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Description: X BreedGender: FemaleAge: 1 yrVaccinated: YesDewormed: Yes Sterilized: Yes She is a very engaging girl, quick to learn - she already understands the hand signals for Sit, Lie down, Stay. Unfortunately down is not one she likes, as she loves to jump up on everybody she is so friendly, but perhaps that will come. I hope there is a big garden, as Blacky loves careering around chasing the birds. She is very loving, quite demanding in fact, and sticks close to me all the time when not galloping around the garden. She likes to sit on the couch beside me and watch TV. She is still a bit highly strung and when we go for walks doesn't like big dogs barking at her through the gates. She is used to and fine on the lead, as I dont let her run free outside. Her appetite has picked up but I still feed her 4 times a day. She likes the Purina One and also Dogmor gravied chunks, with rice, some meat and chicken with gravy on the chunks. And from time to time olive oil and egg for her coat. She also likes veggies such as carrots and butternut. She is fine with Cats.


Hannah & Pongo

Hannah and Pongo URGENTLY need to find their forever homes. They have been with us since they were 10 weeks old and are now 5 and half months old!!!!!!!!!! They are gorgeous caramel colour kittens with green eyes! They need to be rehomed together. Hannah is the slightly shyer and heavily dependent on Pongo. Please contact us if you wish to adopt them or please share with your friends. These kittens deserve to know what being a part of a family is like and receiving the love they deserve.

Roxy & Amber

Roxy (left) and Amber (right). These two angels were rescued from a township a few weeks back with severe mange and just skin and bones. However, they have now done a complete 180 in their foster parents care and are ready to be rehomed. They do still have some black marks where their hair wont grow back from the mange but this is just externally. They socialize well with other dogs, walking nicely on the lead and they give the best hugs and kisses in the world. Roxy is about 1 and Amber is about 4. They dont like cats but love all people, old and young. Just one hug from them will brighten even the darkest day.

Hello my name is Bobby (AKA Shadow and Bambi). I arrived at my foster mom in the beginning of August, as a timid and a very frightened puppy, as I am only about a year old. I was very confused and frightened as I did not know where I was and so I kept trying to run away. I did not like men at all! So the next few days the only person I could trust was my foster mom so I stuck to her like a shadow and cried every time I could not see her. My took me too the vet two weeks later as I was pregnant but my babies were not alive, there were 7 of them and if the doctor did not take them out I would have got septicemia and died. I had an operation, which was very very sore and cried a lot. I looked for my puppies and decided that a toy sheep and everyones cell phones would make fine puppies, so every time they rang I would grab them and take them into the cupboard where I liked to sleep. Soon I realized the sheep was far better to play with than to mother. A month and a half later my life has changed tremendously! I really think I am a miniature Chihuahua as I love to sit on everyones lap! My favorite place to sleep is on my foster moms bed behind the pillows or on the arm part of the couch! Mom lets me sleep next to her or sometimes I sleep on a continental pillow on the floor! Im fully housetrained and have not made one mess even if the door has been closed the whole night! I wait until the door is opened for me then I go out. I have lots of strange friends where I am staying at the moment and they all have free run of the house and garden, There is Dooby the cross Maltese he is old and grumpy, I like to tease him, then there is Tao the African grey he runs after me and tries to bite me! Im too fast for him. Tequila is a yellow ring neck who thinks she owns the one bathroom she does not mind me. Stinky and his mates are bearded dragons, they run all over the place but I dont bother them. I have learnt to play so any toy given to me makes me so excited! If I could find some children who could play with me 24/7 I would be very happy! My foster moms son plays with me when he comes home from school and in the morning when she opens his bedroom door I run down the passage into his room and jump on him to wake him up! Its fun. All in all Im an overgrown lap dog that just wants to play and get lots of attention and be loved I am very gentle and do not bite even when you give me tidbits ( I eat anything but Im not fond of marshmallows) and I dont even bite or growl if you try and take my food away!


Meet Legs. Knick named that way because of his long legs. He is a min pin who was rescued off the streets in July. We have looked high and low for his owners but no luck! He is very sweet, affectionate, playful, non food aggressive, friendly with other dogs and children and is house trained. He is about a year old and has been sterilized. The lady who found him cannot hold onto him much longer as her Bull Terrier will have him for breakfast.

This little guy we sent out a while ago but so far no one has even inquired about him. Scamp is a Minature Pincher Doberman, he is 11, he's been sterilized and he does get on with other dogs, doesn't pee inside, walks on his back legs and can be very tame and calm just sleeping and being near you! He's really loyal and quite mannish! Please help us find this old boy a loving home.

Name: TinkieGender: GirlEstimated date of birth: UnknownGuestimate Breed: Fox TerrierEstimated size when fully grown: SmallVaccinated: Yes Dewormed: YesSterilised: YesGeneral: Rescued from a gentleman trying to sell her and her mom on the side of the road some years back. She needs to be with someone all the time. Hates being alone! She spends most of the day on her foster mom's lap :-) Gets on with all the other dogs and loves running around chasing them. Chases cats but only as a playful thing - no aggression towards them and can live quite












Please adopt us! We are looking for our forever parents who are going to give us tons of love and spoil us. Our mommy passed away 2 weeks ago but our foster mom has been taking excellent care of us. We are handsome boys and girls with big brown eyes and soft coats. We are very playful but enjoy getting our beauty rest as well! We have a ton of love to give! We LOVE our food but thats because we are growing up to be big boys and girls! Email

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