Shilpi Sinha - QA - Cy

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Shilpi Sinha

US Citizen | (678) 251-9756

• Over 9+ years’ experience in developing software throughout the lifecycle, from identifying requirements to developing and
debugging. Proven background - completing projects on time.
• Firm knowledge of different phases of Software Testing and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Agile Methodology
and Waterfall.
• Expertise in Understanding and Analysing Test Requirements, Tracking changes and maintenance of Test Requirements.
• Well-acquainted with all phases of SDLC and STLC.
• Have worked as a Test Engineer under the agile software development methodology.
• Involvement in Test Estimations and Test strategy implementation.
• Proficient in devising all the artifacts of testing such as Test Scenarios, Test Cases, Defect Reports and Test Summary Reports
• Strong Experience in SQL, Maven, Jenkins and Git Repository.
• Experience in writing Test Plans, defining Test Cases, developing and maintaining Test scripts, analyzing the results of scripts, and
interacting with developers in fixing errors.
 Exhaustive Experience in Designing & implementing Automation Frameworks including TDD, BDD, data-driven, keyword-driven,
and hybrid using Selenium Web Driver, C# and JavaScript.
• Strong understanding of multiple test frameworks like TestNG and Junit.
 Expert in developing Java Selenium Web Driver/RC/IDE/GRID test scripts using Java, JavaScript and Test Frameworks using
Testing/ Junit, ANT/MAVEN build tools.
• Extensively debugged Java-based Selenium Web Driver scripts for accuracy and identified possible causes of malfunction.
• Developed reusable methods using Java as a part of the Selenium Automation Framework.
• Creating and maintaining smoke/functional/regression scripts for web-based applications using Selenium Web Driver, Java, and
• Developed a page object model framework using Java, Selenium Web Driver API, Test-NG, Maven and Jenkins.
• Automated UI Testing, Cross Browser Testing, Regression Testing and smoke testing.
• Experienced development of Data Driven Framework using Selenium Web Driver, Maven and Test-NG.
• Created complete solutions for continuous integration tools such as Jenkins from code checkout from GitHub to regression report
• Good Experience in Appium for mobile testing in Android, IOS and Mobile Applications.
• Used Cucumber on BDD framework which allows automation of functional validation, along with Protractor and Typescript
language to test Angular Applications.
 Experience in working with open source tools Selenium (Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, and Selenium Web Driver, Eclipse and
preparation of automation test framework.
• Deep understanding of DevOps engineering practices and implementation approaches and solutions.
• Used JIRA for issue tracking bugs and issues are classified under various forms like the new feature, sub-Task, Bug etc.
• Using JIRA Component, generate reports, collect statistics and display them on dashboards.
• Proficient as a QA Engineer using Selenium (Core Java), Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD), and BDD using Cucumber
and Spec Flow.
• Using JIRA, different statuses are used to indicate the progress of a project like “TO DO”, “IN Progress, “OPEN”, “Closed”,
“REOPENED” and “Resolve”.
• Experienced in BDD using Cucumber / Gherkin.
• Knowledge of automation testing XML, SOAP and Restful Web Services.
• Experienced in Test strategy planning, scheduling and risk analysis, reporting and tracking.
• Implementation of Extent API in Selenium using Test-Ng and to create HTML reports, a dashboard view and a graphical view.
• Excellent training skills in technical and domain areas required for the projects which helps the team.
• Ability to work in a team environment or independently, well at multi-tasking and working well under tight deadlines with high
efficiency strong verbal and written communication skills.


Client: Elevate Patient Financial Solutions - Dallas, TX Aug 2022 – Mar 2023
QA Automation Engineer / SDET
 Created and Maintained Server side Integration Tests using Python and Selenium Web drivers.
 Involved in designing and implementing of hybrid automation framework to be used with Selenium Web Driver.
 Performed Automation for regression using Selenium Web Driver and Selenium GRID.
 Developed Automation scripts for new enhancements using Selenium Web Driver and TestNG.
 Involved in Analysis and System testing of Object Oriented Applications for Internet/Intranet and Client/Server applications using
Oracle (PL/SQL), JAVA (JDK 1.x, Applets, JSP, and JDBC), J2EE and Angular.
 Tested the application by Rational Functional tester (RFT) using JAVA scripting and .NET scripting: Recording scripts, playing back,
verification point comparator, extending scripts, using test object maps, managing object reorganization, data-driven tests owning
the QC / QA activities and sign-off the product releases.
 Design and execute features of ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development)/BDD using Selenium, Cucumber for Java and Ruby.
 Developed BDD tests using Cucumber by writing behaviors and step definitions. Developed required Selenium support code in
JAVA for Cucumber. 
 Involved in designing of automation framework to be used in API testing with postman, javascript and json.
 Used BDD framework with Cucumber and Ruby and created future files with scenario and scenario outline files. 
 Experienced using Java, Selenium and TestNG on IntelliJ IDE to develop a Test Automation framework from scratch as a Maven
 Designed Automation Test cases using IntelliJ IDE, Java, Selenium Web Driver, JUnit, Cucumber and Maven.
 Developed automation scripts using Selenium Web Driver, Eclipse, JUnit and Java.
 Developed reusable function using Junit for Test Automation.
 Implemented Maven for build purposes.
 Experience in Jenkins/ Azure DevOps is used for CI/CD pipeline.
 Implemented test automation scripts for mobile testing using Appium for Android and iOS applications
 Implemented BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) to run automated acceptance tests using the Cucumber tool which has a
gherkin format and files like feature file, step definition file and test runner file.
 Performed End-to-End testing of database, Validated Json responses generated for different Web Services using POSTMAN.
 Built JBehave stories to perform automation on web services for on-prem, CLOUD-based applications for web services
using REST Assured Libraries and executed them on JIRA by using JBehave Plugin.
 Involved in testing Web services ( SOAP and REST ) and XML with a tool called SOAP UI, for the local WSDL / with URL and
created Test cases, run them, do load testing and security testing.
 Analyzed business requirements, system requirements, and data mapping requirement specifications interacting with clients,
developers and the QA team.
 Executed Java glue code step definitions for test scenarios using regex.

Client: Gentiva Health - Atlanta, GA May 2019 – Aug 2022

QA Automation Engineer / SDET
• Analyzed the user requirements, functional specifications and Use Case documents and created the Test Plans, Test cases for
Functional testing.
• Responsible for periodic updating of Test Plans and Test Cases as per Requirement Specifications and Business rules.
• Prepared a Test Suite of Sanity, Smoke, Regression, Module, Integration, System and Ad-Hoc testing.
• Attended the Test planning sessions to help understand the End to End team with the code changes for the project
• Actively participated in daily Scrum meetings.
• Executed the Test Plans on web and Mobile as per requirements using Appium tool.
• Implemented cross-browser and cross-platform web testing with Selenium Web Driver.
• Used Selenium to expand test scenarios to catch more bugs and improve quality.
• Designed and developed automated scripts for Functional, Regression Testing using Selenium Web Driver.
• Developed a page object model framework using Java, Selenium Web Driver API, Test-NG, Maven and Jenkins.
• Performed cross-browser testing and used Selenium GRID to execute test cases on multiple platforms.
• Set up the automation development environment using Eclipse as the IDE, Selenium Web Driver, Chrome Driver and GIT as the code
• Responsible for maintaining test scripts and test cases for automation with Robot framework.
• Involved in creating new JIRA projects for automation testing.
• Matched test cases to Requirement (traceability Metrics).
• Responsible for identifying test cases for manual and Automation with Postman automation framework for Smoke Test, Functional
and Regression Tests.
• Implemented simulator for mobile app testing in IOS, Android using Appium Tool.
• Used the SOAPUI tool for sending and receiving the response.
• Involved in Writing Python Scripts to develop automated scripts and frame works.
• Implemented Appium Scripts to test iOS and Android platforms
• Used Firebug/Fire Path Add-on tools to identify the Object's id, Name, XPath and link in the application.
• Used JDBC to save and retrieve the pdf files using the database.
• Performed the build and Maven dependencies using the Maven build tool.
• Created test reports generated out of TestNG and XSLT Reports and created the error screenshots.
• Wrote Selenium script for taking screenshots and used action class to perform mouse movement.
• Responsible for updating and maintenance of existing selenium scripts.
• Backend Testing and Database Testing
• Written complex SQL Queries and Used oracle to test the database part of the application.
• Verified the Log files and wrote SQL queries on the DB log tables to find out the failures in the testing.
• Performed the data integrity on the DB tables by writing the SQL queries.
• Performed Positive Testing, Negative Testing, and Black Box Testing.
• Participated in analysing the user/business requirements, functional specifications and use case documents to create the Test Plans
and Test cases for System testing.
• Performed end-to-end testing considering all interfaces and subsystems for functional and non-functional testing.
• Created a set of smoke tests designed to run on each supported browser and set up Selenium Grid for testing.
• Performed Keyboard Events and Mouse Events like Mouse Hover, DoubleClick, Drag and Drop using Selenium Actions builder.
• Prepared user documentation with screenshots for UAT (User Acceptance testing).

Client: Trovata - Charlotte, NC Nov 2017 – April 2019

Automation Engineer
• Implemented Continuous Integration of automation framework using Jenkins.
• Prepared traceability matrix to ensure adequate coverage of the test cases.
• Updated Test Plans and Test Cases periodically to manage changes in requirements.
• Connected to the database to Query the database using SQL for data verification and validation.
• Defect Reporting and Tracking with JIRA.
• Created Test Suite and executed multiple test scenarios and prepared test results.
• Implemented behaviour-driven Test Automation framework using CUCUMBER & Gherkin. Utilized Feature files and written test
scenarios using various annotations and associated Java Code.
• Developed automated scripts using Selenium Web Driver, Java, and TestNG in Eclipse IDE to perform functional and regression
testing for web-based applications.
• Involved in designing of automation framework to be used in API testing with postman, javascript and json.
• Performed UI and API testing using Cypress and created the framework from scratch.
• Involved with the team working on AWS cloud machines to set up selenium GRID and also Jenkins server on HUB machine.
• Developed and implemented Data Driven framework using a Selenium Web Driver API.
• Used Firebug to locate web elements using XPath, ID, Name, Class-Name, Tag-name and CSS.
• Experience with end-to-end web testing using Typescript.
• Maintain test suites in JavaScript, Python and Robot Framework.
• Responsible for testing of WEB applications using automated testing tools like Selenium, JUnit, Quality center, Load Runner.
• Working with JavaScript for Automation using Protractor and Cypress for Angular and React applications.
• Used Selenium Actions class to handle mouse movements and hover-over actions on Web Elements.
• Wrote Selenium script for taking screenshots and used action class to perform mouse movement.
• Used log4j for logging automated steps and script errors.
• Applied test automation framework on CI/CD process using Jenkins.
• Implemented Cypress automation framework to my team to ascertain that the crucial user-facing functions of the application and
implemented Smoke and Regression Test to verify the existing functionality.
• Facilitate enhancement and maintained the current Test Environment in Eclipse using Java.
• Well-versed in analysing Requirements, System Specifications, Use-Cases and Technical specifications
• Used Java as client library for Selenium Web Driver API and developed Data Driven Framework using TestNG.
• Performed complex queries for data validation in SQL statements.
• Prepared user documentation with screenshots for UAT (User Acceptance testing).

Client: WellCare Health Plans, Inc, Tampa, FL May 2015 – Oct 2017
QA Automation Engineer
• Developed Test plans, Test scenarios, and Test cases for requirement, client and submission modules.
• Worked on all the stages of SDLC for this project and designed and executed Functional, Integration, Regression, System (End to
End) and Backend (Database).
• Prepared Test data and Test environment for testing modules.
• Created and enhanced numerous test scripts to handle changes in the objects, in the tested application's GUI and in the testing
environment using Selenium Web Driver.
• Developed and maintained automated smoke and regression test suites in Cypress using JavaScript programming language and
Mocha Framework
• Creation of Framework using Typescript, JavaScript, Protractor and Cucumber.
• Proficient in software applications testing procedures using System Regression, Smoke and Integration.
• Strong Experience in Automating Web Application Testing using Selenium WebDriver with TestNG framework.
• Strong Experience in Java Programming, Selenium Web Driver, JUnit and TestNG.
• Worked on Protractor with Typescript and Cucumber to write feature files to run Angular application test cases.
• Performance testing for Batch jobs, Load/Stress testing Web Services (that would be called to load the data from backend systems
like Databases and Excel imports.
• Designed and implemented advanced QTP frameworks.
• Involved in developing BDD Framework from Scratch.
• Hands-on experience in working Cypress for angular application end-to-end testing.
• Involved in the usage of the BDD framework to develop Cucumber Step Definitions, Scenarios and Features using acceptance
• Managed objects in the Object Repository, Parameterized tests in Global and Local Data Tables.
• Developed Reusable Actions using Keyword Driven Framework in Quick Test Professional
• Executed all Regression test cases on the VM Ware machine for every Regression Run. Incorporated the test data in Test scripts
from Excel using Apache POI API. Created automation scripts using Page Object Model (POM) and Data-driven development
• Performed API Testing using Cypress Automation and Postman
• Interacted with the Development team and the Environment team in prioritizing the defect list and validating known bug fixes.
• Designed and developed automated test scripts using SoapUI orchestrating various SOAP and Restful Web Services.
• Created automation scripts in SoapUI using Groovy Script for Web Services testing.
• Experience on client-side JavaScript tests with Karma and Mocha and also used Jasmine, protractor, a behavior-driven
development framework for testing JavaScript and Angular JS code.
• Involved in Web Services Testing using SoapUI with REST to create and execute automated functional, regression, compliance, and
load tests.
• Involved in setting up continuous integration system using Jenkins and working knowledge with cloud-based code repository
systems like GitHub.
• Analyzed the Log files to verify the processes for debugging and or test data verification purposes.
• Followed Agile Methodology, reviewed the stories and participated in Daily Scrum Meetings, Iteration Planning and Release
Planning meetings and Retrospective Reviews.
• Participated in QA meetings and Review meetings to discuss enhancements, modifications and defects in the application.
• Performed Database testing and scripted SQL queries to verify data integrity and validate updated data for the Test cases in
different modules of the application.
• Excellent Organization, Analytical and Problem-Solving skills and ability to quickly learn new technologies.
• Good Communication, interpersonal, and Teamwork skills.

Client: Frontier Communications, Durham, NC Nov 2013 – April 2015

Quality Analyst
• Reviewed Project Artifacts, analyzed Requirements, designed the test plan and provided weekly status reports that includes testing
metrics, test logs and test summary reports.
• Used Cucumber to automate services using Rest API.
• Ensured traceability of test cases back to project requirements and Participated in the walkthrough of test cases.
• Introduced, developed, documented and periodically update the QA Test Plan, process and Procedures Manual and Objectives.
• Worked with all Agile Development and SCRUM processes throughout the entire project.
• Hands-on in JavaScript development tools web pack and testing tools like Jest, Mocha etc.,
• Experienced in working in both of UNIX & Linux environments to analyze log files & monitor processes.
• Test case creation in Ruby according to the user stories and performing regular and regression automation testing.
• Used Quality Centre for test case repository and testing tracking and Identifying automation tool and creating Proof of Concepts
(POC) for other applications.
• Involved in Node based Automation scripts using JavaScript for UI Automation
• Used Selenium IDE for test automation for record and playback of scripts and performed functionality testing, GUI testing, and
regression testing manually.
• Carried out Unit testing, integration testing and conducted backend testing to ensure the integrity of data.
• Tracked and communicated project QA status to a wide variety of team members internally and externally.

 Bachelor’s from Veer Kunwar Singh University Ara (Bihar), IN

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