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Indian Polity

Lecture - 10
Preamble, Article 1, Article
2, Article 3

Preamble, Article 1, Article 2, Article 3


 The Head of the State is elected directly or indirectly by the people and is not a hereditary monarch.
 India has an elected President who is the Head of the State and any person who is a citizen of India can
occupy all offices including that of the President. It means any person can become the President of India.
 The Constitution of India provides a wholesome form of justice, for example, Preamble talks about all three
forms of Justice i.e.,
 Social justice: It means that there should be equal treatment of all citizens without any social
distinction based on caste, color, race, religion, sex, etc. It has been provided under Article 14 – 18.
 Economic Justice: Economic justice implies that there should be no discrimination between people
on the basis of economic factors. It has been provided under Article 39 (b) and 39 (c).
 Political Justice: It denotes that all citizens should have equal political rights, equal access to all
political offices, and equal voice in the government. It has been provided under Article 326.
 The term Liberty means the freedom of an individual to do what he considers best to himself and does not
violate others’ rights.
 Liberty does not mean license, it means responsibility.
 Liberty also means the absence of arbitrary power exercised by the State over individuals.
 The preamble talks about two forms of liberty
1. Liberty of thought and expression is provided under Article 19 (1) (a).
2. Liberty of belief, faith, and worship, which is provided under Article 25 – 28.
 Equality means the absence of privilege (when rights are enjoyed by few people) to a group of people and
also enough opportunities to all individuals without discrimination.
 The Preamble talks about two kinds of Equality
1. Equality of status is guaranteed under Article 15, 16, 17, and 18.
2. Equality of opportunity provided under Article 16.

 It means the sense of brotherhood i.e., prevalent among all the people of India when they feel that they are
sons and daughters of the same soil.
 It leads to social harmony and it promotes integrity among people.

Preamble and 42nd Constitutional Amendment 1976

 The Preamble has been amended by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act (1976), which added three
new words – ‘Socialist, Secular, and Integrity’ in the Preamble to the Constitution.
 The 42nd Amendment Act (1976) is known as the ‘Mini-Constitution’ due to the important and large
number of changes made by it in various parts of the Constitution.

Union and its Territories:

Article 1:
 India or Bharat is a union of states whereas a comparable article of the US says that it is the federation of
the state.
 According to Dr. Ambedkar, a Union of State means that the Union is not the result of a legal agreement
between the Centre and States. Therefore, they do not enjoy the right to secede from the Union. The State is
created nearly for administrative convenience because the country is too large to be governed by a single
 According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar the country is a single country, functioning under a single imperium
and the people of India are single people. Therefore, the Union of India is indestructible.
 The expression Union of India means that it includes only 28 States that share a Constitutional relation with
the Centre by participating in the division of power.
 The Union Territories do not take part in the division of power.
 The term Union of India is different from the territory of India, which includes Union Territories which are
directly administered by the Central Government.
 NOTE: A territory is acquired when India’s sovereignty is exercised over that territory.


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