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Oracle Integration Cloud

Document Version History

Version  Date  Author  Summary of
 1.0 03/05/2023  Manali Kalariya   Scheduled

Review By
Reviewer  Date  Role/Responsibility 

 Mastan Sab    



Scheduled Orchestration


Scheduled orchestration:..................................................................................................................2
Parameter (To use Dynamic Value):...............................................................................................10
Schedule Parameter........................................................................................................................12

Scheduled orchestration: Scheduled orchestration in Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) refers to

the ability of OIC to automate and execute orchestrated processes based on predefined schedules or
time-based triggers. It allows organizations to define and schedule the execution of business
processes at specific intervals or timeframes. 
In scheduled orchestration, the timing and frequency of process execution are determined in
advance, independent of any external events or triggers. This enables organizations to automate
repetitive tasks, batch processes, data synchronization, and other activities that need to be
performed on a regular basis. 

Select Scheduled Orchestration and then enter all the mandatory details like Name , Identifier ,
Version,etc.. and click on create

Scheduled will start with Scheduled Process (Calendar type)

We can change the Layout Horizontal /Vertical

Two types of view : 1) Canvas View 2) Pseudo View

Now click on Plus icon and search with Notification Action

To send the Email need to create Notification

Enter name & Description for Notification and click on Create

From, To and Subject are having Expression Builder

Click on Pencil Icon to enter all the Mandatory details

Enter From and To Mail ID in Expression and then click on Validate

We can enter multiple mail Id in To section using comma separated and need to give into single or
Double Quote.

Subject : if we want to add our Integration instance name , id along with some text that we need
to use concat Operator which is available under Components

to use any component select particular component and click on > Arrow to move

when we want to use Integration name then select integration name which is available on left side
under Self > Metadata>Integration>name select this name and click on Arrow to move to right side
of Expression Builder.

it will come as a Path .

Enter Body of the Mail and click on Validate

We need to Assign Tracking variable to track the Details and Errors. It is mandatory one

if we don’t assign tracking variable than one error message will appear.

Now click on Save &Close

To Activate this Integration, click on Activate Button as shown above image.

Click on Activate.

Now we can Play this Integration on click of Play Button.

click on Submit now.

Confirmation Popup Message will appear with instance id


Click on Play button and select Track instance for tracking.

on click of Eye button we can view the Activity Stream and Status will display the Status message
of the Integration.

Activity Stream

On click of Message & Details link it will give detailed Information .

Green color indicates the Completion of Process (Successfully)

We can see Activity Stream line from here also

If we want to edit into integration, then first we need to deactivate this Integration and then only
Edit mode will Activate.

Parameter (To use Dynamic Value): -

we can Easily Access Integration related Dynamic value in Subject but if we want to use that same
Integration related value like Name, Version, Instance id than we need to create parameter

on click of pencil icon expression window will open and based on our requirement we can use or
right functions and integration related functions we can directly use with the help of drag and drop .

To Access Parameter we need to use {} example :{Parameter_name}


Schedule Parameter
 Scheduled parameters are available across all scheduled run of an integration and can be used to
facilitate processing of data from one run to the next. For Example, when performing batch
processing a schedule parameter can be used to track the current position of batched data between

We can add maximum 5 Parameters.

Click on Edit button to create Scheduled Parameter.

Declare Variable :

Create Action To declare variable, click on + icon in between Schedule Parameter and Notification

Search with Assign (it is called Declarative Block , we can declare variable)

Now we can use this Schedule Parameter and Assigned(Declared) Variable in our Action (Mail

Click on our Action and click on Edit and go to the Expression Builder, choose Scheduled
Parameter or Assign variable and click on Move Button. And click on Validate

We can use Assign variable in parameter variables value , that means we can Access Assigned
Variable everywhere.

validate the integration and again activate the Integration and click on play button to run this

after that Scheduled parameter will ask Dynamic value to enter

we can give multiple email id using comma separated.

If we didn’t pass any run time value than it will take

from view we can see the Activity Stream .

We can check in our mail

we cannot assign Data as a parameter it is bug in System. We can only pass string data type.

 we can schedule the time to run this integration using ADD SCHEDULE

Navigation : View ->Add Schedule

we can set the Frequency and Time as per our requirements.


frequency: only once : time : after 24 hr

Frequency: Every 10 min (less than 10 min, integration will not work, it will give error)

if we want to run the integration every day @12 or something like that, at that time we need to
use iCal

 YouTube Link:



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