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4 Inlet Pump Station (211)

Inlet Pump Station is located at the inlet of the wastewater treatment plant.

4.1 Unit Description

Inlet Pump Station houses three Archimedean screw pumps, each with a capacity of 3.560
m3/h, to lift the wastewater up to the inlet channel of Screening Unit. After this point,
wastewater flows through the physical treatment units (Screening, Grit & Grease removal
and Primary Sedimentation) by gravity until it reaches Intermediate Pump Station (213).

The pump sump is equipped with an ultrasonic level sensor to control the inlet pumps. Also a
level switch is located at the inlet channel of Screening Unit (downstream of the pump
station) to stop all running pumps in case the water level in channel reaches the Maximum
Pumping Point of inlet pumps.

Drive room of the station is equipped with a single-girder crane for lifting the motors and
gears of the pumps for repair and maintenance purpose.

4.2 Drives
Installed equipment in the Inlet Pump Station (211) regarding process control is as follows:

Numbering Description Remark Capacity

211 APA 110 Archimedean screw pump 1 Fixed speed 3,560 m³/h
211 APA 120 Archimedean screw pump 2 Fixed speed 3,560 m³/h
211 APA 130 Archimedean screw pump 3 Fixed speed 3,560 m³/h

4.3 Instrumentation
The following instruments are installed in this structure:

Numbering Designation Principle Range Task

Level measurement
211 ILS 110 Ultrasonic 0–6m Inlet pump control
in Pump sump
Level control at
220 ILS 101 switch Back Flow Protection
downstream of IPS

4.4 Process Parameters

The following Process Parameters are defined for automation purposes:

Numbering Description Function First Value at Commissioning

211 ILS 110: Dry-Run Protection LISA Fixed value: 0.55 m, unchangeable.
Low-Low- Level • STOP ALL PUMPS if not already
Low Stopped
Level • ALARM
211 ILS 110: • STOP level for P1 LISA Set value: 0,75 m
Low-Low in Single-Pump Operator Adjustable on SCADA Screen
Level Cycle
• STOP level for P2
in Dual-Pump
211 ILS 110: STOP level for P1 in LISA Set value: 1,35 m
Low Level Dual-Pump Cycle Operator Adjustable on SCADA Screen
Numbering Description Function First Value at Commissioning
211 ILS 110: START level for P1 LISA Set value: 1,95 m
High Level (First Pump in the Operator Adjustable on SCADA Screen
211 ILS 110: START level for P2 LISA Set value: 2,55 m
High-High (Second Pump in the Operator Adjustable on SCADA Screen
211 ILS 110: 5 cm above the LISA Fixed value: 3,50 m, unchangeable
High-High- Overflow Weir which WARNING or ALARM depending on the
High Level is 345 cm Above the number of currently running pumps
Invert of Pump Sump
220 ILS 101 Maximum Pumping LS Fixed Point at Elev. 33.45 (2 m above the
High Level Point of Inlet Pumps invert of screening channel)
• Switches OFF ALL running inlet
211 TMR 101 STOP-START Timer 30 – 180 Set value: 60 s (for All Pumps)
211 TMR 102 for of each pump Seconds Operator Adjustable on SCADA Screen
211 TMR 103 for each pump separately (i.e., different
Timer values can be assigned for each pump)
211 DT 100 Delay Time to Restart 30 – 180 Set value: 90 s
Timer the First Pump upon Seconds Operator Adjustable on SCADA Screen
resuming normal Subject to the condition:
conditions after an 211 DT 100 ≥ Min. of (211 TMR 101-103)
Unplanned “ALL
STOP” case
211 DT 200 Delay Time to Restart 30 – 120 Set value: 60 s
Timer the Second Pump Seconds Operator Adjustable on SCADA Screen
following the START
of First Pump after
recovering from an
“ALL STOP” case

All parameters in the above table require a higher authorization than that of SCADA
operators for any change or adjustment to be made on their pre-set values. Therefore,
a different password is assigned for this purpose, to be known only to the Plant
Manager and Process Engineers.



4.5 Control Philosophy Overview
Control philosophy for the automation of Inlet Pumps is summarized as follows:
• To minimize the number of starts/hour, "Cyclic Alternation" principle is employed for
the automation of Inlet Pumps, that is, last pump to start is the last one to stop (or,
first pump to start is the first one to stop), where the next pump to start is always the
one which stopped first.
• With this mode of operation and with level set values given in “Process Parameters”
table above, the maximum number of starts/hour cannot exceed six even when one
of the pumps is out of order. Therefore, the maximum 10 starts/h figure given by the
manufacturer is assured.
• No pump is assigned to be the “primary”, “secondary” or “stand-by” pump. Instead, all
pumps wait for their turn to be the next starting pump in the “Start Queue”. Should
any pump fail during running, the next pump waiting in the “Start Queue” substitutes
the failed one.
• STARTs and STOPs of pumps are commenced according to the water level
information collected from the ultrasonic level measurement instrument (211 ILS 110)
at the pump sump.
• All pumps are idle when the height of water in sump is below “Low-Low” level.
• First pump in the ”Start Queue” STARTs when the water rises above “High” level.
• If the water level drops back to “Low-Low” level before rising above “High-High”, the
pump is STOPped. This is called a “Single-Pump Cycle”.
• If the water level rises above “High-High” while the 1st started pump is running, the 2nd
pump in the initial “Start Queue” (actually the 1st pump in the current “Start Queue”) is
STARTed. This is a “Dual-Pump Cycle” until the water level drops below “Low-Low”
where no running pump remains.
• If the water level in sump reaches or exceeds the crest of overflow weir despite at
least two pumps are currently “Available” to run in “REMOTE/AUTO” mode, an
ALARM is released. However, only a WARNING is released when this “High-High-
High” level is reached with only one “Available” pump to run in “REMOTE/AUTO”
mode (See “Section 4.6” for the definition of “Available Pump”).
• All running pumps are STOPped or no pump is allowed to START if they all are
already idle when an “ALL STOP Request” is received from the automation program
of Screening Unit (See “Chapter 5, Section 5.6.2” for details).
• If the level switch “220 ILS 101” located at the inlet channel of Screening Unit
(downstream of the pump station) switches ON, all running pumps are STOPped to
prevent backflow in case the water level in channel reaches the Maximum Pumping
Point of inlet pumps. The pumps can resume working only after the Operator’s
confirmation on SCADA screen.
• All three pumps are not allowed to work at the same time.

4.6 Control Description

“Chapter 3” should be referred for MANUAL operation of the Inlet Pumps by using either their
LCPs or related MCC or the SCADA screen when required. This section covers the
principles of AUTOmatic operation for Inlet Pump Station.
In normal conditions, Inlet Pump Station is operated under system AUTOmation at all times.
As explained in “Chapter 3”, in addition to having the Station’s Master Emergency Stop
Push-Button (“24ES1”) not depressed, the prerequisites to operate an inlet pump under
system automation are:
• Its “Emergency Stop Push-Button” should NOT be in depressed position,
• The Selector Switch on its LCP must be in “REM” position,
• The “Repair Switch” under its LCP must be in “1” (ON) position
• Its Selector Switch on MCC-1 must be in “AUTO” position, and
• “AUTO” box should be ticked in its Operating Mode selection window on SCADA
Failure to satisfy any of the conditions listed above for any pump, leaves that pump out of
automation. They have to be satisfied for all three pumps at all times under normal (regular)
operating conditions. In other words, all pumps which are not currently broken and/or out of
order and/or undergoing maintenance, must be “Available” for automatic operation at all

Definition (Reminder from “Chapter 3”):

An “Available” pump is the one which is selected to run in “REMOTE/AUTO” mode

• with its “Repair Switch” in “1” (ON) position (See “Chapter 3”)
• without “Permission for Maintenance” being issued (See “Section 4.6.4”), and
• ready to run, or currently running under automation without any indication of
“ALARM-1” (See “Section 4.8”) is released when there is no “Available” pump for
automatic operation (the ones with “Permission for Maintenance” are also considered
to be un”Available” regardless of their switch positions).
“WARNING-2” (See “Section 4.7”) is released when “Permission for Maintenance” is
issued for all pumps at the same time.

4.6.1 Regular Automatic Operation

“Regular” in the section heading stands for the operating conditions free of;
• All problematic situations listed in “Section 4.6.2”, and
• All kinds of erroneous operator interference described in “Section 4.6.3”,
with at least two pumps being “Available” at all times.

Due to the design capacity of plant, maximum two Inlet Pumps are allowed to work at a time.
The third pump waits either for;
• Its turn to start according to the cyclic alternation principle explained below, or,
• Replacing one of the failed pumps while two pumps are working simultaneously.

In "Cyclic Alternation" type of operation, no pump is assigned to be the “primary”,

“secondary” or “stand-by” pump. Instead, all pumps wait for their turn in the “Start Queue” to
be the next pump to start.

To facilitate "Cyclic Alternation" of pumps, the automation program uses a “Start Queue”
and a “Stop Queue”. In accordance with changing water levels in the sump, next pumps to
START or STOP are determined according to order of pumps in these queues.

Both queues are updated after every new start, however, only the “Stop Queue” is updated
after each stop. Essentially;
i) When the first pump in “Start Queue” STARTs, it takes the last position in both “Start”
and “Stop” Queues. Hence, both queues are updated.
ii) When the first pump in “Stop Queue” STOPs, it is dropped from the “Stop Queue”
while the “Start Queue” remains unchanged. So, only the “Stop Queue” is updated.

Important Note:

The procedure explained in “Item (i)” above is valid as long as the first pump in “Start Queue”
can be started. If, for some reason, that pump is out of order (out of “REMOTE/AUTO” mode
or in “FAULT”), the second pump in the current “Start Queue” will be started. Consequently,
the first pump which could not be started will still keep its first position in the new “Start
Queue” while the second pump which has STARTed to substitute it, takes the last position in
the updated “Start Queue” (See “Section 4.6.2” for details).


Single-Pump Cycle:
If any pump STARTs when no other pump is working and STOPs due to decreasing
water level before the second pump ever starts, this is called a “Single-Pump Cycle”.

Dual-Pump Cycle:
A “Dual-Pump Cycle” begins when a second pump STARTs while another one is
working. A “Dual-Pump Cycle” does not end when one of the pumps stops, because
a second pump can START any time due to the increasing water level before the
running one stops. Therefore, it lasts until the water level drops below “Low-Low”
where no running pump remains.

Here is how Inlet Pump Station automation works in normal (regular) course of operation
(with examples given):

In the following examples;
- “P1” stands for installed Pump-1 (211 APA 110)
- “P2” stands for installed Pump-2 (211 APA 120)
- “P3” stands for installed Pump-3 (211 APA 130)
- Currently running pump(s) is/are shown as underlined in the “Start Queue”.
E.g. If “P3” and “P1” are currently running, the “Start Queue” is shown as “P2-P3-P1”.
- Currently un”Available” pump(s) is/are shown with strikethrough in the “Start Queue”.
E.g. If “P2” is not currently “Available”, the “Start Queue” is shown as “P2-P3-P1”.

Operation in Single-Pump Cycle:

1. All pumps are idle when the height of water in sump is below “Low-Low” level.
For example, let the “Start Queue” be as: “P1-P2-P3” in the order from left to right.
So the first pump to start when level rises above “High” is “P1”.
Since no pump is working at this point in time, the “Stop Queue” is empty (blank).

2. As water level rises above “High”, the first pump in ”Start Queue”, that is “P1”,
STARTs and takes the last position in “Start Queue”.
Then the “Start-Queue” is updated as “P2-P3-P1”.
Now, “P2” is the next pump to start when a new start is required due to the
information received from level instrument “211 ILS 110”.
Accordingly, the “Stop Queue” is updated to contain only “P1” (since it is the only
pump running), indicating that “P1” is the first pump to STOP when required due to
decreasing water level in the sump.
The “Stop Queue” always contains only one entry (one pump) in “Single-Pump Cycle”
and two pumps in “Dual-Pump Cycle”. However, the “Start Queue” always contains
three entries (three pumps) at all times even when any pump(s) is/are out of order
(See the explanations in “Section 4.6.2”).

3. If the water level drops back below “Low-Low” before rising above “High-High”, the
running pump “P1” is STOPped.
The “Start Queue” remains unchanged as “P2-P3-P1” (Since no new pump is started)
Since the only pump, “P1”, in “Stop Queue” has STOPped, it is dropped from the
“Stop Queue” which is updated to be empty (blank) now.
This is the end of a “Single-Pump Cycle”.

Operation in Dual-Pump Cycle:

1. A “Dual-Pump Cycle” begins with the START of a second pump while the first one is
already running. It means, after the completion of first two steps explained above for
“Single-Pump Cycle”, water level keeps on rising due to a higher wastewater inflow
than the capacity of a single pump. So, the steps explained below proceed after “Step
2” above, where the example “Start Queue” currently reads as “P2-P3-P1”,
accompanied by the “Stop Queue” containing only “P1” as the next pump to stop.

2. When water level rises above “High-High” while “P1” is running, “P2” – as being the
first pump in “Start Queue” – STARTs and takes the last position in “Start Queue”.
Then the “Start-Queue” is updated as “P3-P1-P2”.
Now, “P3” is the next pump to start when a new start is required.

Starting the third pump while the other two are running is not allowed by the
automation program (See “Section 4.6.3” for details).

The “Stop Queue” is updated to be as: “P1-P2” indicating that “P1” is the first pump to
STOP if the water level in sump drops below “Low” (NOT TO “Low-Low” as in
“Single-Pump Cycle).

Important Note:

Levels for the first started pump to STOP are different in “Single-Pump” and “Dual-
Pump” cycles. At this point, the following table must be observed carefully:

Table 4.1. START & STOP Levels for Single and Dual-Pump Cycles
Level Designation Preset Value Single-Pump Cycle Dual-Pump Cycle
High-High 2,55 m START the 2nd Pump
High 1,95 m START the 1st Pump START the 1st Pump
Low 1,35 m STOP the 1st Pump
Low-Low 0,75 m STOP the 1st Pump STOP the 2nd Pump

3. When the water level in sump drops below “Low”, first pump in the “Stop Queue”, that
is “P1”, is STOPped and dropped from the “Stop Queue” while the “Start Queue”
remains unchanged. Now the current form of these queues are:
Start Queue: “P3-P1-P2” (“P2” is still running)
Stop Queue: “P2” (“P1” has been dropped)
4. If the water rises again to “High-High”, “P3” – as being the first pump in “Start Queue”
– STARTs and takes the last position in “Start Queue”.
Then the “Start-Queue” is updated as “P1-P2-P3” (Now “P2” & “P3” are running).
Rise of water above “High” level while one pump is already running does not
mean anything to the automation program, until it goes over “High-High” to
START the second pump.

Accordingly, the “Stop Queue” is updated to be as: “P2-P3” indicating that “P2” is the
first pump to STOP if the water level in sump drops below “Low”.

5. When the water level in sump drops below “Low”, first pump in the “Stop Queue”, that
is “P2”, is STOPped and dropped from the “Stop Queue” while the “Start Queue”
remains unchanged. Now the current form of these queues are:
Start Queue: “P1-P2-P3” (“P3” is still running)
Stop Queue: “P3” (“P2” has been dropped)
6. If the water level further drops below “Low-Low”, the only pump in “Stop Queue”, that
is “P3”, is STOPped and dropped from the “Stop Queue” which is updated to be
empty (blank) now.
The “Start Queue” remains unchanged as: “P1-P2-P3”.
This is the end of a “Dual-Pump Cycle”.

4.6.2 Responses of the Automation Program to Problematic Situations

This section addresses the problematic situations – except human interference – those may
arise during the regular operation of Inlet Pump Station and how they are responded by the
automation program. These are:
i) Resuming Power after a Cut-Out
ii) Failure of a running pump
iii) Loss of “REMOTE/AUTO” Signal for a pump
iv) Malfunction of Ultrasonic Level Instrument “211 ILS 110”
v) Reaching “High-High-High” level in pump sump
vi) Receiving “ALL STOP” requests from the Screening Unit automation program
vii) Extraordinarily high level in the inlet channel of Screening Unit, exceeding the
“Maximum Pumping Point” of pumps (switching ON “220 ILS 101”)

“Table 4.2” below gives a general understanding for the responses of automation program to
above listed problematic situations.

Table 4.2. Summary of Problematic Conditions & Responses of Automation Program

(i) Resuming Power after a Cut-Out Restart Pump(s) After Certain Delay Time(s)
• Substitutes it with the Next Pump to Start
(ii) Failure of a Running Pump in “Start Queue”
• Releases ALARM
• Same Response as (ii) if it is for a Running
Loss of “REMOTE/AUTO” Signal for a
Pump • Marks the Pump as un“Available” if it is
currently idle. Releases a WARNING if
there remains only one “Available Pump”.
• Keeps the currently running pumps ON for
Malfunction of Ultrasonic Level
(iv) 10 minutes for the operator to take action
Instrument “211 ILS 110”
• Releases ALARM or WARNING
(v) “High-High-High” Level in Pump Sump Releases an ALARM or WARNING
• STOPs All Pumps. Resuming Automatic
Receiving “ALL STOP” Requests from
Operation Depends on the Type of
(vi) the Screening Unit Automation
• Releases ALARM or WARNING
Extraordinarily High Level in the Inlet
• STOPs All Pumps. Resuming Operation is
Channel of Screening Unit, Exceeding
(vii) not possible without Operator Confirmation
the “Maximum Pumping Point” of
• Releases ALARM
Before giving details for all these seven cases, an important concept must be carefully noted:
It is the “Stop-Start Time”, which is defined as the time elapsed between the Last STOP and
Next START of a pump.

For this purpose, timers “211 TMR 101, 102 & 103” are defined for each pump as shown in
the “Process Parameters” table at the beginning of this chapter. The automation program
always checks if the required “Stop-Start Time” has elapsed before giving a new start to a
It must be noted that the program always performs this check for each pump independent of
the existence of a problematic situation. Therefore, it is also valid for the “Regular Operation”
of pump station explained in “Section 4.7.1” above. Since it is not practically possible for any
pump to restart within this short period due to the set values (both for timers and levels
shown in “Process Parameters” table) under regular (normal) operating conditions, this point
is not specifically addressed in “Section 4.6.1”. However, for problematic situations, elapse of
“Stop-Start Time” is the key condition to be satisfied before starting a pump after an
unplanned stop.

i) Resuming Power after a Cut-Out

All running pumps – if any at that moment – will naturally STOP upon a power failure. To
restart the pump(s) after the power resumes, automation program follows exactly the same
steps as in “Regular Operation” with only one difference. In addition to checking for the
“Stop-Start Time”, it also checks whether the delay times “211 DT 100 & 200” has elapsed
before starting the first and second pumps, respectively.
Going through the same example given in “Section 4.6.1” for “Dual-Pump Cycle”, a sample
execution of the program can be demonstrated as follows:

1. As in “Step 4” of “Dual-Pump Cycle” example, let the current queues be as:

Start Queue: “P1-P2-P3” (“P2” & “P3” are running)
Stop Queue: “P2-P3” (“P2” is the first pump to stop)
2. If the power goes off, the queues will take the forms:
Start Queue: “P1-P2-P3” (Unchanged with “P1” to start next)
Stop Queue: “blank” (no pump is running)
3. When the power is back, the program checks the following before starting “P1”:
• If “Stop-Start Time” for “P1” (“211 TMR 101”) has elapsed? (as a usual check)
• If “Delay Time to Start the First Pump” (“211 DT 100”) has elapsed?
The first pump will be STARTed if both conditions are satisfied. Then the queues will
take the forms:
Start Queue: “P2-P3-P1” (“P1” is running, “P2” is the next one to start)
Stop Queue: “P1” (only “P1 is running)
4. If the water level in sump is above “High-High”, the same two conditions are checked
before starting “P2”:
• If “Stop-Start Time” for “P2” (“211 TMR 102”) has elapsed?
• If “Delay Time to Start the Second Pump” (“211 DT 200”) has elapsed?
If both conditions hold, “P2” is STARTed and the queues are updated as:
Start Queue: “P3-P1-P2” (“P1” & “P2” are running)
Stop Queue: “P1-P2” (“P1” is the first pump to stop)
As shown above, the pump(s) running before and after the power cut is/are not the same due
to the “cyclic alternation” principle applied by the automation program for all start/stop events.

ii) Failure of a Running Pump

In case of a pump failure, indicator light for the related pump on SCADA screen turns RED
and “ALARM-2” is released (See “Section 4.8”). At the same time, the automation program
substitutes the failed pump with the next “Available” one in the “Start Queue” – if possible.

Continuing from “Step 4” of the preceding “Subsection (i)”, a sample execution in such a
case is as follows:

1. Just before the pump failure, the queues were:

Start Queue: “P3-P1-P2” (“P1” & “P2” are running)
Stop Queue: “P1-P2” (“P1” is the first pump to stop)

2. If “P1” fails, the program substitutes it with “P3”, that is, STARTs “P3” if the “Stop-
Start Time” for “P3” (“211 TMR 103”) has elapsed. Then the queues are updated as:
Start Queue: “P1-P2-P3” (“P2” & “P3” are running, “P1” is not “Available”)
Stop Queue: “P2-P3” (“P2” is the first pump to stop)
This sample execution is continued to demonstrate how the automation program
handles un”Available” pump(s) in its procedures.

3. When the water level in sump drops below “Low”, first pump in the “Stop Queue”, that
is “P2”, is STOPped and dropped from the “Stop Queue” while the “Start Queue”
remains unchanged. Now the current form of these queues are:
Start Queue: “P1-P2-P3” (“P3” is running, “P1” is not “Available”)
Stop Queue: “P3” (“P2” has been dropped)
4. If the water rises over “High-High” again, “P2” – as being the first “Available” pump in
“Start Queue” – STARTs and takes the last position in “Start Queue”. The queues are
updated as:
Start Queue: “P1-P3-P2” (“P3” & “P3” are running, “P1” is not “Available”)
Stop Queue: “P3-P2” (“P3” is the first pump to stop)
As seen above, the “Start Queue” is always pushed from end-to-front every time a
newly started pump takes the last position in the queue. Also an un”Available” pump
is naturally pushed forward in the same manner with every new start of other pump(s)
until it reaches the first position in “Start Queue”. Since an un”Available” pump cannot
be started, it keeps this position until it becomes “Available” again to be started. In
other words, an un”Available” pump being idle for a time period during which the
other (“Available”) pumps have experienced at least one start each, will be the first
pump to start after it becomes “Available” again. This is one of the superior features
inherent in the logic of “cyclic alternation” principle employed for the automation of
Inlet Pump Station. It is demonstrated in the following two steps.

5. If the water level in sump drops below “Low”, first pump in the “Stop Queue”, that is
“P3”, is STOPped and dropped from the “Stop Queue”. In the meanwhile, Operator
took care of the problem with “P1” and it is available now. Hence the updated queues
Start Queue: “P1-P3-P2” (“P1” is “Available” again and “P2” is still running)
Stop Queue: “P2” (“P3” has been dropped)

6. When the water rises over “High-High” again, “P1” – as being the first “Available”
pump in “Start Queue” – STARTs and takes the last position in “Start Queue”. Then
the queues are updated as:
Start Queue: “P3-P2-P1” (“P2” & “P1” are running)
Stop Queue: “P2-P1” (“P2” is the first pump to stop)
Hence the Inlet Pump Station resumes “Regular Operation”.

iii) Loss of “REMOTE/AUTO” Signal for a Pump

This subsection deals with such a signal loss merely originating from unexpected electrical
and/or wiring problems without any kind of human interference. It is the case where a pump
that has been “Available” an instant ago suddenly turns out to be un”Available”.
The program’s response to such a situation depends on the current status of subject pump –
running or idle.
1. If the subject pump has been running until the moment of signal loss, the program
follows exactly the same procedure explained above in “Subsection (ii)” for the case
of pump failure.

2. If the subject pump is already idle, the effect of signal loss on pump station
automation is not any different from manually taking that pump out of
“REMOTE/AUTO” mode by switch operations (See “Chapter 3“) as long as it is not
started MANually. For this reason, the program takes no action other than marking
that pump to be un”Available” in the “Start Queue” as explained above, as long as the
remaining two pumps are available.
Should this signal loss leave the station with only one “Available” pump, “WARNING-
1” is released (See “Section 4.7“) to remind the Operator that overflow from the sump
is inevitable unless a second pump is put in “REMOTE/AUTO” mode (made
“Available”) as soon as possible.

iv) Malfunction of Ultrasonic Level Instrument “211 ILS 110”

There are two different indications of malfunctioning for this instrument:

This is an apparent (solid) indication which can either be a FAULT signal released by
the instrument itself, or a total signal loss leaving the automation system without any
level information at all.

This is something detected or suspected by the program without any related solid
signal from the instrument. It is the “Stuck Sensor” problem, which is noticed by the
program during its regular execution in the absence of “Indication-1”. The program
continuously checks level instrument readings in every 10 seconds and records
them to compare each reading to the first one recorded at the beginning (0th second)
of each counting session. Maximum 31 readings are recorded for 300 seconds (five
minutes) in a counting session until one of the readings differs from the first one more
than 1 cm. If such a difference is detected before the session ends 300 seconds after
the first reading, a new counting session is started (RESET). Then, the last reading of
previous session becomes the first one for the new session and the program starts
counting and comparing the new set of maximum 30 coming readings in the next 300
seconds. If the first reading at 0th second does not change more than ± 1 cm
throughout all other 30 until the last one at 300th second, there most likely exists a

“Stuck Sensor” problem, that is, the instrument has got stuck with the last reading it
made five minutes ago and has not been measuring the actual level since then. In
such a case, “Indication-2” shows up and program takes the necessary actions
described below. However, it keeps on performing the above explained checks at all
times in the same manner unless “Indication-1” comes up or the Pump Station is
taken “Out of Automation” (See “Chapter 3” for the definition of “Out of Automation”).
If the program discovers that the “Stuck Sensor” problem does not exist any more,
that is, if a session ends before 300 seconds, it turns “Indication-2” OFF.

Naturally, these two indications cannot be present at the same time.

Responses of the automation program to these two situations are slightly different from each
other. They are summarized in “Table 4.3” below:

Table 4.3. Responses of Automation Program to Level Instrument Malfunctioning

FIRST DETECTED 1 (FAULT Signal) 2 (Stuck Sensor)
Pump Station is “Out of No indication is generated,
Automation” hence NO RESPONSE.
All Pumps Idle with at
B least one pump being ALARM-3 WARNING-4
At Least One Pump is
C + +
Action-1 Action-1.1*
( * ): “Action-1.1” is essentially the same with “Action-1”. The only difference is, in “Action-1.1”
the Operator may have the program to ignore “Indication-2”.

State-A (When the Pump Station is “Out of Automation”):

Handling “Indication-1” in State-A

The program only releases “WARNING-3” (See “Section 4.7“) in order to make the
Operator aware of the problem and to solve it before he/she puts the station back into
automation. Otherwise, the automatic operation of pumps is not possible with a failed

Handling “Indication-2” in State-A

The program quits checking for instrument readings and RESETs its counter for
recording them the moment pump station is taken out of automation. Therefore,
“Indication-2” cannot be generated while the station is “Out of Automation”. The
program resumes its regular checking procedure for the instrument readings when
the station is put back into automation.

State-B (When All Pumps are Idle with at Least One Pump Being “Available”):
This is the situation where no pump has started yet after their last stop without any level
instrument problem. So, the problem came out before the water has risen again over “High”
level to start the first pump.

Handling “Indication-1” in State-B

The program only releases “ALARM-3” (See “Section 4.8“), to notify that no pump can
be started before the level instrument problem is solved. Since the program cannot
start a pump without any level information from the instrument, it has nothing else to
do except waiting for “Indication-1” to go OFF.
Handling “Indication-2” in State-B
It is always possible that “Indication-2” can be a “False Alarm”, especially during the
prolonged periods of no inflow to pump station. For this reason, the program releases
“WARNING-4” (See “Section 4.7“) instead of an alarm. The purpose is to get the
Operator’s attention to a possible “Stuck Sensor” problem and to let him/her take a
decision after visually checking the pump station for an actual “no inflow” condition
Otherwise, the pumps will never start as long as “Indication-2” exists.

There exists a small tick-box labeled as “IGNORE STUCK SENSOR PROBLEM” near
the level instrument figure on SCADA screen for Inlet Pump Station. This tick-box and
its label are shown faded at all times unless “Indication-2” is present. They turn to be
bright (unfaded) when the “Stuck Sensor” possibility comes out, indicating that the
Operator may prefer to ignore the problem by ticking on this box. Then, the program
proceeds as if “Indication-2” does not exist. However, it keeps the real status of
“Indication-2” in its memory. It keeps on displaying “WARNING-4” and does not fade
the tick-box and its label out until “Indication-2” really goes off. So, the Operator
always has the chance of correcting a possible mistake by ticking on the box again to
cancel ignoring “Indication-2”.

State-C (While at Least One Pump is Running):

In this state of pump station, the automation program responds to both indications in the
same way, except for giving a chance to the Operator to ignore the problem in case of
This common response of the program to both indications is named as “Action-1” in “Table
4.3” while the designation “Action-1.1“ is used to point out the flexibility of this response in
case of “Indication-2” as explained above.

“Action-1” keeps the currently running pump(s) “ON” for 10 minutes after any one of the
indication comes up of in order to;
• Let the Operator evaluate the situation and to take some action, and
• Utilize the possibility of self-recovery during this period.
The purposes are;
• To avoid unnecessary pump stops (hence to minimize number of starts/h), and
• To prevent or minimize possible overflows if the pumps are stopped immediately
in case;
• The “Indication-2” is a false alarm, or
• There is a simple reason to the problem that could either be self-recovered or
handled by the operator during this 10 minutes period.

Note on Pump Safety:

Even if the sump gets completely empty during this 10 minutes period, it does not
cause any problem for the pumps. Since the inlet pumps are Archimedean Screw
type, dry running for short periods (like 10-15 minutes) is not a problem for these
pumps unless it is done for extended periods until the lower bearing is damaged.

Unless the problem is solved (either by itself or by the Operator) anytime during this 10
minutes period;
• The pumps are run without any level information and “cyclic alternation” – as if they
are run in MANUAL mode,
• A failed pump is not substituted by the next pump to start in the “Start Queue”
(because cyclic alternation is off), and
• No pump is started in case of resuming power after a cut-out (because cyclic
alternation is off)
until 10 minutes is over.
The program automatically resumes normal operation according to level readings from the
instrument after the problem is solved, that is, when the problem indicator is goes off. This
can happen either during or after the 10 minutes waiting period, provided that no problem
indicator exists any more.

Handling “Indication-1” in State-C

The program releases “ALARM-4” (See “Section 4.8“), to notify the Operator about
the problem, and it proceeds according to “Action-1” explained above.

Handling “Indication-2” in State-C

The program releases “ALARM-5” (See “Section 4.8“), to notify the Operator about
the problem, and it proceeds according to “Action-1” explained above. However, the
Operator has the option of ignoring “Indication-2” as described above for “State-B”.

v) Reaching “High-High-High” Level in Pump Sump

In this case, the program releases either an ALARM or a WARNING message to make the
Operator aware of the situation. The type of message depends on the number of currently
running pumps.
• Since it is naturally expected to have an overflow while there is only one pump
running, the program releases “WARNING-5” (See “Section 4.7“) just to report the
If there is only one pump running, it means no other pump is “Available” at that
moment. Otherwise, one more pump should have started before the level
reached to “High-High-High”.
• If an overflow happens while two pumps are running, “ALARM-6” (See “Section 4.8“)
is released. Such a situation requires special attention, because;
 It may indicate reduced pumping capacity for any pump(s) due to some
mechanical reason(s),
 There might be an unforeseen problem with the level instrument which does
not show any sign of FAULT or “Stuck Sensor” problem,
 If there is no problem with the pumps and level sensor, an overflow means
that the plant is currently receiving a higher wastewater inflow rate than its
design capacity for peak flow. Depending on the frequency of overflow
incidents, some part of incoming wastewater can be diverted to other stages
of Kerbala WWTP. For this reason, the automation program records all such
incidents and reports them when required (See “Section 4.10”).

vi) Receiving “ALL STOP” Requests from the Screening Unit Automation Program

Depending on unexpectedly high water level(s) in the inlet (upstream) and/or outlet
(downstream) channels of Screening Structure, its automation program sends signal(s) to the
program of Inlet Pump Station to STOP all currently running pumps to avoid problematic
situations (See “Chapter 5, Section 5.6.2”). These signals are named as “ALL STOP”
Requests in “Table 4.2”. There are two types of such requests:

• Type-1 is regarding the “High-High” level (222 ILS 110) in the inlet channel, while
• Type-2 is for the “High” level (221 ILS 110) in the outlet channel of Screening Unit.

Important Note:
Despite being a rare occasion, these two types of requests may come out at the same time
or coincide regardless of which one started first. In such a case, “Type-2” always supersedes
“Type-1”. In other words, the program neglects the request “Type-1” and takes its actions
according to “ALL STOP Request Type-2” as explained below. “Request Type-1” is only
considered in the absence of “Type-2”.
ALARMs related to these requests are released by the automation program of Screening
Unit (See “Chapter 5, Section 5.6.2”).

Handling “ALL STOP Request Type-1”

Upon receiving this request, the program immediately STOPs ALL running pumps at
that moment and does not let any pump to start until the request goes off. Automatic
operation of the pumps resumes in the same manner described in “Subsection (i)”
after the request signal goes off.

Handling “ALL STOP Request Type-2”

Upon receiving this request, the program immediately STOPs ALL running pumps at
that moment. It does not let any pump to start until the request goes off AND the
Operator confirms resuming normal operation. Since the level rise to “High” or above
in the outlet channel of Screening Unit is quite extraordinary, only the cease of
request signal is not enough to restart the pumps. The program also requires
Operator’s approval to start the pumps again.

There exists a tick-box labeled as “CONFIRM RESTARTING THE PUMPS” on the

SCADA screen for Inlet Pump Station. This tick-box and its label are shown faded at
all times unless the above explained “Operator Approval” is required by the program
(ticking is not possible when the box is faded). They turn to be bright (unfaded)
accompanied by an audible beep sound, when the program needs this approval. If
the Operator confirms restarting the pumps by clicking on this box, the program
follows the same procedure described in “Subsection (i)” to render the pump(s)
operational again. Upon the Operator’s confirmation, the tick box and its label go
faded again until next time the program needs such an approval. Otherwise, they will
stay bright on the screen until the Operator approves restarting the pumps.

• The program asks for Operator’s confirmation only after the request signal
goes OFF.
• It also does NOT allow the Operator to start any pump manually on SCADA
screen before he/she gives the required confirmation/approval.

vii) Extraordinarily High Level in the Inlet Channel of Screening Unit,

Exceeding the “Maximum Pumping Point” of Pumps

Due to the hydraulics of Screening Structure and its inlet channel equipped with an overflow
weir, it is hardly possible to reach this level with the pumping rate of two pumps running
together, even if there is no flow through the screens, unless the overflow weir is obstructed
with some kind of foreign material or the trunk line after the overflow weir is clogged.
Total pumping rate of two pumps is actually the peak hydraulic capacity of the plant.
For this reason, the program does not allow starting the third pump while the other two are
running (See “Section 4.6.3”).

Despite being a very distinct possibility, if this extraordinarily high level is reached in the inlet
channel of Screening Unit so the level switch “220 ILS 101” is turned ON, the program
STOPs all running pumps in REMOTE/AUTO mode and releases “ALARM-7” (See “Section
4.8“). Also, there exists a hardwired interlock in “MCC-1 which cuts the power of all inlet
pumps when this level is reached.
No pump can be started in any mode before the switch “220 ILS 101” goes OFF again.
Automatic operation of pumps resumes in the same manner described in “Subsection (vi) for
Handling “ALL STOP Request Type-2” after “220 ILS 101” goes OFF.
4.6.3 Responses of the Automation Program to Possible Human Errors
Though limited, the automation program tries to prevent the negative consequences of some
erroneous human interference to the best of its abilities. In addition to the ones explained in
other sections of this chapter, such as;
• Releasing “ALARM-1” when there is no “Available” pump for automatic operation,
• Releasing “WARNING-2” when “Permission for Maintenance” is issued for all three
pumps at the same time, and
• Not letting the Operator to start any pump MANUALLY on SCADA screen without
issuing confirmation to restart after certain “ALL STOP” incidents,
this section explains how the program responds to the most common human interference
problem of starting a pump or pumps MANUALLY without having “Permission for
Maintenance”, especially while the other(s) is/are operating (currently running or not) under
system automation.
Regardless of the pump station being “Out of Automation” or not, the program always
perceives a MANUAL START – without “Permission for Maintenance” – as an erroneous
human intervention. Consequently, it releases “ALARM-8” (See “Section 4.8“) upon such

All 10 possible combinations (cases) where one or more pumps are operated MANUALLY,
both with and without “Permission for Maintenance”, are listed in “Table 4.4” below.

Table 4.4. Effect of MANUAL Operation on the AUTOMATION of Inlet Pumps*

No. of Pumps Running in MAXIMUM No. of
MANUAL Mode Pumps Operated
Permission Permission Mode
1 0 0 2 Normal Operation
Program ignores the number of
2 0 1 2 MANUALLY operated pumps
WITH Permission
Remark for “Case 2” is valid, but
3 0 2 1 there remains only one pump to
be “Available” for automation
Remark for “Case 2” is valid, but
4 0 3 0 there remains NO pump for
5 1 0 1 Max. 2 pumps can run at a time
Both remarks for “Case 2” and
6 1 1 1
“Case 5” are valid
7 1 2 0 The same remark with “Case 4”
8 2 0 0 The same remark with “Case 5”
9 2 1 0 The same remark with “Case 5”
10 3 0 0
See Details in this Section (4.7.3)
( * ): All three pumps are assumed to be operational without any FAULT.

Using the information provided in “Table 4.4”, “Table 4.5” is presented below to tabulate the
responses of automation program to “MANUAL START”s while one or two pumps are
currently running in REMOTE/AUTO mode.
In a sense, “Table 4.5” is a logical mirror image of “Table 4.4”.
Table 4.5. Responses of Automation Program to “MANUAL START”s*
REMARKS on the
No. of Pumps FINAL No. of
Pumps Pumps


Running in Running in
Mode Mode
Permission Permission Mode
1 1 0 0 1 Normal Operation
Program ignores
the number of
2 1 0 1 1 MANUALLY
operated pumps
WITH Permission
The same remark
3 1 0 2 1
with “Case 2”
Unchanged since
4 1 1 0 1 Max. 2 pumps can
run at a time
The same remarks
5 1 1 1 1 with “Case 2” and
“Case 4”
Max. 2 pumps
6 1 2 0 0
can run at a time
7 2 0 0 2 Normal Operation
The same remark
8 2 0 1 2
with “Case 2”
Max. 2 pumps
9 2 1 0 1
can run at a time
( * ): Table assumes no pump currently running in AUTO mode is switched to run MANUALLY.
For such cases, “Table 4.4” can be referred.
Also, all three pumps are assumed to be operational without any FAULT.

Following is the summary of information given in the above two tables:

1. If a pump is running in MANUAL mode (with or without permission), it naturally is

NOT an “Available Pump” to operate in REMOTE/AUTO mode. The program keeps
on operating ONLY ONE of the other pumps “Available” in AUTO mode – if any – as
long as no more than one pump is running in MANUAL mode without “Permission for

2. While deciding on the number of pumps to run in REMOTE/AUTO mode, the program
ignores the number of MANUALLY operated pumps WITH “Permission for
Maintenance”. In other words, it does not take the number of pumps running in
MANUAL mode with “Permission” into account while limiting the maximum number of
currently running pumps with “two”. Only the pumps running in MANUAL mode
without “Permission” and the ones running in REMOTE/AUTO mode are considered
for this purpose (See “Section 4.6.4”).

3. If the number of currently running pumps exceeds “2” after a MANUAL START
without “Permission”, the program STOPs the “next pump to stop” in the “Stop
Queue”. This is shown with the highlighted rows “6” and “9” in “Table 4.5”.

Running all three inlet pumps in MANUAL mode without “Permission” is probably the worst
mistake an operating staff can make.

Important Note:
The flow generated by three pumps running together is 50% over the maximum hydraulic
capacity of WWTP.

If all three pumps are STARTed MANUALLY (without permission) to run at the same time,
they immediately have to be STOPped.
Since it is not possible for the automation program to directly STOP a MANUALLY STARTed
pump on its LCP or MCC-1, it utilizes the existing hardwired interlock circuit in “MCC-1 to cut
the power of all three inlet pumps. Otherwise, all downstream units after the Screening
Structure to Intermediate Pump Station will be under serious flood risk.

No pump can be started again unless at least one pump is taken out of MANUAL mode.

Automatic operation of pumps resumes in the same manner described in “Section 4.6.2,
Subsection (i) for Resuming Power after a Cut-out”.

4.6.4 Special Cases and Permissions Special Tasks
These tasks do not directly affect the automation of pump station. They rather run in the
background to supply information;
• To the automation program of other plant units, and
• To the SCADA program for data collection and reporting purposes.

There are 10 such tasks of the program for Inlet Pump Station:

1. Counting the “Number of FAILures in a Day” for level instrument “211 ILS 110”,
2. Counting the “Total Duration while “211 ILS 110” is out of order in a Day”,
3. Counting the “Number of FAILures in a Day” for each pump,
4. Counting the “Working Hours” of each pump,
5. Counting the “Total Available Hours” for each pump,
6. Counting the “Number of Starts/hour” for each pump,
7. Counting the “Total Number of MANUAL STARTs in a Day” for each pump,
8. Counting the “Total Number of Overflow Incidents in a Day” in pump sump,
9. Calculating the “Amount of Wastewater Overflown in a Day”, and
10. Calculating the “Amount of Wastewater Lifted to Screening Unit in a Day”.

1. Counting the “Number of FAILures in a Day” for Level Instrument “211 ILS 110” (TFL)
“Level Instrument FAILure” covers the malfunction of “211 ILS 110” due to both “Indication-1”
and “Indication-2” (See “Section 4.6.2, Subsection (iv)”). The program counts the number of
such FAILures between 00:00 and 24:00 every day and records the total at 24:00. The
SCADA program uses it for reporting purposes.

2. Counting the “Total Duration while “211 ILS 110” is out of order in a Day” (DLF)
The program counts the time period during which “211 ILS 110” is out of order each time the
instrument fails until it gets repaired. All such periods between 00:00 and 24:00 are summed
up and recorded at the end of the day (at 24:00). In case the instrument problem is not
solved within the same day, the program records the total duration of failure at the end of the
current day and resets its timer to count again at 00:00 on the next day. The SCADA
program uses this value for reporting purposes.

3. Counting the “Number of FAILures in a Day” for Each Pump (TFP-n, n = 1, 2, 3)
“Pump FAILure” is defined as the unexpected stop of a running pump due to overcurrent or
overheating of its motor. It does not include power cut-offs. The program counts the number
of such FAILures between 00:00 and 24:00 every day and records the total at 24:00. The
SCADA program uses it for reporting purposes.

4. Counting the “Working Hours” for Each Pump

The program counts the working hours of each pump for three purposes:
• To help the Plant Manager for scheduling the regular maintenance times of pumps,
• To Calculate the “Amount of Wastewater Lifted to Screening Unit” (See “Item-10”),
• To evaluate the program’s performance about providing equal wear for the pumps.

There are two types of “Working Hours” data kept for each pump:
i) “Total working hours” (TWH-n, n = 1, 2, 3)
This is the cumulative working hours of a pump since it was first commissioned. It
includes the running times in both AUTOMATIC and MANUAL mode (with or without
“Permission”). The purpose is to help the Plant Manager to arrange regular
maintenance works for the pumps. “TWH” is displayed on the SCADA screen under
each pump figure. The SCADA program uses it for reporting purposes.
ii) “Working Hours” in AUTO Mode (TAWH, AWH & AWH/d)
This is the count of working hours of a pump when it is in AUTO mode. There are also
two types of this count:

a) Total Working Hours in AUTO Mode (TAWH-n, n = 1, 2, 3)

This is the cumulative working hours of a pump only in AUTO mode, since it
was first commissioned. The purpose is to provide the possibility of making a
comparison between “TWH” and “TAWH”, so the Plant Manager and/or the
Operator can take some corrective action in case a considerable difference
exists between these two values.

b) Working Hours in a Day in AUTO Mode (AWH-n & AWH-n/d, n = 1, 2, 3)

This is the count of working hours in a day (from 00:00 to 24:00) in AUTO
mode. It is used to calculate the “Amount of Wastewater Lifted to Screening
Unit in a day” (See “Item-10”). Also the “Flow & Process Manager” program
(See “Chapter 21, Section 21.2.1”) collects and uses the current value of
“AWH” any time during the day for its purposes.

5. Counting the “Total Available Hours” for Each Pump (TAVH-n, n = 1, 2, 3)

Definition of an “Available” pump is given at the beginning of “Section 10.6”. At any point in
time, “TAVH” shows the total hours during which the subject pump has been “Available” for
automation since it was first commissioned. This actually is another tool for the Plant
Manager to evaluate how well the pump station is operated.

6. Counting the “Number of Starts/hour” for Each Pump (NA60, NT60, AveNAS, MinNAS &
This is the most important parameter related to the healthy operation of pump motors. The
smaller the count “N” is, the longer is the lifetime of motor. Under normal conditions, that is,
when all three pumps are “Available”, this figure is not expected to exceed four as long as
appropriate values are entered for the level set points given in the “Process Parameters”
table in “Section 4.4”. Also, the maximum number of starts/hour cannot exceed six even
when one of the pumps is out of order. Therefore, the maximum 10 starts/h figure given by
the manufacturer is assured. Counting, recording and reporting the number of starts/h for
each pump is an invaluable tool for the Plant Manager to evaluate the performance of pump
station and its automation program along with the appropriateness of set values for control

The program counts and records five types of “number of starts/h”:

i) “Number of AUTOmatic Starts in the last 60 Minutes” (NA60--n, n = 1, 2, 3)

The program counts and records the number of starts for an “Available” pump in the
last 60 minutes and displays it on SCADA screen under each pump figure. It is

ii) “Number of Total Starts in the last 60 Minutes” (NT60-n, n = 1, 2, 3)

The program counts and records the total number of starts – including MANUAL
starts with and without “Permission” – for a pump in the last 60 minutes and displays
it on SCADA screen under each pump figure. It is labeled as “TOTAL NUMBER OF

iii) “Average Number of AUTOmatic Starts/h in a Day” (AveNAS-n, n = 1, 2, 3)

This is the average of 1381 “NA60” values recorded between 01:00 and 24:00 for
each day. The SCADA program uses it for reporting purposes.

iv) “Minimum Number of AUTOmatic Starts/h in a Day” (MinNAS-n, n = 1, 2, 3)

This is the minimum of 1381 “NA60” values recorded between 01:00 and 24:00 for
each day. The SCADA program uses it for reporting purposes.

v) “Maximum Number of AUTOmatic Starts/h in a Day” (MaxNAS-n, n = 1, 2, 3)

This is the maximum of 1381 “NA60” values recorded between 01:00 and 24:00 for
each day. The SCADA program uses it for reporting purposes.

7. Counting the “Total Number of MANUAL STARTs in a Day” for Each Pump (TMS-n, n = 1,
2, 3)
This figure includes all MANUAL STARTs – with and without “Permission” – made for a
pump between 00:00 and 24:00 each day. The SCADA program uses it for reporting

8. Counting the “Total Number of Overflow Incidents in a Day” in Pump Sump (TOI)
This figure shows how many times the level in pump sump exceeded “High-High-High”
between 00:00 and 24:00 each day. The SCADA program uses it for reporting purposes.

9. Calculating the “Total Amount of Wastewater Overflown in a Day” (CVO & TVO)
The program uses the below formula to calculate the overflow rate (m3/s) each second when
the level in sump is above “High-High-High” between 00:00 and 24:00 every day:

𝑄𝑄𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 = (5,568 × ℎ1,5 ) − (0,348 × ℎ2,5 ) (𝑚𝑚3 ⁄𝑠𝑠)

h (in meters) = (Level Reading from “211 ILS 110”) – (Set Value for “High-High-High”)
subject to the condition h > 0 (when the level in sump is above “High-High-High”)

These “Q Overflow ” values are summed up every second in a day starting from 00:00.
The “Flow & Process Manager” program (See “Chapter 21, Section 21.2.1”) collects and
uses the current value of this sum (CVO in m3) any time during the day for its purposes.
At the end of the day (at 24:00), the “Total Volume Overflown” (TVO in m3/d) is recorded for
reporting purposes by the SCADA program.

10. Calculating the “Total Amount of Wastewater Lifted to Screening Unit in a Day” (TVL)
This is simply calculated at the end of the day (at 24:00) as:

TVL = (AWH/d) x 3560 (m3/d)

“TVL” is used by both SCADA and “Flow & Process Manager” programs.
19 Special Permissions
The automation program uses two special permissions to be issued by the Operator through
the SCADA screen:

1. Confirmation/Approval to restart the pumps after certain “ALL STOP” cases.

2. MANUAL operation permission for maintenance purposes.

The first one is already explained in detail in Subsections (vi) and (vii) of “Section 4.6.2”.
The second one, expressed in short as “Permission for Maintenance”, is explained in this
As stated several times in the former sections of this chapter, STARTing a pump in MANUAL
MODE, either locally or through the SCADA screen, without having this permission is always
interpreted by the automation program as an inappropriate and erroneous action. The
purpose is to avoid unwanted interference to the automation of Inlet Pump Station.
Therefore, this permission must be issued by the Operator, before STARTing any pump in
MANUAL mode due to some necessity. Otherwise, “ALARM-8” (See “Section 4.8“) is
released to announce this inappropriate action.

Important Note:
This permission is also a must to START a pump MANUALLY on SCADA screen. The
purpose is to prevent unintentional clicks on MANUAL START boxes.

There exists a tick-box labeled as “Permission for Maintenance” under the figure of each
pump on SCADA screen. If the Operator issues permission to a pump by clicking on that
box, the program will not interpret the MANUAL STARTs of that pump to be inappropriate
any more, unless the box is clicked again to cancel the permission. For this reason, a pump
running in MANUAL mode with permission should be STOPped before cancelling its
permission. Otherwise, “ALARM-8” will be released and the program will proceed as
described in “Section 4.6.3”.

As being inherent in its name, the main idea behind the concept of “Permission for
Maintenance” is to allow MANUAL operation of a pump for trial purposes after a regular
maintenance or a major repair job, without interfering with the regular automation of Inlet
Pump Station. In this sense, the Operator is expected to take all precautions, such as closing
the penstock at the inlet of subject pump or not STARTing that pump while the other two are
running in AUTO mode, to prevent unwanted situations described in “Section 4.6.3”.
That is why the automation program neglects – counting on the Operator – the number of
pumps running in MANUAL mode with permission while deciding on the number of pumps to
work in AUTO mode (See “Section 4.6.3”).

Other Notes:
• “Permission for Maintenance” is not a general permit issued to all three pumps.
Instead, it is specific to each individual pump. That is why the pop-up window of each
individual pump has its own tick-box for this purpose.
• “WARNING-2” (See “Section 4.7”) is released when “Permission for Maintenance” is
issued for all pumps at the same time.

4.6.5 Interlocks
Almost everything explained about the responses of automation program to different
situations in the former sections of this chapter is some kind of software interlock. Therefore,
only the hardware interlocks which block the operation of a pump or all pumps are listed in
this section. These are:

1. Master Emergency Stop Push-Button (“24ES1”) for the whole Pump Station. It is
located near the pump sump to STOP all running pumps when necessary.
2. Emergency Stop Push-Button (“31S1”) for Pump-1 (“211 APA 110”) located on its
3. Emergency Stop Push-Button (“36S1”) for Pump-2 (“211 APA 120”) located on its
4. Emergency Stop Push-Button (“41S1”) for Pump-3 (“211 APA 130”) located on its
5. “Repair Switch” of each motor under its LCP, which cuts the power to that motor
when switched to “0” (OFF) position.
6. Protection relay for each pump, located in MCC-1, which goes off in case of
7. PTC relay of each pump motor, located in MCC-1, which goes off in case of motor
8. Interlock circuit in MCC-1 to cut the power feed to all pump motors in case the level
switch “220 ILS 101” is activated (See “Section 4.6.2, Subsection (vii)”).
9. Interlock circuit in MCC-1 to cut the power feed to all pump motors in case all three
pumps are STARTed in MANUAL mode (See “Section 4.6.3”).

“ALARM-9” is released when any one of the Emergency-Stop Push-Buttons is pressed.

4.7 “WARNING”s
Situations causing the release of WARNING messages are explained in the former sections
of this chapter. The list of WARNING messages along with their code numbers is presented
in “Table 4.6” below.

Table 4.6. List of WARNING Messages Used in Inlet Pump Station Automation


4.8 “ALARM”s
Situations causing the release of several ALARMs are explained in the former sections of
this chapter. The only difference between a WARNING and an ALARM is the additional
audio part of the latter. That is, an ALARM is audiovisual while a WARNING is only visual.
• The Operator can turn off the audio part of alarm, but the visual part remains on the
SCADA screen until the ALARM condition does not exist any more.
• If the condition causing the same ALARM repeats, the new ALARM will again be
released as audiovisual.
• Turning the audio part of an ALARM signal off does not affect the audio parts of other
existing ALARMs or the other ones to come.

“Table 4.7” below presents the list of ALARMs along with their text (visual part) and code

Table 4.7. List of ALARM Messages Used in Inlet Pump Station Automation








4.9 Data/Signal Exchange with the Programs of Other Units

Automation program of the Inlet Pump Station communicates with those of the other plant
units via data exchange to minimize possible problematic situations and to optimize plant
performance. These units and the nature of data exchanged are presented in “Table 4.8” and
“Table 4.9” below:

Table 4.8. Incoming Data/Signal from Other Units/Programs

From the Description of Related
Program of Data/Signal Section
STOP ALL Pumps to avoid
Screening Unit ALL STOP Request Type-1 4.6.2.(vi)
problematic situations

Screening Unit ALL STOP Request Type-2 Same as Above 4.6.2.(vi)

Table 4.9. Outgoing Data/Signal to Other Units/Programs
To the Description of Related
Program of Data/Signal Section
To check the level
Inlet Flow instrument on Parshall
An Inlet Pump STARTed 7.6.2
Measurement Flume for proper
Inlet Flow
An Inlet Pump STOPped Same as Above 7.6.2
• To Check Proper
Functioning of Level
Instrument in
Intermediate Pump
1st Inlet Pump STARTed Intermediate P.S. 10.6.2
• To Operate the
Intermediate Pumps in
“Parallel Mode”
Intermediate Pump
1st Inlet Pump STOPped Same as Above 10.6.2
Intermediate Pump
2nd Inlet Pump STARTed Same as Above 10.6.2
Intermediate Pump
2nd Inlet Pump STOPped Same as Above 10.6.2
To supervise and regulate
Malfunction of Level
Flow & Process the flow balance throughout
Instrument 21.2.1
Manager the plant for process
“211 ILS 110”
control and reporting
Flow & Process Number of “Available”
Same as Above 21.2.1
Manager Pumps
Working Hours of Pump-1
Flow & Process in AUTO Mode since 00:00
Same as Above 21.2.1
Manager on the current day
(AWH-1 & AWH-1/d)
Working Hours of Pump-2
Flow & Process in AUTO Mode since 00:00
Same as Above 21.2.1
Manager on the current day
(AWH-2 & AWH-2/d)
Working Hours of Pump-3
Flow & Process in AUTO Mode since 00:00
Same as Above 21.2.1
Manager on the current day
(AWH-3 & AWH-3/d)

4.10 Data Supplied to SCADA Program for Reporting Purposes

The SCADA program (See “Chapter 22”) collects data from the automation program of Inlet
Pump Station in two groups as far as its timing to access the data is concerned:

GROUP-1: Data Specific to Each Individual Day

This is the information/data related only to the current day. It does not include any past data.
However, to be on the safe side, the automation program of Inlet Pump Station keeps only
the data of previous day until 24:00 on the current day. The SCADA program collects the
following “GROUP-1” data for the current day at 24:01:

1.1 Total number of level instrument (211 ILS 110) FAILures (TFL),
1.2 Total length of time while “211 ILS 110” has been out of order (DLF),

1.3 Total number of FAILures for Pump-1 (TFP-1),

1.4 Total number of FAILures for Pump-2 (TFP-2),
1.5 Total number of FAILures for Pump-3 (TFP-3),

1.6 Total working hours in AUTO mode for Pump-1 (AWH-1/d),

1.7 Total working hours in AUTO mode for Pump-2 (AWH-2/d),
1.8 Total working hours in AUTO mode for Pump-3 (AWH-3/d),

1.9 Daily Average of “Number of Starts/hour” for Pump-1 (AveNAS-1),

1.10 Daily Average of “Number of Starts/hour” for Pump-2 (AveNAS-2),
1.11 Daily Average of “Number of Starts/hour” for Pump-3 (AveNAS-3),

1.12 Daily Minimum of “Number of Starts/hour” for Pump-1 (MinNAS-1),

1.13 Daily Minimum of “Number of Starts/hour” for Pump-2 (MinNAS-2),
1.14 Daily Minimum of “Number of Starts/hour” for Pump-3 (MinNAS-3),

1.15 Daily Maximum of “Number of Starts/hour” for Pump-1 (MaxNAS-1),

1.16 Daily Maximum of “Number of Starts/hour” for Pump-2 (MaxNAS-2),
1.17 Daily Maximum of “Number of Starts/hour” for Pump-3 (MaxNAS-3),

1.18 Total number of MANUAL STARTs for Pump-1 (TMS-1),

1.19 Total number of MANUAL STARTs for Pump-2 (TMS-2),
1.20 Total number of MANUAL STARTs for Pump-3 (TMS-3),

1.21 Total number of Overflow Incidents in pump sump (TOI),

1.22 Total volume of wastewater Overflown (TVO), and
1.23 Total Volume of wastewater Lifted to Screening Unit (TVL).

GROUP-2: Data Recorded Since the Commissioning of Inlet Pump Station

This is the data continuously updated and recorded throughout the whole lifetime of Inlet
Pump Station. The SCADA program can reach the following data anytime it needs for
reporting purposes:

2.1 Total working hours (AUTO & MANUAL) of Pump-1 (TWH-1),

2.2 Total working hours (AUTO & MANUAL) of Pump-2 (TWH-2),
2.3 Total working hours (AUTO & MANUAL) of Pump-3 (TWH-3),

2.4 Total working hours of Pump-1 only in AUTO mode (TAWH-1),

2.5 Total working hours of Pump-2 only in AUTO mode (TAWH-2),
2.6 Total working hours of Pump-3 only in AUTO mode (TAWH-3),

2.7 Total hours of Pump-1 being “Available” (TAVH-1),

2.8 Total hours of Pump-2 being “Available” (TAVH-2), and
2.9 Total hours of Pump-3 being “Available” (TAVH-3).


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