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OTC 17258

Water Management in Petrobras: Developments and Challenges

A.L.S. Souza, M.W. Figueiredo, C. Kuchpil, M.C. Bezerra, A.G. Siqueira, and C.A. Furtado, Petrobras S.A.

Copyright 2005, Offshore Technology Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2005 Offshore Technology Conference held in
In Brazil, Petrobras deals with over 3 million barrels
Houston, TX, U.S.A., 2–5 May 2005. of water per day, including injection, production and Re-
This paper was selected for presentation by an OTC Program Committee following review of Injection. In offshore fields (1, 2), the volumes of sea-water
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as injected exceed 1,500,000 bbl/day and the water production
presented, have not been reviewed by the Offshore Technology Conference and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any reaches values over 600,000 bbl/day. Predictions are that, by
position of the Offshore Technology Conference, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
OTC are subject to publication review by Sponsor Society Committees of the Offshore the end of 2006, 3,200,000 bbl/day of water will be injected.
Technology Conference. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this Injection water flow rate maintenance and produced water
paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Offshore Technology
Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not management are the main challenges for the next years.
more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, OTC, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. Due to the importance of water injection for the
economics of Petrobras oilfields, water management has
Abstract become one of the company main priorities. Several studies
have been performed related to the water management cycle in
This paper presents some of the most important aspects of order to understand and quantify the main uncertainties of a
water management in Petrobras offshore fields, as well as its waterflooding project. These include modeling and monitoring
challenges and perspectives. of injectivity decline, produced water re-injection, injection
Several studies related to water management have with fracture propagation pressure, scale formation tendency,
been conducted in order to understand and quantify the main reservoir souring potential, environmental restrictions and
uncertainties of waterflooding projects, such as the injectivity subsea technologies.
decline, the dynamics of fracture propagation in injection It must be emphasized that problems which are
wells, the scale formation tendency, the reservoir souring usually simple when faced in onshore fields, such as
potential, the environmental constraints and the development stimulation of injection wells that have lost injectivity, are
of new technologies. much more difficult to be solved in an offshore environment,
The conclusions point out that all aspects related to especially where many wells are located in deepwater areas
the water management must be investigated and quantified and completed as satellite wells. Consequently, any workover
since the very beginning of a waterflooding project. operation is extremely expensive, since it demands the
presence of a floating rig. For such situations, bullheading
Introduction operations should be considered as an alternative.

Waterflooding is still the most common method used The next sections present some the most important
worldwide for improving oil recovery, either after production aspects of the recent developments in water management for
by primary mechanisms or even at the early stages of the field Petrobras offshore fields, as well as the current challenges and
lifetime. For offshore fields, operators have been future perspectives. The following topics are emphasized:
manipulating, in the recent few years, huge amounts of water • Simulations of injectivity decline, either for Seawater
from both the injection and production streams. Injection (SWI) or Produced Water Re-Injection (PWRI).
Figure 1 shows the water management cycle with all • Injection above Fracture Propagation Pressure (IFPP) and
the concerns and main factors that affect waterflooding its impact on oil recovery. Previous knowledge of fracture
projects. The left side presents the technologies related to propagation direction is mandatory for a successful
water injection, that is, with flow rate maintenance, which project.
includes injectivity decline, water quality specification,
fracture propagation, raw-water injection and dump flooding. • Directions used for PWRI in offshore fields and the main
The right side shows the subjects related to water production, factors that affect PWRI.
such as water shut-off, scaling, souring, downhole oil-water
• Problems arising during water production, mainly scaling
separation and subsea oil-water separation. Other issues to be
and souring.
considered are environmental constraints, corrosion, and water
content in oil transferred to onshore terminals, which can not
be disposed close to shoreline.
2 OTC 17258

• New technologies, such as subsea raw water injection and Figure 4 shows the evolution of injectivity decline for
subsea oil-water separation, planned to be applied in some an offshore well resulting from an INJECT program
Petrobras deepwater fields in the next years. simulation.

Injectivity Decline Control

Injectivity Decline
The solutions for injectivity loss are neither simple
The water management strategy has a great impact to oil nor cheap. The normal way to deal with the problem is to
Companies (3). One of the most important demands is the water improve the water quality, which can include deaeration,
injection flow rate maintenance. A reliable evaluation of the hydrocyclones, filters, biocides and, last but not least,
injectivity decline of individual wells is required to achieve corrosion-free lines, in order to avoid the increase of the
the best economical option: to perform a rigorous water amount of solids and bacteria going to the reservoir.
injection treatment (resulting in fewer well treatments) or, in
opposition, to inject poorly treated water (leading to an Petrobras has been injecting sea-water in offshore
increase of workover operations). fields for many years. The water quality has been monitored
using an index (IQUAI) that evaluates the performance of the
The impact of the injectivity loss in Net Present many treatment operations for sea-water injection, such as
Value (NPV) can be schematically seen in Figure 2. As the corrosion parameters, bacteria control, filtration, etc.
injection water flow rate decreases, the oil recovery delays and
recovery factor decreases (blue line). In an even worse Well workovers are also a way to mitigate formation
situation, the reservoir pressure can drop bellow to oil bubble damage. This can be quite expensive in deepwater if a floating
point pressure (BPP) and the recovery not only can be rig is needed. For this reason, remote treatments can be a good
delayed, but also reduced (pink line). alternative. Remote treatments using acid to remove damage
in some Petrobras offshore injection wells were performed
During water injection, several factors contribute to with very good results.
change the water flow rate and pressure, in other terms, the
well injectivity index. Rock and fluids characteristics, well It is likewise possible to compensate the loss of
geometry and mobility ratio are some of these mechanisms. injection water flow rate of one or several wells by increasing
However, operational efficiency and formation damage are by the flow rate of other wells or by drilling new wells. Subsea
far the main factors that affect water injection flow rate raw water injection, which will be discussed in a later section,
maintenance. can also be considered in this option.
Operational efficiency depends on several factors, Any of these solutions can be very expensive, some
such as energy supply, platform conditions, mechanical pumps in CAPEX, others in OPEX. It can be cheaper to increase the
efficiency and even operators skills. injection pressure, allowing some loss of injectivity to occur,
but avoiding the reduction of injection water flow rate. This
Formation damage can occur due to fines migration, normally leads to the IFPP, which will be discussed next.
salt precipitation, and mainly by solids and oil particles
present in water. These particles can be retained in the
reservoir rock pores and in the cake formed, causing Injection above Fracture Propagation Pressure
permeability impairment and loss of injectivity. (IFPP)
Figure 3 shows the dimensionless injectivity index Maintenance of the injection water flow rate can be achieved
evolution for several Petrobras offshore wells under seawater even when low quality water is used, provided that injection
injection. It can be seen that the injectivity can be reduced to pressures are high enough to keep a fracture opened. This is
as low as 10% of its initial value. The black line represents a largely applied in North Sea and Alaska, where the thermal
data regression giving an average performance for the wells. induction effect helps the process of opening a fracture and
keeping its propagation (6, 7).
Based on classical filtration and conservation
equations (4), Petrobras has developed, together with some In Petrobras, several wells in some onshore fields use
Brazilian universities, a model to study the loss of well IFPP. There are some offshore wells already injecting with
injectivity. A program called INJECT was generated to make fracture. A pilot test will be performed this year in an offshore
field predictions using the results of laboratory experiments field, since the idea is to extend the technique to several
for water-oil displacement in cores as the input data. Some of injection projects, including deepwater fields.
these tests have been carried on in-loco, that is, in platform or
Several aspects must be studied in an IFPP process,
at the field facilities, assuring preservation of the injected
including the fracture penetration in horizontal and vertical
water characteristics.
directions, pressures, propagation direction and sweeping
Another important result of these studies is the so effects. Fracture propagates in a plane that is orthogonal to the
called “three-point method” (5), which consists in monitoring minimum tension. This plane is normally vertical, for deep
the pressure not only at the two extremities of the core sample, reservoirs. For a safe injection, the geometry and growth of the
but also at an intermediate point, close to the sample inlet face. fracture along time should be reliably modeled.
With this additional point, all the parameters needed to
represent the physical model can be univocally determined.
OTC 17258 3

Petrobras has developed a simulator (PROPAG), based on The conventional systems to inject water in
geomechanics equations (8), to model the fracture growth and submarine wells depend on large equipment; the installation of
propagation. Figure 5 shows an output of the program, with this equipment requires large areas that, in some cases, are
the fracture penetration in the horizontal direction versus time unavailable. SRWI systems could bring the following benefits:
for a typical offshore field. It shows that penetration a) it makes the water injection feasible where there are
approaches 100 m after 10 years, which is quite reasonable, restrictions to install or upgrade a conventional system; b) it
since the distance between wells is nearly 1000 m. Figure 6 could present lower CAPEX and OPEX than conventional
shows another PROPAG code output, with the fracture systems; c) it makes possible to use smaller processing plants
penetration to the adjacent formations versus time for the same and smaller floating production units; d) it provides more
field. It can be seen that penetration is quite small, in the scale flexibility, thus it gives the chance to postpone investments
of centimeters. and the system installation when water injection is not
required at early stages, enabling the production of a field in
PROPAG program estimates the parting pressure by
using geomechanics equations. This pressure can also be
obtained from well step-rate test or from typical basin fracture SRWI involves some technical challenges, such as:
gradient. seawater compatibility with the reservoir rock and fluids,
subsea filtering system, microbiological control, monitoring
Finally, the impact of fracture propagation in sweep
system, equipment reliability etc. A general overview of a
efficiency is also a point to be considered when starting a new
Subsea Raw Water Injection system is shown in figure 10.
waterflooding project. Thus, the knowledge of fracture
Many of the required equipment had already been used in
propagation direction is very important to locate properly the
similar applications. However, as well in the conventional
wells. This direction can be obtained by several methods,
water injection schemes, a systemic approach is important.
including break-out analysis and micro-fracturing.
In order to evaluate and develop this technology,
The fracture normally propagates behind the water
PETROBRAS created an R&D project. After studies to
front, meaning that, even if its direction is straight to the
evaluate feasible scenarios, establish technical specifications
producer, the impact in oil recovery may not be so huge (9). In
and examine potential suppliers, Albacora field was chosen to
fact, for any angle between the propagation direction and the
host a SRWI prototype. It is necessary to increase the water
Injector-Producer Axis (IPA) greater than 45°, there is an
injection flow rate in some reservoirs of the Albacora field
increase in oil recovery. It can be seen in Figure 7, where the
and, due to technical constrains, it is not possible to install
fracture propagates in an orthogonal direction to IPA, and
neither upgrade the conventional system of the current floating
there is an improvement in oil recovery due to the fracture
production units, thus a SWRI system could be the faster
solution to part of these demands.
Even for injection at high flow rates, some studies (10)
PETROBRAS intends to install this prototype in
show that the reduction in oil recovery due to fracture
Albacora Field at the second half of 2006. Its main technical
propagation is fully compensated by the loss of injectivity that
characteristics will be: water depth of 440 m, maximum flow
would happen if the injection was performed with no fracture.
rate of 5,000 m3/day, maximum pump differential pressure of
Figure 8 shows an example where the fracture propagates in
2,400 psi and nominal electrical power of 1,5 MW.
the IPA direction. Although there is a loss in oil recovery for
this situation, well injectivity loss can be as detrimental or yet
worse, as shown in Figure 9. This picture shows the profit Produced Water Management
versus lasting injectivity. The black line corresponds to the
In the beginning of the field life, the produced liquid is
injection without fracture and the blue horizontal line to the
predominantly oil, but with the maturity, mostly in fields that
injection with fracture propagation in the IPA direction (which
rely on waterflooding as oil recovery mechanism, the oil flow
is assumed to occur with no overall injectivity losses). The
rates decline while water flow rates becomes progressively
crossing point of the lines indicates the minimum injectivity
value at which is not advantageous, under the criteria of
foreseen profit, to fracture the injection well. In Figure 9, this As many of Petrobras exploiting strategies rely
point corresponds to an injectivity loss of about 30% of the heavily on waterflooding and as many oils have reservoir
original value. Since injectivity falls normally below that and viscosities in the range of 5 to 15 cp, large amounts of
fracture propagation will be normally in another direction than produced water are expected as the fields get mature. This
IPA, IFPP can be almost always a good option. drives to the consideration of technologies like subsea oil-
water separation and produced water re-injection or disposal in
Subsea Raw Water Injection (SRWI) non-producing geological formations.
The economic impact of the water injection in many The use of polymers for water shut-off, as a
submarine fields is significant, thus the development of consequence of good results achieved in onshore wells, is
technologies that make possible the water injection where another area of interest. Higher salinities, temperatures,
there are technical or economical restrictions can be very permeabilities and produced volumes, when compared to
useful. An alternative that could bring many benefits is the onshore conditions, are the challenges to be overcome.
Subsea Raw Water Injection (SRWI).
4 OTC 17258

Problems with water production are not only related order to reduce periodic workovers, prevention is being
to the surface facilities capacity to process huge volumes of considered by injecting inhibitor through umbilical lines,
fluids, but also to scaling, souring and the produced water although scale removal could be performed whenever
destination after treatment. In the next sections, these points necessary.
are explained in more details.
First consequences of scale formed in subsea wells
were observed in Marlim field by 2002. Petrobras has joined
Scale management its experience to deal with deepwater subsea wells with
expertise on scale management to design safe and effective
Scale management strategy for new fields is defined in the
treatments (14). Up today, around fifty chemical treatments
project development phase, based on risk analysis and
(scale removal and/or inhibitor squeezes) have been
economic evaluation criteria. Besides scale tendency, other
bullheaded in order to manage scale formation in deepwater
factors, like type of completion and difficulty to access the
wells. It was observed that the type of completion plays an
well, are considered for each field.
important role on the efficiency of the treatments.
For scale tendency assessment, formation water is
The main challenges to be overcome are:
sampled and its composition characterized (Table 1) whenever
improvement on durability of inhibitor treatments;
possible in exploratory wells. Based on thermodynamic
improvement of chemical divergence to guarantee an even and
models, low to moderate scaling potential (mass of precipitate
non-damaging placement of scale dissolvers and scale
and saturation index) has been forecasted to Campos Basin
inhibitors in long horizontal wells; modeling of precipitation
deepwater fields (11) (Table 2).
reactions throughout the reservoir; and optimization of
Scale Management is highly dependent on the desulfation process (membrane chemical compatibility and
scenario where it occurs. Petrobras has defined scale decrease in fouling and precipitation).
management strategy for six new deepwater fields located in
water depths from 1,000 to 2,000 m (11). Reservoir souring control
Typical characteristics considered in this decision Reservoir souring occurs whenever an increase in the
are: well type (dry or wet Christmas tree) and completion hydrogen sulphide (H2S) concentration produced from an oil
(vertical, horizontal, deviated, gravel packed), high water flow reservoir initially sweet is observed. SWI or PWRI can induce
rates (up to 15,000 bbl/d), long horizontal wells and reservoir reservoir souring, as sulfate and/or carbon sources are supplied
layers (extension and degree of heterogeneity). to the reservoir. To get energy to survive and grow, sulfate-
reducing bacteria (SRB) populations require sulfate to its
The main technologies considered to manage scale
anaerobic respiration, as well as carbon sources, mainly
formation are chemical treatments (scale removal and scale volatile fatty acids, to feed on. SRB metabolism produces CO2
inhibitor squeeze), sulfate removal from injected seawater or, and H2S. SRB can be indigenous of the reservoir, or be
whenever possible, low sulfate content water injection from
introduced during drilling/ completion operations, as well as
aquifers non-associated with oil producing reservoirs. during water (re)injection itself.
In the Roncador field project (deepwater, deviated, Water salinity and temperature strongly impacts SRB
gravel packed and subsea wells), a decision was made for the
activity. The ideal conditions are TDS < 100,000 mg/l,
installation of a sulfate removal plant. The difficulty of placing temperature between 15 and 45 °C for mesophilic species, and
scale inhibitors into a compartmented heterogeneous reservoir between 40 and 80 °C for thermophilic species. Other
through wells located at long distances from the platforms
conditions influences SRB activity, but comfortable
played an important role on this choice (12). environments are typically available for them in oil reservoirs:
Marlim Leste risk analysis took into account the redox potential (under -150 mV), pH (between 6 and 9) and
scenario of deepwater, gravel packed, subsea and horizontal pressure (under 45 MPa).
wells. Uncertainties on the chemical treatment of long Hydrogen sulfide, generated by SRB in the water
horizontal wells, which would require workover rig, made the
phase, is partitioned to the other phases, moving in all present
sulfate removal plant the best cost effective option (13). phases towards the production wells. Part of the H2S remains
X field has decided, during its development phase, to in the residual oil and in the free gas. It also can be consumed
base its scaling management on chemical treatments (inhibitor in the reservoir by reacting with iron minerals, such as siderite.
squeezes and scale removal operations). The main problems associated with H2S production
Petrobras has one seawater sulfate removal plant are: very aggressive corrosion of the metallic materials in the
operating in Roncador field. Others should be installed in a production, processing and export facilities; arising HSE costs
near future, in other deepwater fields. due to toxicity of produced fluids (many deaths by H2S
inhalation are reported in the petroleum industry history);
Higher scale potential is expected in topside facilities generation of iron sulfide ("black powder"), that clogs filters
(heat exchangers), as a consequence of the high temperature and other equipments; incompatibility with production
needed to treat heavy oil and of the mixture of waters chemicals, like some corrosion inhibitors, emulsion breakers
produced from various wells, with various contents of sea etc; conformance with gas export and oil quality criteria.
injected water, displaying different scaling tendencies. In
OTC 17258 5

Souring must be managed since field design and Historically, Petrobras has faced reservoir souring
planning stages, as well as for operating fields. The first step is since decades ago, in some onshore fields of the Reconcavo
to develop souring predictions to supply field design demands Basin where sea-water was formerly injected. To manage the
(basically, souring potential and H2S production profile during problem, the injection of seawater was substituted by fresh
the field production lifetime). Modeling reservoir souring is a water and/or produced water, the pipelines and other
very difficult task and there are many great uncertainties, so production facilities were replaced by adopting sour service
industry is seeking for souring simulation improvements in materials and hydrogen sulfide scavengers are still applied. In
order to obtain reliable design data. The main uncertainties, offshore fields, there is only a recent occurrence of H2S
besides a detailed geological description and knowledge of production, but in a few wells of a restricted region of a field.
reservoir flow paths, are related to quantification of bacterial While working in a model to describe what is being observed,
activity in reservoir conditions, identification of limiting a contingency plan was detailed and implemented and the
factors to SRB metabolism (availability of carbon sources, problem is kept under control with the use of H2S scavengers
sulfate content, trace nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus), H2S applied by the gas-lift system.
mineral scavenging capacity of the reservoir rock and,
Petrobras efforts towards developments in reservoir
outstanding, souring conceptual models.
souring are focused in souring modeling (what includes
There are two main souring conceptual models. microbiological and mineral scavenging studies, SRB
According to the mixing zone model (15), souring occurs at the nutrients availability in the reservoir and, of course, reservoir
injection water front, where it mixes with formation water and simulation), monitoring issues, materials investigations and
both, carbon sources and sulfate, are present. This would result related corrosion aspects, H2S scavengers development and
in a relatively sharp increase of produced H2S to high levels, selection and, last but not least, studies (including field trials)
shortly after the injection water breakthrough, followed by a about souring control methods, like biocides and nitrate/nitrite
smooth H2S concentration decrease. The second conceptual injection. These efforts are being conducted internally, by
model is the biofilm model (16), which considers that H2S multidisciplinary teams, and in association with researchers of
generation takes place in a region close to the injection well, Brazilian universities, besides engagement in JIPs conducted
as the lower temperature and water salinity gives better by internationally recognized technical organizations and
conditions to the SRB activity. The biofilm model results in a contracting of customized lab services.
slow increase of H2S concentration to values significantly
smaller than that obtained with the mixing zone model.
Produced Water Re-injection (PWRI)
All the pertinent information available must be used
Once large amounts of produced water cannot be avoided,
to perform a risk analysis, based on which material selection is
destination of this water is another challenge. The usual
developed/ reviewed, treatment plant is designed/ adapted and
disposal in the sea, after some treatment to remove oil content,
a souring prevention/ mitigation strategy is selected.
may not be feasible due to lack of space on the platforms.
Souring prevention strategies typically relate to the Furthermore, environmental regulations have become more
injection side of the water cycle (Fig. 1): injection water restrictive and future trends are that any disposal in the sea
quality control (limiting nutrient and bacteria introduction in may become prohibited. Brazilian current laws state that the
the reservoir), biocide injection (17, 18) and nitrate injection (19). oil-in-water (OIW) content in produced water to be disposed
Sulfate removal by nano-filtration can be regarded as a in the sea should be lower than 20 ppm. Therefore, re-injection
souring prevention method (20), but in practice, due to the high in the reservoir or disposal in non-productive formations must
costs involved, scale control is the main reason whenever it is be considered as the options to overcome such situations.
adopted, souring control being considered only as an indirect
Petrobras has been re-injecting produced water in
benefit of sulfate removal in cases where water sulfate content
onshore fields for many years. Some offshore re-injection
is the limiting factor to SRB metabolism. Otherwise, usually
projects have started in 2003 and, depending on their
referred to the production side of the water cycle (Fig. 1),
performance, several other fields will be using the same
souring mitigation strategies comprise practices like
application of effective hydrogen sulfide scavengers and/or
nitrite squeezes in production wells (21). These strategies are Predict injectivity decline during PWRI is a task that
not mutually exclusive, so is not uncommon that more than challenges several researchers, which use physical and
one are simultaneously applied in the same oilfield. mathematical models to solve it. As mentioned at Injectivity
Decline section, a program called INJECT was developed to
Based on these initial definitions, an asset integrity
predict the injector behavior using parameters obtained from
management plan can be proposed, consisting of the
coreflood tests.
monitoring of water injection system, in terms of water quality
(including microbial control), and of both, injection and Figure 11 shows the result of such tests, comparing
production systems, regarding corrosion, scaling, microbial the flow behavior of two different samples of produced water
growth, produced H2S, process facilities, chemicals injected through analogous core samples. Results like these,
performance, health and safety, and working practices. Then, a together with mathematical models like INJECT, help to
contingency plan and operating procedures must be detailed optimize the specification of oil content in separated produced
and implemented. Each item must be monitored and
corrections made if results show they are required.
6 OTC 17258

water (acceptable damage with low costs) and evaluate if a methods, like electrostatic coalescence and cyclonic
filtration unit is necessary for solids removal. separation. Another aspect that allows the use of compact
systems is the separation at the same pressure of the flowline
PWRI may cause other effects in oil exploitation
at the point of insertion, in which part of the gas is still in
process that should be evaluated before its start. Some
solution, leading to lower viscosities.
examples of these effects are:
• higher temperature of injection water, leading to Petrobras is currently working on the subsea system
a better injectivity and changes in fracture development in cooperation with two suppliers, considering
propagation; two different technologies independently. One is gravitational
• increasing in liquid flow rate due to the and the other is cyclonic, both of them in addition to electro-
debottlenicking of water treatment system; coalescence. Besides the separator itself, all the equipments
• replacement of flowline and equipment materials that allow the separator to operate subsea are been developed
by compatible ones; and qualified. These include interface level monitoring,
• evaluation of scaling and souring potentials. control system, sand handling system and oil in water
monitoring system.
Subsea oil-water separation Another challenging issue is to be able to re-inject the
Exploitation of large offshore oilfields are commonly related separated water. Most of the produced water in offshore fields
to the use of large floating production units (FPU) due to the is treated and disposed to sea. To achieve the same water
high capacity of the process plant, that must be able to deal quality on the subsea system is not considered feasible so far,
with large amounts of liquids and gas. thus the most attractive option is to re-inject it in the reservoir
for pressure maintenance. In this way, the same wells now
The large quantities of water produced by mature used for SWI can be used for PWRI. The target of 100 ppm of
reservoirs are the main drive for the development of a subsea oil in the separated water is high for matrix injection,
system, able to separate the water from the oil and to re-inject depending on the reservoir characteristics, so that IFPP may be
it in the reservoir or in a non-producing formation, minimizing necessary.
the impact of high flow rates of produced water to the topside
facilities. However, to achieve this goal, some challenging Some studies described in previous sections support
issues must be addressed. PWRI and, in order to learn more on the reservoir behavior
with re-injection of water containing different amounts of oil,
First of all, the system must be able to separate a PWRI test is been prepared to be performed in an actual
significant amounts of water at the subsea environment. In injection well with OIW content, flow rate and pressure
Marlim field, one of the potential scenarios for the subsea controlled.
processing system, oil phase shows high tendency to strong
emulsion formation. This is shown in Figure 12, where the Another important issue is the insertion of a subsea
separation velocity is analyzed for different temperatures and separation system in a production layout not designed to that.
watercuts. To achieve separation at the topside, the use of The type of connection of the flowline to the Christmas tree
chemical emulsion breakers is mandatory, as well as high can impose limitations to the minimum distance where the
process temperatures (around 90°C). Further, the size of the system can be installed. Some diverless connections can only
vessels allows big retention times, as the separation is purely be disconnected removing the Christmas Tree. This is a very
gravitational. expensive option, as a workover rig would be necessary and
the time with no production would be too long. The
The target for the subsea system is 10% watercut in alternative, in this case, would be to recover the flowline from
the oil-gas stream and 100 ppm of oil in the separated water the FPU to the closest possible position to the Christmas tree,
stream. Chemicals to improve emulsion breaking and to which is a little bit more than the water depth. This situation
control scaling in the subsea system will be used, but neither has an impact on the separation process, as the liquid loses
the addition of heat to the flow, nor the use of large vessels for heat while flowing inside this additional length of flowline and
deepwater applications will be allowed. the temperature decreases. Nowadays, modern Christmas
Deepwater systems are under high external pressure. Trees have connection systems that can be disconnected
Vessel diameter have a direct relationship with the wall independently to the Tree, allowing the installation of the
thickness, when buckling is the main effect to be considered separation system close to it.
on the design, due to external pressure. High volumes and As the separation system is more attractive when the
thick walls cause very high impact on the vessel weight and, watercut is high and it is a technology under development, it
with that, limitation on the type of boat or barge that are able was not considered during the FPU design. This means that
to install them. access to power cables and lines crossing after insertion of the
In order to allow the system handling by conventional system are problems that can occur in some production
boats, the adopted option was to develop the system with layouts. Each case must be studied individually.
compact equipment. Although this characteristic leads to Subsea-water separation is a multidisciplinary
problems related to lessening the retention time and to the development, with each activity coupled to another, requiring
ability to add heat to the liquid, it was chosen because the
separation process can be enhanced by non conventional
OTC 17258 7

systemic approach and cooperation between specialists to Nomenclature

achieve good results.
BPP = bubble point pressure
DHOWS = Downhole Oil-Water Separation
Water management must be carried on an integrated way, FPU = floating production unit
comprehending technical, economical and environmental
aspects in all its cycle, including reservoir, well, surface HSE = Health, Safety and Environment
facilities and refining features. IFPP = Injection with Fracture Propagation Pressure
When starting a new waterflooding project, studies IPA = injector-producer axis
for all aspects related to water management must be carried NPV = Net Present Value
on, so that the project can be optimized both technically and OIW = Oil-in-Water
PVI = Pore Volume Injected
IFPP is a good option to overcome injectivity PWRI = Produced Water Re-injection
problems. Special attention must be given to sweep efficiency
effects. SRB = sulfate-reducing bacteria
SRWI = Subsea Raw Water Injection
Petrobras has implemented a souring management
plan to its offshore fields both since the design of the UFP and SWI = Sea-water Injection
also during operating stages. Further, the company is investing TDS = Total Dissolved Solids (Salinity)
in related research and development efforts, particularly
referring to reservoir souring modeling and mitigation. References
Concerning to scale management, thermodynamic
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New technologies are the key to new development
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We do also want to thank Petrobras for the permission to Paper SPE 52669.
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8 OTC 17258

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Potassium 102 1906 410 140
87452, In: SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Scale,
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Calcium 818 2033 7100 2000
12. Minami, K., Cardoso, C.A.B.R., Bezerra, M.C.M., Melo, A.P.,
“Roncador Field development – The Impact of Fluid Magnesium 325 547 800 440
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2001, Houston, Texas, 1-4 May 2001. Barium 46 80 44 68

13. Mota, R.O., Bezerra, M.C.M., Rosario, F.F., Prais, F.F., Strontium 198 417 580 300
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Chemical Treatments for Barium and strontium Scale deposition Sulphate <1 15 32 <1
– Offshore Brazil”, paper SPE 87464, SPE International
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Bicarbonate 390 124 20 135
14. Bezerra, M.C.M., Rosario, F.F., Rocha, A. A., “Scale Prediction
and Remediation for Deep Water Fields”, paper SPE 80403, In: Chloride 33700 48700 116982 38400
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Scotland, 30-31 January 2003. Salinity 55533 80358 192773 63279

15. Ligthelm, D.J., de Boer, R.B., Brint J.F., and Schulte W.M., pH (25 °C) 7.6 7.0 6.4 6.6
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23141. Table 2 – Scaling tendency of Campos Basin fields –
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17. Macleod, N., Bryan, E., Buckley, A. J., Talbot, R. E., Veale, M. BaSO4 SrSO4
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Annual Conference, Corrosion 1995, paper 197. Marlim
63 / 280 109 59 1.8 159
18. Larsen, J., Sanders, P. F., Talbot, R. E., "Experience with the Leste
Use of Tetrakishydroxymethylphosphonium Sulfate (THPS) for Roncador 65 / 320 38 35 2.1 286
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Conference, Corrosion 2000, paper 123.
* SI – saturation index
19. Energy Institute, "The Stimulation of Nitrate-Reducing Bacteria
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20. McElhiney, J. E. and Davis, R. A., "Desulfated Seawater and Its 1 Bar = 14.5037 psi
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Methodology", NACE Annual Conference, Corrosion 2002,
paper 2028. 1 KPa = 0,145 psi
21. Sturman, P.J., Goeres, D.M., Winters, M.A., "Control of 1 m3 / day = 6,2898 bbl/day
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SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston,
Texas, October 1999, paper SPE 56772.
OTC 17258 9







Figure 1: Water Management Cycle Figure 4: Injectivity Index evolution with time using INJECT


1 160,00

Fracture lenght (m )
0,9 140,00



0,7 100,00

0,6 80,00

0,5 60,00

0,4 40,00

0,4 0,6 0,8 1 20,00

Water rate efficiency 0,00

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Time (month)

Figure 5: Fracture horizontal penetration for a typical offshore

Figure 2: Loss of profit due to loss of injection water flow rate field



100 0,20
Vertical penetration (m)


70 0,15
II final / II inicial

40 0,10

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Wi 0,00
PO ÇO A PO ÇO B POÇO C 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
PO ÇO G PO ÇO H PÇO H_ PD G Time (month)
Po t ência ( PÇO H_ PD G)

Figure 3: Loss of injectivity for several offshore wells

Figure 6: Fracture vertical penetration for a typical offshore
10 OTC 17258

Without fracturing
Injection above fracture propagation pressure - cL = 0,25 ft / square root (min) = 2,89 m / square root (d)


Oil recovery fraction, Fr





0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00
Number of pore volumes injected, V pinj

Figure 7: Recovery factor as a function of pore volumes Figure 10: Subsea Raw Water Injection System - general
injected for IFPP in an orthogonal direction of IPA overview.

Without fracturing
Injection above fracture propagation pressure - cL = 0,25 ft / square root (min) = 2,89 m / square root (d) 1,0
Sample A
0,50 0,7
Oil recovery fraction, Fr

k/ko 0,5
0,3 Sample B
0,10 0,2
0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00
Number of pore volumes injected, V pinj
0 100 200 300 400 500 60 700 800 900
Figure 8: Recovery factor as a function of pore volumes
injected for IFPP in the direction of IPA
Figure 11: Permeability decline during water-oil displacement
in core for an offshore field data.

BSW = 60% BSW = 50% BSW = 45% BSW = 40%
60 °C

50 °C
70 40 °C

Separated Water



0 20

0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
Injectivity 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20
Gravitational Separation Time (min)
No fracture Fracture
Figure 12: Oil-water separation for different temperatures and
Figure 9: Profits due to loss of injectivity and fracture
propagation in IPA direction.

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