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Q.1 Attempt any Four.

a) Name different static characteristics of measuring instruments.

Accuracy. Sensitivity. Precision. Linearity. Resolution. Repeatability. Range.
Tolerance. Hysteresis
b) Differentiate between accuracy and precision.
Accuracy measures how close results are to the true or known value. Precision, on
the other hand, measures how close results are to one another.
c) Define i) Dead time ii) Dead Zone
1) Dead time the amount of time that lapses from the point at which the input
signal is specified and passes through the controlled system through to the output
signal being output.
2] Dead zones are low-oxygen, or hypoxic, areas in the world's oceans and lakes.
Because most organisms need oxygen to live, few organisms can survive in hypoxic
d) Define i) Range ii) Span
The difference between the lowest and highest values.
the distance from the end of the thumb to the end of the little finger of a spread
e) Which transducers will you use for measurement of flow?
f) Name the different displacement measuring instrument.
Proximity sensors (to measure displacement) and accelerometers (to measure
acceleration) are the two most common types of measuring devices used in
machine protection systems for condition monitoring, fault detection, diagnostic,
and on-line (often real-time) control of large and complex machinery.
g) What are the applications of LVDT?
LVDT sensors are used by manufacturers across the industry spectrum, from
aerospace, automotive and construction to electronics, energy and environmental,
and are critical to the development of products of all sizes.
h) Which transducers will you use for measurement of force?
Strain transducers are used to measure deformations that have occurred due to
forces acting on an existing body
I) State different units for temperature measurement.
Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin are the three common temperature scales.

Q.2 Attempt any Three.

a) Explain different sources of error in measurements and in measuring
Variation of temperature, humidity, gravity, wind, refraction, magnetic declination
etc. are most common natural phenomena which may cause measurement errors.
If they are not properly observed while taking measurements, the results will be
incorrect. Example: Length error of tape or chain due to temperature change.
b) Describe the block diagram of generalized measurement system & various
c) Explain construction and working of LVDT.
LVDT construction involves mounting a primary winding, P, and two secondary
windings, S1 and S2, on a cylindrical former. The secondary windings have the
same number of turns and are placed identically on either side of the primary
winding. Then, a movable soft iron core is placed inside the cylindrical former.
d) Differentiate between active and passive transducer.
The active transducer changes the energy without using the auxiliary power supply
whereas the passive transducer uses the exterior power supply for the conversion
of energy.
e) Explain Ionization Gauge.
The ionization gauge is a special type of instrument used for measuring very low
pressures in the range 10−10 to 1 mbar.
f) Explain construction and working of Bourdon tube pressure gauge.
The Bourdon gauge consists of a tube bent into a coil or an arc. As the pressure in
the tube increases, the coil unwinds. A pointer connected to the end of the tube
can be attached to a lever and a pointer calibrated to indicate pressure. A typical
50 mm diameter tube has a displacement of up to 4 mm.
g) Explain Liquid in glass thermometer
Liquid-in-glass thermometers measure the thermal expansion of a liquid, which is
placed in a solid container, on a length scale. The mercury thermometer is one
example of liquid thermometers. Alcohol is also used with this type of instrument.
The temperature range is −80 to +330 °C depending on the liquid.

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