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Date: April 6, 2023

The Chief Fire Officer
7th Floor, Cidco Bhavan
C. B. D. Belapur, Navi Mumbai.

Subject :- Application For Final Fire NOC for Residential Building on Plot No - 168,
Sector - 02, Ulwe, Navi Mumbai.

Respected Sir,

The Civil Work and Fire Fighting work for Residential Building on Plot No - 168,
Sector - 02, Ulwe, Navi Mumbai for Mr. Pratesh Baban Deshmukh & Shiv Infra
Through its Parnters Mr. Appasaheb Anand Patil & Others Eight has been carried out
by licensed fire contractor named___________________________under the full time supervision
of a Licensed supervisor appointed by client/developer up to the stage of completion
carried out as required under the provision of the Maharashtra fire prevention and life
Safely measures act 2006 (Mah.III of 2007).

So, we request you to kindly inspect the above site & issue us the final fire NOC as
early as possible.

Thanking you,

DESTINATION Architecture Interior Designs
Digitally signed by Ar.
AmitKumar B. Patel
DN: cn=Ar. AmitKumar
B. Patel,
Architecture Interior
Designs, ou,
email=destination.ind, c=IN

Architect: Amitkumar B. Patel

(License no. CA/2014/63182)

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