



1. Cruz, M.T & Cruz, E. (2016) Personal Development, Books Atbp.,

Publishing Corp., Mandaluyong City 2. Penetrante, M.A. (2016) , Personal Development,Cronica Book
Haus. 3. Ramos, M.I. (2016, Moving Up (A Guide to Personal and Career
Development), The
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., Quezon City

4. Roldan, Amelia S. (2003). On Becoming a Winner: A Workbook on Personality

Development and Character Building. AR Skills Development and Management
Services (SDMS), Paraṅaque City, Metro Manila.

B. Websites
2. 3.
life-storyprobing-to-create-shift-to-life-liberating-meanings-2-of-2/ 4. 5.
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