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Basic and clinical neuroscience − Epidemiology S359

References diseases essential and crucial importance has nervous disease

[1] American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and statistical manual of morbidity.
mental disorders. 5th Ed. Washington (DC): APA; 2013 The aspects of the therapeutic profile morbidity formation
[2] John G. Gunderson, M.D. Borderline Personality Disorder, N Engl J were studied among workers of Zangezur Copper Molybdenum
Med 2011; 364: 2037–2042. Combine. Some regularity was revealed, which showed that the
gender, specialty and occupational contact with mine had funda-
mental importance for formation of therapeutic profile among this
P.1.k.010 Influence of heavy metals on the Zangezur contingent. Age had certain, but not decisive influence.
copper and molybdenum factory employees
nervous system References
[1] Ajayi, G.O., 2011. Copper and zinc concentrations in Nigerian women
L. Galstyan1 ° , H.M. Manvelyan1 1 Yerevan State Medical with breast cancer. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 32(3), 307−8.
University, Department of Neurology, Yerevan, Armenia, [2] Reutova, N.V., Vorobyov, T.I., Reutova, T.B., Tumova, A.M., 2007.
Analysis of morbidity in the area of the tungsten − molybdenum factory.
Republic of Hygiene and sanitation 4, 13−15.
[3] Martirosyan, A., Arghumanyan, G., Gabrielyan, G., Kazarian, G.,
Introduction: It is confirmed that heavy metals have negative 2000. Kajaran city environmental protection program. 2000: 64 pages,
Yerevan, Armenia
influence on person’s health condition, who has professional
contact with them [1,2].
Series of studies were performed in the Zangezur copper and P.1.k.011 Examination of self-esteem, body image, and
molybdenum factory, in RA, which was devoted to the hygiene past incidents of trauma in patients with
aspects [3]. However, comprehensive studies on the employees’ obesity
health condition almost have not been performed.
Zangezur copper and molybdenum enrichment factory mine B. Tezcan1 ° , F. Barlas2 , M.K. Vardar1 1 Bagcılar Training and
powder contains silicon free oxide, copper and molybdenum Research Hospital, Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey; 2 Okmeydani
sulfur-containing minerals (chalcopyrite, galena, molybdenite, Training and Research Hospital, Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey
pyrite and etc.). Copper content in the ore of the minerals is 2−3
and more times higher than the molybdenum minerals content. Obesity is known as a chronic disease which has significant
In the ore there are also small amounts of toxic properties for potential to not only cause several health issues but also exacerbate
the other metals (lead, tin, zinc, selenium, tellurium, bismuth, other comorbid diseases. It has been suggested that obesity could
rhenium, cobalt). Mercury has not been found in the mine of be regarded as a psychosomatic condition that requires a compre-
Zangezur copper and molybdenum factory. hensive treatment including psychotherapeutic interventions [1].
Purpose of the study: The therapeutic profile morbidity In this regard, it has previously been shown that there is a
dimensional figures and structure by age, gender, professional strong relationship between obesity and various factors that might
work experience and specialty were studied by us among factory influence the status of one’s self-esteem [2]. Grilo et al. [3], for
employees. example, found that 89% of the obese patients participated in
Methods used: The study included 1493 individuals from their study were exposed to traumatic abuse during childhood. In
factory employees. The research was conducted in 2007–2009 the current study we examined various aspects of past and present
years. Socio-hygienic and statistical methods were used. psychological factors in a group of obesity patients in comparison
Summary of results containing real data and appropriate to a control group of lean participants. We hypothesised that
statistical assessments: According to the above principles, the obesity patients compared to the control group would tend to
research showed that have lower self-esteem, a stronger feeling of dissatisfaction with
1. According to the age − diseases of the nervous system pre- their body, and more likely to have been exposed to traumatic
vailed in all age groups, intensive index reliably increase incidents in their past. The patient group included 50 participants
recorded in 21−30 and 31−40 age groups. (39 women, M = 39.5, SD = 12.1) who were diagnosed as having
2. According to the professional work experience − nervous obesity at Florence Nightingale Hospital’s Endocrinology and
system diseases specific weight ranged from 54.5% to 65.3% Cardiology Polyclinics and the control group consisted of 50 lean
in all groups. participants (40 women, M = 40.0, SD = 11.9) who were chosen
3. According to the profession − nervous system diseases spe- among the relatives of various patients at FNH. Patients suffering
cific weight dominated among technicians (56.5%), work- from serious psychiatric or physical disorder, psychoactive drugs
ers (57.8%), and engineers (61.0%). abuse or addiction or who have lower mental capacity were not
4. According to the sex − nervous system diseases specific weight included. Body mass index of the individuals is measured. In
was the prevalent among the males (58.3%) and near 52.0% − order to evaluate the self-esteem Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale,
females. to evaluate the cathexis Body Cathexis Scale and to evaluate the
A multifactor systematic analysis was conducted for ascer- traumatic experiences Traumatic Experiences Scale was applied.
taining therapeutic profile morbidity picture by age, sex, work In this study it has been found out that the self-esteem of obese
experience and specialty between factory employers who had people is considerably lower. (p = 0.001). The patient group stated
professional contacts with ore and who did not have any con- that they are highly dissatisfied with their bodies compared to
tacts. For such a study we calculated general therapeutic profile the lean ones (p < 0.001). The results showed that the correla-
morbidity among persons with ore contact and without it. Indexes tions between the obesity and witnessing other people’s traumatic
comparison was done using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. incidents, (informed until 18, it is often violence in family)
Conclusions: Therefore is highlighted professional contact, (p = 0.003), emotional neglect by mother and father (p = 0.017;
work experience duration and gender factor with ore and from p = 0.027, respectively), physical abuse of the father (p = 0.037),
S360 P.1.k. Basic and clinical neuroscience − Epidemiology

sexual harassment by people out of the family (p = 0.012) were (30.3%) persons from the group of female students compared to
significant. We also found that the proportion of having close 25 (29.7%) male students who suffer from depression according
relatives with obesity (mother: 28%, father: 12%, siblings: 34%) to the scale results. The Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient
in the patient group was significantly higher (p = 0.022; p = 0.050; value is r = 0.173 for the examined connection between depression
p < 0.001, respectively) than that in the control group (mother: and attention deficit, and r = 0.148 for the examined connection
10%, father: 2%, siblings: 6%). Additionally, the strength of between depression and hyperactivity/impulsiveness. These values
emotions (sadness, happiness, anxiety, anger) being the driving show that the examined correlations are positive ones or direct,
force for eating was significantly higher in the patient than in meaning that by increasing the values of the scores from both
the control group (p < 0.001). Specifically, we found that obesity subscales from the Evaluation ADHD Scale one also increases
patients would eat most when they are sad. Taken together, the scores from the Depression Scale, and vice versa. For a value
these findings support the view that the individuals suffering of p = 0.001 and p = 0.004 these correlations are statistically highly
from obesity should be evaluated in terms of their psychological significant, in other words highly important.
status and both psychiatric and psychotherapeutic interventions Conclusion and Discussion: Our results are similar with the
are required along with the medical treatment. results from the studies worldwide. The research results show
that the ADHD is highly associated with gender. Men more
References often than women have this kind of disorder. Female students
[1] Resch, M., Haasz, P., Sido, Z., 1998. Obesity as psychosomatic disease. have deficit of attention subtype, while man student have of-
Eur Psychiatry 13: Sup 4, 315. ten hyperactivity/impulsivity disorder and combined subtype due
[2] Telch, C.F., Agras, W.S., 1994. Obesity, binge eating and psychopathol- to psychological, temperament and character gender differences
ogy: Are they related? Int J Eat Disord 5, 53−61.
[3] Grilo, C.M., ve ark, 2001. Childhood psychological, physical and sexual among boys and girls.
maltreatment in outpatients with binge eating disorder. Obes Res 9,
320–325. References
[1] Faraone, S.V., Sergeant, J., Gillberg, C., Biederman, J., 2003. The
worldwide prevalence of ADHD: Is it an American condition? World
P.1.k.012 Correlation between ADHD and depression Psychiatry 2, 104–113.
among university students in Macedonia [2] Zwi, M., Ramchandani, P., Joughin, C., 2000. Evidence and belief
in ADHD. BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 321 (7267), 975−6.
L. Sushevska Panevska1 ° , K. Richter1 , G. Niklewski1 1 Klinikum [3] Gudjonsson, G.H., et al., 2009. The relationship between satisfaction
with life, ADHD symptoms and associated problem among university
Nuernberg Nord, Klinik fuer Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, students. Journal of Attention Disorders 12, 507–515.
Nuernberg, Germany

Introduction: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) P.1.k.013 Predictors of subjective successful aging
is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder usually diagnosed in community-dwelling elderly: Comparing
in children, with appearance of the first symptoms before the elders living alone and those living with
age of seven years. The disorder is characterized by inattention others
and/or impulsivity and hyperactivity that can seriously affect
many aspects of behavior and performance at school. ADHD may I. Shin1 ° , H. Baek1 , H. Shin2 , J. Kim1 , S. Kim1 , J. Yoon1
significantly affect an individual through childhood as well as in 1 Chonnam National University Hospital, Psychiatry, Gwangju,
adulthood, especially if it is not optimally managed, has been asso- South-Korea; 2 Chonnam National University Medical School,
ciated with lower professional status, crime, and substance abuse Biomedical Science, Gwangju, South-Korea
ADHD can be associated with comorbidities, such as oppositional
defiant disorder, conduct disorder, anxiety or depression. Objectives: Successful aging has been a subject of increasing
The aim of our research was to determine the prevalence and public interest as the number of old aged population has been
gender distribution of ADHD as well as to determine the subtypes growing very rapidly. Most of studies is based on objective
and conditions (in this case depression) associated with it. measures of successful aging without chronic disease and disabil-
Material and Methods: The study design was cross sectional. ity along with high cognitive, physical, and social functioning.
There were 127 boys and 251 girls. The target group consists of There is a need for research to assess subjective perceptions on
university students from the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Štip, successful aging as psychological functioning, and overall health
a town in Macedonia. The number of participants in the survey from a holistic perspective. There has been a few studies of self-
is 500 respondents (in order to make better screening), from all rated successful aging in community-dwelling elderly. This study
years of study and from all four study programs (general medicine, was aimed to investigate factors affecting successful aging in
dentistry, pharmacy and vocational studies). It represents 25% of community-dwelling elderly Korean population. Also, the purpose
the total number of students of medical sciences and every fourth of this study is to compare factors in living alone elderly and living
student who attends the lectures will be included in the research. with others.
Inclusion criteria: research concerns the students of the Faculty of Methods: This study is a community-based, cross-sectional
Medical Sciences who agree to participate in research. Exclusion study that included 434 elderly subjects aged 60 years and more.
criteria: the research will not participate students who refuse to Four research assistants, trained and supervised by the project
participate because of personal reasons. psychiatrist, conducted home-based interviews for all participating
Results: The research results show that the ADHD is highly residents. Subjects completed the questionnaire including sociode-
significant associated with gender (p = 0.0004). Men more often mographic characteristics (age, sex, education, spouse, religion),
than women have this kind of disorder. Female examinees are health behaviors (smoking, drinking), and chronic medical ill-
significantly (p = 0.028) more often depressed compared to male ness (hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, rheumatism/
examinees. The existence of depression can be recognised in 76 arthritis). Korean Mini-Mental Sate Examination in the Korean

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