C) Recycle D) Recover

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Which of the following is the example of impact of development

activities on Hydrosphere?
1. A) Air Pollution B) Soil Pollution
C) Noise Pollution D) Water Pollution
The term environment is derived from an old French word “ënviro”
2. A) Outside B) Inside
C) Surroundings D) Biotic community
Renewable source of energy is_____
A) coal B) petroleum
C) plants D) uranium
The resources which can be used again and again after passing through some
processes are known as___
A) Renewable resources B) Non-renewable resources
C) Cyclic resources D) All of the above
Which of the Following is not the impact of acid rain?
5. A) Acidification of soil B) Deterioration of buildings
C) Loss of crops D) Improve the taste of water
Which one of the following is not a recyclable waste?
A) Metal B) Plastic
C) Sand D) Glass
Hydrosphere includes
7. A) Animal Metal B) Plants
C) Soil D) Water bodies
Environmental education is important only at-------
8. A) Primary school stage B) Secondary school stage
C) College stage D) All of the above
The production of biogas from the waste is includes in......
9. A) Reduce B) Reuse
C) Recycle D) Recover
When 'need' turns to 'greed' it starts
10. A) overexploitation B) conservation
C) Both a and b D) None of the above
______is used as a household and industrial fuel
11. A) LPG B) CNG
C) biogas D) none of the above
Abiotic environment does not include
12. A) air B) water
C) soil D) Plants
Chief source of energy in environment is ......
13. A) Sun B) Fire
C) Moon D) Stars
Energy is returned to the atmosphere in the form of
14. A) potential energy B) metabolic energy
C) heat D) vapors
_____% of the Earth's surface is covered with water.
15.oA) 20 B) 80
C) 71 D) 100
When trees are cut, amount of oxygen-----------
16.pA) decreases B) increases
C) both A) and B) D) remains same
Conservation of soil and water is which type of function of forest
17.qA) Productive B) Protective
C) Regulative D) none
What flows through the ecosystem while matter cycles within them?
18.rA) Energy B) Force
C) Pressure D) wind
Transfer of energy from source of plants through a series of organism
19.sis known as
A) Food web B) Energy cycle
C) Food chain D) Biological system
Which ecosystem produce the highest annual net primary
20.tA) Tropical evergreen forest B) Tropical rain forest
C) Tropical deciduous forest D) Temperate evergreen forest
The 4Rs principle is applicable for…
21.uA) Public awareness B) Environmental protection
C) Saving natural resources D) All of the above
What is LPG?
22.vA) liquefied petroleum gas B) Loaded petroleum gas
C) liquid petroleum gas D) None of the above
Which one of the following is not a gaseous biogeochemical cycle in an
A) Carbon cycle B) Phosphorous cycle
C) Sulphur cycle D) Nitrogen cycle
Forest is responsible for_________
24.xA) water shed protection B) land erosion control
C) providing economic and environmental benefits D) All of the above
Greenhouse gases which is present in very high quantity is
25.yA) Propene B) Ethane
C) Carbon di-oxide D) Methane

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