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The profile of an economics graduate with an MBA degree with previous experience working
in management consulting, combined with the international transfer remittance project seems
like an ideal profile-idea combination.
Arjun, being an economic graduate, must be having a strong understanding of statistics,
understanding of finance, understanding of risk and probability and strong critical thinking and
logical skills, all of which are things which are very valuable to an entrepreneur. In addition to
that, he must also be aware of monetary policies, compliances and much more, which will be
of great use to him, as his service is directly related to the financial sector.
All these skills, when combined with an MBA will have a synergistic effect. In an MBA, we
get a learn so much, not only about the core concepts of marketing, finance, operations, or HR,
but gains skills like problem-solving, becoming an effective communicator, helping build a
network, gaining leadership skills and many more skills and competencies, which are very
important for an entrepreneur. An MBA speeds up everything and helps a person gain
maximum skills and knowledge in minimum time.
Arjun, having a work experience in management consulting is an added bonus. In management
consulting, you do not work in any specific sector like marketing or finance or operations,
instead, you get to work in all the sectors over a period of time. Some companies even
deliberately change the project of their employees and assigns them a different project in a
different sector after a while, making them get out of their comfort zone and getting to learn
about all the sectors and essentially having knowledge about all the sectors. This is a huge
benefit of working in management consulting, as all the diverse knowledge and experienced
gained by him, can now be directly used in his own startup. Additionally, during his job, Arjun
must’ve made many new connections as he worked in many different projects in various
sectors, which again is a big benefit.
People with experience in management consulting are able to be successful entrepreneurs is
evident in the Indian market as well. From Zomato’s Deepinder Goyal to Delhivery’s Ganesh
Balakrishnan, all of the founders were executives at Bain India and both of the companies have
been extremely successful. This does show that having an experience in the management
consulting is definitely an advantage and help in gaining both the skills and network.

As Arjun’s startup is about international transfer remittance system, it will be required to go
over numerous compliances requirements from the government, regulatory bodies like RBI
and many more, before it is launched commercially, and this process, to get all the approvals
from various agencies, consumes a lot of time and financial resources, both of which, a startup
wants to save.
Every startup in general requires all four of the benefits, stamp of quality, network driven
benefits, advisory benefits and obviously, the financial benefits from its investors. Arjun, for
his startup idea, requires, everything as well but the thing which he will emphasize the most on
is the networking benefits, as to get all the approvals in minimum time and with minimum
expense, the investor’s network will play a huge role, as he may have many contacts in those
sectors and field, and they can assist Arjun in order to fasten the process.
The investor’s network will also be able to share their advice to Arjun and can also answer
some of the questions he may have. Hence, the investor’s wide network will have 2 benefits,
i.e., it will help Arjun in fast tracking the process to get all the approvals and all the compliance
requirements by the government and the RBI and also get advice from the industry experts,
both of which will be of great benefit to him and this start up.
So to conclude, Arjun will be looking for an investor, who would be having a good network,
as getting in touch with his network, will help his start up immensely.

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