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Instructions to candidates: DO N O T O P E N T H I S Q U E S T I O N P A P E R U N T I L YOU A R E T O L D T O DO SO. There are fifty questions in thispaper. For each question, four suggested answers are gi Choose one correct answer and indicate it on the multiple-choice answer sheetprovided, Read all instructions on the multiple-choice answer sheet very carefully. Answer all questions. Marks will not be deductedfor wrong answers.

This question paper consists o f 3 7 printed pages.

STPM 962/1 *This question paper is C O N F I D E N T I A L until the examination is over.



Section A

Four suggested answers labeled A, B1 C and D are given for each question. Choose one correct answer.
1. For which of the following would the lattice energy be expected to have the greatest numerical value {the greatest magnitude, disregarding sign)? A NaCi B Ki C PbSO4 D MgO 2 Which of the following is the correct trend of the electrical conductivity of the elements Na1 Mg1 Si and P? A B C D Mg > Na > Si > P. Na > Mg > Si > P. Mg > Na > P > Si. P > Si > Na > Mg.

% product

VWiich of the following reactions at a constant temperature can be explained by the graph above? A B C D X(g) * 2Y(g) v = ^! 2Z(g) X(g) + V(g) T - = * 2Z(g) X(g) + 2Y(I) ^ = ^ 2Z(I) X(g) v==



4 Arrange the following compounds in ascending order of their boiling points. 1 2 3 4 A C (CH 3 ) 3 CH CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 SH CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 1 4 4 3 2 B D 3 2 4 1 1 4 2 3

1 3 2

5. The half-life of a first order reaction is 5.00 hours. The rate constant, in unit second"1, forthis reaction is A B C D 3,85 x 10"5 2,00 x 10"3 1.25 x 10'3 9.63 x 10^

The standard electrode potentials are given below. Zn2+(aq) + 2e ^ Zn(s); E 6 = - 0.76 V E e = + 0.80V

Ag + (aq) + e ^ Ag(s);

What is the e.m.f of the cell that consists of the half cells of zinc and silver?


[0.80 + {-0.76)] V [0.80 - (-0.76)] V [(2 X 0.80) + (-0.76)] V [(2 x 0.80) - (-0.76)] V




~p f r

a m m o n i a g a s is

P l o t t e d against p at constant temperature. Which of the following

graphs is most likely to be correct? [d = density of ammonia; p = pressure]

8 The following series of lines is formed in the visible light region of the emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom:

Which of the following statements is not true? A B C D Line P has the longest wavelength. Line P has the highest colour intensity. Line P is violet while Iine Q is red in colour, The series is called the Balmer series.



When 8 A of electricity is pass through molten aluminium oxide using inert electrodes for

100 minutes, what is the closest volume of gas released at s.t.p? [1 mole of gas at s.t,p occupies 22.4 dm3; Faraday constant = 9.65 x 104 C mol"1] A 2.8 dm3 B 5.6 dm3 C 8.4 dm3 D 11.2 dm3

10 The boiling point - composition graph for two miscible liquids P and Q is shown below:

What is the composition of the distillates if a mixture of composition X is fractional distilled? A C P and Q QandZ B D P and Z Zonly

11, X and Y are two miscible liquids which obey Raoult's Iaw At 25'C, the vapour pressure of X is 3.20 kPa. What is the partial pressure of X in a mixture of 45 g X and 253 g Y? [Relative molecular mass: X = 18, Y = 46] A 2.80kPa B 2.00kPa C 1.75kPa D 1.00kPa


Which of the following mixture would experience the smallest change in pH when one drop

ofdilute hydrochloric acid is added to it? A B C D 100 cm3 NH3 0.1 mol dm"3 + 100 cm3 HCl 0.1 mol dm'3. 100 cm3 NH3 0.1 mol dm"3 + 100 cm3 HCI 0.2 mol dm'3. 100 cm3 NaOH 0.2 mol dm"3 + 100 cm3 CH3COOH 0.1 mol dm'3. 100 cm3 NaOH 0.1 mol dm-3 + 100 cm3 CH3COOH 0.2 mol dm'3.




If the radius of a metal atom is 125 pm, determine the volume of one unit cell that 4.42 x 10"23cm3 1.56x10'"cm 3

form face- centred cubic, [1pm = 10"12m] A 5.52 x 10"24cm3 C 1.95 x 10"24cm3 B D

14 The enthalpy change of solution of sodium hydroxide is - 44.4 kJ moP1. When a sample of sodium hydroxide dissolves in 250 cm3 of water, the temperature of water changes by 14 K. what is the mass of sodium hydroxide used in the experiment? [ R.A.M : Na = 23; O = 16; H = 1; assuming density of solution = 1 gcm"3; specific heat capacity of solution = 4.12 Jg-1K"1] A B C D 0,85 g 2.75 g 10.80 g 12.99 g

15 The graph below shows the variation of pH when 10 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm"3 aqueous alkali is titrated against 0,1 mol dm"3 ethanoic acid.

Which of the following statements is not correct? A B C D The alkali used could be Ba(OH)2. Phenolphtha!ein is a suitable indicator for the reaction. A buffer solution is formed at point X. The salt formed is alkaline.





Propanone reacts with iodine in the presence of an acid. CH 3 COCH 3 + I2 > CH 3 COCH 2 I + HI

Its mechanism involved the following steps: CH 3 COCH 3 > CH 3 C = C H2 OH CH 3 C CH 2 + I2 OH CH3CI-CH2I OH > CH 3 CI - CH 2 I OH fast



CH 3 COCH 2 I + Hl


Which conclusion c a n n o t be drawn from the above information? A B C D Iodine is not involved in the rate determining step. The reaction is unimolecular. The overall order of reaction is 3. The rate of reaction is not affected by a change in the iodine concentration.




17 The diagram represents the melting points of four consecutive elements in the third period ofthe Periodic Table.

The sketches below represent anothertwo properties ofthe elements.

What are the properties M and N ? Property M A B C O Third ionisation energy Number ofvalence electrons Ionic radius Electrical conductivity Property N Electronegativity Boiling point Effective nuclear charge Atomic radius




17 Rajah di bawah mewakili takat Iebur bagi empat unsure yang berturutan dalam kala ketiga di dalam Jadual Berkala.

Lakaran-Iakaran di bawah mewakili dua Iagi sifat unsur-unsur ini

Apakah sifat-sifat M dan N ? Sifat M Tenaga pengionan ketiga B Bilangan elektron valens Jejari ion Kekonduksian elektrik Sifat N Keelektronegatifan Takat didih Cas nuklear berkesan Jejari atom




18 When heated to a temperature T0C1 NO2 (g) dissociates into N2(g) and 0 2 (g). 2NO,(g) ^ N2(Q) + 202(g)

A mixture of 0.76 mol N02(g) and 0.26 mol N2(g) was heated to a temperature T0C in a 1.0 dm3 flask. If 0.52 mol N02(g) is present at equilibrium, what is the equilibrium constant, Kc for the above reaction? A B 0.04 mo! dm'3 0.08 mol dm"3 C D 0.18moldm- 3 0.27 mol dm"3

19. The following diagram shows the structural formula of a compound.

H A 2



\ C=C

CHa ^ CH2CH3

What is the total number of geometrical isomers (cis-trans) in this molecule? B 3 C 4 D 8

20. Which statement concerning the transition metals is correct? A They are the only metals which have more than one valency (oxidation state). B They are the only metals which give coloured ions in an aqueous solution. C They are the only metals which the anhydrous chlorides have cova!ent bonds. D They are the only metals with a complete 4s orbital in their atoms.

21 Which property of a group 14 element in the Periodic Table decreases when the relative atomic mass increases? A B C D Basic property of the oxides. lonic property of its compounds. First ionisation energy. Ease of hydrolysis of its tetrahalides,





Which of the following is not disproportionation? A Cl2 + 2NaOH ^ NaCI + NaOCI + H 2 O B Hg2CI2 H^ HgCI2 + Hg C 2SiO ^ SiO2 + Si D 2KCIOa ^ 2KCI + 30 2 Which ofthe following is not a property of nitrogen gas? A B C D It is inert. Its melting point is high because ofthe triple bond between nitrogen atoms. It has a high bond dissociation energy, It is colourless and odourless.



Which statement cannot be explained by the polarizing power of aluminium ions? A B C D The high boiling point for aluminium fluoride. The amphoteric nature of aluminium hydroxide. The covaient nature of aluminium chloride. The acidic property of aqueous aluminium salts.


Which factors help to explain the increase in thermal stability of the carbonates of

Group 2 metals from magnesium to barium? Charge density of cation A B C D Relative polarisability of carbonate and oxide ions Increases Increases Decreases Decreases CO3*" Iess than O2 Oi' Iess than CO32" CO32" Iess than O2" O 2 Iess than CO32"





The complex ion [M(NH3)2CI2]+ does not exhibit cis-trans isomerism. The shape of A C square planar linear B D tetrahedral trigonal bipyramidal

the complex is most Iikeiy


Which of the following is not true about kaolinite and montmorillonite? A B C D Both are clay. Both are layered structures. Both can absorb cations. Both have formula Ca3AI2O6.


2.30 g of methylbenzene reacts with chlorine to give a compound X. Hydrolysis of X

in the presence of aqueous silver nitrate yields 7.18 g of silver chloride as white precipitate according to the following reaction scheme. AgN0 3 /HN0 3 Boiling Compound X could be [Relative atomic mass: C= 12; H = 1;Ag = 108, Cl = 35.5; N 14] A B






What type of reaction does cyclohexene undergo? A C Free radical substitution Nucleophilic addition B D Electrophilic addition Nucleophilic substitution


Experiments are carried out on three compounds P: CH3CH2CH2CI Q: CH3CH2COCI1 and R: C 6 H s CI To 0.010 mol samples of each of P, Q and R1 10 cm3 of water is added and the

samples are shaken and kept at a fixed temperature for 24 hours. An excess of aqueous silver nitrate is then added to each sample and the silver chloride produced is filtered off, washed, dried and weighed. The three samples of silver chloride weighed 0.000 g, 0.014 g and 1.430 g. Which sequence of compounds matches these results? 0.000 g A B C D ~ P Q R R " 0.014 g Q R P Q 1.430 g R P Q P "




Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used by diabetic patients. The structure of H I C CH2 COOH O Ii c H I 9 O Ii CO

aspartame is given below.




Which of the following is true of aspartame? A B C D It forms three different amino acids when hydrolysed completely. It reacts with aqueous sodium hydroxide to give methanol as one of the products. It is optically inactive. It is a polyamide.

32 Which of the following reagents can react with all the three bromo compounds below? C6H5Br, C2H6Br and C6H5CH2Br? A C 33 Magnesium Alcoholic silver nitrate B D Potassium cyanide Ammonia

Compound A, C3H7NO is neutral and reacts with nitrous acid to produce compound B1 C3H6O2 and nitrogen. What could compounds A and S be? Compound A Compound B CH3COOCH3 CH3CH2COOH CH3CH2COOH CH3COOCH3






34 4-methylpentan-2-one, MIBK is used as a solvent for a few types of glue. The molecular structure of MlBK is (CH3)2CHCH2COCH3 Which of the following is a particular test that is performed in MIBK? A B C D It will form an orange precipitate when heated with Fehling's solution. It is oxidised by potassium dichromate^l) solution and the colour of potassium dichromateO/1) solution changes to green. It forms a yellow precipitate when heated with an alkaline iodine solution It produces a scent when heated with benzoic acid

35 Which of the following mechanisms is most likely experienced by the carbon atoms labeled x, y and z?

x A B C D Free radical substitution Electrophilic substitution Free radical substitution Electrophilic substitution

Y Electrophilic addition Nucleophilic addition Nucleophilic addition Nucleophilic addition

z Nucleophilic addition Electrophilic substitution NucIeophiIic substitution Free radical substitution


Which one ofthe following reagents can be used to distinguish between phenol

and phenylmethanol? A C Aqueous bromine Dilute hydrochloric acid B D Ethanoyl chloride Fehling's solution




Which of the following polymers is produced by condensation polymerisation? A Poly(ethene) C Synthetic rubber B Polyamide D Perspex


The chlorination of methane occurs through a series of steps. Which of the

following is not true ? A B C D The initiation step is endothermic. Chtorine free radicals are formed in the initiation step. One of the products is ethane. The reaction will only stop when all the hydrogen atoms in the methane molecule has been replaced by chlorine atoms.


Which of the following is expected to give a white precipitate with bromine water? A C 2 H 5 NH 2 B < ^ / NH 2

CH 3 ^ 0 )


NH 2

40 Which sequence correctly represents the following compounds in the order of increasing pKa values? Cl 1 < ^ ^ " O H 2 ^ O ^ O H



1 3

2 3 2 1


1 3

2 3 1



30 Section B

Four each question in this section, one or more of the three numbered statements 1to3 may be correct. The responses A to D should be selected as follows:
A 1 only is correct B 1 and 2 only are correct C 2 and 3 only are correct D

Tt 2 and 3 are

41 An element Y produced the following mass spectrum Percentage abundance

From the above mass spectrum, it can be concluded that 1 the nucleon number of Y is 14.5. 2 the relative atomic mass of Y is 14.254. 3 the element Y has two isotopes with relative isotopic masses of 14 and 15. 42 A current of 20 A was passed through aqueous copper(ll) sulphate for 40.6 minutes

using copper electrodes. It was found that the mass of the anode changed by 16.85 g. Which of the following observations is/are true? [ A of Cu = 63.5; Faraday constant = 96500 C mol"1] 1 2 3 The mass ofthe anode increased by 16.85 g. The colour intensity of the electrolyte remained unchanged. The copper anode is impure.


A 1 only is correct B

C 2 and 3 only are correct D 1, 2 and 3 are correct

1 and 2 only are correct


In which of the following reactions is the bond angle in the product greater than in 1 H2O(I) 2 C0 2 (g) 3 C2H4 (g) + + + H+(aq) -^ H3O+ (aq) HCO3" (aq) C2H6 (g)

the reactant?

OH"(aq) - H 2 (g) -^

44 The graph below shows how the percentage of reactant X(g) that remained in an equilibrium mixture varies with ^^[ at pressures of 1 atm and 2 atm. (T is the temperature in Kelvin)

Which of the following can be deduced from this graph? 1 2 3 TheequationfortheabovereactioncouldbeX(g) The forward reaction is endothermic. The equilibrium constant Kp increases as the pressure increases. Y(g) +Z(g).


A 1 only is correct B

C 2 and 3 only are correct D 1, 2 and 3 are correct

1 and 2 only are correct


The partition coefficient of X between ether and water is 8.0 at room conditions.

Given that 100 cm3 ofthe aqueous solution which contains 5.00 g o f X is extracted by using 100 cm3 of ether. Hence, it can be concluded that 1 X is more soluble in ether than water, 2 the mass of X extracted is 4.44 g. 3 the concentration of X remaining in water is 5.60 gdnY3. 46 Which of the following about catalyst is correct? 1 It increases the rate constant of a reaction. 2 It does not change chemically at the end of the reaction. 3 It changes the enthalpy of reaction. 47 The e.m.f of a Daniell cell can be increased by , 1 decreasing the concentration of Zn2+. 2 increasing the concentration of Cu2+. 3 increasing the volume of the Cu2+ ionic solution. 48 Ethene reacts with hydrogen halide, HX, according to the equation: CH2 = CH2 + HX ^ in the reaction 1 n electrons are used to form a bond with the hydrogen atom from HX. 2 the intermediate is CH3 - CH2*. 3 the reactivity increases in the order HF < HBr < HCI < HI. CH3CH2X


A 1 only is correct B 1 and 2 only are correct

C 2 and 3 only are correct D 1, 2 and 3 are correct

49 Which statement is/are true about glycine (aminoethanoic acid)? 1 2 3 It reacts with hydrochloric acid. It releases carbon dioxide with sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. It dissolves easily in organic solvents.


Compound T has the following structure:

Which of the following statement(s) is/are true of compound T? 1 2 3 It forms an orange precipitate with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. it has 4 chiral carbon atoms. it can react with ethanoic acid to form an ester.


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