Fundamental Readings (Finals)

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g. President and Vice President

READINGS (finals recap) • Natural born Filipino
Fundamentals of Political Science • Registered voter
• Must be able to read and write
• 40 years of age
a. Legislative • Must have resided in the Philippines
Power – make laws and subsequently, when ten years before the election Is held.
need arises, to alter and repeal them.
It has a double Chamber Body – Senate and h. Qualification
House of Representatives. Trust and Confidence
Legislative Branch is not limited but
distributed/delegated to some people. i. Disqualification

Removed in office through impeachment.

b. The Senate Article 11—Accountability of Public Officers
• A natural born citizen
• At least thirty-five years old
• Is able to read and write
• Registered voter j. Doctrine
• Resident in the country not less than Doctrine of Alter Ego – heads of the
two years before election executive office are the alter egos of the
president, thus, the acts of the heads of the
c. The House of Representatives executive office are considered the acts of
• A natural born citizen the president.
• Registered voter in the district in
which you seek to be elected k. Judiciary
• Resident at least a year before the To settle actual controversies which are
election legally demandable and enforceable. It
• At least 25 years of age composes of Chief Justices and 14 Associate
Justices.2 Key Powers; One for demanding
d. Disqualification and enforcing laws under the Constitution,
Batas Pambansa BLG.881 and the other point in which makes sure that
Article 1, Section 12 no officials will abuse power, or exercise
power despite its lacking or excess of factual
e. Doctrine basis.
Delegata Potesta Non delegate potess
‘No delegated powers can be further
delegated’ I. Organization of Courts

f. Executive Regular Courts—The Philippine judicial

Responsible for putting policies or laws into system consists of a hierarchy of courts
effect. Having the power to put plans, resembling a pyramid with the Supreme
actions, or laws into effect. Court at the apex.



Special Courts—aside from the regular p. Three Kinds of Person

courts there are under present laws special Natural Person – A natural person or human
courts: Sandigan Bayan, Court of Tax Appeals being has physical existence
Juridical Person – A juridical person exist
only in contemplation of law
l. To be Appointed
• Natural born citizen q. What is Writ?
• 40 years of age A writ is an order issued by a legal authority
• Fifteen years or more judge of lower with administrative or judicial powers,
court or engaged practiced of law in typically a court. There is an Existing
the Philippines Special Writs (5)
• Proven competence, integrity,
probity and independence r. Writs of Habeas Corpus
Court of order requiring that an imprisoned
m. Disqualification individual be brought to a court by a public
Code of Judicial Conduct. Rule 137.Section 1 official and justify his or her detention, or be
Batas Pambansa BLG. 881 Article 1. Section released on lawful grounds. Remedy against
12 illegal detention

n. Doctrine s. Writs of Habeas Data

Hierarchy of Courts Remedy designed to protect the image,
privacy, honor, information and freedom of
information of an individual, and to provide
forum to enforce one’s right to truth and to
informational privacy. Protect Image
(negative profiling)

t. Writs of Amparo
Remedy available to any person whose right
to life, liberty and security is violated or
threatened. Ampora – Protection.

u. Writs of Mandamus
Unlawful neglect in the performance of an
o. Local Courts act specifically enjoined by law in
MeTC’s are the first level courts in connection with the enforcement/ violation
Metropolitan Manila Area of envt’l rule
First Level Courts in cities outside
Metropolitan Manila are referred to as the v. Writ of Kalikasan
MTCCs Available against an unlawful act or
The MTCs are first level courts that cover omission of a public official or employee, or
only one municipality private individual or entity, involving
MCTCs cover multiple Municipalities environmental damage of such magnitude
as to prejudice the life, health or property in



inhabitants in two or more cities or Judicial to Legislative and Executive –

provinces. Judicial has the power to declare invalid in
act done by the Congress, the President and
w. Writs Vs. Statutes his subordinates, or the Constitutional
Writs offer protection meanwhile Statue is Commissions (Doctrine of Judicial Review)
the act of being obligated by the law

x. Principle of Separation of Powers and z. Blending of Powers

Check and Balance Like so, when supplied by the constitution,
Principle of Separation of Powers in where blending of powers are exercised by the
the Branches of the government is three branches. A perfect example of this is
separated into 3; Legislative, Executive and the makings of law, In which the Legislative
Judicial creates them and the Executive Approves.
Check and Balance in which the branch The different Branch exercised the power
cannot interfere with one another unless they both hold and blends them in order to
followed by a requisite from the make one thing possible.
constitution. Both Branches have limited
powers and responsibilities which are to not aa. Kinds of Constitution (Origin, History,
be touched by one another but can be Form and Manner of Amending)
checked when supplied by the constitution. AS TO THEIR ORIGIN AND HISTORY
• Conventional or enacted – granted
y. Check and Balance by a monarch
Executive to Legislative – the law-making • Cumulative or evolved – product of
power of the Congress is checked by the growth or a long period of
President through its veto power, which in development
turn maybe overturn by the legislature.
President’s choosing of not to sign a law AS TO THEIR FORM
Executive to Judicial – the President may • Written – definite written form
nullify conviction in a criminal case by • Unwritten - Product of political
pardoning the offender. Has the power to evolution
appoint Federal judges and issues pardon.
Legislative to Executive – the Congress may AS TO MANNER OF AMMENDING THEM
refuse to give its concurrence to an amnesty
• Rigid or Inelastic – document of
proclaimed by the President and the Senate
special sanctity which cannot be
to a treaty he has concluded. Has the power
amended or altered
to impeach and remove president if
• Flexible or Elastic – no higher legal
committed crimes
authority than ordinary laws
Legislative to Judicial – the Congress limit
the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and
bb. What Kind of Constitution does the
that the inferior courts and even abolish
Philippines has?
latter tribunals. Congress must approve the
Cumulative, unwritten and Rigid
appointment of Federal Judges, which
allows them to influence who hold office in
cc. Difference of Constitution and Statute
the Judicial Branch



Constitution – Fundamentals and supreme

law of land jj. How are there 5 nominations for Party List
Statute – a written law passed by a when the congress can only offer 3 seats?
legislative body For emergency problems, the 2 shall be
prioritized for substitute
LEGIR kk. Is it possible for a Party list to seat even if
No punishment without law they cannot reach the ultimatum of 2
percent threshold?
ee. Party System If the seats are not filled, the following votes
Political Arrangement in the Political Parties can fill the slot as long as the 20 percent
in Particular state (permitted by law). It seats are filled. (ex. In 2016, 1 slot was given
identifies how many parties are present in to AGBIAG partylist)
the status quo
ll. President Duterte wants to abolish the
ff. Three Categories of Party System Party List System because its flawed?
a. Single Party – one dominant party Thoughts?
(north Korea, China) Do not agree for abolishment, but agreed to
b. Two Party – two major parties (US; it being flawed due to its purpose being
democrats and republicans) hijacked by the rich. The less privilege was
c. Multi Party – more than two no longer represented
dominant political parties
There is an internal discrimination (the other Atom COC were rejected
Shawn the other) --FLAW Grounds:
(1) Are not marginalized
gg. RA 7941, Sec 3, Paragraph C (Party List (2) Not a member of less privilege
System Act)
But due to its Qualification stated in the
Pulmonated in March 3 1995
Constitution not includes the two grounds
Authored by Atty,Michael Mastura
as a Qualification, Atom Paglaum COC were
then approved despite them not
hh. Party List System
representing the marginalized.
Mechanism of proportional representation
(people). It is for the Less privilege of have “You do not need to be marginalized in
the opportunity to participate in the order to represent them” – as long as they
election. are chosen by the party

R.A 7941 or “Party List Act”

mm. Proportional Presentation
ii. How can a Party List win an election? They represent everyone proportionally
2% Threshold with 3 seats limitation.
Who will garner at least 2 percent of vote Lower House: Congress (80%) & Party List
will get one seat in which if 2 above shall System (20%)
garner 2 seats, and 5 above shall have 3, and Upper House: Senate
will only be limited to 3.



nn. Uniform and Progressive Ratio tt. In favor of transitioning from Multi to Two
1 Legislative District = 250,000 members Party System?
1 Party List = 4 Legislative Districts Yes, multi-party has more chances from
4 Congressman, 1 Party List Group hijacked, most likely to be a battle for
dominance, meanwhile two party has no
oo. Political Party issues in financial dominance or connection,
Organized group of citizens advocating an but instead a battle of principle.
ideology or platform principles and policies
for the general conduct of the government
and in which as the most immediate means
in securing adoption regularly nominates
and supports certain of its members as
candidates at a certain office (they
nominate to run in order to advance their

pp. Three Elements of Political Party

1. Organization of Men united on
common platform and principle
2. Must put up candidates during
election time (in order to advance
interest, you have to put up
3. Must have party platform and

qq. How is it possible to exist more (316) than

250 members in the Lowerhouse that is
stated by the constitution?
The Population grows bigger and bigger.
The bigger the population the many
congressmen as well as the party list

rr. Who can participate under Party List

The registered national, regional and
sectoral party. Must be included 90 days
before the election, and 15 days of result
(refer Article VI Sec 5)

ss. Article 9 Constitutional Commission

COMELEC is a Constitutional Commission.
They are independent from the government
and they have special function.


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