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Nurturing Brilliance
A Co-Educational School
Aleniboro, off Hajj Camp, Ilorin, Kwara State. Tell: 07083099395, 08023684460



Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate
of the options lettered A-E

The term public service refers to the arm of government whose primary responsibility is the
implementation of government policies and programme in accordance, with the established rules and
procedures. It includes not just the civil service but also political appointees and commissioners, judicial
officers and local government employees as well as the police force,' employees of Public Corporation
and members of the armed forces. The general term embraces the officials of the civil service and other
government departments and units in public servants.
The civil service (being a part of the public service) is a body of employees responsible for planning,
giving advice and implementing policies in government ministries and departments. These employees
are called civil servant. Government Ministries are headed by minister or commissioners and assisted
by director general (permanent secretaries) as well as other department heads.
The civil service is well structured into classes civil service is grouped into administrative, executive,
professional, clerical and auxiliary classes. The administrative classes comprise the most senior civil
servants who organize and coordinate the activities of the ministries. They execute high level:
administrative work and advice ministers in the formulation and implementation-of policies. The
executive class implements the general policies and programme of the government on a daily basis.
They supervise and control the activities of their subordinates and help to collect facts that aid in making
policy decisions. The professional class of officers are recruited as a result their specialized training,
skills, scientific and technical knowledge. This class includes lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects,
accountants and teachers. The clerical class includes typists, clerical officers and assistance as well as
secretaries. Their major job involves keeping records, managing files preparing data and vouchers, and
pay claims. The auxiliary class includes cleaners, drivers, painter, messenger, porters and gardeners.
Their job involves manual labor.
1. Under which of the following classes do painter belong. in the civil service. a. Administrative
class b. Executive class _ Axillaries class d. Clerical class
2. Which of the following is true about the civil service? a. Doctors are part of auxiliary class b.
The clerical class advises ministers on the formulation of policies c. The professional classes
possesses technical knowledge d. The administrative class consist of the most junior civil
3. Which of the following can replace the word recruited as used in the third paragraph a.
Employed b. Fired c. Sacked d. Warned
4. The word it as used in the first paragraph refers to what? a Civil service b. Public service c.
Procedures d. Implementation
5. Which one of the following often performs manual labor in the civil service? a. Typist b.
Pointer c. Architect d. Engineer

Use the most appropriate options from the alternative A-D to fill in the gaps in the following
6. Nowadays, Nduka____ a novel every week (a.) reads (b) has read (c) read (d) reading
7. The man____ by the dog (a) was bitten (b) was bit (c) has biting (d) was biting
8. The boy always____ our meetings these days (9,attend (b) attends (c) attended (d) attending
9. Fatimah and one °dm- mc-a 80 (a)think (b) thought (c) thinking (d) thinks
10. We have already the aspic' on the floor (a) bin (p laid (c) lay (d) lie
11. He____ at the university before he got married (a) has finished (b) have finished (9, had
finished (d) finish
12. you please came hid_' (a) shall (19 should (c) may (d) could
13. The terrific shot was 17 the good-keeper (a) catch (be-caught (c) cached (d) catches
14. We have been working_____8am. (a) For (b) at (c) since (d) before
15. Did Ralph_____ to school that day? () go (b) went (c) gone (d) going

Fill in the blank in the following passage with appropriate options from
the list below.
Entertainment is big business all over the world. It is also very expensive. There are many
reasons for this. The actors and actresses who 16 the drama or dance, also known as 17 charge a lot of
money. This is reflected in the 18 fee which the 19 will pay before being allowed to watch the play or
film. No 20 of a film would not to run at a loss.
Often the manager of the 21 where the 22 is staged also charge fees. If the form of entertainment
involves a 23 or a form of dance with steps, poses graceful movement, then the organizers will have to
pay taxes to the government. If it is a 24 play then the writer of the play or the 25 will be handsomely
16. Perform describe show reveal
17. Group artiste, troop partners
18. Door room gate hall
19. Pedestrian goer’s auditor’s audience
20. Producer creator director manger
21 stage theatre concept movie
22. Stage performance concept scene
23. Episode theatre mallet ballet
24. Stage around platform troupe
25. Playwright playwright playmate writer

Choose the word that contains the same sound as the sound represented by the
underlined letter (s) in the given word.
26. Splash (a) measure (b) shoot (c) bus (d) judge
27. Through (a) although (b) these (c) than (d) with
28. Choleric (a) chores (b) short (c) cattle (d) chap
29. Help (a) honor (b) perhaps (c) physics (d) fight
30. Tough (a) phase (b) ghost (c) garden (d) high
Choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the given word.
31. Worth (a) walk (b) warm (c) wood (d) ward
32. Cease (a) size (b) people (c) search (d) pick
33. Damp (a) path (b) fart (c) dump (d) rat 34. Chair (a) cheer (b) care (c) sheer (d) tour

35. Rule (a) moon (b) rub (c) bole (d) book
From the options letter A-D, choose the on that best completes each of the following sentences.
36. He needn't start get_____, he? (a) Need (b) could (c) should (d) wont
37. He wasn't to speak to me,_____ (a) dare he (b) would he (c) was he (d) is it true
38. The president promised a new deal for workers last year,_____ (a) wasn’t it (b) isn’t it

39. He has stopped drinking,____ ? (a) doesn't he (b) hasn't he (c) doesn't he (d) did he
40. We should not have panicked at the sight of the snake,____ (a) couldn't we (b) did we (c)
didn't (c) didn’t he (d) doesn’t he

From the options A-D, choose the one that is opposite to the underlined word in each
41. After a day's journey they reached the summit of the mountain (a) peak (b) base (c) foot (d)
42. No Do you not find her a very cross girl? (a) Quiet (b) hard-working (c) careful (d) good humor
43. It is quite customary to address the chief is such a way (a) impolite (b) traditional (c) unusual
(d) Unusual
44. When you want to visit them, you will find that they live in a distant town
(a) Foreign (b) native (c) close (d) remote
45 .I do not believe that this was caused by divine power (a) evil (b) spiritual (c)-human (d)
46. At any social function, jame is always quit dumb (a) talkative (b) merry (c)fluent (d)silence
47. Peter says he intends to be a lawyer, do you think his teacher, who knows his capabilities, will
encourage him? (a) warn (b) prevent (c) dissvade (d) help
48. If he is sick, tha man always exaggerates the pains he feels (a) minimizes (b) lessen (c)
simplifies (d) weakens
49. Before you leave the house, please kindle the fire for me (a) kill (b) destroy (c) switch (d)
50. The store-manger said he always watched to see which of his sales-clerks were keen. (a) slack
(b) rude (c) dishonest (d) patient

LITERATURE: Save the African womb

51. What is the name of Mrs. Agnes doctor (a) Dr. Wale (b) Dr. Maro (c) Dr. Mitini (d) Dr. Abo
52. What is the name of author of the novel (a) Chinwa Achebe (b) Wole Soyinka (c) Nicole
Chinelo 53. Where does Agnes husband works? (a) Total oil company (b) Agip oil company (c)
shevon oil company
54. What is the name of the doctor that was invited for the surgery? (a) Dr. Enu (b) Dr. Mitini (c)
Dr. Eno (d) Dr. Bruce
55. What is the name of the boy that drugged Barakemi? (a) Mathew (b) Joseph (c) Emmanuel (d)
56. Where did the church youth travel to for their retreat? (a) Ughelli (b) Newbe (c) Ukebia (d)
57. What was the good news that the doctor gave to Mr. Agnes that mode her happy. (a) her husband
is back (b) her womb has been restored (c) she can have a child again (d) she will soon go home
58. Which state did Dr. Mitini serve during his National Youth Service Corps
(NYSC) (a) Bauchi (b) Callabar (c) Akwa-Ibow (d) Delta
59. Where was Agnes husband posted to from his place of work (a) Ukebia (b) Ughelli (c) Udowa
(d) Nnewa
60. Where was the inaugural meeting of save the African Womb held (a) Apapa Area (b) Lekki
Area (c) Mile 12 Area (d) Ojota Area

Write a letter to your father, who has been on a long cause abroad, telling him how the
family has been faring in his absence.
Always remember this:
C_ Content

O_ Organization

E_ Expression

MA_ Mechanical Accuracy

Nurturing Brilliance
A Co-Educational School
Aleniboro, off Hajj Camp, Ilorin, Kwara State. Tell: 07083099395, 08023684460



Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate
of the options lettered A-E

The term public service refers to the arm of government whose primary responsibility is the
implementation of government policies and programme in accordance, with the established rules and
procedures. It includes not just the civil service but also political appointees and commissioners, judicial
officers and local government employees as well as the police force,' employees of Public Corporation
and members of the armed forces. The general term embraces the officials of the civil service and other
government departments and units in public servants.
The civil service (being a part of the public service) is a body of employees responsible for planning,
giving advice and implementing policies in government ministries and departments. These employees
are called civil servant. Government Ministries are headed by minister or commissioners and assisted
by director general (permanent secretaries) as well as other department heads.
The civil service is well structured into classes civil service is grouped into administrative, executive,
professional, clerical and auxiliary classes. The administrative classes comprise the most senior civil
servants who organize and coordinate the activities of the ministries. They execute high level:
administrative work and advice ministers in the formulation and implementation-of policies. The
executive class implements the general policies and programme of the government on a daily basis.
They supervise and control the activities of their subordinates and help to collect facts that aid in making
policy decisions. The professional class of officers are recruited as a result their specialized training,
skills, scientific and technical knowledge. This class includes lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects,
accountants and teachers. The clerical class includes typists, clerical officers and assistance as well as
secretaries. Their major job involves keeping records, managing files preparing data and vouchers, and
pay claims. The auxiliary class includes cleaners, drivers, painter, messenger, porters and gardeners.
Their job involves manual labor.
16. Under which of the following classes do painter belong. in the civil service. a. Administrative
class b. Executive class _ Axillaries class d. Clerical class
17. Which of the following is true about the civil service? a. Doctors are part of auxiliary class b.
The clerical class advises ministers on the formulation of policies c. The professional classes
possesses technical knowledge d. The administrative class consist of the most junior civil
18. Which of the following can replace the word recruited as used in the third paragraph a.
Employed b. Fired c. Sacked d. Warned
19. The word it as used in the first paragraph refers to what? a Civil service b. Public service c.
Procedures d. Implementation
20. Which one of the following often performs manual labor in the civil service? a. Typist b.
Pointer c. Architect d. Engineer

Use the most appropriate options from the alternative A-D to fill in the gaps in the following
21. Nowadays, Nduka____ a novel every week (a.) reads (b) has read (c) read (d) reading
22. The man____ by the dog (a) was bitten (b) was bit (c) has biting (d) was biting
23. The boy always____ our meetings these days (9,attend (b) attends (c) attended (d) attending
24. Fatimah and one °dm- mc-a 80 (a)think (b) thought (c) thinking (d) thinks
25. We have already the aspic' on the floor (a) bin (p laid (c) lay (d) lie
26. He____ at the university before he got married (a) has finished (b) have finished (9, had
finished (d) finish
27. you please came hid_' (a) shall (19 should (c) may (d) could
28. The terrific shot was 17 the good-keeper (a) catch (be-caught (c) cached (d) catches
29. We have been working_____8am. (a) For (b) at (c) since (d) before
30. Did Ralph_____ to school that day? () go (b) went (c) gone (d) going

Fill in the blank in the following passage with appropriate options from the list below.
Entertainment is big business all over the world. It is also very expensive. There are many
reasons for this. The actors and actresses who 16 the drama or dance, also known as 17 charge a lot of
money. This is reflected in the 18 fee which the 19 will pay before being allowed to watch the play or
film. No 20 of a film would not to run at a loss.
Often the manager of the 21 where the 22 is staged also charge fees. If the form of entertainment
involves a 23 or a form of dance with steps, poses graceful movement, then the organizers will have to
pay taxes to the government. If it is a 24 play then the writer of the play or the 25 will be handsomely

16. Perform describe show reveal

17. Group artiste, troop partners
18. Door room gate hall
19. Pedestrian goer’s auditor’s audience
20. Producer creator director manger
21 stage theatre concept movie
22. Stage performance concept scene
23. Episode theatre mallet ballet
24. Stage around platform troupe
25. Playwright playwright playmate writer

Choose the word that contains the same sound as the sound represented by the
underlined letter (s) in the given word.
26. Splash (a) measure (b) shoot (c) bus (d) judge
27. Through (a) although (b) these (c) than (d) with
28. Choleric (a) chores (b) short (c) cattle (d) chap
29. Help (a) honor (b) perhaps (c) physics (d) fight
30. Tough (a) phase (b) ghost (c) garden (d) high
Choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the given word.
31. Worth (a) walk (b) warm (c) wood (d) ward
32. Cease (a) size (b) people (c) search (d) pick
33. Damp (a) path (b) fart (c) dump (d) rat 34. Chair (a) cheer (b) care (c) sheer (d) tour

35. Rule (a) moon (b) rub (c) bole (d) book
From the options letter A-D, choose the on that best completes each of the following sentences.
36. He needn't start get_____, he? (a) Need (b) could (c) should (d) wont
37. He wasn't to speak to me,_____ (a) dare he (b) would he (c) was he (d) is it true
38. The president promised a new deal for workers last year,_____ (a) wasn’t it (b) isn’t it

39. He has stopped drinking,____ ? (a) doesn't he (b) hasn't he (c) doesn't he (d) did he
40. We should not have panicked at the sight of the snake,____ (a) couldn't we (b) did we (c)
didn't (c) didn’t he (d) doesn’t he

From the options A-D, choose the one that is opposite to the underlined word in each
41. After a day's journey they reached the summit of the mountain (a) peak (b) base (c) foot (d)
42. No Do you not find her a very cross girl? (a) Quiet (b) hard-working (c) careful (d) good humor
43. It is quite customary to address the chief is such a way (a) impolite (b) traditional (c) unusual
(d) Unusual
44. When you want to visit them, you will find that they live in a distant town
(a) Foreign (b) native (c) close (d) remote
45 .I do not believe that this was caused by divine power (a) evil (b) spiritual (c)-human (d)
46. At any social function, James is always quite dumb (a) talkative (b) merry (c)fluent (d)silence
47. Peter says he intends to be a lawyer, do you think his teacher, who knows his capabilities, will
encourage him? (a) warn (b) prevent (c) dissuade (d) help
48. If he is sick, that man always exaggerates the pains he feels (a) minimizes (b) lessen (c)
simplifies (d) weakens
49. Before you leave the house, please kindle the fire for me (a) kill (b) destroy (c) switch (d)
50. The store-manger said he always watched to see which of his sales-clerks were keen. (a) slack
(b) rude (c) dishonest (d) patient

LITERATURE: Save the African womb

51. What is the name of Mrs. Agnes doctor (a) Dr. Wale (b) Dr. Maro (c) Dr. Mitini (d) Dr. Abo
52. What is the name of author of the novel (a) Chinwa Achebe (b) Wole Soyinka (c) Nicole
53. Where does Agnes husband works? (a) Total oil company (b) Agip oil company (c) Chevron
oil company
54. What is the name of the doctor that was invited for the surgery? (a) Dr. Enu (b) Dr. Mitini (c)
Dr. Eno (d) Dr. Bruce
55. What is the name of the boy that drugged Barakemi? (a) Mathew (b) Joseph (c) Emmanuel (d)
56. Where did the church youth travel to for their retreat? (a) Ughelli (b) Newbe (c) Ukebia (d)
57. What was the good news that the doctor gave to Mr. Agnes that mode her happy. (a) her husband
is back (b) her womb has been restored (c) she can have a child again (d) she will soon go home
58. Which state did Dr. Mitini serve during his National Youth Service Corps
(NYSC) (a) Bauchi (b) Callabar (c) Akwa-Ibow (d) Delta
59. Where was Agnes husband posted to from his place of work (a) Ukebia (b) Ughelli (c) Udowa
(d) Nnewa
60. Where was the inaugural meeting of save the African Womb held (a) Apapa Area (b) Lekki
Area (c) Mile 12 Area (d) Ojota Area

Write a letter to your father, who has been on a long cause abroad, telling him how the
family has been faring in his absence.
Always remember this:
C_ Content

O_ Organization

E_ Expression

MA_ Mechanical Accuracy

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